Female Takeover

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby danny1988 » July 18th, 2014, 6:28 pm

robindf1 wrote:
danny1988 wrote:
robindf1 wrote:No one needs to be protected from themselves.

Certain people on this site surely do, and I have seen a lot not knowing what they are getting into!
But that being said, if someone wants to really listen to this file its up to them. I just think its best for someone to have all the facts before they do listen or think of listening, don't you agree?

Also the reason for the price tag is someone commissioned the file from EMG, quite a few of his files you pay for its the more complex ones you pay for not the more dangerous. Some of the pay files are very tame.
I can blame someone for creating something and then someone else listening to the file, imo its like putting a loaded gun in someone's hand.

We are all adults here. A babysitter is the last thing that we need, I promise you. This is a fetish site. No matter how positive your intentions are, you show up in so many threads making a big deal out of the choices other adults made for themselves that, yeah, it kinda kills things for me.

No offense robin but you also show up in threads flaming me and people who generally just want to make people fully informed because it ruins what? The erotic appeal for you?
All I do is seriously make people informed of this file and what it does, don't really care about any other files on this site but this one I do. I have seen what it does, I had a friend listen to it!

With this file I don't care if it ruins the appeal for you as long as people get the full picture of what this file does. If you want to see people's lives destroyed because of this one file and you get off on it so be it but im not going to stop just because you say.

Lets be honest here this file does destroy lives, if not for the person listening but surely for the friends and family of the people listening. Yes we are all adults and we all have choices as I said if someone wants to really listen knowing full well what can happen so be it. But its better for them to be fully informed of what this file does and I have spoken to people who thought it did something else.
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Postby lisacd20 » July 18th, 2014, 7:12 pm

i find this super interesting, id love to talk to a real tist about it.
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Postby robindf1 » July 18th, 2014, 9:39 pm

danny1988 wrote:
robindf1 wrote:
danny1988 wrote:
robindf1 wrote:No one needs to be protected from themselves.

Certain people on this site surely do, and I have seen a lot not knowing what they are getting into!
But that being said, if someone wants to really listen to this file its up to them. I just think its best for someone to have all the facts before they do listen or think of listening, don't you agree?

Also the reason for the price tag is someone commissioned the file from EMG, quite a few of his files you pay for its the more complex ones you pay for not the more dangerous. Some of the pay files are very tame.
I can blame someone for creating something and then someone else listening to the file, imo its like putting a loaded gun in someone's hand.

We are all adults here. A babysitter is the last thing that we need, I promise you. This is a fetish site. No matter how positive your intentions are, you show up in so many threads making a big deal out of the choices other adults made for themselves that, yeah, it kinda kills things for me.

No offense robin but you also show up in threads flaming me and people who generally just want to make people fully informed because it ruins what? The erotic appeal for you?
All I do is seriously make people informed of this file and what it does, don't really care about any other files on this site but this one I do. I have seen what it does, I had a friend listen to it!

With this file I don't care if it ruins the appeal for you as long as people get the full picture of what this file does. If you want to see people's lives destroyed because of this one file and you get off on it so be it but im not going to stop just because you say.

Lets be honest here this file does destroy lives, if not for the person listening but surely for the friends and family of the people listening. Yes we are all adults and we all have choices as I said if someone wants to really listen knowing full well what can happen so be it. But its better for them to be fully informed of what this file does and I have spoken to people who thought it did something else.

If you think that this is a flame, then you have certainly not been flamed. This is an erotic hypnosis site. The erotic appeal is a good part of why people are here. Usually I don't mind, but it seems you've been showing up in almost every slightly iffy thread lately to deride others choices to listen to files of their own free will because of any potentially ill effects, with files that are far tamer than this.

All I'm asking is for you to tone it done so the rest of the responsible adults can have fun here without you trying to rain on our parades. This is not a flame, but the result of one particularly exasperated poster more than slightly annoyed at you trying to play nanny to the entire site, from objecting to people using the word faggot to sexuality files to dumbing down files to still others.

I'm always pro-education, but when it gets to this extreme, yes, I get a little miffed. Erotic hypnosis site, once again. Much of this is about transformation, and much of it comes with downsides that people willingly accept. I'd be far nicer if people could engage in that without you doing what it is that you do.
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I fail to see the logic here, no offense

Postby pczelda » July 19th, 2014, 12:02 am

robindf1 wrote:If you think that this is a flame, then you have certainly not been flamed.

Wait... what? A flame is a written chat attack, and it's not always denoted by typing all in caps. If someone attacks you, it's suddenly "not an attack" just because you said that it was? It just doesn't work that way. Admitting that something bad happened to you doesn't make it false, it just means you felt wronged, and this problem should be corrected. Especially when the attacker comes on strong, well anyone on the receiving end would feel offended, that's only human.
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Re: I fail to see the logic here, no offense

Postby robindf1 » July 19th, 2014, 1:04 am

pczelda wrote:
robindf1 wrote:If you think that this is a flame, then you have certainly not been flamed.

Wait... what? A flame is a written chat attack, and it's not always denoted by typing all in caps. If someone attacks you, it's suddenly "not an attack" just because you said that it was? It just doesn't work that way. Admitting that something bad happened to you doesn't make it false, it just means you felt wronged, and this problem should be corrected. Especially when the attacker comes on strong, well anyone on the receiving end would feel offended, that's only human.

