Female Takeover

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby broerk » July 2nd, 2014, 10:26 am

I basically felt Like I realy wanted to listen to music that you would normally expect 10 year old girls to listen to and search for pictures of hearts and teddy bears hugging each other. Those kind of things. Stuff I normally would have no interest in at all.

Again though might also have been myself expecting something to happen therefor it happened. I'm just not sure. As I did not hear a girls voice in my head yet. Nor any other voice but my own. At least not as far as I was aware off.
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Postby danny1988 » July 2nd, 2014, 10:55 am

If you guys really want to experience this I would suggest you listen to this file instead http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/2907/24-Hours---Feminized.php

Its far safer and if your still crazy enough to listen to the takeover file I suggest you talk to a professional. I know this site is called warp my mind but wanting what that file offers is in my opinion not sane.
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Postby broerk » July 2nd, 2014, 11:13 am

Actually the kind of file you listed is perfect for me. Like I already said in my first post. I don't use the female takeover anymore.

I just don't like the idea of maybe regretting it and then (probably) not being able to get control back again. This file however would be perfect. Cause it would allow you to experience it without being permanently stuck in it.

so thanks for linking it.
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Postby Randalll » July 2nd, 2014, 11:14 am

I appreciate your concern, but I've been a member here for 7 years and tried a lot of files on this site and sorry to say none of them really actually worked. I still keep listening to them with hopes that one will, but realistically i don't have much faith in this one either. However, I do enjoy being in trance and find it arousing to think that one day a file may have an effect on me. I can always stop if listening if things get weird.

edit: sorry if this seems like I'm attacking you. It isn't meant in that way. :)
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Postby hypnoidf » July 2nd, 2014, 11:18 am

Borerk, did you have any remaining effect of the file ?

Did you feel the urge to listen it again ?
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Postby broerk » July 2nd, 2014, 11:22 am

Well generally. I've found that for hypnosis to work. Two things are important.

1. You gotta actually want it.

2. You have to believe it will work

Number one is important. Because if you rly don't want it your subconcius is just going to reject what it's getting told. As for number two. I feel in general if you believe it won't you work you just generally zone out as why bother with something that you believe won't work anyways.

just my 2 cents
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Postby broerk » July 2nd, 2014, 11:28 am

to hypnoidf,

Well yea I did have some after effects. For some strange reason I rly felt like I wanted to become a women the entire day after I removed the curse from myself. Which I found odd as I've always been fine with being a guy. I mostly listened to female take over because I am intrigued with the whole not being in control off your body(possessed kind of thing). Those feelings have vanished again though.

About the urge to listen to it again. While listening to the file. Yea I did kind of feel the urge to wanna listen to it again. Ever since I removed the curse though. Not anymore. Still intrigued with the whole not in control of your body thing though. So gonna try the file danny linked which will only lasts 24 hours.
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Postby danny1988 » July 2nd, 2014, 11:51 am

broerk wrote:to hypnoidf,

Well yea I did have some after effects. For some strange reason I rly felt like I wanted to become a women the entire day after I removed the curse from myself. Which I found odd as I've always been fine with being a guy. I mostly listened to female take over because I am intrigued with the whole not being in control off your body(possessed kind of thing). Those feelings have vanished again though.

About the urge to listen to it again. While listening to the file. Yea I did kind of feel the urge to wanna listen to it again. Ever since I removed the curse though. Not anymore. Still intrigued with the whole not in control of your body thing though. So gonna try the file danny linked which will only lasts 24 hours.

The main reason I object to the takeover file is the permanency of it. Forever trapped in your own body unable to do anything.... It sounds like fun for a while which is why I have no issue with the temporary stuff, but I guarantee after a time you would want out and sadly with that file you wont get that :/
I know its arousing and everything thinking of it, I feel the same way. But once your trapped and no longer in control the arousal will soon go im sure, its why I believe some things should remain fantasy.

