More effective than this

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More effective than this

Postby cloudrider07 » February 8th, 2014, 5:56 am

Mistress Squirrel, your recent posts have really heated this blog up. Last week you mentioned that you are researching a way to make a effective file by seeing what worked and didn't work.

I have lost 3" and didn't expect to. But I had a real adventure with it earlier in this same blog.

So if you want to make it stronger, use your real feminine voice not text to speech. Many a x-man here or lurking readers who have not yet tried any shrinking files will perhaps go nuts, or loose their nuts to the sound of a powerful feminine voice shriveling their manhood. Your name is very fitting.

My issue is, with no offense to Sarnoga or emg, I am not a fan of masculinity , either in myself or in others. Its a realization I had when I was figuring out why my mind and body actually took any suggestions from teeny weenie when I first took it ones a challenge.

I hope I speak for others too, but I learned my ultimate fantasy would be to have a powerful woman with her hypnosis, and with any other means, would strongly eradicate my manhood and forcibly push me to join the angelic feminine species. And also this woman would like the forced feminization of a weak man (and they're all weaker than women mentally) as much as I would. If that exists it seems you may be that type of woman.
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Joined: June 27th, 2008, 12:00 am

Re: More effective than this

Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » February 8th, 2014, 7:27 am

cloudrider07 wrote:Mistress Squirrel, your recent posts have really heated this blog up. Last week you mentioned that you are researching a way to make a effective file by seeing what worked and didn't work.

I have lost 3" and didn't expect to. But I had a real adventure with it earlier in this same blog.

So if you want to make it stronger, use your real feminine voice not text to speech. Many a x-man here or lurking readers who have not yet tried any shrinking files will perhaps go nuts, or loose their nuts to the sound of a powerful feminine voice shriveling their manhood. Your name is very fitting.

My issue is, with no offense to Sarnoga or emg, I am not a fan of masculinity , either in myself or in others. Its a realization I had when I was figuring out why my mind and body actually took any suggestions from teeny weenie when I first took it ones a challenge.

I hope I speak for others too, but I learned my ultimate fantasy would be to have a powerful woman with her hypnosis, and with any other means, would strongly eradicate my manhood and forcibly push me to join the angelic feminine species. And also this woman would like the forced feminization of a weak man (and they're all weaker than women mentally) as much as I would. If that exists it seems you may be that type of woman.

dear cloudrider:

I am flatterd by your words. for some time i have been doing some test/research on the efficatiousness of words not only in text but also via the use of that synthetic voice as a means to guage the difference between the powers of actual vocal speech an those of alternate means. I am one who finds the use of words to be a very interesting thing in and of itself. i wanted to measure the value of the effectiveness vs my own voice to see if there was any sole connection. Apparently there is not for most. it is the structure and word usage in the text-based as well as actual vocals. i had originally started using TTS for the simple reason of the disconnect of my perceived powers of vocals and wanted to create a scientific comparison of the two. i am not quiet done at this point but, the finings are very promising.

There are those of us who are gifted with a siren's voice, able to persuade a person to do the things that sound most appealing. Some days it is a curse, not knowing if its because of that and looks that someone wants to be with you and/or your friend. Often times it becomes a very strong need as a Tist and a person to have a bit of space to myself (ask my sub she can tell you how upset it makes me when i need time and dont get it to be a regular person). Often times when i am in the wwm chatroom it is all but impossible to keep from getting pm'd on most nights even after requesting no pm's. now imagine if that room had voice and i were to speak over the mic. This had happened to me when i was in yahoo chats. not only at the time did i have a mic, i also had a webcam. i was not able to have conversation in the main room at any given point due to the people who would pm me constantly.

and we are not even talking about stalkers...

perhaps in the future, i will make a go at a regular recorded version. but will certainly have to make sure that i have some time and space to do so. but until i do so for the time being, i will continue to continue to tickle your "x-men"'s fantasies with my ever increasing pleasure-bound words. i am sure that even right now, your mind is probably salivating at the delicious sound that they incite in your imagination. feeling the soft stroke against your non-manhood making you quiver in delight and extreme pleasure. making a little girly gasp escape your lips at the sensation of being touched from afar. becoming increasingly wet. ever so wet.

ta' dear.

Head Mistress_Squirrel
HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
Joined: March 4th, 2013, 1:00 am

Postby cloudrider07 » February 9th, 2014, 6:05 am

You really are powerful with words, and I didn't even know they by themselves had that much influence in printed form. Although I didn't understand all of what you just typed especially the last few sentences, from the moment I read them I was captivated. I read it a few more times to understand them better, getting even more captivated, but I don't have the linguistic intelligence to be on par with you.

I don't have a non-manhood, teeny weenie spell broke on my when it left me with about 3.5" of manhood. Ive had this for a while now.

What should I do from here? Since I've been reading your posts lately, my fantasy of more male reduction has been an appetite growing that doesn't even subside after a climax as is it has in the past. Whats going on with me?
Posts: 45
Joined: June 27th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » February 9th, 2014, 7:03 am

cloudrider07 wrote:You really are powerful with words, and I didn't even know they by themselves had that much influence in printed form. Although I didn't understand all of what you just typed especially the last few sentences, from the moment I read them I was captivated. I read it a few more times to understand them better, getting even more captivated, but I don't have the linguistic intelligence to be on par with you.

I don't have a non-manhood, teeny weenie spell broke on my when it left me with about 3.5" of manhood. Ive had this for a while now.

What should I do from here? Since I've been reading your posts lately, my fantasy of more male reduction has been an appetite growing that doesn't even subside after a climax as is it has in the past. Whats going on with me?

Sticks and stone may break my bones but words forever change me.

Cloudrider dear:
I am so glad that you realize what powers the printed word can really have. it is not only a passive but also an active effect as you can see. many a good author of books incite the imagination of the mind and make people dream and aspire to what it is they truly want. The mastery of such words and structures is magic itself. The ability to reach out from thousands of miles away and change you. touch you. caress and finesse you. imbued with emotions and intent they modify your mind and create mental constructs and instructions for you to follow. you and anyone else who wants to be in for a long and lovely ride.

If one is an artist and can paint an imagery that is easier to consume and digest,then it is that much easier for a person to follow along. much like the old 'follow the bouncing ball" from Casper the friendly ghost cartoons. eyes bobbing and bouncing along the words like a car down a dirt road. jarring and shaking up the stilled mind, causing it to stir with desire and emotion, heating you up inside with pleasure. Making it tingle all over,especially down there. Resistance dwindles to a trickling drip as the flood of desire and fantasy comes in like a tsunami washing it away completely. That my dear. is when it is most effective. being able to feel one's words. Being lulled by them such as a mother to a child who has scraped their knees. Trancing without ever knowing it. These are the things that spur our imagination and carry us ever onward to our mental goals. Temptation to follow and obey is too great to even think of resisting. One may even find themselves nodding along in agreement as the words chime a melody in their hearts as they realize the words ring true. Feeling the impact that they can have,forever.

i cannot tell you what to do. but only advise that if you are already having that strong of a desire, then perhaps just sit back and enjoy the ride. allow these words to settle in your mind like sediment inside a bottle of fine wine. If the appeal is to great to resist,just nod and follow. (you havnt even had a live text session yet with me ). and thank you for the sweet words. i am flattered.

HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
Joined: March 4th, 2013, 1:00 am

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