No. That's not what a flame is.

COMPUTING informal
direct a vitriolic or abusive message at (someone) by posting on the Internet or sending an email.
"your opinions and mine are probably different, but please don't flame me"

When I say that him showing up on a fetish site to lecture people about what they're doing to themselves is harmful kinda kills the mood for me, that's not an abusive or vitriolic message. Let's get that straight right now. Disagreement is not an attack. Telling someone to stop doing something you don't like is not an attack. If he is offended and feels hurt by it, then that's on his thin skin.

It's always his choice to do whatever, but I felt like I had to say that on a website filled with responsible adults who come here to do things to their bodies and minds that are less than savory to most (it's in the name: WarpMyMind), it might not be the most appreciated thing to constantly nag at people about how they're doing something dangerous.

I think they know. It's why they're here. We all reach a point where we stop and say to someone, "Hey, maybe this is too much. Maybe this is getting to real and it's not fun anymore, it's disturbing." And whatever, that's fine. It's cool that people here do that for each other.

But when it gets to be so frequent and over such minor things, that's when I say that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for him to calm down on it.
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Interesting discusion...

Postby macdaddy » July 19th, 2014, 4:22 am

Very intriguing. Some of my observations:

I never saw the initial uncensored thread - the link above let me do that (and the whole thread is there at least for me - page 2 and 3 links worked and pulled up the archived pages).

My opinion is that the initial poster basically made up a story using partial truths - they say they started listening on Jan 21, but by Jan 29 the female personality was fully in control - according to the posters OP that should not have happened for about 9 weeks - mid march. If the file was the only thing working then the take over could not have happened. The OP also said he wanted to be a female and was listening to other files too at the same time - to me it is obvious that the Female Takeover file was not the real culprit in his case, it was his unconscious desire to become a female that was the root of it all. Again, this is all my opinion.

Personally I have bought and listened to this file many times over a period of several years. And Nada. Never any effect - never heard a girls voice in my head. I guess my subconscious does not want me to really be a female - I have a family, and responsibilities in this life I do not want to give up.

That said, The Forced Gay Curse really took me for a ride - I guess my subconscious knew I could integrate the effects of that file successful into my life. I wrote in detail about my experiences last month in the Forced Gay Success thread.

IMHO the fun of this site is the thrill of trying new things - and the knowledge that hypnosis will only work as far as your subconscious allows; that is the real fail safe. If a fantasy erotic hypnosis file works, something inside you MUST want it - otherwise you will eventually fight it off.

The other great thing is the exchange of ideas, the diversity of viewpoints and open mindedness of most posters when it comes to some pretty kinky fetishes - and the knowledge that there is a safety net of sorts - the many helpful and wise people on this site who give forthright advice about those fetishes when asked.

As an aside, brainwashing is another subject and should not be confused with hypnosis - repetitive brainwashing will alter someones world view whether they realize it or not. It is the secret of many successful TV advertising campaigns. I still don't squeeze the Charmin after all these years, I know Mikey will eat anything, and I still take Alka Selzer when I can't believe I ate the whole thing...

Cheers everyone - love the discussion and again this is all MHO. :D
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Postby danny1988 » July 19th, 2014, 6:11 am

Robin maybe I do have a thin skin, I take things to heart a lot of the time.
But I am not the only one who thinks this file is dangerous and voices their opinions im just more vocal about it as ive seen first hand what it can do. You said I got annoyed at someone using the word faggot, yeh I did because its a derogatory term and I wasent the only one and if I remember correctly I said one sentance about that as a reply and others agreed with me. As with the dumbing down files I dont really mind them all that much now.

Keep in mind when I posted some of thoes threads I was still dealing with the mental anguish over what my friend was doing.

Yes this is an erotic hypnosis site but I have always believed in safe hypnosis, most of the files I dont mind on here I dont post in that many threads. Most of my posts are centered around multiple personalities and female takeover threads.

Also I have spoken to my hypnotherapist about this, he didnt understand why anyone would want that. Considering hypnosis can be used to help someone feminise themselves. When the reality is the female takeover does not feminise 'you'

I think they know. It's why they're here. We all reach a point where we stop and say to someone, "Hey, maybe this is too much. Maybe this is getting to real and it's not fun anymore, it's disturbing." And whatever, that's fine. It's cool that people here do that for each other.

Some do some dont, some go hey thats an intersting file lets give it a go. You can see that in the original takeover thread and on this one.
What I took from this file is its not like the others on this site, there is a point where its difficult to stop even if you want it to.
Your esentially fighting another personlity.
Look at Leehia's post he was very lucky, the female personality nearly took over even considering how much he didnt want it in the end.
You can see that from his reaction.

This female personality can stop you listening to the curse removal file, delete the curse removal file among other things...
So what the person wants isnt always what they get with this file and if you cant see that then...

Also im not playing nanny Robin, im keeping people informed lots of people dont read the full forum topics on what this file does. It shows.
If someone wants to listen after they know all the facts then fine its up to them.

