Protection Against Psychic Attacks

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Protection Against Psychic Attacks

Postby mondaytuesday » October 27th, 2013, 11:02 pm

Quick 'n' Easy 12-Step Cheatsheet

(The below are fast, short-term things to do for many lightweight psychic attacks, some of which are very similar to a plain old "bad mood" or a bout of "overactive imagination" -- for serious problems, get help from others!)
Drop any nasty, mean, or bizarro thoughts. Hang up! Disconnect! Shake free! Disown any yucky thoughts!
If it's dark, turn on a light. If it's nice out, seek some sunshine.
Pray! Pray to God, focusing on faith and gratitude as much as you can
Pray that God send a team of angels to assist you
Pray that God's will be done
Thank God
(If you feel nauseated by the idea of praying, it's even more important that you do so!)
Mentally "cut away" any perceived darkness from around you.
Get up and move around! (Wash some dishes ;)
Shut off your imagination and focus on the here-and-now. Definitely stop worrying and fretting!
Go grab something (preferably healthy) to eat/drink.
Distract your mind with a positive book or magazine. You can even use down-to-earth, purely materialistic catalogs if necessary. No weird stuff, just plain daily life stuff.
Get a tape or CD of hymns/good music and listen! (If it's late at night, you can fall asleep to the music. Cling to the uplifting quality.) Even better than just listening, sing along. Christmas music is GREAT for this.
Count your blessings -- list good and beautiful things from your life.
Do something nice for somebody. The below are some ideas.
Go write a loving email/letter/thank-you-card.
Report a cashier's friendly attitude to management!
Cut some flowers (or buy 'em) for your neighbors.
Volunteer with a soup kitchen or donate to an animal shelter
Give to charity -- yes, go write that check.
Just plain smile warmly at someone!
Pray for your friends and the people you pass by!
Key: care for someone else in a way that is absorbing and helps you forget your problems.
Long-term, go on a spiritual elevation "diet" -- see "Elevate Yourself" section below -- and strive always to move closer to God.
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Appeal to the Highest Good

Postby mondaytuesday » October 27th, 2013, 11:07 pm

Appeal to the Highest Good

Theory: There is a Loving God who wants the best for us, and who also cares for lost spirits who are causing trouble. God's angels can handle the rescue or removal of the lost spirits. Since there are plenty of lying spirits who masquerade as good angels, make sure you request help from only the highest Good you know (God). This is not a guarantee of getting the right ones, but it's a first step.
First and foremost, pray for assistance from the highest authority and the highest good, whether you know that as God or the Light or something else. I disagree with those who advocate praying to angels. And definitely do not pray to "less-than-holy" entities, or to any being thought to be less than utterly devoted to good. But if the name "Jesus" or the word "God" give you the heebie-jeebies, then you may want to appeal to that aspect of the universe that is truly caring, loving, wise and truthful to all beings, in whatever way you can imagine it.
If at all possible for yourself, call on the name of Jesus, the Christ, who actually lived and died on Earth roughly 2000 years ago. Christians can tell you the name has power, but here are some possible reasons why: According to Ben, "Jesus is the name of a person. Those who hide in darkness fear his name because if he hears it he comes, or sends [his angels]...." "Jesus" also means "God rescues," and that has a lot of spiritual power because believing it elevates you into God's family (read this page for more). If you simply cannot bring yourself to call on Jesus, pray to the highest authority of good that you know (as mentioned above).
Ask others whom you trust to pray for you, too.
If you are a member of a church or other spiritual group that you respect and trust, consider asking for a special prayer session for you, perhaps even with "laying on of hands." There is a real power to group prayer, especially where "two or three are gathered in Jesus' Name." I have felt it, and many have seen its effects.
Pray for God/"the Light" and/or Jesus to:
Send to you a team of rescuing angels.
Ask that these angels rescue or remove any dark beings from you and fill you with light
Ask that they sever dark connections leading to you and to rescue or remove the sources of the connections
Ask that they remove and/or destroy any dark thought-forms (curses and such) attached or connected to you.
Ask that the angels shield you from further attack (at least for now).
Ask that your surroundings (your home, maybe) be cleaned of darkness and filled with light.
Ask for God's blessings and wisdom in your life.
Note: it helps immensely to elevate your spirit with thankfulness and joy if you possibly can
Do not pray to angels; pray instead to God, or the highest good that you know. You may or may not be able to see or talk to the spirits that answer your prayer, and you may have to pray for quite a while if you do not have help from other people. Why? Because it seems it take a while for spirits to find and locate those they don't know.
Try to find someone who does spiritual rescue work and ask that person for help. Warning: not all people who claim to do spirit-rescue work actually work for the right source, no matter what they think. You may find help from Native American techniques, or Christian techniques, or Chinese techniques, or whatever --- but always remember the true test of the other person is, "Wiser, Kinder, More Gracious." Signs of greed, impatience, pride, hatefulness, vindictiveness, jealously, lust and easily-bruised-ego are all bad. Some of the very best rescue workers do not charge any money at all -- money can be a horrible temptation; I've seen it turn spirit rescue people nasty and un-gracious. You don't want that.
If you know of a prayer request Web site of a group whose philosophy/theology you appreciate or respect, consider posting your problem there and requesting prayer.
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Postby Endo » October 28th, 2013, 7:42 am

