My sissification with Goddess Gracie

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Postby debbie32 » January 25th, 2013, 10:27 am

OMG hon you sound so ready to step out. Would love to be with you and can only imagine how you sparkle now. Just keep practicing that slow deep throat exercise now cause that will keep those guys coming back. Hugs sis :D
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Postby sissysugarlipz » January 25th, 2013, 1:10 pm

debbie32 wrote:OMG hon you sound so ready to step out. Would love to be with you and can only imagine how you sparkle now. Just keep practicing that slow deep throat exercise now cause that will keep those guys coming back. Hugs sis :D

**giggles** I bet you know how to keep the guys cumming back for more you sexy little bimbo slut **giggles**

**AWW** Debbie you're such a **sweetie** I'd love to have you with me when I finally step out. I think if we lived close enough we'd be inseprable **YAY** and maybe even going on double dates **DOUBLE YAY**

**OMG** girlfriend I just can't turn the **sparkle** off even when I have to pretend to be a man I still have my bra, panties, hose, nails, lips and fully moisturized, smooth perfumed body **giggles** Still I want more and when I do my daily sexercise in my tight little booty shorts n tank I am drawn more n more to those sexercises that will give me the strength n flexibility to make my man go wild **giggles**

Thanx for your support in saying you think I'm ready girl. I don't know what I'd do without you **HUGZ**

Love you so much girlfiend, Br?ttany ???
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Postby sissysugarlipz » January 28th, 2013, 3:09 pm

I just had the most **sparkling** revelation reading Debbie's **YUMMY n DELISHUS** heart-felt thoughts on total submissiveness, adoration and surrender to real men's and women's desires on the Man Obsession thread of Goddesses' blog

**OMG** its like I finally get it and it is something that Goddess has been preaching from the beginning of time but it never registered with me till reading Debbie's loving thoughts about life with her new man **giggles** which sounds like totally **AMAZING** n a fairly tale DREAM cum true **YAY Debbie**

It seems to me that a **mindless bimbo** would be one of the last changes the male ego would desperately attempt to resist and so I am going to recommit to listening to Goddesses' Good Girl and Bimbo Blessing series and unquestioningly put in practice all these files say to do.

Embracing total naivity, sillyness, obedience, servitude and adoration to all real men and women will be my new mantra which I already put in practice this weekend by doing more of the cooking and cleaning around the house as well as striving to embrace the idea of doing everything I was told without question, resistence or offering any form of explanation or defense.

Indeed, in some ways being asked is too late and I feel that if a good sissy is to think at all, she should be thinking like Debbie about how to anticipate her man's needs as genuinely as possible to ensure he knows he is loved adoringly, his needs are **ALWAYS** a priority, and that he can count on his sissy to always act obediently and do as she is told without question

Indeed, this thinking should apply to all real men and women whose words must never be questioned but only obediently followed in an unapologeticly subservient fashion for it is only in selfless service to others that a sissy has true worth for they are neither true man nor woman to begin with and by definition subservient. And even though sissies might be pampered from time to time so they look their bestest n sparkle like never before it should not be forgotten that such pampering is to look and feel as attractive as possible for the men whose needs demand their attention.

I now realize also how in the past I could be a burden to others by my own narcissistic attitudes that were just selfish, innapropriate and completely opposite to what a sissy should be all about. I now realize this with a clarity that I have never had before and all I want to do is say sorry to everyone and anyone that I may have acted selfish toward and promise them things will be different from now on **BLUSH**

Well Debbie, thanks for opening my eyes with your beautiful insights about Goddesses' lessons and I can't wait to especially follow your advice on adoring your man in all the **YUMMY** ways you describe **giggles**

Love you always, Br?ttany ???
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Postby sissysugarlipz » January 28th, 2013, 4:44 pm

GoddessGracie wrote:Good girl Brittany :)
I'm glad that you and Debbie are best friends now sweetie. I think it's important for sissies to have likeminded friends.
I'm sure you will both be there for each other when you need someone to talk to about guys, fashion tips and so on :)
Goddess Gracie xx

Yes Goddess Gracie your will be done and I owe it all to your blog for bringing us together **YAY**

Thank you so much for taking an interest in my progress through this thread and your blog. A little faggoty sissy couldn't ask for anything more special than the care and support you so willingly and selflessly provide.

The lesson of your actions inspires me to be a servant to others with no expectation other than pride in meeting their needs as well as I can.