So if your going to have a go at me for keeping people informed fine but im not going to stop.
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Postby robindf1 » July 19th, 2014, 8:34 am

danny1988 wrote:Robin maybe I do have a thin skin, I take things to heart a lot of the time.
But I am not the only one who thinks this file is dangerous and voices their opinions im just more vocal about it as ive seen first hand what it can do. You said I got annoyed at someone using the word faggot, yeh I did because its a derogatory term and I wasent the only one and if I remember correctly I said one sentance about that as a reply and others agreed with me. As with the dumbing down files I dont really mind them all that much now.

Keep in mind when I posted some of thoes threads I was still dealing with the mental anguish over what my friend was doing.

Yes this is an erotic hypnosis site but I have always believed in safe hypnosis, most of the files I dont mind on here I dont post in that many threads. Most of my posts are centered around multiple personalities and female takeover threads.

Also I have spoken to my hypnotherapist about this, he didnt understand why anyone would want that. Considering hypnosis can be used to help someone feminise themselves. When the reality is the female takeover does not feminise 'you'

I think they know. It's why they're here. We all reach a point where we stop and say to someone, "Hey, maybe this is too much. Maybe this is getting to real and it's not fun anymore, it's disturbing." And whatever, that's fine. It's cool that people here do that for each other.

Some do some dont, some go hey thats an intersting file lets give it a go. You can see that in the original takeover thread and on this one.
What I took from this file is its not like the others on this site, there is a point where its difficult to stop even if you want it to.
Your esentially fighting another personlity.
Look at Leehia's post he was very lucky, the female personality nearly took over even considering how much he didnt want it in the end.
You can see that from his reaction.

This female personality can stop you listening to the curse removal file, delete the curse removal file among other things...
So what the person wants isnt always what they get with this file and if you cant see that then...

Also im not playing nanny Robin, im keeping people informed lots of people dont read the full forum topics on what this file does. It shows.
If someone wants to listen after they know all the facts then fine its up to them.

So if your going to have a go at me for keeping people informed fine but im not going to stop.

I'm not having a go at you. This is Warp My Mind. Safe hypnosis seems like a silly idea here. People get into these things on purpose. Sometimes, you don't agree and nag at them. Others didn't agree with you in the "faggot" thread. People have talked to you about this before. It's much harder to enjoy yourself on this site if someone is trying to nag and go against the fun people are trying to have.
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Postby pczelda » July 19th, 2014, 12:09 pm

robindf1 wrote:I'm not having a go at you. This is Warp My Mind. Safe hypnosis seems like a silly idea here. People get into these things on purpose. Sometimes, you don't agree and nag at them. Others didn't agree with you in the "faggot" thread. People have talked to you about this before. It's much harder to enjoy yourself on this site if someone is trying to nag and go against the fun people are trying to have.

Ok maybe not everyone did. But this site should have rules against using terms that are known to cause offense on a general basis. Like you've said we're here to have fun. Where's the fun if someone loses their cool and calls someone else a "faggot"? That kind of stuff is out of place on any forum site and it just causes problems.
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Postby danny1988 » July 19th, 2014, 12:24 pm

robindf1 wrote:I'm not having a go at you. This is Warp My Mind. Safe hypnosis seems like a silly idea here. People get into these things on purpose. Sometimes, you don't agree and nag at them. Others didn't agree with you in the "faggot" thread. People have talked to you about this before. It's much harder to enjoy yourself on this site if someone is trying to nag and go against the fun people are trying to have.

This is the only file I see as dangerous Robin, Everything else on here I view as safe. You can still have the crazy hypnosis files and be safe doing it.
Sometimes I dont agree and I do nag I guess I wont lie there. But people really dont see to understand what this file does ive seen it many many times with various people. I cant even remember what that thread was about and come on I said it was a derogtaory term its not like I was nagging.
Yes many people have spoken to me about this before, but I dont see it as something bad when what this file does.
There is too much suffering as is in this world to let this file go unchallenged, you may think im overly sensitive about this file and you would be right.

I dont know how anyone cant be if they had read the original thread its not something you forget, I saw it now 2 years ago and its still vivid in my head from the horror of it all.
Also ive not been vocal on this site for a long time, ive not posted either. Its only when I saw someone listening to this file I had to speak up.

All I want to do is make people fully informed of this file and the dangers it has. Do you not think its dangerous?
How would you feel if you saw someone listen not knowing full well what it did and you could have said something?

The rest of the files on this site I dont care about, its just this one.
Also I would hardly call this file 'fun' evil yes, disturbing yes, scary as hell yes but definitly not fun.
Having yourself trapped unable to do anything for the rest of your life is something I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy, also once its happened there is no going back no fail safes nothing.
Yes this is a site called warp my mind as you seem to keep mentioning a lot. But all that means is its a site to bend and twist your mind not introduce it or yourself to your own living hell. Which is what this file does.
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Postby Marian » July 19th, 2014, 1:43 pm

I believe this file is dangerous but the second person is not a second person but a modus from yourself. If it works it induce a dissociative identity disorder - worse enough and a reason to warn, this is a very serious mental ilness.
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Postby macdaddy » July 20th, 2014, 12:11 am

Just wonderin'

Are any of the commentator's here medical professionals who are qualified to make medical statements? Or is everyone just stating opinions or anecdotal statements? I know I am (not a medical person), that's why I made sure my posts clearly state they are just my opinion. Some clarity would be welcome so I can weight each side's arguments accordingly.

