Curse Forced Straight

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby danny1988 » August 18th, 2013, 9:35 am

rubbapig wrote:I agree wiv robindf1..

"However they weren't totally gay, the had a deep desire to be straight.. Or maybe they didn't like themselves being gay".

What?? Where are you gettin that from dude? I Kant see anyfing in there original posts to sujest that's the case.. Rather the opposite IMO. Seems to me as if your trying to pass off your own opinion as 'fact' .. Unwilling or unable to consider the validity of anywun else's views, woteva the evidence, in case it challenges your seemingly blinkered view of how fings are and/or shud be!

Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh dude.. But your points seem sumwot confused at best.. And out rite contridictionary in places.
You state that you believe that sexuality is not fixed, that a guys leanings will shift naturally.. Wlle in your previous post you use the example of anti-gay groups and there usually spurious methods to 'turn' people and how that more often than not does not work .. Implying that people are wot they are and cannot be changed by hypno or other methods - that sexual orientation is indeed fixed.

So what do you believe dude? Fixed or fluid?

My belief is that it varies from person to person.. In your case you say that you can feel physical/sexual attraction to both sexes.. Implying you are to sum degree bisexual.. In which case for you it is fluid. Wheras for me I've neva felt any sexual attraction to a woman - my reaction to straight porn is either that its laughably corny, or simply yuck, switch it off! Ad that's how it always bin.. Sujesting for me at leest, it's a bit more fixed.

Now, that does not make your expiriunce any less valid than mine.. But then, nor does it make it any more valid either! More likely is that we are all different and at various points along the gay-bisexual-straight scale if ya like.
I'm probably near the 100% gay end and you from wot you have sed, nearer a 60/40% gay leaning bisexual point. That for wot its worth, is my theory.

Oh.. And please - in wot way is "bein gay very similar to bein straight" dude?[/i][/b]

Maybe, i agree everyone is different though but you can't deny they had a massive desire to be straight I saw that very clearly from their posts. Wether this was from unhappiness being gay or pressures from society or just maybe a curiosity to want to be attracted to women, they are all drives to change themselves.
The thing is this though being gay or straight really isnt about the personality, both these files change your personality from what ive seen unwanted or not which just I dont know makes me believe its something different in how it changes orientation.
Like I would say your about right maybe 70/30 leaning gay myself but certain girls can make me drool lol, but if I see a guy guy in skinny jeans or just his sexy chest or justing thinking of him cuddling me or pounding me all night long well its something else xD

I am quite straight actiing, but my personality changes wildly depending on my moods. I can also be very gay not a flaming queen but just very gay dont know how to descibe it ^^
Maybe I can handle my like of both genders and not be confused by it as I am fluid as a person, I just go with things and say things and do things without thinking I basically let everything out and just go with the flow ^^

I just get a sense of loss from the gay and straight files but I guess you could say that about any thing that changes personality, gay, straight, vulcan, genderless blob of goo from the planet ooooom. Isnt orientation more about who you are attracted to and not about your presonality? I just think of Maxxie from Skins here lol, such a cutie ^^ anyway he was basically your typical guy who just happened to like guys. These files more change who you are based on your orientation from what ive seen and honestly I think its a bit shit, if everyone was a raging queen or sports loving straight guy the world is going to be a very boring place lol. Its our personalities that develop over time that are special and unique imo.
But having said that only seeing a few posts by someone you can hardly tell who they are.

I am also very confused yes and it does vary greatly from person to person basically some people are fixed others are fluid like you said maybe I didn't get that point across very well I ramble.

Also not to sound harsh but WTF my views are not FACT they are views and theories and my own understanding from what I've read researched and experienced. Everyone has a valid opinion which relates to them but most poeple listening to this form of hypnosis from sites like this can't see the forest for the trees. The effects can creep up on you and effect you in ways you never thought it could and very easily change your view on something or want to do something. I've not listened to much hypnosis as of late, but all my views are from a outside perspective and just theories so that may be entirely wrong anyway. But invalid theories are just as valid as correct ones.

Yes I ramble and my posts may be incoherent and contradictory but that's how my head is I think of tons of things.

I am willing to believe that files like this can affect people who want to be straight, maybe even those who don't or are curious given enough time.
But I don't think this will work for everyone, people are unique. But I don't see how you can be yourself calling me out for not believing when you said you are sceptical thinking the gay curse would work....

Oh with gay being similar to straight I meant that the ability for orientation to change, I sort of forgot to put that and rambled on xD
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Postby robindf1 » August 18th, 2013, 12:21 pm

Don't call me out by saying, "Oh, it's my opinion, and my opinion is valid to me," and all that. No, it's either something that's true or it's not. If you're making a factual statement, whether it's your opinion or not, you can be wrong.

