[Success, ish] Various Bimbo/Intelligence Reduction Files

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[Success, ish] Various Bimbo/Intelligence Reduction Files

Postby StrippedGears » July 15th, 2013, 6:27 pm

So, I have this kink about intelligence reduction... I think it's one of those things where some people get off on things they're supposed to find revolting. I mean, some people really like feet - the way they smell, the way they get slimy between the toes, the degradation of being trampled, whatever - in large part because it's so gross to like feet. I think I'm the same way.

In any case, it's not something I really wanted to happen to myself. There's loads of fetishes out there that would be aliving nightmare if they ever came true, like permanent dollification or rape fantasies. Still, kinks are kinks and they're hard to resist. So I've listened to various bimbo files and IQ reduction files - never the whole thing except some of the shorter loops with subliminals, and I've never tranced while listening to a file.

Still, I've noticed some very minor changes that have popped up over the course of a couple months. Most noticeably the kink has become a much more reliable turnon form e. It used to be I'd sort of rotate through all sorts of erotica and such as my whim carried me, not really dwelling on any one kink for more than a couple days before getting bored of it for a while. Now, it feels like a dominant fetish and I can go weeks on the same old bimbo material fantasizing about being the bimbo without ever feeling the need to look for something more fresh or a change of pace.

The other thing Is I've noticed that my typing and spelling have become much more sloppy (and I'm leaving in some typos instead of editing them out for this post to demonstrate). I work as a tech writer, so my typing speed is generally excellent, but for the past couple weeks now (and with greater frequency over time), I've been making stupid mistakes like typing a word out the way I pronounce it instead of the way it's spelled. Other times it's like I'll start typing one word and then move on to the next one before finishing the first. "Personally, whenever", for example, could become "Personever". When that happens it feels almost like I just... got bored of the first word and moved on.

Also, my mental math skills have never been amazingly (ugh, so many words I tried using here before I got the one with the right connotation) good, but lately it feels like if I have to do any form of math more complex than adding or subtracting round numbers or numbers smaller than 20 or multiplying small double-digit numbers it's just harder and slower than it used to be. I'm sure using my smartphone as a calculator the moment I begin to get even slightly stuck isn't helping, but I used to be at least a little faster at it than most people.

Finally, I've also noticed that when it's possible to use two different words to say something, and one word is more correct than they other but harder to say (or just longer), I've started to trend towards using the simpler words instead of the more accurate one. As an English major who enjoys writin, this has really troubled me.

It's pretty clear that the suggestions are working, and that bothers me. As I've said, I have never tranced while listening to a file, but it's like all of the... eh... "positive reinforcement" I've been giving myself while listening to them or reading bimbo erotica or looking at bimbo porn has been building the suggestions anyways. I don't feel like my problem-solving skills are at all impaired, but clearly my math and language skills have been impacted to a minor degree.

What's worse is that while I definitely do NOT want to be dumb, the knowledge of what's happening (and that revulsion that it's happening) is really, really hot. It's pretty clear that what I want and what my libido wants are two different things at this point, and I doubt I have the self-control to quit indulging the fetish in the long run.

EDIT: Ugh... The irony is killing me, but I forgot something else that's happening a lot: I've been blanking on certain things. That is, I'd get ready to do, then right when I start I'd forget what it was I was supposed to be doing. I've alwas been a LITTLE absent-minded, but lately it's been happening several times a day. Never on anything important, but I might open up a browser tab to look something up then stare at it wondering what the hell I opened the tab for, knowing I did it for a reason but not remembering why. Or might start saying something then kind of trail off as I forget what I was going to say. Or... well, I'd write up a really long post describing how it feels like I'm starting to slip and forget one of the biggest ways I'm slipping.

I know these are things that just happen to some people every now and then, but like I said... this is all happening more than it used to.