My concern is that if this is so serious a matter as a file causing an actual mental illness, my take is that perhaps this site should be a 'membership only closed' site. This is because all the files here could be said to cause some degree of mental instability by a <quote>normal <unquote> person, with out any fetishes, who stumbles upon the site and does not take heed of the name of the site and it's intended audience of fetishists. Heck, by definition we fetishists are out of the ordinary - some would call us mentally challenged already, lol.

(And lest we not forget those files that make one want to go have unprotected sex with the homeless, or sleazy strangers one meets at sleazy bars or bookstores - those files exist on this site and truly do present a clear medical risk - sexually transmitted diseases are a real danger. Why is no one complaining about them? I won't - because I am an adult who understands the risk, and those files are part of my fetish - I listen to them occasionally as they are a fun fantasy to me.)

My current understanding is that the site is supposed to be a nonjudgmental place where adult fetishists can come and have fun, i.e. different strokes for different folks. My feeling is most everyone here is an adult, or should be, and unless the site management takes a file down because there is a factual, reasonable chance of a serious medical issue, then a warning or 2 about a file is not out of line, but constantly railing against a file one does not like is quite off putting. And taking it too lightly and not understanding the possible risks if it is actually dangerous is also disquieting

JMHO Cheers! :D
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Postby Marian » July 20th, 2014, 12:41 am

Yes. Fetish is the keyword. The remember "safe, sane, consensual" and "risk-aware consensual kink".

Therefor you must know what you are doing. The point here is: You can listen alone, in RL you have a partner you'll discuss with. So it must be possible to warn here. Everybody can listen but should know the possible consequences.
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Postby pczelda » July 20th, 2014, 1:28 am

macdaddy wrote:Are any of the commentator's here medical professionals who are qualified to make medical statements? Or is everyone just stating opinions or anecdotal statements? I know I am (not a medical person), that's why I made sure my posts clearly state they are just my opinion. Some clarity would be welcome so I can weight each side's arguments accordingly.

We're not trying to be or pose as medical professionals, and most of us aren't saying anything medically, just some of us are talking about the horrors of this file to warn potential listeners so they're fully knowledgeable of the potentially severe consequences of this file first. These are hardly opinions either, these are convictions based on a lot of research and thought.

macdaddy wrote:My concern is that if this is so serious a matter as a file causing an actual mental illness, my take is that perhaps this site should be a 'membership only closed' site. This is because all the files here could be said to cause some degree of mental instability by a <quote>normal <unquote> person, with out any fetishes, who stumbles upon the site and does not take heed of the name of the site and it's intended audience of fetishists. Heck, by definition we fetishists are out of the ordinary - some would call us mentally challenged already, lol.

This file already costs money. Most of the files on this site aren't dangerous like this one, and I wouldn't be eager to see this site become membership-only because I'd be one of those who couldn't get one. And heh, a fetishist being a mentally challenged person? Maybe some of us, depending on other diagnoses. But fetishes are just intense and controversial hobbies, sexual- or sexually-based fantasies. Can't imagine who would think you're mentally challenged just because you have a fetish.

macdaddy wrote:...with the homeless, or sleazy strangers...sexually transmitted diseases are a real danger. Why is no one complaining about them?

Why doesn't anyone speak out about the danger of STDs? That stuff is taught in high schools, and should be common knowledge to all of us. But the subject matter of this file isn't taught about anywhere. Because not even the psychiatrists and hypnotists would teach about multiple personalities. Why? They either don't think anyone would be "crazy" enough to willingly take it on (not saying that about anyone who has and no offense intended) or they may not believe it's possible, and may believe it's only possible through having a series of serious traumatic experiences, which would likely be an uncommon situation. Thus they wouldn't warn people about the possibility of "growing" an extra personality. And this file, where a personality takes you over? That'd be out in the deep end, if they ever did hear about this file and somehow believed it could work, you can bet it'd be in the news. Yet it's unheard of, so who is there to prepare people? We're all there is.

macdaddy wrote:...nonjudgmental place where adult fetishists can come and have fun, i.e. different strokes for different folks...unless the site management takes a file down because there is a factual, reasonable chance of a serious medical issue, then a warning or 2 about a file is not out of line, but constantly railing against a file one does not like is quite off putting. And taking it too lightly and not understanding the possible risks if it is actually dangerous is also disquieting

Idk about a medical issue, reading the file's description alone was enough of a reason for me to be scared of this file, and reading firsthand accounts of what's happened to people who have used it just rooted it all the deeper in my mind as something to avoid and warn about... the potential medical issue of the file seems far second to that. If this file created a mental disorder I'd probably be less worried actually, because then people would find out something was wrong and the person could be treated for what happened, and maybe get out of this hell. I don't get that feeling from hearing and reading about this file though. And from what I've seen no one here is trying to be judgmental to anyone, plus if it was just an issue of not liking a file we wouldn't be worrying over this either, or feel the need to bring all this up.
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Postby robindf1 » July 20th, 2014, 8:35 am

Fine. You are welcome to nag at everyone about every minor thing they do with every minor file or every little thing that people say you personally find offensive. You can do that and ruin the whole forum all you want. I'll find somewhere else to get my rocks off where I can enjoy myself without feeling like someone's mother is looking over my shoulder. Fetish site my ass.
Last edited by robindf1 on July 20th, 2014, 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby KIY » July 20th, 2014, 9:45 am

Okay by me. I'm all for the "informed" part of "informed consent."