Glad your trying the other file instead though :)
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Postby danny1988 » July 2nd, 2014, 11:54 am

Randalll wrote:I appreciate your concern, but I've been a member here for 7 years and tried a lot of files on this site and sorry to say none of them really actually worked. I still keep listening to them with hopes that one will, but realistically i don't have much faith in this one either. However, I do enjoy being in trance and find it arousing to think that one day a file may have an effect on me. I can always stop if listening if things get weird.

edit: sorry if this seems like I'm attacking you. It isn't meant in that way. :)

Yeh it only takes one file though and this is really one of the most dangerous files on here. Just be very very careful and have the curse removal file at the ready if you do keep listening. Its fine, I guess I worry for anyone who listens to that takeover file ive seen what it can do :/
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Postby Randalll » July 2nd, 2014, 12:06 pm

How long did it take before the person that you know experienced anything out of the ordinary? Days? Weeks?

I read Leehia's Journal (from the "my female voice started talking to me" thread) and find it hard to believe all that happened in 5 days. The "other" persona would have still been 10 years old. It says it won't get full control until she becomes your age which i'm assuming was at least 18 if she is on this site.
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Postby danny1988 » July 2nd, 2014, 3:14 pm

Randalll wrote:How long did it take before the person that you know experienced anything out of the ordinary? Days? Weeks?

I read Leehia's Journal (from the "my female voice started talking to me" thread) and find it hard to believe all that happened in 5 days. The "other" persona would have still been 10 years old. It says it won't get full control until she becomes your age which i'm assuming was at least 18 if she is on this site.

With my friend it took two weeks give or take, yes thats true when she becomes your age she would have complete control which is a scary thought. Im still surprised your continuing listening considering what happened or nearly happened to Leehia...
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Postby ParanoidLord » July 2nd, 2014, 10:40 pm

I remember the whole CFT panic! While some people do seem to have been rather affected by it, I seem to remember a few other people who weren't - looking back at the forums and journals, one (duality99) apparently abandoned the file after a while and decided that hypnosis wasn't really achieving their goals.

I've never personally believed that Curse Female Takeover would actually make a listener believe they were trapped inside their mind while a female replacement took over. My assumption is that it's very hard (not completely impossible) to change what a person wants, especially if their rational mind would pop up and say "Hey, this could really reduce my quality of life!". More likely, a dedicated listener is going to wake up one day firmly believing that they are the woman they've been imagining and engaging the world as such.

These might be ideas I've mentioned in the past, but I figure they're worth repeating if that's the case.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 3rd, 2014, 4:54 am

According to the file description, the new personality starts out as a ten-year-old female and age at the rate of one year per week. So the personality will take over when it is older than you are. To figure this, subtract ten years from your age. That is the number of weeks you have to look forward to being in control until the new female personality takes over.

So if you are thirty-four (34): 34 - 10 = 24. You have twenty-four weeks -- a little less than six months -- until "you" vanish and the female personality takes over totally.
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Postby Stacie5959 » July 4th, 2014, 7:14 am

broerk wrote:

at first I noticed little to nothing however on the 3rd day I did notice. That I somehow had urge to do things you would expect an10 year old girl wanting to do.

it's very confusing because I have no clue how a 10 year old girl views the world

what is it you noticed on day 3???

it's like I have no frame of reference for this file although the concept is very exciting.

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Postby Cid » July 5th, 2014, 12:46 pm

I think the only way this file could be enjoyable if she only aged if you listened everyday of a week. If you didn't listen every day in the week she won't get stronger and take control. Heck it would be great if you listened to the file she gets stronger but the less you listen to it, she gets weaker. However only YOU can listen to the file. She can't make you listen. Idk.
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Postby lew897 » July 5th, 2014, 2:53 pm

That would be an interesting idea. I would add that she can only be in control for at the max a month. Then you have to work it up again. But it does seem a little complicated. I would have to assume that its probably best to start with a trigger and then if you really wanted to, start using the takeover.
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Postby pczelda » July 5th, 2014, 3:11 pm

lew897 wrote:That would be an interesting idea. I would add that she can only be in control for at the max a month. Then you have to work it up again. But it does seem a little complicated. I would have to assume that its probably best to start with a trigger and then if you really wanted to, start using the takeover.