It's like... I can see this all happening, but I know I'm not going to be able to keep myself from conditioning myself further by leaving the bimbo stuff alone.
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Postby slowslipper » July 15th, 2013, 9:48 pm

I have your same problem. It used to be that I would just read bimbofication stories and be done with it, but then when I started listening to the files about it I completely lost it. I even bleached my hair, and I don't exactly know why. :oops:

I know that I don't want to be dumb. I need to be as mentally present as possible in order to keep up with classes. It's just that the way it makes me feel is too good to resist. I don't feel like it's affected me if I ignore the details, but looking back at how I used to be there's a noticeable change in how often I lose my train of thought and how long I can pay attention to things. Other people have said things to me about it.
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Postby kslava » July 16th, 2013, 12:50 am

I've noticed a similar progression for me as well. In the last year or so I dipped back into bimbo stuff after years off it. I would rotate with different files, but for most of this year, the things that get me off most are bimbo files. As always for me, the primary attraction is the surrendering of the mind. Bimboization does this further than simple mind control or slavery, because it's both of those and more. It's like surrendering the part of the brain that has the capacity to fight the surrendering.

I think also for me the beauty of it is that it's also like stress relief or even meditation. Like in that movie Last Samurai, "No mind." It's a really blissful state and easy to fall into. And when we do, that might be where the bimboization is really happening.

Um... so I'm not really sure where I was going with this. Haha, blanked again... But basically just chiming in that I've had the same thing and it seems to be growing. And in the same way, it is hot and makes me horny, but it's not something to creep into my regular life at all... But then I'm not sure I entirely mind a little relaxation of the strict wordsmith part of me or the perfect memory machine for other people. I hate remembering things for other people, but I get asked a lot because I'm the memory person. In the last year, I've found myself more than ever at work saying, "I have to write that down or I simply won't remember it." And it's true.

Again... not sure how comfortable I feel about it... Part of me loves it, part of me needs restraint...

Er, I mean restraint from listening to the files... Wow... I haven't even listened to a file for about 3 weeks now, and there's still weird Freudian slips going on...

I think I'm going to go listen to one of my bimbo files now...
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Postby StrippedGears » July 16th, 2013, 1:20 am

kslava wrote:Again... not sure how comfortable I feel about it... Part of me loves it, part of me needs restraint...

Er, I mean restraint from listening to the files... Wow... I haven't even listened to a file for about 3 weeks now, and there's still weird Freudian slips going on...

I think I'm going to go listen to one of my bimbo files now...
Yeah... Part of me is like "well, the bimbofication is gonna happen anyways, so why hold back?" even while my conscious mind is like "please, please don't listen to more of them".

And yet here I am about to listen to another one and I don't know if it's because of a "being dumb is addictive" suggestion, a "if it feels good, do it" suggestion, or the fact that my self control has never been particularly amazing to begin with...
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Postby Tangy » July 16th, 2013, 5:54 am

StrippedGears wrote:
kslava wrote:Again... not sure how comfortable I feel about it... Part of me loves it, part of me needs restraint...

Er, I mean restraint from listening to the files... Wow... I haven't even listened to a file for about 3 weeks now, and there's still weird Freudian slips going on...

I think I'm going to go listen to one of my bimbo files now...
Yeah... Part of me is like "well, the bimbofication is gonna happen anyways, so why hold back?" even while my conscious mind is like "please, please don't listen to more of them".

And yet here I am about to listen to another one and I don't know if it's because of a "being dumb is addictive" suggestion, a "if it feels good, do it" suggestion, or the fact that my self control has never been particularly amazing to begin with...

I think your intelligents has Lowered :roll:
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Postby Sorez » July 16th, 2013, 6:47 am

This is also a big kink for me, and Im in the same boat as you, sometimes I just miss words and just be horrible in stuff like maths. I used to be perfect at english but now not so much as I make some more typos and choose simpler words too.

I looked at that paragraph and saw a lot of typos so I fixed them too...

And I also tend to blank out like you too, and its been hapenning a lot more lately. Heh.
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Postby xavious » July 16th, 2013, 9:13 am

I also like dumbing down, generally as a part of jock tfs, but also by itself. As a gay guy myself, I prefer it happening to guys. I'm assuming that the thread creator and most members responding are female 9which is fine, it just don't interest me).
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Postby darkenedav » July 16th, 2013, 10:48 am

tbh I find bimbo/himbo stuff is essentially like booze.

