terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby jearns » June 16th, 2013, 8:19 am

maskedanonymity wrote:If you download Audacity, you can import the file and just delete the awakener from the rest and use that. I've done that with files whose awakeners just don't flow right with the rest of the file, or if I'm looping it.

Also, from my knowledge looping any file while sleeping tends not to be very effective since you're not aware of the file and it's contents while asleep. For a long time the conventional way of thinking of hypnosis has often has been 'sleep' but from what I understand it's actually close to the opposite of sleep. I'm still learning a lot about hypnosis, so bare with me ;)

I'm not sure if it will work properly, but what I usually do is loop a file while I'm doing other stuff I can focus on, and I've had quite a bit of success with it.

YES. I use Audacity all the time. I think it should be a rule that if you want to do hypno, you look into the file and make ownership, so your head buys into everything. I usually will tweak what I need from the body, cut the awakener out, copy the body a few times, and then put awakener back in at the end.

I have been super busy with this whole thing called life to listen often in the past month- it's been over a month since I heard. I do notice that I have been less desiring to jerk off and less random hard ons.

Current size: 4.5" (from 5.75")

Maybe when summer gets in high gear, I can pick it up in high gear again!!

PM me for more info/email, love to put together a group of shinking buds :)
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Postby Sober » June 20th, 2013, 7:09 pm

I have been listening to Curse Breast Growth Male for years without any effect.
I listened to this file once, and now my erections slip away much quicker than before, and already feel somewhat softer.

I also have the urge to go back and listen again. This could end up being very embarrassing for my 21 year old self, but I'm so turned on by this that I can see me ending up going "too far" with it. Oops :oops: [/b]
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Postby diamondlight » June 22nd, 2013, 2:56 am

Oh wow, can i say this thread is amazing, I've been a long time lurker on these forums and site. But reading this has made me want to comment. I am very seriously considering using this file but I find the idea of it's effectiveness very scary.

I already only have a relatively small package naturally, I already come in at around 4 1/2, I could post pics later if wanted. From the results seen if i did it I'd end up with almost nothing left at all it's kind of a scary thought, but a small part of me is eager to give it a go. I'm almost tempted to say I don't feel masculine enough as it is though, my personality is very feminine
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Postby MasterDrayke » June 22nd, 2013, 7:49 am

I say go for it. You're already only 4.5", why bother hanging onto to even that? :twisted:
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Postby Sober » June 22nd, 2013, 8:39 am

diamondlight wrote:Oh wow, can i say this thread is amazing, I've been a long time lurker on these forums and site. But reading this has made me want to comment. I am very seriously considering using this file but I find the idea of it's effectiveness very scary.

I already only have a relatively small package naturally, I already come in at around 4 1/2, I could post pics later if wanted. From the results seen if i did it I'd end up with almost nothing left at all it's kind of a scary thought, but a small part of me is eager to give it a go. I'm almost tempted to say I don't feel masculine enough as it is though, my personality is very feminine

It looks like both of us have stumbled onto this file and even though we're both nervous about it, the fact that we've spent so long deliberating over it makes me think we both must secretly really want it to work on us; maybe it's time to just let go and accept our teeny weenies?
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Postby crash822 » June 22nd, 2013, 9:16 am

Sober wrote:
diamondlight wrote:Oh wow, can i say this thread is amazing, I've been a long time lurker on these forums and site. But reading this has made me want to comment. I am very seriously considering using this file but I find the idea of it's effectiveness very scary.

I already only have a relatively small package naturally, I already come in at around 4 1/2, I could post pics later if wanted. From the results seen if i did it I'd end up with almost nothing left at all it's kind of a scary thought, but a small part of me is eager to give it a go. I'm almost tempted to say I don't feel masculine enough as it is though, my personality is very feminine

It looks like both of us have stumbled onto this file and even though we're both nervous about it, the fact that we've spent so long deliberating over it makes me think we both must secretly really want it to work on us; maybe it's time to just let go and accept our teeny weenies?

