Email Slave Successes

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Email Slave Successes

Postby Ch3rryPi3Guy » April 16th, 2013, 12:58 am

I have listened to the Email Slave file on an average of twice a week on repeat before bed, this pattern has been going on for something like two months. To date I have sampled the work of just over a half dozen contributors, testing there effects on me and how well they worked. Out of this number I have found exactly three who have been able to provide suggestions of true interest to me.

To document my progress I have elected to keep track of how things progress here for others to read.

The first contributor provides very simple and enjoyable suggestions. His emails are full of safe and easy to follow instructions. He lacks a bit of finesse with his words but the simplicity of the suggestions really dont require it. I always find myself enjoying whatever he has sent me no matter what it is.

The second is much more complex, the suggestions deep and often trance inducing in there own right. Long and complex these files allow for more subtle and interesting effects with fully effective triggers. Unfortunately the complexity means that I often am left waiting between emails as thy are hand tailored for maximum effect.

Up till now I have not listed names but I am sure that a few of you out there will be familiar with the name Master Buddha. He is my third contributor of note and will be the only one I name today as I happen to know for a fact that he loves to be mentioned by name in these things. His suggestions are much more aggressive and to the point, wild and dangerous. He has managed to squeeze some pictures out of me.

If you want more in depth coverage of the interesting bits I am planning on starting a journal.
Posts: 3
Joined: March 9th, 2013, 1:00 am

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