Erm, this belongs in off-topic.
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Postby robindf1 » October 28th, 2013, 9:18 am

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A negative obsessive thought, desire or fetish that won't go

Postby mondaytuesday » October 28th, 2013, 10:14 am

Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself
By Mary Kurus
Copyright 2001 Mary Kurus All Rights Reserved

Psychic Attacks and Dark Negative Energies

Psychic attacks are defined as the manipulation of supernatural energies and forces. Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. This negative energy can be called a spirit, an entity, a thought form or a dark negative energy. Each of these energies can create harmful effects within the person receiving them.

Not everything that's considered difficult in a persons life is the result of a psychic attack, but psychic attacks do happen and they happen more often today than ever before. You will hear some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don't exist and cannot happen if you don't believe in them or give them energy by paying attention to them. This is not true. Problems can and do happen as a result of negative energies and psychic attacks. Recently mothers have contacted me about their teenagers who are practicing bits of black magic wanting to know how to help their children. There are disadvantages as well as advantages to Harry Potter.

Mother Earth and all of us who live on her are surrounded by many mysterious, supernatural and beautiful energies, including intelligent energies, angels and guides. We are affected by the energies of all the planets including the Sun, the Moon, other planets, asteroids and stars. At the same time we are also exposed to many negative energies, entities, spirits and intelligent energies which can affect us in so many different ways.

Ancient Societies and Psychic Attacks

Societies from ancient times to the present have worked with psychic attacks and dark negative energies. The African and Haitian people practice voodoo and black magic. North American and European cultures practice black magic and witchcraft. Indian, Chinese and South American tribes have similar practices. Australian Aboriginals practice something called "pointing the bone". Similar practices are recorded from ancient times and continue to be practiced today in all societies. In medieval times they burned people for practicing witchcraft.

Psychic Attacks - What Are They?

Psychic attacks involve the manipulation and movement of different types of dark energies, entities and spirits. They involve the transferring of dark and negative energies into someone's physical and/or energetic bodies. Some of the dark energies and entities that find their way into physical and energetic bodies, and homes are sent without awareness, even though they are sent by humans. Others are sent intentionally to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the individual. They can involve ritualistic techniques or ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of both.

It's difficult for anyone to penetrate an aura that is healthy and strong. Auras are weakened by repressed emotions, negative emotions, through the regular use of drugs and alcohol, through smoking cigarettes and a variety of diseases. The physical presence of fungus, parasites, worms, or metal, chemical or atomic poisons can seriously weaken an aura. It's important to understand that all illness begins in the aura and then eventually moves into the physical body. Therefore the care and protection of your energetic body is as important as the physical body so you can repel psychic attacks and stay strong and healthy.

Intentional Psychic Attacks, Spells, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft

The dark and negative energies sent intentionally by others are called psychic attacks and can seriously affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Psychic attacks can include spells, voodoo, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or other types of black magic. They attack psyches and can produce debilitating effects on the overall health and energy level of the affected person.