That's not forest for the trees anything. That's basic logic. Don't be so defensive about it. If you can't handle people telling you you're wrong, don't be aggressive and defensive. It wins you no favors.

"But invalid theories are just as valid as correct ones. "

Noooope. Unless you're using some strange definition of valid that I've never heard of.

And speaking of that, don't use the word theory like that please.

Umm, this place is more or less for hot posts and updates from people, and this isn't the first thread you've come into and tried to ruin the fun, then got really aggressive and defensive. It gets old fast. Please, stop it. Let people have their fun. This isn't the place for being a party pooper.
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Postby danny1988 » August 18th, 2013, 1:31 pm

robindf1 wrote:Don't call me out by saying, "Oh, it's my opinion, and my opinion is valid to me," and all that. No, it's either something that's true or it's not. If you're making a factual statement, whether it's your opinion or not, you can be wrong.

That's not forest for the trees anything. That's basic logic. Don't be so defensive about it. If you can't handle people telling you you're wrong, don't be aggressive and defensive. It wins you no favors.

"But invalid theories are just as valid as correct ones. "

Noooope. Unless you're using some strange definition of valid that I've never heard of.

And speaking of that, don't use the word theory like that please.

Umm, this place is more or less for hot posts and updates from people, and this isn't the first thread you've come into and tried to ruin the fun, then got really aggressive and defensive. It gets old fast. Please, stop it. Let people have their fun. This isn't the place for being a party pooper.

Agressive and defensive no, emotionally unstable yes.

Also I seem to be only writing part of what I think, with the invalid theories bit what was in my head and what came out were two different things.
Invalid theories lead us to correct one's, but thats not to say they are the only correct one.

Im sorry if my posts arnt hot, im only asking questions and posing theories which may be wildly incorrect.
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Postby kingy » August 29th, 2013, 10:49 pm

Thanks For the warm welcome to the fold NorCal. It has been so long since I last got off. That and listening to the file every day have me feeling so ready to fuck a girl. I have even been popping boners at every little thing. Girls passing by with low cut shirts and skirts. Any hint of cleavage or the smell of perfume kinda has me going.

It is really funny you suggest going to a club to make out with a girl cause that is exactly what I have been doing. Each weekend my bros and I go out and hit the clubs looking for girls. Last time I had my first glimmer of success. I found this girl who was hanging with her friends and our groups of friends started talking and we ended up splitting off. I got my first kiss from a girl from her and we made out. She even let me feel up her boobs.

I feel like a horny teenager all over again. I almost creamed my pants just from cupping her boobs. They weren't huge or anything but they felt perfect to me. Her soft feminine features contrasted my hard masculine ones. We just fit together. This kinda made me realize that girls and guys just go so perfectly together i don't see why i ever thought differently.

I didn't get any further than that but I finally feel ready to go all the way with a girl. I am still talking to the girl who I felt up and i think we might have a proper date soon. I feel like this could be real. It seems so dreamy. I just wish i had done this sooner. I am gonna get all my gay friends to listen to this file cause they need to see how wonderful this is.
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Postby danny1988 » August 30th, 2013, 7:55 am

kingy wrote:Thanks For the warm welcome to the fold NorCal. It has been so long since I last got off. That and listening to the file every day have me feeling so ready to fuck a girl. I have even been popping boners at every little thing. Girls passing by with low cut shirts and skirts. Any hint of cleavage or the smell of perfume kinda has me going.

It is really funny you suggest going to a club to make out with a girl cause that is exactly what I have been doing. Each weekend my bros and I go out and hit the clubs looking for girls. Last time I had my first glimmer of success. I found this girl who was hanging with her friends and our groups of friends started talking and we ended up splitting off. I got my first kiss from a girl from her and we made out. She even let me feel up her boobs.

I feel like a horny teenager all over again. I almost creamed my pants just from cupping her boobs. They weren't huge or anything but they felt perfect to me. Her soft feminine features contrasted my hard masculine ones. We just fit together. This kinda made me realize that girls and guys just go so perfectly together i don't see why i ever thought differently.

I didn't get any further than that but I finally feel ready to go all the way with a girl. I am still talking to the girl who I felt up and i think we might have a proper date soon. I feel like this could be real. It seems so dreamy. I just wish i had done this sooner. I am gonna get all my gay friends to listen to this file cause they need to see how wonderful this is.

Awesome your having fun but I would be very careful with getting your friends to listen to this file.
One they may be in happy relationships.
Two they may not like you suggesting they change their orientation.
Three it may seem totally logical and making sense in your head to them it may seem a little wrong. And offended you suggest it.