I'm about to, I'm in the same boat as I already have a small one.
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Postby diamondlight » June 22nd, 2013, 11:00 am

MasterDrayke wrote:I say go for it. You're already only 4.5", why bother hanging onto to even that? :twisted:

Ouch *laughs*. You people are supposed to talk me out of doing it :P. Well, most likely I'm gonna bite the bullet and do this. But first of all, I've uploaded my cock shot starting pic...


Looks like I was a smidgen optimistic with the 4.5" size I'm a little over 4.25"... next picture I'll do flaccid and after a trim. I'm so getting sleep now, it's 3am, night all.
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Postby regulus » June 22nd, 2013, 4:07 pm


This as hard as I get now.... omg
... I won't have much left if I keep this up
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Postby WatDo » June 22nd, 2013, 6:54 pm

diamondlight wrote:
MasterDrayke wrote:I say go for it. You're already only 4.5", why bother hanging onto to even that? :twisted:

Ouch *laughs*. You people are supposed to talk me out of doing it :P. Well, most likely I'm gonna bite the bullet and do this. But first of all, I've uploaded my cock shot starting pic...


Looks like I was a smidgen optimistic with the 4.5" size I'm a little over 4.25"... next picture I'll do flaccid and after a trim. I'm so getting sleep now, it's 3am, night all.

Why not try a penis growth curse then? <<
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Postby diamondlight » June 23rd, 2013, 7:03 pm

WatDo wrote:Why not try a penis growth curse then? <<

Hahaha :) thanks, but seriously I have started listening to the teeny weeny file. I'll be keeping you all updated, I'll be curiouse to see if it does work, persoanlly I am just a tinsy bit sceptical. But having said that, I don't care too much if it does shrink *laughs*.

As you know, I'm already about 4.25", I still need to throw up a flacid pic and a new erect pic now that I've managed to trim down there and before the file can potentially do anything. :) If it does work I just hope I can stay above 3"

*EDIT* To make a small correction
Last edited by diamondlight on June 25th, 2013, 8:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby diamondlight » June 25th, 2013, 12:07 am

Alrighty, I've added two new pics. So you can see both completely soft length and completely hard length, you can also see there isn't a huge amount of difference between the two (lol guess I'm more a shower then a grower). I've also given it a substantial trim and will be looking at possibly waxing in the near future.



So, question... to the wonderful people reading. How long do you think I should listen to the file for and how many times a day? So far I've listened twice (two days in a row), no major changes yet, that I can see... I must say, I'm kinda tempted to see how far I can take it though.
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Postby regulus » June 25th, 2013, 12:53 am

No changes to report ...plus only listening to the file like twice a week now
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Postby xavious » June 25th, 2013, 9:03 pm

diamondlight you already have a barely adult penis so this is probably a good thing for you. getting your cock and balls to shrink and retract into you would be a good thing so you can stop pretending to be a real man and put on some nice, tight childish briefs to keep your pee pee where it belongs; inside your pants and out of sight.
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Postby diamondlight » June 26th, 2013, 4:32 am

Xavious, thanks for your thoughts, it really isn't worth pretending to be a real man and i'm really thinking it would be fun and highly appropriate if this file does work (besides I love irony). Trust me, it's been laughed at in the past.. I've been there for each time.. though I can't help but think it really does deserve ridicule. The ironic part is that I'm actually a fairly hairy and reasonably masculine looking guy, not the most buff, but at least reasonable http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=gallery2&g2_itemId=132403 just to give you a small idea, not a gym goer though (and I have a submissive personality), I just do a reasonable amount of physically active work.

Onto the file (I'm going to start listening twice a day), I do seem to be starting to feel a little bit of tightness going on around the area down there. It's hard to describe. I'm going to do measurements a week apart. so you can see weekly by weekly progress.. unless anything major happens and my little dicky dramatically and suddenly reduces in size faster then I expect :). I'll keep ya's updated.
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Postby xavious » June 26th, 2013, 6:46 am

diamondlight, I apologise if I got caught up in the moment. It's a bit of an echo chamber in here so I might have got carried away with my take on the fantasy. It wasn't my intent to make you feel bad, well it sort of was, uh... it's a tricky fantasy since so much can come off wrong and insulting.