The original thread about that file was pretty scarey. It might not effect everyone like it did that guy-- he seemed to be a young college student with gender identity troubles, which means he was probably under a lot of stress to start with, so people without that stress might not have the same reaction. And it is true that it might have been some sort of weird prank-- people do do that sort of thing. But it is possible it was real, so folks should be aware of the risks when playing around with their minds.

Sometimes it is a good thing to try to make people think before they act.
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Postby ProfessorPig » July 20th, 2014, 12:54 pm

KIY wrote:Okay by me. I'm all for the "informed" part of "informed consent."

The original thread about that file was pretty scarey. It might not effect everyone like it did that guy-- he seemed to be a young college student with gender identity troubles, which means he was probably under a lot of stress to start with, so people without that stress might not have the same reaction. And it is true that it might have been some sort of weird prank-- people do do that sort of thing. But it is possible it was real, so folks should be aware of the risks when playing around with their minds.

Sometimes it is a good thing to try to make people think before they act.

+1 this

no one is brandishing torches and pitchforks and calling for the file to be removed. they are just raising awareness of past problems out there that people have had.

there are quite a few files out there that people have reacted poorly to and if you have not been viewing the forums for ages there is no way to if a file has a bad or mixed reputation.
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Postby pczelda » July 20th, 2014, 1:10 pm

robindf1 wrote:Fine. You are welcome to nag at everyone about every minor thing they do and I minor file and ruin the whole forum. I'll find somewhere else to get my rocks off. Fetish site my ass.

Robin if you don't mind me saying so, please don't worry so much about this, and I don't want to see you go. You may have come across as flaming to Danny at first, and I could feel it too indirectly, but since then it's gotten better and I do really respect your opinion. I can understand that not everyone thinks similarly and that we all have our own opinions and pet peeves, so if you must go I understand. But please don't go on our account, we never intended to push you away. At least that's how I feel, honest! Though I can't speak for anyone else here.
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Postby robindf1 » July 20th, 2014, 5:45 pm

pczelda wrote:
robindf1 wrote:Fine. You are welcome to nag at everyone about every minor thing they do and I minor file and ruin the whole forum. I'll find somewhere else to get my rocks off. Fetish site my ass.

Robin if you don't mind me saying so, please don't worry so much about this, and I don't want to see you go. You may have come across as flaming to Danny at first, and I could feel it too indirectly, but since then it's gotten better and I do really respect your opinion. I can understand that not everyone thinks similarly and that we all have our own opinions and pet peeves, so if you must go I understand. But please don't go on our account, we never intended to push you away. At least that's how I feel, honest! Though I can't speak for anyone else here.

No. I never flamed. That's the problem. When you are so sensitive that you object to almost every little thing that people do, that's a problem. When other people try to talk to you about it but you ignore them and refuse to stop, that's not a problem that can be overcome.

I already said that I'm fine with people educating other people on the more salty files to make sure that everyone is informed. But there's a difference between informing someone and nagging. When people call you out for nagging repeatedly while others do educate potential listeners without anyone caring, you're nagging. That's you. That's you creating an uncomfortable or less enjoyable environment in a place that should be all about that. This site is about warping your mind and changing yourself in erotic ways. It's all about doing fucked up things to yourself or enjoying other people doing the same, knowing that's what they're doing.

It's there in the title of the damned website. And to walk into so many threads where I see so much nagging and carrying on isn't hot, or fun, or appreciated. I'm not the only one who thinks so. I'm not the only one who has talked about it. I don't want to be in a place where people insist on making things less fun or hot at every turn because they're just too sensitive to let someone say the word "faggot" or something like that.

So...thanks, but no thanks. If you really wanted to help, you'd shoot me a link or two to a place like that.
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Postby danny1988 » July 20th, 2014, 5:50 pm

robindf1 wrote:Fine. You are welcome to nag at everyone about every minor thing they do with every minor file or every little thing that people say you personally find offensive. You can do that and ruin the whole forum all you want. I'll find somewhere else to get my rocks off where I can enjoy myself without feeling like someone's mother is looking over my shoulder. Fetish site my ass.

Look yes this is a fetish site but that doesnt mean it has to be dangerous and seriously I made one comment about the word being derogatory if I remember correctly. Also ages ago.

Also this one minor file as you put it can
1 seriously mess up someones mental health.
2 introduce them to their own living hell.
3 family and friends of the individual could loose a loved one.
4 be very dangerous if people are not kept informed of exactly what it does.

I dont want to see anyone else in the same position michael was in the original thread, i can only hope whatever happened is hes happier now. What happened or didnt happen depending if you see it as real or not should still serve as a warning that some things just souldnt be messed with.

But if someone really wants to listen knowing the facts of what it does im not going to argue, at least they are going into the situation knowing all the facts.
I am sorry if this ruins this site for you but id rather see people safe and if your going to hold that against me so be it.
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Postby robindf1 » July 20th, 2014, 5:58 pm

danny1988 wrote:
robindf1 wrote:Fine. You are welcome to nag at everyone about every minor thing they do with every minor file or every little thing that people say you personally find offensive. You can do that and ruin the whole forum all you want. I'll find somewhere else to get my rocks off where I can enjoy myself without feeling like someone's mother is looking over my shoulder. Fetish site my ass.