But your friends may love the idea I don't know just be careful.
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Postby robindf1 » August 30th, 2013, 6:37 pm

Because what gay people love to hear is that homosexuality sucks and that they should get with a chick. No offense, Kingsy,
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calm down

Postby legeth » August 31st, 2013, 12:39 pm

I'm sure they won't take offense if they are close friends. They might have had the curiosity of what it is like to be straight. He just wants to share an experience with his friends. It's not like he's going to say being gay is wrong and you should be straight. Considering he was a homosexual himself. However, I would leave the people who are in a relationship alone.

Postby Myaccount » October 3rd, 2013, 2:40 pm

Sexuality can be both fluid, and not changeable by hypnosis, and therapy. Something might change biologically that changes your sexuality then hypnosis can help you to realize, and consciously accept it. This is the only logical way to have hypnosis do anything, and not have any reliable way to change sexual orientation as both seem to be true.
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Postby rigsby » October 4th, 2013, 10:38 am

Myaccount wrote:Sexuality can be both fluid, and not changeable by hypnosis, and therapy. Something might change biologically that changes your sexuality then hypnosis can help you to realize, and consciously accept it. This is the only logical way to have hypnosis do anything, and not have any reliable way to change sexual orientation as both seem to be true.

Hypnosis is definitely not a "reliable" way to change sexuality, for no other reason than that it can't work on everyone. Those who are dead set against such a change will simply not be able to trance to that kind of file.

Of course, it becomes a "chicken and egg" question when someone does switch orientation. Does it happen because they're experiencing biological changes, or does the hypnosis trigger any biological reactions?
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Postby robindf1 » October 10th, 2013, 7:42 pm

any updates?
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Postby kingy » October 11th, 2013, 3:34 am

Yeah I got some news. A couple weeks back I finally lost my girl virginty. The girl I wrote about last time and me kept meeting up. We are datign officially now. One day when we were making out, I finally made the move to go all the way with her. The first thing I did was I fingered her. As I fingered her I felt pussy for the first time. It was amazing. So soft and wet. I was shocked at how warm pussy is.

When I was fingering her, All I could really think about was how perfectly that pussy would feel on my cock. I could tell how perfectly designed vagina was for cock. It clicked.

She went down on me next and i was the hardest I had ever been in my life. I didn't even know cocks could get that hard. She was so good at sucking cock, i could barely hold myself back from cumming right down her throat.

I knew that before I came, I needed to feel pussy on my cock. We re positioned and i found my cock at her entrance. When I stuck it into her it felt like I was sticking my cock into lava but in a good way. In the moment, all the stuff I ever did with guys started seeming completely inadequate. Me, a man, inside a woman was how things were meant to be. I was meant to be straight all along.

I am so happy this file got me to this point. I am a real man now. I am who i was meant to be. Straight sex is just better than gay sex. I don't want to offend but it just is. The only thing that scares me now is coming out as straight to my family.
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Postby rigsby » October 11th, 2013, 11:34 am

kingy wrote:Straight sex is just better than gay sex. I don't want to offend but it just is.

Straight sex is better for you, but it isn't necessarily better for everyone. No offense taken, by the way. TBH, I'm not sure why anyone would be offended; it's a lot like saying "Vanilla ice cream is better than chocolate ice cream."

Anyway, I'm happy for you that you found your favorite.
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Postby robindf1 » October 11th, 2013, 6:52 pm

kingy wrote:Yeah I got some news. A couple weeks back I finally lost my girl virginty. The girl I wrote about last time and me kept meeting up. We are datign officially now. One day when we were making out, I finally made the move to go all the way with her. The first thing I did was I fingered her. As I fingered her I felt pussy for the first time. It was amazing. So soft and wet. I was shocked at how warm pussy is.

When I was fingering her, All I could really think about was how perfectly that pussy would feel on my cock. I could tell how perfectly designed vagina was for cock. It clicked.

She went down on me next and i was the hardest I had ever been in my life. I didn't even know cocks could get that hard. She was so good at sucking cock, i could barely hold myself back from cumming right down her throat.

I knew that before I came, I needed to feel pussy on my cock. We re positioned and i found my cock at her entrance. When I stuck it into her it felt like I was sticking my cock into lava but in a good way. In the moment, all the stuff I ever did with guys started seeming completely inadequate. Me, a man, inside a woman was how things were meant to be. I was meant to be straight all along.

I am so happy this file got me to this point. I am a real man now. I am who i was meant to be. Straight sex is just better than gay sex. I don't want to offend but it just is. The only thing that scares me now is coming out as straight to my family.