Anyway, those are some nice arms, and that pic takes my mind in a different (and probably less appealing) direction: I rather like the idea of you being a dumb muscle boy who's arms and body grow as your brain, cock and balls shrink like you're abusing roids.

Makes me wonder if a "roid rage" and/or "roid abuse" file would be a bit too evil...

I have weird fantasies. :-/
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Postby diamondlight » June 27th, 2013, 1:47 am

Xavious, thank you, but it's alright, trust me.. I can roll with it. Besides, things can be very hard to interpret online as text doesn't give the appropriate visual and verbal cues. In complete truth I came on here, I was aware there would be at least some "SPH" centric posts... given my understanding that the subgroup is somewhat large... so I was basically expecting it. By the way, thanks for the compliment :).

*Laughs* as to the rest of your post, I guess this website is called warpmymind... and it seems to cater for all kinds of fetishes and fantasies. So, just maybe, your fantasy isn't that weird afterall. But, it's not for me, I'm just hoping for a reasonable looking body (which I kinda have) that hides my own little secret.
Last edited by diamondlight on June 29th, 2013, 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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starting this file

Postby southsiebadboy » June 27th, 2013, 10:53 am

so i started listening to this file last night and i have listening to it a few times already last night and today i have been listening too it while fully tracing but also one question i have is i have listened to it loads of times just not really tracing but just doing stuff like reading these forums or the news or whatever so my question is will it still be effective that way oh and also whats the difference between the curse and non curse versions i been using the non curse is one better than the other
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Re: starting this file

Postby WatDo » June 27th, 2013, 8:36 pm

southsiebadboy wrote:so i started listening to this file last night and i have listening to it a few times already last night and today i have been listening too it while fully tracing but also one question i have is i have listened to it loads of times just not really tracing but just doing stuff like reading these forums or the news or whatever so my question is will it still be effective that way oh and also whats the difference between the curse and non curse versions i been using the non curse is one better than the other

One isn't entirely irreversible, one will ruin your manhood if you have a personality prone to addiction.
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Postby southsiebadboy » June 28th, 2013, 3:00 am

thanks well im not bothered about my manhood although i di want option to change back if i wanted . can anyone one answer my first question
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Postby Marian » June 28th, 2013, 4:49 am

Hypnosis usually needs a trance like state to work properly...
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Postby southsiebadboy » June 28th, 2013, 6:10 am

thanks well i have been using it when in trace just also been listening to it when doing other things as well
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Postby diamondlight » June 28th, 2013, 11:16 pm

Hey all, just figuring I'd say that basically a week ago tomorrow I started listening to this file.. lol I know i'm posting a smidgen early, but it's kinda exciting. I can definitely say there have been some changes especially in my soft size... my hard size has decreased marginally, for the moment I'm just putting up my newest soft (hard pic needs to be re taken due to fuzziness) picture..


If you look in my gallery you'll notice that the original soft length was basically 3.5 inches... I'm now sitting on 2.5 inches... *laughs* now I'm kinda wanting to see how far i can take it.. Balls haven't really changed at all and erections are still easy.

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Postby diamondlight » June 30th, 2013, 1:50 am

After my experiences so far I feel obliged to tell anyone who is using/thinking of using this file.. to not underestimate it. I've listened now for about a week and have already some some very noticeable changes.. in fact I'm well and truly shocked at how effective this file seems to be doing it's job.

I know in my previous post, I've shown you the changes to my flaccid size, don't be fooled.... it's not fake.. I should also mention my erect size has decreased as well. I started off at 4.25 inches

Case in point

My latest measurement erect has me at about 3.75 inches, as shown.