Look yes this is a fetish site but that doesnt mean it has to be dangerous and seriously I made one comment about the word being derogatory if I remember correctly. Also ages ago.

Also this one minor file as you put it can
1 seriously mess up someones mental health.
2 introduce them to their own living hell.
3 family and friends of the individual could loose a loved one.
4 be very dangerous if people are not kept informed of exactly what it does.

I dont want to see anyone else in the same position michael was in the original thread, i can only hope whatever happened is hes happier now. What happened or didnt happen depending if you see it as real or not should still serve as a warning that some things just souldnt be messed with.

But if someone really wants to listen knowing the facts of what it does im not going to argue, at least they are going into the situation knowing all the facts.
I am sorry if this ruins this site for you but id rather see people safe and if your going to hold that against me so be it.

I never called this a minor file. I never said I was against education. I said that I was for education, that plenty of people do it all the time without any problems. I used that one instance as an example of your sensitivity. You in particular, dude.

If you were always commenting on serious files about safety only, you and I would not have a problem. But it's every tiny little thing that isn't even close to always about you informing people.
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Postby danny1988 » July 20th, 2014, 6:12 pm

robindf1 wrote:
danny1988 wrote:
robindf1 wrote:Fine. You are welcome to nag at everyone about every minor thing they do with every minor file or every little thing that people say you personally find offensive. You can do that and ruin the whole forum all you want. I'll find somewhere else to get my rocks off where I can enjoy myself without feeling like someone's mother is looking over my shoulder. Fetish site my ass.

Look yes this is a fetish site but that doesnt mean it has to be dangerous and seriously I made one comment about the word being derogatory if I remember correctly. Also ages ago.

Also this one minor file as you put it can
1 seriously mess up someones mental health.
2 introduce them to their own living hell.
3 family and friends of the individual could loose a loved one.
4 be very dangerous if people are not kept informed of exactly what it does.

I dont want to see anyone else in the same position michael was in the original thread, i can only hope whatever happened is hes happier now. What happened or didnt happen depending if you see it as real or not should still serve as a warning that some things just souldnt be messed with.

But if someone really wants to listen knowing the facts of what it does im not going to argue, at least they are going into the situation knowing all the facts.
I am sorry if this ruins this site for you but id rather see people safe and if your going to hold that against me so be it.

I never called this a minor file. I never said I was against education. I said that I was for education, that plenty of people do it all the time without any problems. I used that one instance as an example of your sensitivity. You in particular, dude.

If you were always commenting on serious files about safety only, you and I would not have a problem. But it's every tiny little thing that isn't even close to always about you informing people.

Ok then yeh im sensitive ive said as much myself.
Right......... you do realise ive hardly posted on here lately?
I only started again when I saw someone listening to this file. Also its only been on this topic or something relating to this topic and or file.

The times you mentioned about me nagging about all the little things where when I was emotionally unstable because of this file! I dont care about any of the other files on this site bar this one anymore. I said this in another post o.0

I only post on this topic again when I see someone listening who is new, usually asking why they are listening and do they know what it does. Most people just listen and post and dont read all the pages on a topic...
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Postby KIY » July 20th, 2014, 8:03 pm

At least as far back as the days of newsgroups on the internet there has been a saying "If you don't like someones posts, don't read them.

It is between danny1988 and however is considering the file. No one else. No one tells anyone else what to say or not to say or what to do or not do. That is part of what makes this a "fetish site." If you lose your erection whenever someone posts a warning, just don't read posts from that poster any more.

I don't really know anything about the "faggot" post. It is legitimate for someone to say something if they find the term offensive. It is legitimate for someone to say why they disagree with that person. But telling someone not to post/complain is not legitimate. They freedom to post what you want is part of what makes this a fetish website. (Whether or not someone posts anymore is up the owner of the website. But that is another set of freedoms entirely.)

If you disagree with danny1998 about whether or not the file is dangerous, and someone else is considering it, you are free to post why you think he is wrong. That is just giving more information to the person considering using more information. Ultimately it is up to the person who is considering the file whether or not they use it. That is part of what makes this a fetish website.

Telling someone not to post/to shut up doesn't add anything useful and restricts their freedom. A fetish website is not about restricting freedom.

There are a great number of users here, only EMG knows how many for certain. There are going to be multiple points of view, and some of them are going to conflict. A civil, CONSTRUCTIVE discussion strengthens a website (or any other organization, really.) If this is going to useful, please add some new information to the discussion. At this point it seems to be a case of "You're Wrong!" "No, YOU'RE Wrong!"

The best thing to do at this point is for you to ignore danny1988's posts. Trying to get him to stop actually is more contrary to the nature of a fetish website because you are trying to restrict what he can do on here.

Whining about someone whining really doesn't make a very good case. I was taught that way back in the last century in junior high/middle school.
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Postby robindf1 » July 20th, 2014, 8:45 pm

KIY wrote:At least as far back as the days of newsgroups on the internet there has been a saying "If you don't like someones posts, don't read them.

It is between danny1988 and however is considering the file. No one else. No one tells anyone else what to say or not to say or what to do or not do. That is part of what makes this a "fetish site." If you lose your erection whenever someone posts a warning, just don't read posts from that poster any more.