I disagree, but you sound so passionate about it that I almost want to try. I have a boyfriend, though, so nope! I like our sex life fine anyway~
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Postby hotcollegedude » October 15th, 2013, 2:31 am

So I was wondering, why is the voice for the CFS file so computerized sounding? Or is this just an artifact of my computer? She kind of sounds like the voice of Siri from Iphones a little...

I've noticed this type of computerized voice in other files that I've browsed. I'm a pretty big newb to this stuff but can people actually go under with a voice like that. I find it not very relaxing and very hard to go into trance. Sorry if these are stupid questions.
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Postby shadowguy » October 16th, 2013, 6:05 am

Dear hotcollegeguy,

That isn't a stupid question, honestly I find it impossible to go under unless it's a human voice, so I have 2 suggestions for you if you are serious about changing your sexual preference:

1: Bear through the file for awhile longer


2: find a tist who will help you go straight, because files like these are effective, I read before that you were nervous about it and in my opinion a hypnotist could help

regarding how you find one (if that road seems easier) I'd help or go under meeting grounds and ask for one of them to help
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Postby observer » October 19th, 2013, 8:39 am

I must say the number of posts in this thread seeking to dissuade the users of CFS is quite significant! CFG users often seem to interpret the suggestion in that file about how much they love being gay as driving them to go out and evangelize to the masses about the wonders of homosexuality. Put any CFG user in the proximity of another man on this forum and it won't be long before he seems to be encouraging him to listen to CFG too.

Nobody ever seems to complain about CFG being 'viral' in this way. CFG users never seem to worry that they will be causing offense when they preach about how much better it is to be gay and reveal their blatant desire to turn every man under the sun gay. They often generalize that any man will feel excited and liberated by going gay and that it is self-evident that a gay lifestyle is better.

Yet users of CFS always seem to qualify their statements to make clear that they don't intend to cause offense, they almost seem hesitant to post about their experiences to avoid controversy. Any statement that becoming straight has made them more masculine must be toned down. Any suggestion that others should try the file is seen as imposing.

CFG users can go thundering about the forum with their absolute certainty that everyone should turn gay, yet when CFS users act in a way not even barely approaching this, they are met with hostility, often from CFG users. It is a ridiculous double standard.

If CFG users are allowed to evangelize about their change then CFS users should be too. If CFG users can try to tempt people into being gay then CFS users should be able to do the same with being straight. If CFG users can say that they have felt more liberated in becoming gay then CFS users should be able to say that they have felt more masculine in becoming straight.

Finally, if CFG users are so sure that being gay is better for everyone, then CFS users should be allowed to think that being straight is better for everyone. And if CFG users find that offensive, maybe they should stop trying to shove their own beliefs down everyone else's throat first.
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Postby rigsby » October 19th, 2013, 2:35 pm

observer wrote:Finally, if CFG users are so sure that being gay is better for everyone, then CFS users should be allowed to think that being straight is better for everyone. And if CFG users find that offensive, maybe they should stop trying to shove their own beliefs down everyone else's throat first.

I've used CFG, and I'm not the slightest bit offended that some gay guys are interested in exploring straight sex. So don't lump me in with evangelizers or those 'shoving their own beliefs down everyone else's throat.'

The truth is that we are sexual beings, and that many of us will strongly prefer one type of sex over the other. Personally, I think people can enjoy their sex lives more if they have actually experienced both and can make a more 'informed' decision.
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Postby lew897 » October 19th, 2013, 5:31 pm

Yeah, I agree with observer. People think CFS is homophobic and have said so. So, I think CF anything will make you biased about anything. I try to ignore it but its interesting that gay guys read CFS and comment on it as well. And since it is a Curse it should be the best thing in the world. And since this is curse force straight why do gay guys say its not the best? But as far as I know this is how every forum is treated. There is a discussion and someone will always comment that the exact opposite is better.
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Postby lew897 » October 19th, 2013, 5:33 pm

[Personally, I think people can enjoy their sex lives more if they have actually experienced both and can make a more 'informed' decision.quote] That isnt shoving their beliefs down their throat?[/quote]
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Postby rigsby » October 19th, 2013, 11:20 pm

lew897 wrote:
rigsby wrote:Personally, I think people can enjoy their sex lives more if they have actually experienced both and can make a more 'informed' decision.
That isnt shoving their beliefs down their throat?

I can't imagine why anyone would think so.
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Postby observer » October 20th, 2013, 5:17 am

lew897 wrote:Yeah, I agree with observer. People think CFS is homophobic and have said so.

This is exactly what happens but CFS users are less preachy than CFG users. Not saying for a moment that all CFG users are this way but there are just too many examples of CFG users on this forum trying to push other guys into being gay to say that on the whole CFG users are respectful of the sexuality of those who remain straight.