You can't afford to have any regrets if you start listening to the takeover though. Unfinished business? Favorite hobbies? Be ready to sign the rest of your life away with no way back; this female personality won't yield, the wording in the takeover file wouldn't let her. And no fantasies stay great in a permanent state of having them.
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Postby Stacie5959 » July 7th, 2014, 7:52 pm

pczelda wrote:
lew897 wrote:That would be an interesting idea. I would add that she can only be in control for at the max a month. Then you have to work it up again. But it does seem a little complicated. I would have to assume that its probably best to start with a trigger and then if you really wanted to, start using the takeover.

You can't afford to have any regrets if you start listening to the takeover though. Unfinished business? Favorite hobbies? Be ready to sign the rest of your life away with no way back; this female personality won't yield, the wording in the takeover file wouldn't let her. And no fantasies stay great in a permanent state of having them.

so this is an S&M file rather than a feminization file?
Last edited by Stacie5959 on July 8th, 2014, 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby im_not_here » July 7th, 2014, 9:22 pm

Stacie5959 wrote:
so this is an S&M file rather than a fertilization file?

... You're not wrong in the literal sense, but I feel like you're getting the wrong impression on this file. The goal of this file is to create a second personality in you. Think imaginary friend, except as time goes on, this friend of yours gains a stronger voice, until she's influencing what you're doing. Eventually, she simply takes over. She'll become the "real" you, while you're the imaginary friend, helpless to really do anything.

I wouldn't wish this fate on my worse enemy.
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Postby Randalll » July 8th, 2014, 4:34 am

Added a new journal entry. I'm gonna keep my progress posted there.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 8th, 2014, 4:55 am

{quote]randalll wrote:[/b]
Added a new journal entry. I'm gonna keep my progress posted there.[/quote]

I really wish you'd post here instead of in your journal. At least post here when you make a new journal entry. Otherwise we who are interested in the topic will probably miss your entries and progress.
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Postby lew897 » July 8th, 2014, 10:28 am

Im not lieing, this is kinda uncool. I think that if he is going to go through with this, he should just keep it to himself. We already know that its going to work, so why put us through the emotional roller coaster? I personally don't know why out of everything on this site, does a person waste their time with a file that's going to wreck them.
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Postby Randalll » July 8th, 2014, 11:17 am

lew897 wrote:Im not lieing, this is kinda uncool. I think that if he is going to go through with this, he should just keep it to himself. We already know that its going to work, so why put us through the emotional roller coaster? I personally don't know why out of everything on this site, does a person waste their time with a file that's going to wreck them.

What makes you so sure the file will work?

I'm not even sure the file can actually work. If you have ever listened to it you would notice that the wording is kind of weird. It says that you will hear her for the first time, but if you do hear her then the next time you listen won't be hearing her for the first time. Kind of contradictive and usually pushes me out of trance. I'm doing this partly because it is a fantasy and partly because I'm not entirely sold that this file will work. Its more like an experiment to call out a bluff on the others' posts. Seeing is believing.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 8th, 2014, 1:37 pm

randalll wrote:
What makes you so sure the file will work?

I'm not even sure the file can actually work. If you have ever listened to it you would notice that the wording is kind of weird. It says that you will hear her for the first time, but if you do hear her then the next time you listen won't be hearing her for the first time. Kind of contradictive and usually pushes me out of trance. I'm doing this partly because it is a fantasy and partly because I'm not entirely sold that this file will work. Its more like an experiment to call out a bluff on the others' posts. Seeing is believing.

What is your backup plan if the file does work? According to the file description, when the new female mind gets to be one year older than you -- for her, one week = one year, so your time is limited to your age minus ten weeks -- are, this person who is now you will become a voice in her mind and perhaps eventually disappear.

