ViVe's Dumbing Down series

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby spanner67 » November 22nd, 2013, 10:02 pm

JonKeller wrote:
What if, now the the user is already dumb, the following files stimulate another behaviour? Like, lets say, since you're dumb, now you are going to become a dumb jock, or a dumb bimbo, or any other "dumb stereotype".

I really like this idea, like a set of add-on modules: Jock, bimbo, gym-dolt, thug, subslave - that add additional behaviours which in turn reinforce the dumbness.

How about an increased urge to train which absorbs all your remaining intelligence, leaving basically nothing for anything else. Also means you have to follow smarter guys around to get help with training and diet because you're too stupid to work it out for yourself.

How about getting turned on when other people notice how stupid you are or when you realise some task is beyond you, especially when it's easy for someone else.

Humiliation + dumb = horniness.

What about no longer realising that it's inappropriate to be visibly erect or not to mention when you're aroused or attracted to someone?

Maybe a dumb gainer program that links eating to increasing dumb horniness. Fatter and dumber and hornier.
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Postby Sorez » November 23rd, 2013, 4:56 am

i like d ideas of spaner as files!
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Postby grumblebuzz » November 23rd, 2013, 11:43 am

hard to read posts. i try hard but more than few word and my head get tired.
not sure i shuld get any more dumb. files work 2 good on me.
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Postby Sorez » November 23rd, 2013, 11:58 am

grumblebuzz wrote:hard to read posts. i try hard but more than few word and my head get tired.
not sure i shuld get any more dumb. files work 2 good on me.

same heer, very hard 2 read posts 2.
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Postby Siren » November 23rd, 2013, 12:45 pm

Grumblebuzz, sorez:
Files 12 and 13 are up on our website now if you do wish to listen to them.

For The rest of us:
Well... I was talking to ViVe just now.. and you may or may not be glad to know that there is a file 12 on our site... and a file 13 is being released on the site as I write this reply.
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Postby ViVe » November 23rd, 2013, 12:54 pm

@Grumbelbuz and Sorez: Funny you describe that effect right now, pretty much just an hour or so after I finished the "Dumbing Down 13 - Loss of Reading"! :P
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Postby Sorez » November 23rd, 2013, 1:20 pm

wil lisen 2 file but not 2 much! want be able to stil reed heer@
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Postby StrippedGears » November 24th, 2013, 2:22 am

I posted an idea a while back in the suggestions forum that might be worthwhile here. Basically, the idea is to make the listener more gullible and naive. Just completely remove the filter that lets the listener tell the difference between the truth and a lie. The initial idea was to make that the primary effect of a series of files with other things being add-ons to take advantage of the listener's trained gullibility to plant other suggestions, with safeguards built in so that a listener might be able to partially leave the filter in place for certain things, or to make it accidentally triggerable by linking it to a key phrase like "believe me...", but as part of the Dumbing Down series it would only make sense to make it as hardcore as possible.

The file could also actively destroy the listener's confidence in their own knowledge. After all, if they say something and it was right then it must have been so basic as to be obvious to anyone smarter than the listener, and if someone disagrees with them then they're so dumb that the person that disagrees must be absolutely correct. It could coach the listener on inviting correction and frequently telling people they're dumb so that others know not to respect any opinion held by the listener or any bit of trivia they might spout.

Of course, the file should make it so that the listener is always surprised about the "truth" when they're corrected, even though they should never be surprised that they're wrong. When someone tells the listener that two plus two isn't four, their immediate and visibly honest response should be "it's not? Oh wow, I'm such a moron!"

Also, would it be possible to create a temporary, triggerable version of the Dumbing Down series? I had a bit of a scare recently where some files I had listened to (the first several of the Dumbing Down series included) had started to have some noticeable effects while at work. It's not my kink to be permanently dumb; I just listened because bimbofication is a huge turn-on for me and I figured it would be kinda like audiobook erotica and I was hoping that actively not wanting to be a moron would prevent any real changes from lasting longer than the files themselves. I was wrong, so I stopped listening to pretty much ALL files with an IQ reduction component. I'm glad to say I'm back where I was before intelligence-wise... but damn if that "it feels good to be dumb" suggestion isn't a sticky one.