If you are going to listen to this file, understand and comprehend the potential ramifications if you are susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. I personally have done everything possible to try and let this file work and accept the potential changes.
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Postby IWANTHOTDOG » June 30th, 2013, 7:29 pm

Its really hard to get through the file due to its length, and my mind gets bored before 20 minutes. Any tips for hypnosis in general?
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Postby xavious » July 1st, 2013, 1:11 am

Try getting yourself into a comfortable position. Try relaxing ambience (bubbling brooks/waves/etc) to let yourself relax. People often recommend the "Bubble" file to aid with relaxation.
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Postby 1love » July 1st, 2013, 2:48 pm

when your weenie is less than three inches long. show it to an adult. hear them laugh.
im uploading he photos as i write this.
Been listening to the curse for a while. now. i will still occasionally get big erections,but they are few and far between and dont last long.
I love my small weenie. im trans, so i want it gone.
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Postby 1love » July 1st, 2013, 2:52 pm

started off at this size.

currently this size and wanting to get smaller.
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Postby KIY » July 2nd, 2013, 1:42 pm

That appears to be the same picture twice, so either one of the links is wrong or something went wrong when you uploaded one of them. :?
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Postby xavious » July 2nd, 2013, 3:02 pm

Check out the Show Me Your Cock section of the Gallery and you can see more of them.
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I am back listening and.....

Postby tongass » July 3rd, 2013, 6:49 am

I am back listening after a two week purge. I have also re-connected with my coach and he is pushing me very hard to fully accept and embrace my desires for a teeny weenie. He is a strict coach and is training me to follow his orders to enhance the shrinkage process and to shave other parts of my body to match the smooth dick, scrotum and crotch and to keep me every mindful of my shrinking dick. Maybe some day soon it will be a weenie.

During the purge my dick stopped shrinking and maybe even regained some size so I have to work hard to get small again and then even smaller.
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Postby 1love » July 3rd, 2013, 2:23 pm

sorry bout posting the same link twice, this is my current size. as you can see, gotten super small, and i think its still shrinking.
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Postby regulus » July 3rd, 2013, 5:09 pm


God I'm getting so tiny
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Postby xavious » July 4th, 2013, 5:12 pm

I like the flare your glans has regulus.

As a general comment I can see why sarnoga added in the bits about "empty foreskin" because it does seem that as even a cut cock shrinks it causes what's left of the foreskin to swallow up more of the shaft and glans.
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Postby regulus » July 4th, 2013, 6:00 pm

It does feel strange lol
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Tongass Updates

Postby tongass » July 7th, 2013, 2:28 pm


My tw coach says it is time for an update and so what is happening to my penis. The coach was busy for a few days we could not be in contact with each other but he is coaching me well to shrink my penis.

This is what coach tells me to do:

Listen to the file in different formats at least twice a day.

Keep my penis oiled with baby oil.

Sit down to pee because it won't be long until I won't be able to get my penis out of my fly as it will be too short.

I have to wear loose fitting "silky" boxers so I can feel how little I am as it flops around inside the boxers.

Coach keeps in contact with me through text messages and emails and he expects me to respond to his messages and coaching orders.

Coach makes me measure and I will be posting the before and "after" information and maybe pictures if I can get over my shyness.

I am surprised at the "terrible success" that I am having. I go back and forth in my feelings and desires but the file and coach are taking over.

We just had a coaching session today and my penis is responding to coach and the file and shrinking. I am very grateful to coach for his skill and his time. My coach is very special because he has listened to the file and shrank his cock down to teeny weenie size. Coach now wears diapers because he has a baby sized penis and diapers are best for him. Coach even wets his diapers because his weenie is so teeny he is loosing control of his bladder. So now you know why he knows how to help me become man with a teeny weenie.
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Postby mondaytuesday » July 7th, 2013, 3:03 pm

Last edited by mondaytuesday on January 6th, 2014, 9:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Please don't laugh at my new weenie.

Postby tongass » July 7th, 2013, 7:24 pm

Coach made me post this humiliating picture of my new weenie. I also posted a before picture. Please don't laugh at me.

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Postby regulus » July 7th, 2013, 7:59 pm

I may. Have to start listening to the file more often
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Postby diamondlight » July 8th, 2013, 10:44 am

Alrighty, my exactly two week update. Success is still being had, I find that my flaccid size is mostly unchanged but my balls are now being held very tight against my body... it's something that is a very weird sensation.. and yes they do pop up into my body from time to time.


Hard on the other hand has decreased, and while I can still easily get erections, my fully erect size is now just 3.5 inches.... and very possibly getting smaller.