Love you always Br?ttany xoxo
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Postby sissysugarlipz » January 28th, 2013, 7:19 pm

Hi All,

**OMG** I'm just **sparkling** today because after having been on pueraria mirifica capsules and cream from Breast Actives and using a breast pump from noogleberry for the past 3 weeks, I am now completely filling out the new bra I got about 4 weeks ago **YAY**

In other words, there are no longer any unsighly crease marks on my cups due to a lack of boobage **giggles** and you can actually see my nipples through the cups **DOUBLE YAY**

I am also now half way through my second week of lip plumping and have and will continue to diligently plump every morning and evening till this Friday after which its as often as I want **YAY** The **YUMMY** news is that my mouth looks smaller as the lips have plumpened in the middle and have narrowed on the sides.

When I pucker, I notice the added volume right away and have to watch that I don't drool a little out of the sides of my mouth where the lip volume has decreased **giggles** I think that means I'm destined to be giving **wet n sloppy** blowjobs **teehee**

Best of all, titty, clitty, pussy, lip, body n nail care feel second nature now and I just feel naked and yucky without making sure they are their **sparkling** best each and every day **YAY**

**OMG** I am so excited. Thank you Goddess Gracie for making me the happiest, giggliest bimbo sissy slut ever **teehee** You are a miracle worker and unlike anyone else, your lessons have given me the confidence to tell my silly male ego he's no longer welcome in my pink, fluffy, cotton candy brain **YAY**

Love always Br?ttany xoxo
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Good Sissies Obey

Postby sissysugarlipz » January 30th, 2013, 9:34 pm

Dear Goddess Gracie

**OMG** my head is **spinning** like never before after having listened to your new file **Good Sissies Obey** I can't stop listening to it and after several times through in the last 24 hours my **sparkle** has never felt brighter or stronger

I want to obey everything (and more) you demand of a sissy in this file Goddess and not because you are ordering it but because I **want** it. I just love that you make your expectations clear in this file about what it means to be a full-time sissy because it challenges all of us to do what is necessary to fulfill our desties as true pathological sissies. I have never felt more at one with your vision of a sissy than I do now and I know this is just the beginning **YAY**

Almost as if by fate, the last few days have led me down a path that this file is reinforcing. I have been taking the initiative around the house by shopping, cleaning and cooking and have come to realize how deeply inappropriate it was for me not to embrace doing all of these things as fully as possible, as well as being subservient and compliant in all interactions with women of any age

It has now been 5 mo of sexless relations in the household (platonic kisses and hugz only) and I feel like my wife no longer has any sexual attraction to me. Meanwhile, she looks hotter than ever, is committing to a health regime to look even hotter, calls certain of my features (e.g., shaved body, nails) girly in public and speaks noticeably more dismissively and condescending towards me. I now accept all of this in a strangely complimentary way and feel priviledged that she would keep me in her life even though she could easily have a stud with a 10" cock pleasuring her if she wanted.

**MMM** I was **sparkling** all over knowing that Goddess says its non-negotiable for full-time sissies to not wear a bra, panties, hose, mascara, lip stick and to keep her nails looking beautiful every day **OMG** I do all this except the mascara now but that will change immediately **YAY** I am not sure what it means to be also doing some of the other things I am doing like shaving and moisturizing, being on my breast enhancement and lip plumping program, and having a full wardrobe of sissy clothes including a wig and breast forms and other **YUMMY** things?

Maybe listening to **Good Sissies Obey** and **Man Obsession** will emasculate my male ego once and for all and help me use all my womanly traits and accessories the way fate meant them to be used **OMG** I can hardly wait to find out **giggles**

Goddess, I love that I share your vision of what it means to be a true sissy. It makes me **sparkle** to know that I need only ask if I am acting the way Goddess would expect me to act to navigate through life's challenges now. I love you so much **HUGZ**

Love ??? Br?ttany ???
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Postby phoebephoebe » January 31st, 2013, 4:16 pm

Hi Brittany,

I just wanted to say your progress has definitely been an encouragement for a newbie sissy like me who is still exploring herself. You have certainly come a long way and I wish you all the best. I am sure you will soon become the girl of your dreams.

<3 Sissy Sally <3
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Postby sissysugarlipz » January 31st, 2013, 5:35 pm

phoebephoebe wrote:Hi Brittany,
I just wanted to say your progress has definitely been an encouragement for a newbie sissy like me who is still exploring herself. You have certainly come a long way and I wish you all the best. I am sure you will soon become the girl of your dreams.
<3 Sissy Sally <3

**AWW** you are a sweetie Sally **HUGZ n CUDDLES**

When I think back to starting with Goddess last summer, I think a few things made a difference in my progress

First off, I started listening constantly to Goddesses' files, especially the Good Girl and Bimbo Blessing series, and this helped me make deep deep connections to events in my life revealing to myself unequivocally that I had all the characteristics of a true pathological sissy. Its like my life was an incomplete jigsaw puzzle until Goddess helped me put it all together **YAY**

Having experienced something of an epiphany through Goddesses' files, I developed a deep deep trust in her word and chose to follow her lessons obediently and without question or reservation. I fully believe Goddess not only knows best but also wants whats best for her sissies and that allows me to trust her unconditionally and to do as she says **YAY**

