Essucubus, In general

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Essucubus, In general

Postby Lucialulu » September 8th, 2013, 3:08 pm

Never have I been attracted to women as I have to her mps.

It was .. dangerous.

The success was on how she . . .so fucking . .. MASTERFULLY took me under. I've never gone as deep as that has happened in . . .DAMN!

If anyone's followed me so far, between sub and dome, slipping under another woman was not something I can easily do, or more so, how she seemed to get me so fucking easily with her files.

It was . .beegirl first . .and . . .I accidentally had milk farm after. I came up just a lil for the end of bee, but was soon taken under again when the file followed the next one.

I was LOST.

Even the person I was talking to, fortunately just as a tist that was here, was trying to snap me out of it. But with her words going through my ears, I found I didn't want to. It was tad frightening. lol. And he knew that I had work in an hour. Fortunately, Milk Farm had an awakeners as did the beegirl.

Now I have to reorient ate myself . . . definite success there. . .And if she's reading this . .yes. PLEASE I do want to submit.mool *Blushes*
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Postby ParanoidLord » September 8th, 2013, 11:15 pm

Sounds like you had a good experience. Elena occasionally posts here on WMM - more often you'll see a crosspost from her main site in the filelist; either way, you might get a response here.

Personally, I mostly use her inductions; the analytical ones seems to put me under particularly deep. Unfortunately, I'm really picky about my fetishes and not really in it to develop new ones, so outside a few files I don't really go further. I plan to commission something some day when I can afford it.
(Don't) avoid the noid.
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Postby Lucialulu » September 17th, 2013, 2:10 pm

YEs. :)

I hope to listen as much that my breast do grow and lactacte for her. <3 Its such an experience. I'd love to submit to her in rl and hope she see's this.

My only problem is my only net wont let me load the captcha to join her site :(

Same here :) I have several of her files on my phone and just about to listen to one of them right now<3

Thank you so much! Never have I envisioned being so submissive to a woman, wanting to be their docile play thing. Hell, she's the only one that's got it right that hadn't made me instantly break out. <3
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Postby MistE » September 19th, 2013, 9:00 am

Wow, uhh, I don't usually browse the forums but this is really nice to see. Thanks? I mean it. It's nice to get positive feedback, but please, if anything I do is not good enough let me know. For example if I am missing a set of fetishes or fetish ideas that you think people would like to listen to, poke me about it. Either here in this topic or in private messages if not. I'm trying to be accommodating. Just because you don't ask for a custom file doesn't mean I can't do something on your line.

And don't forget I have torrents of all of my free files

(and a few pay ones) up on my site. If you use those you can browse the whole collection quickly without needing to go download each one manually. I'm working on a superior catalog for the site, too. Anyway thank you for the praise - I am so glad some people are getting something out of my work. I'll try to be around more and talk in the forums, too. I know I'm not here much but I'm working on it.
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Postby Hypnon00b » September 19th, 2013, 9:44 am

I also do enjoy some of Elena's files, but unfortunately can't get much in results out of them. I think I'm getting better at trance, but it seems to be a long road.

Elena, bit of advice? While listening, I sometimes "snap" out of the trance just as I get into it. Last time, my body even jerked a bit, as if you dreamt you were falling and violently jumped awake. Other times I just completely pass out and wake up around an hour after the session is finished. For infrmation, I've been listening to Webwork, Invitation Induction, and Thoughts on Hypnosis Deepener, followed by 2 or 3 loops of Night Night (awakener removed), and either a basic or advanced trigger file.

Perhaps a beginner trigger file that can be triggered by the listener, for those of us that are more difficult to hypnotize? I'd commision such a file, but I'm not in a position to do so.

Lastly, great work, Elena. Keep it up. Your files are among the most well crafted I've ever laid ears on. Plus you have a good way with words in your inductions.
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Postby Route42 » September 20th, 2013, 11:53 pm

Just started listening to her stuff in the last couple of days(thanks to this topic, actually).

Her inductions are ace.
And I've found myself highly impressed with her scripts--some of the more madly creative examples of leading the listener down the path.

I've decided that her files are like Pokemon--you gotta catch them all.
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Postby Lucialulu » September 21st, 2013, 11:10 am

MistE wrote:Wow, uhh, I don't usually browse the forums but this is really nice to see. Thanks? I mean it. It's nice to get positive feedback, but please, if anything I do is not good enough let me know. For example if I am missing a set of fetishes or fetish ideas that you think people would like to listen to, poke me about it. Either here in this topic or in private messages if not. I'm trying to be accommodating. Just because you don't ask for a custom file doesn't mean I can't do something on your line.

And don't forget I have torrents of all of my free files

(and a few pay ones) up on my site. If you use those you can browse the whole collection quickly without needing to go download each one manually. I'm working on a superior catalog for the site, too. Anyway thank you for the praise - I am so glad some people are getting something out of my work. I'll try to be around more and talk in the forums, too. I know I'm not here much but I'm working on it.

*Squeals* Thank you so much. It's no problem at all. The only reason I haven't logged on and signed up on your forum is catpcha >_< my phone doesn't really play nice with my computer.

I will surely send a pm your way :)
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Postby EntrancedVulpine » September 21st, 2013, 4:22 pm

All hail the glorious Elena! :3

Actually, I know her reputation precedes her and what not, but I was never a fan of this kinda mongering. It's neat that you guys love it so much though. I mean this site IS kind of for that kind of unfiltered behavior and excess. <3

Enjoy yourselves~
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