Success (?) with 1hr demoness posession

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Success (?) with 1hr demoness posession

Postby HuntingWolf30 » March 2nd, 2013, 2:05 pm

This post contains a report of what happened using a particular file. If you don't want your own experiences influenced by what I relate of my own experience, don't read.

Well, after a lengthy internal discussion with myself regarding what I have recently learned and experienced with hypnosis, I summoned up a bit of courage and tried this file. I dove deep with an inductor I've been successful with and then let the playlist start the file.
The visuals in the file were adequate for my mind and I had a pretty clear image of her in my head (never saw it "real" though). I felt her come inside before the wake-up sequence, came awake, and after a short period of unreal-feeling adaption, she took control.

I'm not a fanciful person. While imaginative, I am very analytical in perception and could never bring myself to make this shit up, if only because of personal integrity. Rest assured, my experience with this is true. I don't believe this "possession" is antithetical to any religious beliefs I may have held or still do. I know that what possessed me was a character based largely on the portrait of my inner-voices, given form and control through the removal and encouragement of different personality restrictors. What came to rule over me in the half-hour that she held solid control was a part of me I feared would get out. The controls in the file were adequate, but "she" could also sense my own limits on her behavior. She could not do something I felt would harm me in a way I could not deal with.

Now then, onto the meat and potatoes.
Upon waking, I had roughly a minute of questionable consciousness. I could feel her there, under the surface, trying to get out. I didn't fight. It was more like she could not attune to me. Finally it happened. She focused on her hands, felt my body, testing the senses, and started to smile.
This was not any smile I could ever pull off except in comic playacting. This was more the smile of a madman, one who had evil thoughts on his mind. It hurt my face and the corners of my mouth twitched occasionally from the stress. While I could feel it physically, I could also feel the unstable mind behind it.
She laughed, a short, villainous, insane cackle that wasn't quite my voice. She'd do this every now and then through the time she was in control. She was certainly enjoying herself.
She toyed with my body any way she wanted, promising to not allow me to orgasm. She was the embodiment of all of me that is sadistic, and I found it interesting to watch. She wouldn't hesitate to give me some pain, though. A few hard nipple turns and ball slaps showed she had no regard for my body within bounds.
In her roaming she went into the bathroom, and I was blinded by the bathroom light (having been in a dark room). I tried to look in the mirror but it took a little time for her to tolerate it. It was my body, but the sick smile and evil eyes in it were never there when I was in charge. The smile looked ridiculous. The eyes drove fear into my mind. I had let this thing loose in my body.
There wasn't a whole lot of sexual activity going on, really. She played a bit, teased me about my lingering feelings of an old girlfriend, decided I was unfashionably fat and hairy, and we generally discussed in our mind/voice link what kind of evils she could do. She loved to wait for me to think of something I wasn't sure about and then play off of it. She was in my mind, and as such could use that against my reasoning portion. She was always active, observing and plotting, most of which went ignored but proved to me that if I let go completely, she'd wreak havoc.

It broke only about a half-hour in. I regained control and cleaned up the mess. It wasn't entirely unpleasant, but I know I have to be careful. The second time I used it, a little while later, she found my tube of muscle ointment.
Anyway, I'm sure someone will happen along and say I'm just BS-ing all this. I'm not, but believe what you will.
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Postby danny1988 » March 2nd, 2013, 2:43 pm

Wow creepy and interesting at the same time.
I dont think its my type of file cant handle negative things all too well.

Im curious not about this file but your trance I know you mentioned in the other thread that your door was more like a wall that you just stepped around. But how did you know you were in deep trance? Could you move if you wanted or were you just like focused on the voice intently? What did it feel like in deep trance basically?

Im still trying to improve my trance and for some reason I think if I know what its like for someone else I will find it easier... Probably not true but still.
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Postby danny1988 » March 2nd, 2013, 2:54 pm

Actually just read the script it doesnt sound too bad tbh :twisted:
May have to give it a go if I get better at trancing, oh how I hate being analytical I wish I could find out how to go deep like you have lol
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Postby HuntingWolf30 » March 2nd, 2013, 4:24 pm

Like I said before, I can only say what worked for me. The script on that file is not very determinate of what you get. Really, what the demoness does is based more on your personal mental landscape than on suggestion. Thinking it doesn't sound bad doesn't mean your mind can't come up with something beyond your own expectations.

On the trance part... Take your time, be calm, and try to relax into it. Having an expectation of X might make you believe you need X to have success. How I know I was in a deep trance was in how I acted to the suggestions.

When I was having trouble getting past my wall, I had to focus more on listening, and envisioning the imagery being suggested. When in deep trance, it happens almost regardless of what I am focused on, and in fact I tend to feel like I have to work to not focus on the words. When they say "sleep" I lol off deeper. When they say "deeper" I sink more, etc. In a comfortable light trance I have to tell myself to listen, in a deep trance there's not much else I can do but listen. But then again when in deep I want to listen.