Yep it's good for lowering inhibitions, relaxing and tastes great.

The more you drink the easier it is to handle more and longer sessions.

Just remember too much and you could be sick and overkill will lead to hangover and the world is a great place :D
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Postby Sorez » July 16th, 2013, 12:17 pm

xavious wrote:I also like dumbing down, generally as a part of jock tfs, but also by itself. As a gay guy myself, I prefer it happening to guys. I'm assuming that the thread creator and most members responding are female 9which is fine, it just don't interest me).

Im male :P
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Postby StrippedGears » July 16th, 2013, 12:27 pm

Sorez wrote:
xavious wrote:I also like dumbing down, generally as a part of jock tfs, but also by itself. As a gay guy myself, I prefer it happening to guys. I'm assuming that the thread creator and most members responding are female 9which is fine, it just don't interest me).

Im male :P
Same here.

EDIT: I think part of it is that I really don't have any positive associations with the jock archetype. In my mind all it conjurs up is Jersey Shore, people beating me up in fifth grade, and loud jerks ruining perfectly nice bars. I know there's more to it than that, but that's just what my mind associates with jocks.

Meanwhile, when I think of bimbos I think of several different people I've met who were nice, happy, trusting, outgoing, generous people. GOOD people. Just... not exactly bright people. People I respected in general even if I didn't hold their intelligence in very high regard.
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Postby Ryan83 » July 16th, 2013, 8:57 pm

What bimbo files are you all listening to? (I'd like to try some... :P)
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Postby StrippedGears » July 17th, 2013, 1:22 am

If it's a free file here that deals with getting dumber in any way and it's not a jock file, I've given it a listen. Sometimes more than one listen.

Given the nature of my problem, I really can't say if any one file is more effective than any other...
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Postby xavious » July 17th, 2013, 4:20 am

I usually take bimbo to mean female, unless the person specifies. Some of the posts were pretty gender-neutral as well.

The reason why jocking files appeal to me is that I didn't grow up in America, so many of my tormentors were actually not that dumb in the first place. I don't think that the closest thing we had to a "dumb jock" character in our class even ever said a bad word to me.

That said, I do have an attraction and/or fascination with things that I shouldn't like, because I'm the type of person who thinks a lot. I actually like thinking about/writing corruption tales where the person becomes a bit of a sexy jerk. There are physical aspects of tfs like I like to see or hear mentioned which get me going, like more Neanderthal features, half-closed eyelids and such. The idea of the brain physically shrinking is a massive turn-on to me.
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Postby StrippedGears » July 22nd, 2013, 2:02 pm

tanyaslave wrote:Interesting- I'm jelly! :lol:
Don't be. This is the kind of thing that's great as a fantasy but not so great when it's very, very real.

Today I forgot about the month of October. I was labelling columns in an Excel worksheet based on month and I was just... "July, August, September, November... yeah, that looks right... wait..."

Then, a few minutes later when I remembered there's a month between September and November (FUCK... I almost typed "between August and September), I corrected it and added more months down the line. That's when I just barely caught myself forgetting about January, February, and April (for a brief period of time, my year started with march, skipped straight to May, and continued on).

So then I fixed THAT manually.

Then I remembered if I just put in a month and a year Excel will actually recognize it as a date and then I could just use the autocomplete handle to populate my column headers. The worst part is that at that point, it felt less like finding a smarter, easier way to do it and more like "fuck, now I need the computer to remember my months for me too".

This was at my job. Doing something that is absolutely core to how I earn my pay check.I literally can not afford to get any dumber without risking my job, but at the same time I feel like giving up the bimbo kink would be like giving up a part of myself. I really, really wish that this didn't push my buttons the way it does, but it's so thoroughly internalized now that I feel like it's only a matter of time until it runs its course.
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Postby xavious » July 22nd, 2013, 7:08 pm

I've been working with a guy who wants to be a dumb redneck. It's both exciting and scary since when I'm helping turn him into is the exact thing I typically loath. Corruption and changes against a persons will or into something negative are sexy to me.