Dark Spirits and Entities

There are dark spirits and entities that can move into physical bodies and auras affecting what people think, speak, do, desire, and feel. The human who is invaded by these spirits or entities can take on the physical attributes, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity occupying the person to such a degree that there appears to be a complete personality change.

Negative Thought Forms

Another major type of dark negative energy that can be sent to others is through negative thinking, anger, wishing harm to others, jealousy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that are based in anger, rage and fear. These are called thought forms and they can be lodged in a persons body or various layers of their auras causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties.

Degrees of Strength of Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks and other dark negative energies, entities and spirits can have a wide range of effect from low to medium to high. The symptoms or changes in health or behavior can also range from low to medium to high. Not all health problems or behavior changes are caused by psychic attacks since there can be so many causes for the same symptoms. Confusion often exists when other physical and emotional difficulties are present in an individual's life. It's important to carefully assess all possible sources for the difficulties including physical factors, energetic factors and emotional factors.

Can We Draw Dark Energies To Ourselves?

We definitely can draw dark energies, entities and spirits into ourselves without any influence whatsoever from external sources. Prolonged states of anger, rage, resentments, bitterness, vindictiveness, and many types of fears, will draw and attract these negative energies. It's normal to get angry or fearful when things happen in our lives. These occurrences do not draw the dark side in to us. It's the long-term and prolonged states that set up the energetic attraction. Ongoing repressed negative emotions can eventually turn into a certain type of entity.

Violence of all types, physical, emotional and mental is a very powerful draw for negative and dark types of energies. The regular use of drugs and alcohol also draws these types of energies. Now one glass of wine is a social habit and does not affect our energy fields. However, when we become drunk, be it from alcohol or drugs, our auras becoming weakened substantially and negative invaders are attracted to the energy set up by this state. Smoking also greatly weakens the energy field and leaves us very vulnerable to negative influences.

Symptoms of Psychic Attacks and Dark Energies

There are many different symptoms that can indicate negative and dark psychic energies, spirits or entities. The following list identifies a few major symptoms. But these symptoms can also indicate other types of health problems and it's important to investigate all possibilities.

Suddenly acting totally out of character
Major changes in behavior for no reason
A loss of memory
Major changes in clarity of thinking or analytical ability
Sudden ongoing fatigue for no apparent reason
A drained feeling
Icy cold feeling on part or all of your body
Hearing someone's voice regularly
Hearing voices
Recurrent or frequent nightmares
Strange or recurring accidents
Feeling someone is watching you
A discomfort or fear in a specific room or area in your home or office
A loss of self-confidence
A sudden loss of energy
Sudden illnesses that elude diagnosis
Sudden illnesses that cannot be explained
Feeling someone touch you or bump into you when nobody is present
Sensing a presence · Sensing a large pair of eyes watching you or following you
Sudden or irrational difficulties with finances or relationships
Imagining monsters, animals or frightening shadows
Sudden depression without an apparent cause · Seeming ongoing bad luck
Visions or hallucinations
Irrational fear, anger or sorrow
A negative obsessive thought, desire or fetish that won't go away
This is not a complete list but should give you a fairly good idea of areas to look at in the physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual areas. Each person who is on the receiving end of psychic attacks or dark energetic forces will have their own indications and effects. If you are not certain please consult with an experienced energy worker knowledgeable in identifying and clearing energies from different types of psychic attacks and dark energies.[size=18][/size][size=24][/size][size=12][/size][b][/b]
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Postby ridd » October 28th, 2013, 10:23 am

Nope this is a success story for sure.... but I am not really sure about the file which caused OP's post!!!!
Better lock the doors!!!
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I'm Open to Believing That Energy in People is a Real Thing

Postby mondaytuesday » November 16th, 2013, 8:41 pm

I'm Open to Believing That Energy in People is a Real Thing

I've had energy work done with reiki several times. Last year I had chakra work done at a great spa that specialized in working with the energy that flows through our bodies.

If someone else out there has had interest in the topic, they can peruse the post.

Perhaps someone might have a suspicion about the approach somebody is taking with them here, as I have had. It's good to know it's safe to ask around and talk out their concerns.