I don't really know anything about the "faggot" post. It is legitimate for someone to say something if they find the term offensive. It is legitimate for someone to say why they disagree with that person. But telling someone not to post/complain is not legitimate. They freedom to post what you want is part of what makes this a fetish website. (Whether or not someone posts anymore is up the owner of the website. But that is another set of freedoms entirely.)

If you disagree with danny1998 about whether or not the file is dangerous, and someone else is considering it, you are free to post why you think he is wrong. That is just giving more information to the person considering using more information. Ultimately it is up to the person who is considering the file whether or not they use it. That is part of what makes this a fetish website.

Telling someone not to post/to shut up doesn't add anything useful and restricts their freedom. A fetish website is not about restricting freedom.

There are a great number of users here, only EMG knows how many for certain. There are going to be multiple points of view, and some of them are going to conflict. A civil, CONSTRUCTIVE discussion strengthens a website (or any other organization, really.) If this is going to useful, please add some new information to the discussion. At this point it seems to be a case of "You're Wrong!" "No, YOU'RE Wrong!"

The best thing to do at this point is for you to ignore danny1988's posts. Trying to get him to stop actually is more contrary to the nature of a fetish website because you are trying to restrict what he can do on here.

Whining about someone whining really doesn't make a very good case. I was taught that way back in the last century in junior high/middle school.

You have the freedom to say whatever you want. I have the freedom to say what I want. That's how this works. I'm not demanding that he do anything. I'm saying that I and others have found him overbearing at times, and I'd really like it if he stopped nagging.

I'm fairly sure that we also taught that conversations made it public are not necessarily restricted to two people if someone else is bothered, and to make an effort to talk it out. Not, you know, that you shouldn't be able to speak up if someone does something that bothers you. You DID learn that free speech goes both ways, right? Maybe you should take the advice of, "It's between those two people." and apply it to him and I. Don't be hypocritical, now.

I never said anything about not posting or for him to shut up, which you, on the other hand, are. Hypocrisy again. Let's see if we can go for three. Does you telling me to stop while telling me to stop trying to get Danny to stop count? Eh, I'll count it.

If you don't like my posts, you don't have to read them. And it least follow by example if you want to command the position of moral high ground. Funny, as much as people accuse me of flaming, the only time this is getting heated is with your response to me.

Hey. Just between Danny and I, remember? That was what you said to me. Or maybe you're seeing the flaw to your argument here. If someone is making other people uncomfortable or ill at ease with what they're saying or doing, it can be considered acceptable to step in and try and handle the situation yourself.
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Postby pczelda » July 20th, 2014, 11:04 pm

robindf1 wrote:
pczelda wrote:You may have come across as flaming to Danny at first, and I could feel it too indirectly, but since then it's gotten better and I do really respect your opinion.

No. I never flamed. That's the problem. When you are so sensitive that you object to almost every little thing that people do, that's a problem. When other people try to talk to you about it but you ignore them and refuse to stop, that's not a problem that can be overcome.

All due respect again, please notice what I said. I wasn't saying you flamed, nor was I trying to insinuate that you did, and I certainly didn't mean any offense. Ok so I did think you were flaming before when I gave my definition of flaming, not now, now I'm willing to concede that you weren't doing that. I was merely pointing out that Danny felt like you were flaming and it did seem like a flame to me at first because I could feel the anger.

robindf1 wrote:When people call you out for nagging repeatedly while others do educate potential listeners without anyone caring, you're nagging. That's you. That's you creating an uncomfortable or less enjoyable environment in a place that should be all about that. This site is about warping your mind and changing yourself in erotic ways. It's all about doing fucked up things to yourself or enjoying other people doing the same, knowing that's what they're doing.

Wait, me? What are you saying here exactly?

robindf1 wrote:So...thanks, but no thanks. If you really wanted to help, you'd shoot me a link or two to a place like that.

I'm not aware of any such links. I was really trying to be nice here with my last post, and I can't give you what I don't have or don't know. So you seem to be mad at me for some reason, and I wasn't trying to say anything against you or with any intent to offend, nor is that my intent below.

robindf1 wrote:
danny1988 wrote:Ok then yeh im sensitive ive said as much myself.
Right......... you do realise ive hardly posted on here lately?
I only started again when I saw someone listening to this file. Also its only been on this topic or something relating to this topic and or file.

The times you mentioned about me nagging about all the little things where when I was emotionally unstable because of this file! I dont care about any of the other files on this site bar this one anymore. I said this in another post o.0

I only post on this topic again when I see someone listening who is new, usually asking why they are listening and do they know what it does. Most people just listen and post and dont read all the pages on a topic...

You have the freedom to say whatever you want. I have the freedom to say what I want. That's how this works. I'm not demanding that he do anything. I'm saying that I and others have found him overbearing at times, and I'd really like it if he stopped nagging.

As I see here he's clearly stating that the nagging has been over. Why do you persist in picking at old war wounds? At best that just makes them bleed again. And he agreed with you on him being sensitive. So where's the argument?

robindf1 wrote:
KIY wrote:It is between danny1988 and however is considering the file. No one else.

Hey. Just between Danny and I, remember? That was what you said to me. Or maybe you're seeing the flaw to your argument here.