I don't want to be dumb permanently. I value the respect afforded be by my friends, my job depends on my intelligence and my precise control of the English language, and pretty much everything I enjoy as a hobby requires strong language, math, and critical thinking skills. I don't want to lose all that, but it would be nice to indulge in some deep-end stupidity for a couple hours at a time.
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Postby ViVe » November 24th, 2013, 4:23 am

So would you be willing to write a little a comment on my site too? Maybe once enough people do it someone will take it serious... (yes, but let me keep my hope!)

I did a bit of the thing you describe in file 9 - at least as far as decisions go... to trust the opinions and decisions of other people above your own...

Don't know if that's even to extreme for this series... maybe an evil add-on or something like that... will think about it...

You do know I did some temporary dumbing files? (that only make you dumb for as long as you listen but don't have the permanent effect? They are obviously not as effective as I put a lot of effort in the fact that it's only temporary but nevertheless have nice effects!) Look on my site under "intelligence"... I'm also happen to be tinkering on a kind of "only while under" dumbing down file... it gives the same mindless state while you listen but no permanent effects... it's probably up today...
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Postby Sorez » November 24th, 2013, 4:39 am

kant reed 2 posts der 2 gud. 2 long and words just luk weerd. 2 hard 2 tayp now
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Postby Wolffried » November 24th, 2013, 12:40 pm

Hmm.. how about a file that makes you dumb only when at the gym. I often find that too much thinking disturbs my weight training. Just focusing on the weights and not thinking anything could be a great help. You could of course add some fun stuff like horniness and a bit of addiction to it ;)
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Postby BillionSix » November 24th, 2013, 1:40 pm

One of the sad ironies of these files is that the more someone is affected, the less able they are to express to us how they are affected.

So any girls using these? Or just dudes?
All I need is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power.
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Postby grumblebuzz » November 24th, 2013, 11:19 pm

Hard to make words to say how feel. mayb take time away files.
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Postby Sorez » November 25th, 2013, 10:33 am

i stop files for now. sooper hard 2 read stuf. bearly can reed. but feel hapy and horny al d time now!
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Postby Tangy » November 25th, 2013, 10:47 am

Sorez wrote:i stop files for now. sooper hard 2 read stuf. bearly can reed. but feel hapy and horny al d time now!

It looks like Vive file is permanent

hypnotic rejuvenation and increase IQ this file will transform u into a baby then restore your memory as a baby and increase your IQ at the same time ejoy this file was made for 1 of my client's a live session with very good results one of my sessions is only 50.00 an hour. or alternative sessions on phone is only the same price. anybody can use Temporary(until event)

increase IQ Quickly
Description: increase IQ Quickly you will be very very smart listing to this file anybody can use this file
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2013-11-21 Downloaded: 30 Length: 10:10
Voice Gender: Male
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Postby ViVe » November 25th, 2013, 10:57 am

@Grumblebuzz: Unable to read a clock or loose the concept of time?

@Sorez: Would you keep me informed about your recovery?
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Postby rubbapig » November 25th, 2013, 11:09 am

Wots the best way to lissun to thes fials plese? Do they ned to b lissuned to in order.. or is it ok to pick a cuple randomly to do? Do they work betta wiv an induction furst like? And if so wot induction is best plese?
Fanks dudes..
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Postby Siren » November 25th, 2013, 3:02 pm

Rubbapig. The best way to listen to those files is as a loop. Progressing from one file to the next after 5 orgasms. Not 5 listens. 5 Orgasms. You can pick a few files at random but it isn't recommended. No, they don't need an induction as they are a loop :)
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Postby Sorez » November 25th, 2013, 3:27 pm

i try to keep updeyt u vive. i sure i get smart bak in week or 2
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Postby StrippedGears » November 25th, 2013, 6:38 pm

ViVe wrote:You do know I did some temporary dumbing files? (that only make you dumb for as long as you listen but don't have the permanent effect? They are obviously not as effective as I put a lot of effort in the fact that it's only temporary but nevertheless have nice effects!) Look on my site under "intelligence"... I'm also happen to be tinkering on a kind of "only while under" dumbing down file... it gives the same mindless state while you listen but no permanent effects... it's probably up today...

Just left my feedback on your site.

As for your temporary loops, I did see them but the "only works while actually listening to the files" part kinda leaves me cold. I was thinking more along the lines of a file (or series of files) that creates a triggerable dumbed-down state. Essentially, a way to be able to fully experience being dumb without essentially permanently destroying my mind.