I'm not sure how much previous experience he has with hypnosis but my suggestions seem to trance him pretty well, or maybe the dumbing down is like a trance state.
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Postby kslava » July 28th, 2013, 11:09 am

My favorite bimbo files are mostly short, not full hypnosis, but more trainers that you would put on loop (but I usually only listen to briefly, once in a while on loop).

PrettyGetter has three bimbo files that I like:
Bimbo Slave Mantra

And then, I like the simple mantra by boffa:
Be a Bimbo
(Just says over and over, "Be a bimbo; you don't have to think about it.")

And another trainer (longer than the others) by cosmictrigger4:
True You - Sex Obsessed Bimbo
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Postby kslava » July 28th, 2013, 11:12 am

You know the thing that truly attracts me to this is the mindlessness.

And as such a lot of bimbo files are more directed toward sex obsession than mindlessness. I wish there were more files, also more trigger oriented rather than training and curses, that focused more on this aspect of empty-headedness.

I just really love being an empty-headed airheaded giggly bimbo -- when playing, but not in real life.

But I could probably relax a bit more about things in real life and not be so high strung or uptight. At least I'm told I think too much...
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Postby robindf1 » July 31st, 2013, 7:13 pm

What are some of your favorite dumbing down files? I've used a few, but I worked with a hypnotist, for the most part, and the effects have worn off from his training. The files I've tried don't seem to do much.
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Postby robindf1 » August 5th, 2013, 7:07 pm

The strangest dumbing down is the dumbing down that feels almost normal. Last night I tried the file and felt foggy. My brain was gripped in this...well, foggy fog thing. I could spell alright, but some aspects of my intelligence took a dive. I went to bed and did work okay, with my brain being mostly okay.

When I came back home and really tested it, some things were DEFINITELY off. I kept saying "like" a lot and I couldn't use the right words for certain things. Vocabulary isn't awful yet, but my sentence structure is taking a massive dive. And unlike before, where I FELT that I was dumber, but this time....nothing. I felt normal.

It'll be interesting to where I go from here.
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Postby slowslipper » August 5th, 2013, 9:44 pm

robindf1 wrote:I kept saying "like" a lot

I use "like" when I'm talking now way more than I ever did when I was little, when everyone else I knew did.
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Postby XoraLogan » August 6th, 2013, 3:34 pm

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Postby StrippedGears » August 6th, 2013, 11:55 pm

I've managed to avoid listening to more bimbo files for a while, but over the past couple days I've started catching myself starting to sort of read things out loud. Really more of an under-my-breath mumble, but worrying nonetheless...
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Postby kslava » August 7th, 2013, 12:14 am

You know some of my favorite dumbing down hypnosis that I've experienced aren't actually the ones I listed above. Many years ago, I was on IRC (xchat) on a group that was something like "hypnosis/#sorcery" something (not sure). Well anyways, I was with a bunch of folks that I think eventually got associated with MzSharlenesTranzRealm, a website with a forum for a couple years. Anyways, through direct chat hypnosis, we gradually built up great trigger effects with cotton candy type imagery, super bubbly, pink, fun, giggly type feelings. It was really wonderful and all they had to say was one little trigger (I can't even remember now), and it would just set me off. I really really loved that but haven't had IRC for years and the same people have all moved on to other things I think. But it was good times to be sure, even if only in a chat room. :D

Pink really is wonderful... :wink:
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Postby darkenedav » August 7th, 2013, 9:55 am

kslava wrote:You know some of my favorite dumbing down hypnosis that I've experienced aren't actually the ones I listed above. Many years ago, I was on IRC (xchat) on a group that was something like "hypnosis/#sorcery" something (not sure). Well anyways, I was with a bunch of folks that I think eventually got associated with MzSharlenesTranzRealm, a website with a forum for a couple years. Anyways, through direct chat hypnosis, we gradually built up great trigger effects with cotton candy type imagery, super bubbly, pink, fun, giggly type feelings. It was really wonderful and all they had to say was one little trigger (I can't even remember now), and it would just set me off. I really really loved that but haven't had IRC for years and the same people have all moved on to other things I think. But it was good times to be sure, even if only in a chat room. :D