One thing I did under light trancing was work on breathing consistently. Get it into a soft rhythm and the physical memory will establish it without as much concentration. Another is try to simply let the voice fall into the background every now and then. Sometimes the mind picks it up on it's own and redirects you to it, and I've had times where it actually absorbed better that way. Wanting to listen and obey is part of accepting the trance deepening.
Relaxing and concentrating on the imagery is important, as the mind accepts what it hears if it jives with what it feels. "Arm gets heavy" is a believable instruction on the subconscious level if you consciously believe you feel it.
Finally, repetition. I've only had limited luck on the first run of a few files. More complicated ones to imagine are likely to need more listens to get stronger effects. Having an induction that works for you helps but finding that one is the hard part.
That one I mentioned with the arm-raise is the one I've had the fastest and strongest reaction to. I think it's because I am overly conscious of my spacial awareness, so a physical sensation like the one that causes is an easy trigger for the follow-up sensations that are only suggested.

Finally, You might try limiting your tranceing. By far I've had better results on the first trance of the night than a second or third. I can still get as deep, but it's like the effects don't catch hold as well. Try one a night, starting with a good induction. Sometimes working on something less is better than going all-out on it.
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Postby danny1988 » March 2nd, 2013, 4:38 pm

Thanks for the long reply :)

Well yeh im pritty sure my mind has some disturbing thoughts in it, but im not entirely sure if the demoness I would get would be malevolent. Im only thinking this as I think she may be a tad sex crazed lol. Granted what happens may be something different entirely but the image that keeps poping in my head is a succubus type creature from world of warcraft haha.

Yeh I am learning not to think when in trance and just go with it and relax.
I have been at the stage where I just want to keep listening to some files as I felt so relaxed and I felt wonderful all over.

The thing is im usually quite alert ish when listening and I never loose conciousness or go into what I would consider sleep...
But I do feel drowsy when I am trancing. Maybe I have been achieving deep trance recently and I just dont realise. Ive not really been trying any files to test myself.

But I am quite tempted to listen to the demoness posession one atm lol, but I really shouldnt im at my dads and I dont think it would be too good to have a demoness in control lol.
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Postby Tangy » March 2nd, 2013, 4:52 pm

danny1988 wrote:Thanks for the long reply :)

Well yeh im pritty sure my mind has some disturbing thoughts in it, but im not entirely sure if the demoness I would get would be malevolent. Im only thinking this as I think she may be a tad sex crazed lol. Granted what happens may be something different entirely but the image that keeps poping in my head is a succubus type creature from world of warcraft haha.

Yeh I am learning not to think when in trance and just go with it and relax.
I have been at the stage where I just want to keep listening to some files as I felt so relaxed and I felt wonderful all over.

The thing is im usually quite alert ish when listening and I never loose conciousness or go into what I would consider sleep...
But I do feel drowsy when I am trancing. Maybe I have been achieving deep trance recently and I just dont realise. Ive not really been trying any files to test myself.

But I am quite tempted to listen to the demoness posession one atm lol, but I really shouldnt im at my dads and I dont think it would be too good to have a demoness in control lol.

Good luck on that i had a simuler
experience my screen name came to life. :o
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Postby danny1988 » March 2nd, 2013, 4:59 pm

Tangy wrote:
Good luck on that i had a simuler
experience my screen name came to life. :o

Thanks hehe, tempted to give it a go even now lol, but im not sure I should until im back home xD
My anxiety of what may happen may stop me from relaxing. I do seem to be slowly getting better at trance and its only been 6 months lol
Still waiting on that first time that something really affects me.
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Postby HuntingWolf30 » March 2nd, 2013, 5:47 pm

The thing is im usually quite alert ish when listening and I never loose conciousness or go into what I would consider sleep...
But I do feel drowsy when I am trancing. Maybe I have been achieving deep trance recently and I just dont realise. Ive not really been trying any files to test myself.

I am aware of everything being said when in deep. I'll be hazy of, or forget, things I am specifically directed to afterwards, but for the most part I retain what I am told while in deep. I guess the largest difference between my light and deep is the way my mind wanders and how hard it is to break loose if I choose to. In deep, it only take the briefest reminder to listen for my mind to be absolutely focused on the words. When light, I can still wander my mind a bit on other stuff, having to drag myself back to words at times.

As I mentioned in a post somewhere, the induction I had the breakthrough with was only an induction. I had to break myself free of my deepened state. It was tough, a lot tougher than the light trance, and it was the fear of being stuck there that helped snap me out. That, and the way I respond to command, is pretty much the way I know I'm deep or shallow.
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Postby danny1988 » March 2nd, 2013, 6:53 pm

Okies thanks for the help and advice :)
I didnt listen to the demoic possesion file in the end I had to satisfy my hypnotic urge by listening to another file I want to work xD
I have been listening to a couple of inductions lately and I have noticed I have found it easier to like let go, or well I feel like I let go in my head and then my whole body gets waves of pleasure its hard to describe.

But I did feel all tingly and stuff while listening this time ive only really experienced that with the induction and not this file before.
I found that although my mind wandered a bit I still was quite focused on the words and I did keep coming back to the voice.

There were only a couple of times I lost interest a bit but for me thats good so I think these inductions ive been using have been working on reducing my resistance and making my mind accept trance easier.

I tend to analyse stuff a bit I try not to as much now I only really analyse when I post responses like this about what happened other than that I tend not to think about my trance too much.

Anyway thats my progress hehe :) Sorry for hijacking your topic and thanks again.
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