CFG users are never going to stop acting this way, imo. They are brainwashed by their file to believe being gay is better so they're going to keep promoting it even if they can't come up with any real reason that it's better. I don't think the guys who use and like CFS should invade other threads the way CFG users seem to, but I think they should band together to encourage guys in this thread.

lew897: How are things going with you? Are you still using the file?

rigsby: Ever considered using CFS to come back to the fold? Being straight might be more exciting now that you've been away from it...
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Postby danny1988 » October 20th, 2013, 6:00 am

observer wrote:
lew897 wrote:Yeah, I agree with observer. People think CFS is homophobic and have said so.

This is exactly what happens but CFS users are less preachy than CFG users. Not saying for a moment that all CFG users are this way but there are just too many examples of CFG users on this forum trying to push other guys into being gay to say that on the whole CFG users are respectful of the sexuality of those who remain straight.

CFG users are never going to stop acting this way, imo. They are brainwashed by their file to believe being gay is better so they're going to keep promoting it even if they can't come up with any real reason that it's better. I don't think the guys who use and like CFS should invade other threads the way CFG users seem to, but I think they should band together to encourage guys in this thread.

lew897: How are things going with you? Are you still using the file?

rigsby: Ever considered using CFS to come back to the fold? Being straight might be more exciting now that you've been away from it...

Ok ill bite, funny I had a dream about the arguments in this thread >.<

1 CFS is NOT homophobic, just some poeple thought some of the comments on here by CFS converts were a little homophobic myself included and yes I apologise for that not a proud moment but its what I felt as wrong as it may have been.

2 I dont see many CFG people pusing people to listen to it but I dont come on here as much as I used to and people are free to make their own decisions. If someone gives in to listening to a file from some words by someone to me they have an interest, you cant force someone to do anything period.

3 Hypnosis is not brainwashing... simple fact and if CFG users are brainwashed as you say almost everone on this site has been brainwashed to some degree.

4 I realise now my only issue with these files both of them is if someone already has a boyfriend or girlfriend and starts listening for fun. I just dont like that people would readily be willing to upset someone if they were no longer romantically attracted to their partner. Just imagine how you would feel if your boyfriend or girlfriend was no long attracted to you and wanted to end your relationship.

All in all I think people need to take a step back and chill, seriously stop the arguing, support each other. Maybe we need a new section to the forum to debate stuff like this. But seriously people mellow out and just enjoy if ive learnt anything its that. Enjoy life there is far too little of it to spend arguing on a forum.
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Postby ftslave67 » October 20th, 2013, 6:35 am

If there is a bias against CFS among gay guys, it is probably because society has a decidedly, sometimes violent, anti-gay bias, although it appears to be on the decline, thankfully. There are still parents that would try to force their child into aversion therapy, or even kick them out of the house.

I think the key is to remember that if you don't want to change your sexual orientation, it probably won't work. And it's evil to try to force such a change on a vulnerable teenager or young adult.
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Postby observer » October 20th, 2013, 7:08 am

ftslave67 wrote:If there is a bias against CFS among gay guys, it is probably because society has a decidedly, sometimes violent, anti-gay bias, although it appears to be on the decline, thankfully. There are still parents that would try to force their child into aversion therapy, or even kick them out of the house.

I think the key is to remember that if you don't want to change your sexual orientation, it probably won't work. And it's evil to try to force such a change on a vulnerable teenager or young adult.

I think we can all agree on that one. Maybe both sides should set a minimum age for encouragement like 20+?
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Postby danny1988 » October 20th, 2013, 7:51 am

observer wrote:
ftslave67 wrote:If there is a bias against CFS among gay guys, it is probably because society has a decidedly, sometimes violent, anti-gay bias, although it appears to be on the decline, thankfully. There are still parents that would try to force their child into aversion therapy, or even kick them out of the house.

I think the key is to remember that if you don't want to change your sexual orientation, it probably won't work. And it's evil to try to force such a change on a vulnerable teenager or young adult.

I think we can all agree on that one. Maybe both sides should set a minimum age for encouragement like 20+?

ftslave67 I think you hit the nail on the head with that one ^_^
I think thats the main issue and we need to remember hypnosis isnt about force even though the files have it in the title. Hypnosis cant work unless it is wanted.

observer I honestly think that may be a good idea, but maybe a little older 21+ just from personal experience I didnt really know my orientation till a bit later in life. Orientation can be confusing enough at times figuring it out without hypnosis in the mix lol. I guess I never really thought about it and didnt care I was just me.
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Postby observer » October 20th, 2013, 9:13 am

danny1988 wrote:
observer wrote:
ftslave67 wrote:If there is a bias against CFS among gay guys, it is probably because society has a decidedly, sometimes violent, anti-gay bias, although it appears to be on the decline, thankfully. There are still parents that would try to force their child into aversion therapy, or even kick them out of the house.