I'm a few days overdue with my update and the next one will hopefully be on saturday or sunday. All I can say is this file seems to be working incredibly well and I'm looking forward to seeing how well it works in the long run. I'm hoping that my soft length ends up that of a toddler.. about 1.9 inches (at 1 - 2 years old give or take .3")
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Re: Ready to begin shrinking

Postby KIY » July 9th, 2013, 8:38 am

riner wrote:

Have been using this for a little while, it is working but it does seem to take a little while to notice anything. However when you start getting random pains in parts of your body with this it gets a bit crazy. I have stuck with it. It is slightly amusing seeing changes in yourself that teenagers get when they are going through puberty!.

How long did it take before the random pains started? And how do you mean crazy?

I wouldn't mind more detail as I have started to listen to that file.

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Postby diamondlight » July 13th, 2013, 2:47 am

Hi all, just need to quickly say that this file is having quite a lot of success for me. Sadly I won't be able to update with a picture for a little while as my computer (laptop) had a rather unfortunate accident.... long story. But suffice to say soon I'll have the parts to build a desktop. For the moment I won't be able to post pics, due to awkwardness of not having my own computer to use for said purposes.

Anyway my flaccid size is continuing to decrease... erections are getting harder to achieve (but still possible) and they don't last anywhere near as long without pretty constant manipulation. This is after three weeks now of fairly in depth listening three times a day. while being slightly tipsy for the later night listens.. just to lower inhibitions and any mental defenses, which seems to be working very well for me.
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Postby MasterDrayke » July 13th, 2013, 2:52 am

diamondlight wrote:Hi all, just need to quickly say that this file is having quite a lot of success for me. Sadly I won't be able to update with a picture for a little while as my computer (laptop) had a rather unfortunate accident.... long story. But suffice to say soon I'll have the parts to build a desktop. For the moment I won't be able to post pics, due to awkwardness of not having my own computer to use for said purposes.

Anyway my flaccid size is continuing to decrease... erections are getting harder to achieve (but still possible) and they don't last anywhere near as long without pretty constant manipulation. This is after three weeks now of fairly in depth listening three times a day. while being slightly tipsy for the later night listens.. just to lower inhibitions and any mental defenses, which seems to be working very well for me.

Sorry to hear about your laptop. As for you dick, I'm thrilled and amused. Pretty soon you're going to have nothing left!
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Postby IWANTHOTDOG » July 21st, 2013, 4:01 pm

Lost the bet a long time ago, and now im gonna actually listen to it. I was having trouble going into trance and the file is quite long so it got hard, but I have gotten better at trancing.

My only worry is that if this works, I won't be able to please women. I might have to become a sissy and listen to some of those files too so I can please men instead :(
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Postby diamondlight » July 22nd, 2013, 10:31 am

Hello all, long time no see :). I'm finally able to send through an update I'm skipping week 3 and moving straight to week 4. This file has been having some pretty impressive and fast effects for me. My scrotum spends most of it's time almost completely tight against my body. The head of my dick keeps retracting into the skin of the shaft, which is something it never did before... it's like I have a foreskin again.

Problem is this "foreskin" effect can be somewhat painful to retract back if you want to expose the head. Erections, whilst I can still get them are becoming harder to achieve and maintain, I seriously need to keep playing with it otherwise it starts going away... after probably about half a minute. My complete flaccid size is now that of a two year old, according to research I've done.

On a side note, I been feeling a bit tired lately, I don't know if it relates to this file or not. I just don't feel like I've got quite the same amount of go as what I would normally have.. kinda hard to explain. On a side note my nipples are are feeling more sensitive and actually somewhat tender at times, again it's kinda hard to explain.

What follows are the pictures I've now uploaded.






Sorry if it's a lot of pictures in a row, sorry for not being able to get the shot with the ruler straight. Anyway feel free to leave a message on here or pm me, it's how I know people are interested in my posts :). Thank you to the couple people who have messaged me during my absence :D.
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Postby xavious » July 22nd, 2013, 7:05 pm

I have no objections against the uploads, and in fact I really enjoyed them. I especially like how tight your balls seem to be getting. I love tight balls, especially when they disappear into the groin.