Pink really is wonderful... :wink:

That sounds like hypnobabble to me :) which was deliciously fun :)
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Postby kslava » August 7th, 2013, 8:07 pm

darkenedav wrote:
kslava wrote:You know some of my favorite dumbing down hypnosis that I've experienced aren't actually the ones I listed above. Many years ago, I was on IRC (xchat) on a group that was something like "hypnosis/#sorcery" something (not sure). Well anyways, I was with a bunch of folks that I think eventually got associated with MzSharlenesTranzRealm, a website with a forum for a couple years. Anyways, through direct chat hypnosis, we gradually built up great trigger effects with cotton candy type imagery, super bubbly, pink, fun, giggly type feelings. It was really wonderful and all they had to say was one little trigger (I can't even remember now), and it would just set me off. I really really loved that but haven't had IRC for years and the same people have all moved on to other things I think. But it was good times to be sure, even if only in a chat room. :D

Pink really is wonderful... :wink:

That sounds like hypnobabble to me :) which was deliciously fun :)

What do you mean? Is that the name of a file, a chat room or channel?
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Some help

Postby Plaat » August 12th, 2013, 9:41 pm

Sounds like you need to take a break; there's a few bimbo antidote files perking up that can help; but I'm certain taking a break and using different files; or just going to the fiction or the image stories will get you out of the downward spiral. Switch to mindless files that are temporary' or even bimbo ones that are not curses. this can lean your mind back to thinking of your kink as being contained in your sexual life and not in the rest.

On the other hand; even the smartest of us have off days; feel tired or simply don't work out our mind. Try mental exercises; like working out to counter junk food. There's also this trick of taking your fingers and racking them across your head to wake your self up.
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Postby rubbapig » August 13th, 2013, 5:22 am

robindf1 wrote:The strangest dumbing down is the dumbing down that feels almost normal. Last night I tried the file and felt foggy. My brain was gripped in this...well, foggy fog thing. I could spell alright, but some aspects of my intelligence took a dive. I went to bed and did work okay, with my brain being mostly okay.

When I came back home and really tested it, some things were DEFINITELY off. I kept saying "like" a lot and I couldn't use the right words for certain things. Vocabulary isn't awful yet, but my sentence structure is taking a massive dive. And unlike before, where I FELT that I was dumber, but this time....nothing. I felt normal.

It'll be interesting to where I go from here.

Dude... kan I ask wot fials yer lissinin to plese bro?

ive bin doin a cuple of jock tf fials for bout 6 munfs now like.. me aim was to like get meself fit ratha than anyfin else. Wen I started I didunt see meself as like bein a jock or wontin to be dum or anyfin an pretty much ignored those bits an didunt fink they wud work like.
But guess that's sorta like krept up on me as now not interested in anyfin otha than sport, workin out and sex. And that's just like awesum! Am luvvin not finkin so much an wud like to becum like propa dum permenuntly
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Postby XoraLogan » August 13th, 2013, 11:35 am

Are you for real? :?
If so it's already worked more than well enough.

Have you ever read 'Flowers for Algernon'?
You really sound a lot like 'Charly' Gordon, at the beginning and end of that book, and no, that's not a compliment.

If even 5% of the stuff on this forum is genuine, then it's pretty terrifying.
It must be wrecking a lot of lives. 8O

Intelligence is the most precious gift given to humanity, and shouldn't be sacrificed in exchange for anything be it physical, social, sexual or financial.
There are more than enough stupid people around already, so if you have anything more to offer the world, don't let it slip away. :cry:
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Postby rubbapig » August 13th, 2013, 12:52 pm

XoraLogan wrote:Are you for real? :?
If so it's already worked more than well enough.

Have you ever read 'Flowers for Algernon'?
You really sound a lot like 'Charly' Gordon, at the beginning and end of that book, and no, that's not a compliment.

If even 5% of the stuff on this forum is genuine, then it's pretty terrifying.
It must be wrecking a lot of lives. 8O

Intelligence is the most precious gift given to humanity, and shouldn't be sacrificed in exchange for anything be it physical, social, sexual or financial.
There are more than enough stupid people around already, so if you have anything more to offer the world, don't let it slip away. :cry:

Yea, im for real dude. And fanks... but wile its gud to know sumits workin its only like effecting me speech an typing an stuff like how I fink of meself atm.