I think the key is to remember that if you don't want to change your sexual orientation, it probably won't work. And it's evil to try to force such a change on a vulnerable teenager or young adult.

I think we can all agree on that one. Maybe both sides should set a minimum age for encouragement like 20+?

ftslave67 I think you hit the nail on the head with that one ^_^
I think thats the main issue and we need to remember hypnosis isnt about force even though the files have it in the title. Hypnosis cant work unless it is wanted.

observer I honestly think that may be a good idea, but maybe a little older 21+ just from personal experience I didnt really know my orientation till a bit later in life. Orientation can be confusing enough at times figuring it out without hypnosis in the mix lol. I guess I never really thought about it and didnt care I was just me.

Maybe we could think up a set of ground rules and have a new CFS Encouragement and CFG Encouragement threads (and a CFBi one too).
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Postby robindf1 » October 20th, 2013, 9:53 am

I support this. I'm actually kinda eager to see if I can be encouraged. Oh dear, might be a new convert. >.<
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Postby danny1988 » October 20th, 2013, 10:14 am

robindf1 wrote:I support this. I'm actually kinda eager to see if I can be encouraged. Oh dear, might be a new convert. >.<

I support this too, I think debating should be left to other topics imo.
Like CFS Debate, CFG Debate etc
I see now it causes too much friction if its all in the same thread.

FYI I for one wont be listening and I never have xD but anything to stop this arguing would be awesome. Im quite happy being bi for the most part haha.

As for rules well the only thing I can think of is the thing I mentioned before.
I dont think anyone should be encouraged or told to listen to either CFS or CFG if they already have a partner or are in a happy relationship... I just find it a bit moraly questionable and quite frankly sad and someone will get hurt there are no two ways about it. This may just be me though.

Also age wise for encouragement 21+ sounds good.

Love to hear what others think about new rules for these encouragement threads ^_^
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Postby observer » October 20th, 2013, 10:25 am

danny1988 wrote:I dont think anyone should be encouraged or told to listen to either CFS or CFG if they already have a partner or are in a happy relationship... I just find it a bit moraly questionable and quite frankly sad and someone will get hurt there are no two ways about it. This may just be me though.

Well, it depends. If they are sure about the consequences...
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Postby danny1988 » October 20th, 2013, 11:01 am

observer wrote:
danny1988 wrote:I dont think anyone should be encouraged or told to listen to either CFS or CFG if they already have a partner or are in a happy relationship... I just find it a bit moraly questionable and quite frankly sad and someone will get hurt there are no two ways about it. This may just be me though.

Well, it depends. If they are sure about the consequences...

Hmmm some people have said I think alot about what could happen and I shouldnt.
But does no one think its very sad if someone who is in a happy relationship with someone who loves them and decides to listen to either of these files and then that person looses all attraction to the one they loved and breaks the others heart.

Or another route imagine someone is in a happy relationship again they have a partner and maybe a kid then they listen to this file break up with their partner and leave the kid with two divorced parents.

I have totally no issue if the person listening is single, maybe im overly sensitive but I just find both thoes options very sad endings for something that is a fetish. Yes I know for some it isnt a fetish for but some it is.

>.< now I realise im starting a bloody debate again.
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Postby robindf1 » October 20th, 2013, 11:27 am

danny1988 wrote:
observer wrote:
danny1988 wrote:I dont think anyone should be encouraged or told to listen to either CFS or CFG if they already have a partner or are in a happy relationship... I just find it a bit moraly questionable and quite frankly sad and someone will get hurt there are no two ways about it. This may just be me though.

Well, it depends. If they are sure about the consequences...

Hmmm some people have said I think alot about what could happen and I shouldnt.
But does no one think its very sad if someone who is in a happy relationship with someone who loves them and decides to listen to either of these files and then that person looses all attraction to the one they loved and breaks the others heart.

Or another route imagine someone is in a happy relationship again they have a partner and maybe a kid then they listen to this file break up with their partner and leave the kid with two divorced parents.

I have totally no issue if the person listening is single, maybe im overly sensitive but I just find both thoes options very sad endings for something that is a fetish. Yes I know for some it isnt a fetish for but some it is.

>.< now I realise im starting a bloody debate again.

Someone just make the thread. We can worry about the consequences of our own decisions.
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Postby observer » October 20th, 2013, 11:33 am

danny1988 wrote:Or another route imagine someone is in a happy relationship again they have a partner and maybe a kid then they listen to this file break up with their partner and leave the kid with two divorced parents.