For example, I don't remember the last time I watched a movie and didn't "get" it or didn't understand what was going on... it would be kinda nice to be able to trigger myself to watch a movie and be completely confused about even a simple plot or the most obvious of symbolism. Or to put on a documentary and feel like not a single bit of it was retained at the end. Or to curl up with a trashy novel and have to put it down after a few pages because sounding out words or remembering what they mean (or even trying to figure them out fresh from context) is simply too hard. I really won't be able to do that with a file that only works while I'm listening to it.
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Postby Tangy » November 26th, 2013, 10:14 am

Sorez wrote:i try to keep updeyt u vive. i sure i get smart bak in week or 2

I avoid dumb files but here is a update of a new file that will help you regain your knowledge

Super smart for everyone who have been dumb down by any file on this site please listen as soon as possible before you forget how to read, I do not want you just setting in a dark room dumb and masturbating for the rest of your life. you are a super learning and very smart. anybody can use Permanent
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2013-11-26 Downloaded: 0 Length: 21:40
Effect: Permanent Voice Gender: Male Voice Type: Human :o
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Postby rubbapig » November 27th, 2013, 11:43 am

Siren wrote:Rubbapig. The best way to listen to those files is as a loop. Progressing from one file to the next after 5 orgasms. Not 5 listens. 5 Orgasms. You can pick a few files at random but it isn't recommended. No, they don't need an induction as they are a loop :)

Fanks siren.. feel happier now no wot am spozed to be doin :-)
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Postby Sorez » November 27th, 2013, 1:47 pm

resist lisen 2 files. slowly get smart bak i tink :)
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Postby Tangy » November 28th, 2013, 8:50 am

Sorez wrote:resist lisen 2 files. slowly get smart bak i tink :)

The dumbing down series will make you dumb really dumb see tom run see Tom run really fast, see tome run really fast and run Tom Run Mines will start reading beginner's books. I can read all by myself see Tom Run. you want to lose your job our way of life keep listening to Dumbing down files. :oops: :oops: :cry:
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Postby grumblebuzz » December 7th, 2013, 2:19 am

Haven't listened to files in a few weeks. Slowly gained some wits back but not near what I was by a longshot. I'm happy and dumb. Nothing wrong with dumb. Dumber. It's okay.
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Postby Sorez » December 7th, 2013, 7:15 am

Got most my smart back finally, dont think il listen to the file for a while, but it was fun!
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Postby joey135 » December 8th, 2013, 3:00 am

Always fascinating to read these posts! This is a fetish that has really captured my interest, haven't had a lot of luck with other dumbing files before.
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Postby BillionSix » December 8th, 2013, 4:04 pm

Here's an idea for a file. A chapter that causes you to have difficulty with fairly normal tasks like tying shoelaces, or operating a microwave. Anything that requires some concentration, or multiple steps, or remembering which button to press becomes more and more difficult.
All I need is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power.
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Postby FckdByFat » December 10th, 2013, 1:48 am

Spanners ideas are great. Love the thought of the opposite of a dumb jock, but a dumb fat man...also the idea of being so dumb that dominants can take advantage of you (ideally sexually) very easily...too stupid to protect yourself would be hot...getting used by smarter people for their sexual gratification (and hopefully there are a few doms watching this thread waiting to swoop in and 'claim' the new dumb men being made)

spanner67 wrote:

I really like this idea, like a set of add-on modules: Jock, bimbo, gym-dolt, thug, subslave - that add additional behaviours which in turn reinforce the dumbness.

How about an increased urge to train which absorbs all your remaining intelligence, leaving basically nothing for anything else. Also means you have to follow smarter guys around to get help with training and diet because you're too stupid to work it out for yourself.

How about getting turned on when other people notice how stupid you are or when you realise some task is beyond you, especially when it's easy for someone else.

Humiliation + dumb = horniness.

What about no longer realising that it's inappropriate to be visibly erect or not to mention when you're aroused or attracted to someone?

Maybe a dumb gainer program that links eating to increasing dumb horniness. Fatter and dumber and hornier.
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Postby cliff_of_dover » December 21st, 2013, 2:22 am

Think I'm going to take the challenge.

I'll also be happy to comment as I go.
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Postby spanner67 » December 21st, 2013, 10:02 pm

Keep us informed, cliff. There's a few of us who enjoy watching you tumble down the dumb-hole.