I'd have a back-up plan in case the file does work. Otherwise, the current "you" that inhabits your body will disappear ... a case of mental suicide. Your body will still exist but the person who inhabits it will be different. Just in case ... have a back-up plan. Tell someone you're close to who can watch over you to see if you're behaving differently. Even before the new personality is scheduled to take over, she may be able to influence you enough that you will not be able to download or listen to any Curse Removal File, such as CosmicFireDeprogrammer3. Its link is: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys&act=fetch&nopage=1&link=11478
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Postby Randalll » July 8th, 2014, 5:17 pm

Thanks for the link. It may come In handy if something unexpected happens.
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Postby Randalll » July 8th, 2014, 7:07 pm

I was not able to listen at all today, but I've been craving it more than I was yesterday. It kind of feels like a "Nic Fit" from when I was a smoker. I wonder if anyone else experienced this? Sadly, I probably won't get a chance to listen again until thursday.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 10th, 2014, 4:31 am

randalll wrote:
Thanks for the link. It may come In handy if something unexpected happens.

May I suggest that you download the file now so you have it ... "just in case"? I tend to be overly cautious -- one might even say paranoid -- about having backup plans and having the ability to implement them.

Of course, with what everyone has been saying about this file -- including parts of the previous thread being deleted -- it might pay to be paranoid.
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Postby pczelda » July 10th, 2014, 3:53 pm

It would be nice as well to have a password-protected program that only you have access to the password for, not her, and that would protect the curse removal file from being deleted/stopped in playing without using the password. But that's probably asking a lot.
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started listening

Postby angelcraves » July 11th, 2014, 9:42 am

I have started listening again to the file , open to pms of encouragement.
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Postby Route42 » July 11th, 2014, 11:03 am

I was thinking about this file today.
Mostly because I decided to start listening to Your Other Half, so I was doing a bit of compare and contrast between the two.

And it hit me what really turned me off from the Takeover file when I was trying it out.

The way the file is worded, the personality that will take you over--once it appears--starts off as a 10-"year"-old girl. From there the personality "ages" a year for every week after that.

And the idea of a personality in me, designed to be both 10 years and female, being there... watching and experiencing what I do... there's a major ick factor there. Like, whether it is masturbation/sex/porn or violent movies or whathaveyou, it weirded me the hell out.

Maybe a personality isn't the same thing as an actual 10-year-old, but ick.
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Postby pczelda » July 11th, 2014, 12:34 pm

Route42 wrote:And the idea of a personality in me, designed to be both 10 years and female, being there... watching and experiencing what I do... there's a major ick factor there. Like, whether it is masturbation/sex/porn or violent movies or whathaveyou, it weirded me the hell out.

Maybe a personality isn't the same thing as an actual 10-year-old, but ick.

That's a good point, you'd probably have to give those things up until she's 18, and then you wouldn't have a whole lot of time left to enjoy those things until she's of full age and fully takes over.

Addendum: And that's even assuming she isn't outright disgusted by what you try to do in the first place, even if she's old enough.
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Postby angelcraves » July 11th, 2014, 11:31 pm

Is Mistress Senna still about?
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Re: Senna

Postby danny1988 » July 12th, 2014, 5:03 am

angelcraves wrote:Is Mistress Senna still about?

Hopefully not, shes a very abusive tist if you could call her even a hypnotist.
She manipulates people and ruins peoples lives.
Part of the reason for some of the personality types this file creates is her doing.

Why exactly do you want to listen to this file? Im curious.
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Postby angelcraves » July 15th, 2014, 2:20 pm

Hello All,

I pm'ed Danny as a I have a lot of personal things going on , talked to them, and I am now exploring other avenues.
I Don't truly think anyone would want this, when they realise what is going on , it is as others have said mental suicide.
perhaps it would work for someone who does genuinely want to be on the inside looking out, but does someone really exist like that?
I thought I had a lot for self hate/doubt not just low self esteem, but this really would not help.
If you want to just be docile and obey someone there are people who will help with that. I actually think this file will just create a manifestation of another personality inside yourself. I saw this as a file that would push me to be myself, but it won't

Best Regards all.