I have totally no issue if the person listening is single, maybe im overly sensitive but I just find both thoes options very sad endings for something that is a fetish. Yes I know for some it isnt a fetish for but some it is.

>.< now I realise im starting a bloody debate again.

Well how about this. Anyone who is looking to be encouraged must declare:

1. I am 21 years of age or older

2. One of the following is true:
a. I am single.
b. My partner is aware of and encouraging my use of the file.
c. My partner is not aware of my use of the file. I am aware that my use of the file will most likely end my current relationship and I accept that at this stage, before any encouragement has taken place.

3. I am aware of my current sexuality and my primary motivation for use of this file is not shame in it. One of the following is true:
a. There is no religious component to my desire for transformation.
b. Any religious component to my desire for transformation is personal and not imposed by a religious community.

Anyone who comes into the thread for encouragement must state their affirmation (for example 'I affirm that 1, 2a and 3a are true.') Anyone who feels uncomfortable with encouraging anyone who says 2c is true can state their objection to that, but at the end of the day if they are sure they want to be encouraged, and we know they're not too young or too influenced by peer pressure or shame to make their decision, I think that is their choice.
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Postby danny1988 » October 20th, 2013, 11:46 am

observer wrote:
danny1988 wrote:Or another route imagine someone is in a happy relationship again they have a partner and maybe a kid then they listen to this file break up with their partner and leave the kid with two divorced parents.

I have totally no issue if the person listening is single, maybe im overly sensitive but I just find both thoes options very sad endings for something that is a fetish. Yes I know for some it isnt a fetish for but some it is.

>.< now I realise im starting a bloody debate again.

Well how about this. Anyone who is looking to be encouraged must declare:

1. I am 21 years of age or older

2. One of the following is true:
a. I am single.
b. My partner is aware of and encouraging my use of the file.
c. My partner is not aware of my use of the file. I am aware that my use of the file will most likely end my current relationship and I accept that at this stage, before any encouragement has taken place.

3. I am aware of my current sexuality and my primary motivation for use of this file is not shame in it. One of the following is true:
a. There is no religious component to my desire for transformation.
b. Any religious component to my desire for transformation is personal and not imposed by a religious community.

Anyone who comes into the thread for encouragement must state their affirmation (for example 'I affirm that 1, 2a and 3a are true.') Anyone who feels uncomfortable with encouraging anyone who says 2c is true can state their objection to that, but at the end of the day if they are sure they want to be encouraged, and we know they're not too young or too influenced by peer pressure or shame to make their decision, I think that is their choice.

c. There is no force or pressure to change through shame from family and friends.

Other than that awesome work observer ^_^
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Postby observer » October 20th, 2013, 11:49 am

danny1988 wrote:c. There is no force or pressure to change through shame from family and friends.

Other than that awesome work observer ^_^

Yes that is a good point. It should just come under 3 though rather than 3c since it should be true for everyone.

So who's going to start the threads? Maybe they should be a subforum, even.
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Postby danny1988 » October 20th, 2013, 12:01 pm

observer wrote:
danny1988 wrote:c. There is no force or pressure to change through shame from family and friends.

Other than that awesome work observer ^_^

Yes that is a good point. It should just come under 3 though rather than 3c since it should be true for everyone.

So who's going to start the threads? Maybe they should be a subforum, even.

Anyone can start threads but sub forums only EMG and moderators can do afaik.
It could use a subforum tbh like Personality Modification or Orientation Change or something.
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Postby rigsby » October 20th, 2013, 1:02 pm

observer wrote:rigsby: Ever considered using CFS to come back to the fold? Being straight might be more exciting now that you've been away from it...

I might very well do that someday, if my man and I decide to part ways. Even if we weren't involved right now, I'm new enough to the other side that I still feel I have things to learn before considering another change.
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Postby robindf1 » October 20th, 2013, 4:03 pm

I think it would be easier if we made a simple statement about using the files at your own risk and just made a thread. People ultimately are going to do what they're going to do. It's best not to turn people off with a large terms of service.
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Postby danny1988 » October 20th, 2013, 4:27 pm

robindf1 wrote:I think it would be easier if we made a simple statement about using the files at your own risk and just made a thread. People ultimately are going to do what they're going to do. It's best not to turn people off with a large terms of service.

We already have that on the home page afaik, this was more to stop people coming in later down the line and starting arguments again with people using these files.
Cant start an argument when the person has specifically stated they understood what they were doing at the start.

Its not large it would take less than 30 seconds to just state they understood if we used observers idea.
I just dont like seeing forums turn into flame wars, this subject is very very volatile it seems.
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Postby observer » October 20th, 2013, 4:59 pm

robindf1 wrote:I think it would be easier if we made a simple statement about using the files at your own risk and just made a thread. People ultimately are going to do what they're going to do. It's best not to turn people off with a large terms of service.