It might even start an interesting discussion, but doesn't look like that's going to happen.

Thanks for reading and posting, though. At least the two of us got to share some thoughts.
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Postby Tangy » November 17th, 2013, 11:03 am

I always found calling on God is Good no Matter what . Physic attrack would run rampant in a site like this one. everyone want your money in one forum or another./ they also want you. Slaves real ones :o
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Thank you, Tangy

Postby mondaytuesday » November 17th, 2013, 5:08 pm

Thank you, Tangy. I've always have enjoyed you being here. I have been out a rather large amount of money myself, during my journey so far. It's never been pleasant afterward when I felt the impact of paying out, oh, a variety of sums that have mainly been in the hundreds at a time. The largest was a grand. That was in 2012, early on. But that particular relationship involved a lot of "I don't have money to eat" from him and once I hit the $4000 mark this summer,

Now, I got experiences where people directly talk to me about energy being generated by my regression moments and that they are absorbing my energy and it's making them extremely aroused and more masculine and virile. In the exchange, I get my penis and testicles further shrunk and trying to burrow up into my body.

One nice guy wants to lock me in chastity and then take the key back with him, two time zones away.

Another guy has been hitting me up. He has been looking for the right guy to use a combination of injections on, in order to permanently reduce my brain functioning to an infant. As long as I would be aware that at one point in time, he will probably grow tired of the experience and wil pass me on to someone else. Or I suppose put me in a low dollar nursing home until I die.

I seek that co-created experience of being dominated by being forced into seeming like I am a baby boy.

But I don't want to be a vegetable. I don't think begin brain dead will allow me to know how horny the experience is making me.

Oh, and one guy that I have chatted with for two yeas now, as bros, he has informed me that he has obtained two injections of depo preva that he plans on using on me to take my sexual functioning away.

Yeah. I got some potential bad mojo here and there. I needed that conversation and I needed to post tit. Thank you both again.
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Postby Maleko7 » November 18th, 2013, 4:19 am

This looks like a posting of copyrighted material.
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Re: Thank you, Tangy

Postby Tangy » November 18th, 2013, 9:15 am

mondaytuesday wrote:Thank you, Tangy. I've always have enjoyed you being here. I have been out a rather large amount of money myself, during my journey so far. It's never been pleasant afterward when I felt the impact of paying out, oh, a variety of sums that have mainly been in the hundreds at a time. The largest was a grand. That was in 2012, early on. But that particular relationship involved a lot of "I don't have money to eat" from him and once I hit the $4000 mark this summer,

Now, I got experiences where people directly talk to me about energy being generated by my regression moments and that they are absorbing my energy and it's making them extremely aroused and more masculine and virile. In the exchange, I get my penis and testicles further shrunk and trying to burrow up into my body.

One nice guy wants to lock me in chastity and then take the key back with him, two time zones away.

Another guy has been hitting me up. He has been looking for the right guy to use a combination of injections on, in order to permanently reduce my brain functioning to an infant. As long as I would be aware that at one point in time, he will probably grow tired of the experience and wil pass me on to someone else. Or I suppose put me in a low dollar nursing home until I die.

I seek that co-created experience of being dominated by being forced into seeming like I am a baby boy.

But I don't want to be a vegetable. I don't think begin brain dead will allow me to know how horny the experience is making me.

Oh, and one guy that I have chatted with for two yeas now, as bros, he has informed me that he has obtained two injections of depo preva that he plans on using on me to take my sexual functioning away.

Yeah. I got some potential bad mojo here and there. I needed that conversation and I needed to post tit. Thank you both again.

Lets talk about these Injections in more details.

Another guy has been hitting me up. He has been looking for the right guy to use a combination of injections on, in order to permanently reduce my brain functioning to an infant.

Did he explain anything to you about theses injection?, and can I speak to this hypnotist in this forum? Abut his method? :idea: :o :?:

PS TELL him I am interested please contact as soon as possible. :o reduce my brain functioning to an infant.
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Re: Protection Against Psychic Attacks

Postby Casey » February 26th, 2018, 11:25 pm

Learn Centering,
Grounding, and sheilding.
I recommend for beginners.
Ted Andrews Psychic Self Defense book
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