Special Thanks Danny, and Joy.
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Re: REply

Postby danny1988 » July 15th, 2014, 3:38 pm

angelcraves wrote:Hello All,

I pm'ed Danny as a I have a lot of personal things going on , talked to them, and I am now exploring other avenues.
I Don't truly think anyone would want this, when they realise what is going on , it is as others have said mental suicide.
perhaps it would work for someone who does genuinely want to be on the inside looking out, but does someone really exist like that?
I thought I had a lot for self hate/doubt not just low self esteem, but this really would not help.
If you want to just be docile and obey someone there are people who will help with that. I actually think this file will just create a manifestation of another personality inside yourself. I saw this as a file that would push me to be myself, but it won't

Best Regards all.

Special Thanks Danny, and Joy.

No worries anytime :) Thanks for the mention.
Glad you came to a decision, I know low self esteem can be bad I have had it for many years along with numerous other issues. But it does get better with help from others and support. Just hang in there and im sure in the near future you will be a lot happier!
Yeh I do wonder if people see this file as pushing themselves to be them self... When in reality it will do the exact opposite.
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Postby parttimecd626 » July 17th, 2014, 3:49 am

I wouldn't mind listening to the file just cant afford it at the moment but i been wanting to try it out and even write about it if its a success if any 1 has the file and can send to me that would be great subin626@yahoo.com
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Is Female Takeover REALLY a success story?

Postby pczelda » July 17th, 2014, 11:02 am

parttimecd626 wrote:I wouldn't mind listening to the file just cant afford it at the moment but i been wanting to try it out and even write about it if its a success if any 1 has the file and can send to me that would be great subin626@yahoo.com

If you're talking about Female Takeover, I'm not so sure this is in the right forum subsection even. Success story? From what I've seen this file becomes a nightmare to most of the guys who use it. I'd maybe term this, actually, as "True Horror Story". I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

If you're talking about the Your Other Half file, well that's much more sane.
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Postby parttimecd626 » July 17th, 2014, 2:20 pm

Nope I am talking about Female Takeover I am very curious to try it and no i am not insane lol
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Postby danny1988 » July 17th, 2014, 4:03 pm

parttimecd626 wrote:Nope I am talking about Female Takeover I am very curious to try it and no i am not insane lol

The fact you want to try it says otherwise... o.0
You do realise your basically giving your life away to a totally different person yes? This personality isn't you. Its essentially like a body snatcher scenario.
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Postby pczelda » July 17th, 2014, 4:44 pm

danny1988 wrote:The fact you want to try it says otherwise... o.0
You do realise your basically giving your life away to a totally different person yes? This personality isn't you. Its essentially like a body snatcher scenario.

Another thing that gets me about this Female Takeover file, evidently the female personality deletes all evidence from the male personality that there was anything wrong, and then new people aren't warned of the dangers of this file properly. Danny, you told me things you read in that other thread that were mostly deleted, that they were imprinted in your mind. Could you type a reenactment here, to the best of your memory? People need to know, since they're evidently not seeing the dangers of this file like we do.
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Postby danny1988 » July 17th, 2014, 5:39 pm

I cant remember exactly what I said, but from what I remember from the original topic was the original personality michael decided to listen to this file. This created a female personality called bella, and she was insanely dominant. Senna manipulated michael into thinking it was a good idea to let bella have his body and she helped bella and gave no support to helping michael.

He lost more and more control and bella took over totally one day and michael tried to fight back for control of his body but bella was too strong and pushed him down and whatever it means senna helped bella put michael in a cage in his own mind and bella was laughing about him screaming to be let out.

I messaged bella trying to see if this was all real I guess, she said she was still in control :/ and that michael wouldnt be getting control back. Now thats one heartless bitch right there, I hope michael gets control back or honestly something happens to give michael some peace. Living like that must be living hell.

I condem EMG for making the file and Senna for manipulating Michael, anyone who advocates or helps using this file either doesnt know what it does or is very nieve or evil.
If it was up to me this file would be deleted forever.

I also feel sorry for the families of people who listen to this file and it works, they are loosing a loved one. If you think this personality sees your family as family or cares for them you are dead wrong. This does not create another you, this file esentially creates a totally seperate personality (a different person like a stranger on the street) and then they take your body and live their life while all you can do is watch on for the rest of yours and theirs.