Your cock actually looks a lot like your typical boys natural intact cock in the flaccid picture. You saying that the "foreskin" is tight is interesting because at a young age, anytime before puberty, an intact boys foreskin is mostly attached to the glans. Would be weird if you cock was trying to return to that state in some way. Doesn't hurt that I find phimosis sexy too. :P
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Postby foxbarking » July 22nd, 2013, 7:12 pm

So next step flaccid the size of a one year old's?
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Postby diamondlight » July 23rd, 2013, 10:25 am

xavious wrote:I have no objections against the uploads, and in fact I really enjoyed them. I especially like how tight your balls seem to be getting. I love tight balls, especially when they disappear into the groin.

Your cock actually looks a lot like your typical boys natural intact cock in the flaccid picture. You saying that the "foreskin" is tight is interesting because at a young age, anytime before puberty, an intact boys foreskin is mostly attached to the glans. Would be weird if you cock was trying to return to that state in some way. Doesn't hurt that I find phimosis sexy too. :P

Very interesting tidbits of information there, you know, it would be really interesting if that's what was actually happening, I'm wondering whether such a thing is actually possible... whether it could be trying to return to that particular state. My money would be, maybe, more on phimosis (first I've ever heard of it). Personally I'm loving the fact that it looks like a natural infants penis *laughs*.

foxbarking wrote:So next step flaccid the size of a one year old's?

Hahaha well it may not be too much of a stretch 1.7" +/- .3" :P. Apparently zero to five months is 1.5" +/- .3". In honesty I don't know if I'll get much smaller, I've looked at baby photo's of me and I'm about the same size right now.. I don't know if it's possible to go smaller then you were born with *ponders* time will tell lol.
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Postby foxbarking » July 23rd, 2013, 2:08 pm

diamondlight wrote:
Hahaha well it may not be too much of a stretch 1.7" +/- .3" :P. Apparently zero to five months is 1.5" +/- .3". In honesty I don't know if I'll get much smaller, I've looked at baby photo's of me and I'm about the same size right now.. I don't know if it's possible to go smaller then you were born with *ponders* time will tell lol.

It's probably not likely to get less than an inch left, but I'll be rooting for you :)
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Postby xavious » July 23rd, 2013, 2:33 pm

Thing is circumcision is used as an extreme (and unfortunately often the first in places like the US) means to solve phimosis, so your cock gaining a phimosed state from shrinking is a weird occurrence. A cut cock transforming into a pre-teen cock is just strange.

I like it though. Please keep me updated on your tight balls and freshly phimosed cock. One thing i'd love to know is if by keeping it covered you notice any change to its appearance and sensation, especially if it feels moist and maybe smells a bit more.
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Postby diamondlight » July 26th, 2013, 9:28 am

foxbarking wrote:It's probably not likely to get less than an inch left, but I'll be rooting for you :)

Thanks for the words :), I'm starting to wonder where the end point could be, I've had further shrinkage over the last week and will be posting the update on here in the next day or two. All I can say right now is that, this file has been phenomenally effective.

By the way, many thanks to the people who have messaged me :D, it is nice to know that my efforts are appreciated :). I won't say too much here right now, as I'd like to save it all for my proper update.

xavious wrote:Thing is circumcision is used as an extreme (and unfortunately often the first in places like the US) means to solve phimosis, so your cock gaining a phimosed state from shrinking is a weird occurrence. A cut cock transforming into a pre-teen cock is just strange.

I like it though. Please keep me updated on your tight balls and freshly phimosed cock. One thing i'd love to know is if by keeping it covered you notice any change to its appearance and sensation, especially if it feels moist and maybe smells a bit more.

Thanks for the tidbits of information, I agree with you that it is strange, it's somewhat perplexing.. I'm not 100% sure on how it could happen either... but I will keep you up to date :). All I can say is that when it's doing it (which now seems to be quite frequently) it can really be quite painful to pull the skin back over the head.
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Joined: April 4th, 2013, 12:00 am


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