"Intelligence is the most precious gift...." Ya reckon dude? Who told ya that? Has felt more like a curse to me... with everyfing lernt only leeding to yet more questions along with a greater awareness of just how powerless and futile life is! Always striving for sumit betta to ease the uncontemtment that lurks beneth.

Has takan me years to realize that most of my aims/aspiriations in life aren't mine at all.. but those of my parents, friends, partner etc.. That wile everywun was so pleased wen finally got the well paid, all so high powered job that everywun told me I shud have I wos stressed as fuk, miserable wiv no time for meself or anyfin I wonted to do to the point where it made me very unhappy and at times, unwell.

Am now findin new interests.. and am very content wiv wot ive got ratha than looking at the greener grass all da time. Am happier and weller than have bin in years dude..

Oh.. an im getting more an betta sex too btw :-)
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Postby XoraLogan » August 13th, 2013, 5:21 pm

I agree, high powered jobs are not all they are cracked up to be, and yes I'm looking for a way out as well, hence lurking around here for nearly a year.
However dropping down to the lowest common denominator level of society is not going to be a solution to anything.

If you want to help reshape the world into the kind of place you think it ought to be, or even want be in a position to understand what is actually going on, then limiting your brain to only work in words of one syllable is not going to help you much.

By all means drop out of the corporate rat-race if you want, but get creative,
write a book, start a blog, set up a 3D printing business, compose a symphony or something.
There is so much going on right now, the seeds of change are already germinating everywhere, don't you want to be around to see what happens?
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Postby KIY » August 13th, 2013, 9:22 pm

What's involved in starting a 3D printing business. I've managed to drop out of the rat race by becoming unemployed-- which wasn't really how I planed on doing so. (I'm not into intelligence reduction, just curious how well it works for those who are.)
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Postby rubbapig » August 14th, 2013, 12:14 am

XoraLogan wrote:I agree, high powered jobs are not all they are cracked up to be, and yes I'm looking for a way out as well, hence lurking around here for nearly a year.
However dropping down to the lowest common denominator level of society is not going to be a solution to anything.

If you want to help reshape the world into the kind of place you think it ought to be, or even want be in a position to understand what is actually going on, then limiting your brain to only work in words of one syllable is not going to help you much.

By all means drop out of the corporate rat-race if you want, but get creative,
write a book, start a blog, set up a 3D printing business, compose a symphony or something.
There is so much going on right now, the seeds of change are already germinating everywhere, don't you want to be around to see what happens?

Dude... I disagree - Am feelin a lot happier and less stressed than wen furst started lissunin to the jock fials.. still got all the same shit as had, just seem to be koping wiv it betta like. You may now fink of me as bein the lowest in society but I feel as tho im becumin a betta person for it - and me mates here wile laffin at how I talk now (seem to use bro, dude and awesum a lot lol) reckon im more relaxed and easier to be around generaly.

And no dude.. I don't wont to change the world. Nor do I yet have the arrogance to fink I kan. To me it was only eva bout getting a bit of extra motivation to work out and improve my fitness and health. Didunt at that point get da 'bein a jock' fing or wont to be like stupid or anyfing. It was only wen I was questioned bout me langwage an suddun swearin an stuff that I realized wot changes was going on.

Yea I admit that I sumtimes find it hard to fink of the rite word wanna use an that ther was like a cuple of words u rote that had to look up wot they ment... but am still more than able to do me job and ova da last cuple of munfs bin injoying it to now that ive stopped finkin of it bein beneth me.
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Postby trudes » August 15th, 2013, 12:32 am

Haha, why are you talking like the Orks from Warhammer 40k?
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Re: [Success, ish] Various Bimbo/Intelligence Reduction File

Postby bighugeblondeguy » December 1st, 2019, 9:51 pm

I find some of the stories here quite concerning. Indeed, "intelligence reduction" isn't really my thing, although I can imagine how it could be fun too.
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