The two things above gave me the tools to embrace what I think is a key to any sissy's identity - limpness. I initially bauked at this idea as up until this point in time had been a compulsive masturbator since adolescence. But I soon discovered that it was my male ego that I was fighting and the longer I remained limp the weaker it got and then almost **magically** I started to discover my limp clitty, pussy, titties and lips as new erogenous zones to adore, pamper, beautify and discover **giggles**

Prompted by the **sparkle** created by limpness, the last thing I think was important was to do something, anything every day to remind myself I was a sissy. These **baby steps** could be anything like shaving a small section of your legs or browsing through ladies undergarments in a department store **giggles** No matter what it is, these daily actions are important because over time they build your confidence and become habit forming prompting you to reach higher all the time. Before you know it, you're not only shaving your legs now but you're shaving your clitty bald or you're not just browsing but now you're asking a saleslady to take your measurements and help fit you for a bra **teehee**

Well thanks for your message girlfriend and know that I am always here to offer support, hugz n cuddles **giggles** I'd love to get to know you better n hope we can stay in touch **HUGZ**

Love ??? Br?ttany ???
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Postby sissysugarlipz » January 31st, 2013, 7:20 pm

GoddessGracie wrote:How precious, little Brittany has made a new friend :)
So glad you love the new file so much hun, I knew you would.
We're going to see lots of positive changes in your behavior and attitude in the coming months sweetie.
No more silly expectations, you understand now that a sissy's frivolous desires are simply not important in the grand scheme of things :)
I know you can be the most obedient sissy in the world with a little dedication sweetie.
Love from Goddess Gracie xx

**MMM** yes Goddess, Brittany knows that good girls are always obedient and Brittany wants to be the best little girl she can be for her Goddess **giggles**

**OMG** I'm so excited to learn what changes in my behaviour and attitudes will take place **pretty please** Goddess can you give a few hints, Brittany is so excited to find out more

Brittany really does appreciate now more than ever before that she has no entitlement other than serving others and that expectations are for real men and woman not silly little sissies. It was wrong for Brittany to ever think this way in the past but she knows better now and will simply be dutiful to the will of others from now on, especially your will Goddess

Brittany will also embrace condescention and humiliation from superiors as a choice they are free to make and will willingly seek out such scenarios from now on in order to be more fully accepting of her sissy identity.

Thank you Goddess for gracing my thread with your presence. Love Br?ttany ???
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Sports and the Super Bowl

Postby sissysugarlipz » February 2nd, 2013, 1:20 pm

Hi All,

With the Super Bowl this weekend, I had to ask a question.

Why would a sissy watch a silly football game when there are so many more important things like fashion, makeup, pop-music, soap operas, celebrity gossip, giggling and **OMG** dreaming about being romanced by a real man.

I think in the past I have watched football to try to fit in with guys but I think all the hitting is dumb and I know that is totally not me. I never ever played contact sports growing up because that just wasn't me and I was afraid of getting hurt by the bigger, stronge boys

Still I know many guys like sports and its a conversation starter for many hunky guys so what is a sissy to do?

I wish there was sum way to follow just enough about sports to attract guys attention and compliment them maybe on how smart they are about the game or how big and strong and how good they'd be if they were playing but not to be misunderstood as a fan who knows the game or cheers for a team or cares about the outcomes.

I feel like a sissy should only be around sports to maybe serve hunky men snacks and drinks, to clean up after them, to maybe ask silly questions or make silly comments but not to the point of annoyance, or to help cheer up the guys if their team loses by giving them a blowjob afterward **giggles** This way, a sissy can know just enough but not give anyone the wrong impression that she likes sports for any reason other than to serve the needs of the real men who she wants to please **giggles**

I hope maybe one day Goddess Gracie might make a file that maybe permanently unlearns the rules and norms around football or hockey or other sports sissies grew up around so they can assume their proper role when guys gather to watch sporting events **giggles**

Love Br?ttany ???

p.s., I am going to the theatre on Super Bowl Sunday to watch a play. I had the game taped to watch later but after thinking about this feel it would be deeply inappropriate to now watch the game or any future sports under any circumstances other than those described above. I'd love to hear what you think? Please help **pretty please**
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Postby debbie32 » February 2nd, 2013, 5:04 pm

I never really was interested in sports nor know the teams but I have to see the super bowl just to watch the commericals. I use the game time for going to the bathroom lol. When guys ask me how did those Lakers look I have to ask is that baseball being played. Daaa . No point in trying to talk about things I know nothing about so I ask about fashions and celebreties lol. You made good points though and you probably are way ahead of me when it comes to chatting with real men now. So much easier talking to a faggy queen or houseboy so I am still learning.
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Postby sissysugarlipz » February 10th, 2013, 4:54 pm

Hi Everyone,

Well its time to say **bye byes** to this success stories' thread **awww** and open a new thread under the feminization forum to continue with the stories of my feminization, sissification and bimboization **YAY**

Goddess Gracie's files have given me a glimpse of what fate has to offer **YAY** and now it is up to me to venture forth more on my own to fulfill my destiny as a cumpletely feminized, sissified, bimbo **giggles**

I hope I am not wrong in thinking WMM members like to read about my progress **giggles** I know I love attention and my shallowness and lack of self-esteem can be irritating but I just can't help myself, I think I need recognition and approval from others as much as the air I breath.