I hope this is clear I dont exactly know how to be any more clear.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 17th, 2014, 7:03 pm

pczelda wrote
Danny, you told me things you read in that other thread that were mostly deleted, that they were imprinted in your mind. Could you type a reenactment here, to the best of your memory? People need to know, since they're evidently not seeing the dangers of this file like we do.

Danny, you could find a copy of the undeleted file thread in the Internet Archives -- http://www.archive.org -- and link to it. All parts of WMM that you don't need a password to read -- including the forums -- are backed up in it. You wouldn't be able to download files since you need to sign in to download, but the Forum threads should be intact.
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Postby Sinikel » July 17th, 2014, 7:16 pm

The user knows what they are getting themselves into when they listen to the file. Just putting this out there and there is a reason there is a price tag on such a file. I agree 100% that this file is dangerous, but you can't blame someone for a file that someone chose to listen to.
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Postby robindf1 » July 17th, 2014, 7:24 pm

No one needs to be protected from themselves.
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Postby pczelda » July 17th, 2014, 7:46 pm

OxyFemboi wrote:Danny, you could find a copy of the undeleted file thread in the Internet Archives -- http://www.archive.org -- and link to it. All parts of WMM that you don't need a password to read -- including the forums -- are backed up in it. You wouldn't be able to download files since you need to sign in to download, but the Forum threads should be intact.


Wayback Machine doesn't have that page archived."

Not sure we can find the full thread.
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Postby Sinikel » July 17th, 2014, 8:04 pm


Only one page was saved but here it is.
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Postby pczelda » July 18th, 2014, 12:25 am

Well looks like that page included the meat of what was deleted, thx. I still don't get how people can be intrigued with trying this file, and that link ought to be enough to scare people away properly, but then... Idk. I think certain people will be determined no matter what you say.
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Postby danny1988 » July 18th, 2014, 5:19 am

robindf1 wrote:No one needs to be protected from themselves.

Certain people on this site surely do, and I have seen a lot not knowing what they are getting into!
But that being said, if someone wants to really listen to this file its up to them. I just think its best for someone to have all the facts before they do listen or think of listening, don't you agree?

Also the reason for the price tag is someone commissioned the file from EMG, quite a few of his files you pay for its the more complex ones you pay for not the more dangerous. Some of the pay files are very tame.
I can blame someone for creating something and then someone else listening to the file, imo its like putting a loaded gun in someone's hand.
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Postby robindf1 » July 18th, 2014, 4:54 pm

danny1988 wrote:
robindf1 wrote:No one needs to be protected from themselves.

Certain people on this site surely do, and I have seen a lot not knowing what they are getting into!
But that being said, if someone wants to really listen to this file its up to them. I just think its best for someone to have all the facts before they do listen or think of listening, don't you agree?

Also the reason for the price tag is someone commissioned the file from EMG, quite a few of his files you pay for its the more complex ones you pay for not the more dangerous. Some of the pay files are very tame.
I can blame someone for creating something and then someone else listening to the file, imo its like putting a loaded gun in someone's hand.

We are all adults here. A babysitter is the last thing that we need, I promise you. This is a fetish site. No matter how positive your intentions are, you show up in so many threads making a big deal out of the choices other adults made for themselves that, yeah, it kinda kills things for me.
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Postby pczelda » July 18th, 2014, 5:04 pm

robindf1 wrote:We are all adults here. A babysitter is the last thing that we need, I promise you. This is a fetish site. No matter how positive your intentions are, you show up in so many threads making a big deal out of the choices other adults made for themselves that, yeah, it kinda kills things for me.

With all due respect robin, I think you're missing the point here. Danny is all about letting adults make their own decisions here. The point is making sure they fully know what they're getting into, and the full ramifications of what this demonic file means. If they get all that and still want to go on with it, well we'll worry about them because that's what we do, but that's their choice of course.
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Joined: June 22nd, 2014, 12:00 am


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