I think there has been a bit of confusion here.

This isn't about telling people to use or not to use the files.

It's a voluntary code for people seeking active encouragement from the people who use and like these files.
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Postby lew897 » October 20th, 2013, 5:36 pm

Changing the topic isn't the best way to solve anything either. That's just leaveing things to boil. As such I don't understand why the topic is now on ethics, since those rules can apply to any of the files on this site.

I use reinforce which basically is like listening to the file. Im not sure if Im one hundred percent straight but I do get all the symptoms of being straight. I only question my straight ness since I can be easily hypnotized. Versus the people who seem to have trouble going into trance Ive been successful in almost anything.
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Postby observer » October 20th, 2013, 7:11 pm

robindf1 wrote:I support this. I'm actually kinda eager to see if I can be encouraged. Oh dear, might be a new convert. >.<

Do you WANT to be a convert?
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Postby robindf1 » October 20th, 2013, 10:21 pm

Yes, hence why I want encouragement. Part of me does, part of me doesn't. Myself and my boy have used hypnosis before, and I talked to him about it. He just laughed and shrugged. No problems for him, since he's bi leaning on straight, but homoromantic.
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Postby kingy » October 21st, 2013, 7:28 pm

Robin, I think you totally should try this file out. It has worked wonders for me and i think it could for you too. I might even say that this file has been the best thing that has happened to me.
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Postby robindf1 » October 21st, 2013, 8:22 pm

Why is that? Mind explaining in a little more detail?
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Postby observer » October 22nd, 2013, 12:18 pm

I think the interesting thing about kingy's transformation is he started it out just because he was looking for a challenge, and he thought that this would be a challenge since pussy was disgusting to him and he could not imagine why any man would like it.

But once he really got into the transformation it stopped being about the challenge and started being about how much more masculine it would make him.
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Postby danny1988 » October 22nd, 2013, 2:04 pm

observer wrote:I think the interesting thing about kingy's transformation is he started it out just because he was looking for a challenge, and he thought that this would be a challenge since pussy was disgusting to him and he could not imagine why any man would like it.

But once he really got into the transformation it stopped being about the challenge and started being about how much more masculine it would make him.

It is interesting I guess it may be different for everyone but I always remember a quote from something about there is nothing more manly then sleeping with a guy xD

But that being said I dont think orientation makes anyone more or less of a man, ive seen some totally straight guys who were as effeminate as a flaming queen lol.

Everyone is different and I guess people have different views of what straight means :P
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Postby kingy » October 22nd, 2013, 5:53 pm

I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay, but I feel so much more masculine now that I am straight and having straight sex. One of the biggest parts about being a man is having a dick. After having sex with a girl It is just perfectly clear to me that dick is made to go into pussy. Nothing in the world feels better for your cock. I guess if you're not doing that with your dick you aren't as manly.
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Postby danny1988 » October 22nd, 2013, 6:26 pm

kingy wrote:I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay, but I feel so much more masculine now that I am straight and having straight sex. One of the biggest parts about being a man is having a dick. After having sex with a girl It is just perfectly clear to me that dick is made to go into pussy. Nothing in the world feels better for your cock. I guess if you're not doing that with your dick you aren't as manly.

Thankies for you reply Kingy ^_^
I can understand how you feel a bit, I like both and honestly if you met me you wouldnt know I liked guys too. Im very straight acting if there is such a thing, I know its different for everyone but how it is for me is this im little crazy me who just happens to like guys and girls.

I guess my view is that where I stick my dick doesnt make me any less manly, however I will concede that me taking a dick would make me less manly maybe hehehe. Ive never been a very masculine guy anyway tbh.
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Postby robindf1 » October 22nd, 2013, 6:31 pm

kingy wrote:I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay, but I feel so much more masculine now that I am straight and having straight sex. One of the biggest parts about being a man is having a dick. After having sex with a girl It is just perfectly clear to me that dick is made to go into pussy. Nothing in the world feels better for your cock. I guess if you're not doing that with your dick you aren't as manly.

To be honest, that rings in my head a little bit for some reason...
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Postby kingy » October 22nd, 2013, 6:40 pm

robindf1 wrote:
kingy wrote:I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay, but I feel so much more masculine now that I am straight and having straight sex. One of the biggest parts about being a man is having a dick. After having sex with a girl It is just perfectly clear to me that dick is made to go into pussy. Nothing in the world feels better for your cock. I guess if you're not doing that with your dick you aren't as manly.

To be honest, that rings in my head a little bit for some reason...

I think it rings in your head because in your head a part of you knows it is true. I guess the only question is if you wanna be a real man or not.
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