How's everyone else going? Sorez, are you all back to normal?
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Postby ViVe » December 22nd, 2013, 9:15 am

Indeed! Keep us up to date! And have fun!
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Postby Tangy » December 22nd, 2013, 12:11 pm

ViVe wrote:Indeed! Keep us up to date! And have fun!

VIve Do not take this personal But why haven't you turned Dumb making all these Dumb Files? :roll: :o
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Postby cliff_of_dover » December 22nd, 2013, 2:11 pm

Just finished with the first file. Five awesome orgasms. Mind still fuzzy and it's hard to think still. Keep going?
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Postby Siren » December 22nd, 2013, 4:55 pm

yep, keep going cliff :)
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Postby spanner67 » December 22nd, 2013, 6:10 pm

You already know what we want, cliff. I think you already know what you want too :roll:
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Postby cliff_of_dover » December 23rd, 2013, 1:40 pm

Halfway done with 2nd file. 3 awesome orgasms. its harder to think but i'm caring less about it.

only problem is my dick is starting to get raw from all of the extra attention lol. guess i should go and buy some lube or something
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Postby Sorez » December 23rd, 2013, 2:40 pm

spanner67 wrote:Keep us informed, cliff. There's a few of us who enjoy watching you tumble down the dumb-hole.

How's everyone else going? Sorez, are you all back to normal?

I regained all of it back I think, well, who knows, maybe theres a very slight part of me thats still a bit dumb but its too small to notice x3

cliff_of_dover wrote:Halfway done with 2nd file. 3 awesome orgasms. its harder to think but i'm caring less about it.

only problem is my dick is starting to get raw from all of the extra attention lol. guess i should go and buy some lube or something

Keep going, time to see what its like for other people :D
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Postby cliff_of_dover » December 23rd, 2013, 3:27 pm

Just finished listening to 2. Definitly feel the buzz you guys talked about. i keep wanting to go back and listen to the files more and more. im not sure i am dumber but i'm not worried about it lol

were the rest of you who used it as horny as i am. jesus its like my dick just wont go down lol. may move on to 3 tonight or start tomorrow not sure
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Postby Sorez » December 23rd, 2013, 4:06 pm

cliff_of_dover wrote:Just finished listening to 2. Definitly feel the buzz you guys talked about. i keep wanting to go back and listen to the files more and more. im not sure i am dumber but i'm not worried about it lol

were the rest of you who used it as horny as i am. jesus its like my dick just wont go down lol. may move on to 3 tonight or start tomorrow not sure

Yup pretty much, same with the not caring thing :D
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Postby cliff_of_dover » December 23rd, 2013, 5:32 pm

I gotta start 3 tonight can't hold out lol
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Postby psiboi1977 » December 24th, 2013, 12:16 am

Oooh...I can't wait to see how you get after listening to 3...and 4...and 5... lol! Something tells me we may see the results by the end of the year!
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Postby Siren » December 24th, 2013, 2:08 am

I'd like to see if he makes it to 13...
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Postby cliff_of_dover » December 24th, 2013, 7:55 am

Done wit 3. Buzzing in my head is strong but cool. May take a break today b4 moving on to 4'if my dick will calm down lol

I didn't think this wood work but it really seems 2
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Postby Sorez » December 24th, 2013, 10:17 am

cliff_of_dover wrote:Done wit 3. Buzzing in my head is strong but cool. May take a break today b4 moving on to 4'if my dick will calm down lol

I didn't think this wood work but it really seems 2

And it only gets better :D

(I have no idea why im enjoying this so much haha, guess seeing what happened to me on someone else is exciting :D)
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Postby cliff_of_dover » December 24th, 2013, 12:21 pm

Starting 4 now with my dick allready in my hand

cant wait!!!
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Postby curiousguy92 » December 24th, 2013, 3:18 pm

Vive, are you going to make more? I'm loving watching this!
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Postby grumblebuzz » December 25th, 2013, 3:46 pm

masterbateing to dumb files is perfect. warped washd and dumbis perfect.
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Postby cliff_of_dover » December 26th, 2013, 7:26 am

Did 4 yesterday. Brain still fuzzy buzzy but I don't care. Dumb is good and feels awsum.
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Postby ViVe » December 28th, 2013, 3:04 am

So... how's it going?
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