I don't know, maybe this is what it means to be a mindless bimbo **giggles** This is who I am now and it just feels right to accept all that I am feeling and not let needless thoughts get in the way of my **glitter n sparkle**

Well, I hope you'll read my new thread over here where I try to make it on my own without the guiding influence of any one particular Goddess or Mistress. You know sissified bimbos don't always think well on their own so don't be shy if you want to make a **YUMMY** comment or by sending me a **DELISHUS** message any time you feel the need **giggles** I don't bite **teehee** well maybe just a little **giggles**

Love you all so much, Br?ttany xoxo

p.s., **OMG** my only regret in leaving this thread now is not seeing it reach 10,000 hits **see I told you I was shallow** So if you could find it in your heart to cum back to it every now and again to register a hit know that I would love you to peeces for making a dream cum true for me **HUGZ n YAY**
i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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YAY 10,000 Hits

Postby sissysugarlipz » March 21st, 2013, 11:18 am

Hi Everyone,

**YAY** you made my wish come true by getting this thread to 10,000 hits!

**MWAHZ MWAHZ MWAHZ** for making me the happiest girl in the world **giggles**

I L?VE you all so much n don't forget to follow the latest at my **YUMMY** new thread right here **YAY**

**HUGZ** Br?ttany xoxo

i am Mistress Petras whore and a mindless bimbo fuck doll
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Postby girlycockslave » May 8th, 2013, 3:34 am

as a post op ts i find your rants on goddess gracie's effects on you as laughable i also find goddess gracie's first response that she had to talk you out of breast implants and hormone taking as contradictory to the spirit of the file..its like yeah you are a good girl..but in reality she basically is saying dont go all the way..i knew i was a female deep down at an early age..and in time went ALL the way..there is something delicious in the encouragement of men wanting to become females..but it's more than just make up, panties and stockings and chewing hubba bubba bubble gum.. i mean really are you kidding?? going all the way means taking hormones every day seeing an endocrinologist regularly, having the actual surgery..removing one's horrid penis the symbol of all things masculine..the absolute joy of seeing a vagina between one legs..masturbating and cumming via clitoral stimulation is an absolute feminine blessing..something more deeper than any passing whim of putting on lingerie...if you are so "excited" so "convinced" that you truly are a submissive female... live it..otherwise remain as a man who chooses to wear womens clothing and listen to absurd, shallow nonsense created by an author who has stated in this forum she tried to talk you out of undertaking the path of gender reassignment..the other absurd claim this self appointed goddess said was think of your loved ones first...what utter utter according to this logic, live for others approval and not live and be true to yourself??..madam you certainly has some rather odd minute you are trying to convince people that they are this "good girl" yet when push comes to shove its like "dont do it as it may offend your loved ones"..well one thing we can say about the goddess and her work definitely belongs on this aptly named site "warp my mind" because her aims and intent are definitely in the spirit of the name..why the response? because time and time again it's people such as yourself who try to make gender reassignment some deep seated taboo..when its just somebody being true to themselves..i wished i could have had my operation done earlier but i had to live my life doing what the goddess stated in thinking of your loved ones..I did and it was the unhappiest time of my life because i was repressing what i truly was bad for me and bad for my loved ones..ever since i have lived 24/7 i have felt more happiness than i ever felt as my former male self..sure i have the day to day hassles that everyone experiences but i get on with thing i will never get used to is the "demonization" of gender reassignment..i get fed up reading stuff composed by people who should know better..bottom line princess / goddess/ what ever you claim to true to yourself..and create files that have some REAL belief in them otherwise remain as a "sideshow" hypno spruiker promising nothing...
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Re: My sissification with Goddess Gracie

Postby cnote515 » April 20th, 2016, 7:30 pm

Goddess Gracie,
Would you recommend doing breathing exercises, either before or during a session of listening to one of your files ?
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Re: My sissification with Goddess Gracie

Postby fuckingstrawberries » April 22nd, 2016, 11:54 pm

I hope you realize that the last time this thread was bumped was in 2013.
Either make a new thread or PM Gracie if you want a response.
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