I see he said it's between danny1988 and whoever is considering listening to the file, I don't see that he mentioned you. And I don't recall you being the one interested here. Therefore your point here is moot.

robindf1 wrote:
KIY wrote:If you disagree with danny1998 about whether or not the file is dangerous, and someone else is considering it, you are free to post why you think he is wrong.
If this is going to useful, please add some new information to the discussion.

You have the freedom to say whatever you want. I have the freedom to say what I want. That's how this works.

I believe that's what he just said. It seems like you're taking what he said and rewriting it in your own words to repeat the thought and acting like it's your own idea. You speak of hypocrisy, whose feet are wearing the shoes of hypocrisy now?

robindf1 wrote:Maybe you should take the advice of, "It's between those two people." and apply it to him and I. Don't be hypocritical, now.

Why would he do that? From what I saw, Danny was quiet for a long time after the events you keep bringing up based on him nagging about everything, and just came back to post a friendly, thorough and educated warning to the interested person when you jumped in angry at him for stuff he wasn't even doing anymore. Seems like the problem here is a lack of forgiveness on your part. Also, once again you speak of hypocrisy, but that you jumped into something that could have been left between Danny/any other educators and the person interested in the file like has already been said, and then call hypocrisy that he's not saying you should be singled out alone with Danny? Aren't you being hypocritical yourself when you say that?

robindf1 wrote:Does you telling me to stop while telling me to stop trying to get Danny to stop count? Eh, I'll count it.

Yes you're right, it does matter. If this is you starting to see reason, thank you, I'm proud of you for starting to come around.
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Postby robindf1 » July 21st, 2014, 1:50 am

pczelda wrote:
robindf1 wrote:
pczelda wrote:You may have come across as flaming to Danny at first, and I could feel it too indirectly, but since then it's gotten better and I do really respect your opinion.

No. I never flamed. That's the problem. When you are so sensitive that you object to almost every little thing that people do, that's a problem. When other people try to talk to you about it but you ignore them and refuse to stop, that's not a problem that can be overcome.

All due respect again, please notice what I said. I wasn't saying you flamed, nor was I trying to insinuate that you did, and I certainly didn't mean any offense. Ok so I did think you were flaming before when I gave my definition of flaming, not now, now I'm willing to concede that you weren't doing that. I was merely pointing out that Danny felt like you were flaming and it did seem like a flame to me at first because I could feel the anger.

robindf1 wrote:When people call you out for nagging repeatedly while others do educate potential listeners without anyone caring, you're nagging. That's you. That's you creating an uncomfortable or less enjoyable environment in a place that should be all about that. This site is about warping your mind and changing yourself in erotic ways. It's all about doing fucked up things to yourself or enjoying other people doing the same, knowing that's what they're doing.

Wait, me? What are you saying here exactly?

robindf1 wrote:So...thanks, but no thanks. If you really wanted to help, you'd shoot me a link or two to a place like that.

I'm not aware of any such links. I was really trying to be nice here with my last post, and I can't give you what I don't have or don't know. So you seem to be mad at me for some reason, and I wasn't trying to say anything against you or with any intent to offend, nor is that my intent below.

robindf1 wrote:
danny1988 wrote:Ok then yeh im sensitive ive said as much myself.
Right......... you do realise ive hardly posted on here lately?
I only started again when I saw someone listening to this file. Also its only been on this topic or something relating to this topi
c and or file.

The times you mentioned about me nagging about all the little things where when I was emotionally unstable because of this file! I dont care about any of the other files on this site bar this one anymore. I said this in another post o.0

I only post on this topic again when I see someone listening who is new, usually asking why they are listening and do they know what it does. Most people just listen and post and dont read all the pages on a topic...

You have the freedom to say whatever you want. I have the freedom to say what I want. That's how this works. I'm not demanding that he do anything. I'm saying that I and others have found him overbearing at times, and I'd really like it if he stopped nagging.

As I see here he's clearly stating that the nagging has been over. Why do you persist in picking at old war wounds? At best that just makes them bleed again. And he agreed with you on him being sensitive. So where's the argument?

robindf1 wrote:
KIY wrote:It is between danny1988 and however is considering the file. No one else.

Hey. Just between Danny and I, remember? That was what you said to me. Or maybe you're seeing the flaw to your argument here.

I see he said it's between danny1988 and whoever is considering listening to the file, I don't see that he mentioned you. And I don't recall you being the one interested here. Therefore your point here is moot.

robindf1 wrote:
KIY wrote:If you disagree with danny1998 about whether or not the file is dangerous, and someone else is considering it, you are free to post why you think he is wrong.
If this is going to useful, please add some new information to the discussion.

You have the freedom to say whatever you want. I have the freedom to say what I want. That's how this works.

I believe that's what he just said. It seems like you're taking what he said and rewriting it in your own words to repeat the thought and acting like it's your own idea. You speak of hypocrisy, whose feet are wearing the shoes of hypocrisy now?

robindf1 wrote:Maybe you should take the advice of, "It's between those two people." and apply it to him and I. Don't be hypocritical, now.

Why would he do that? From what I saw, Danny was quiet for a long time after the events you keep bringing up based on him nagging about everything, and just came back to post a friendly, thorough and educated warning to the interested person when you jumped in angry at him for stuff he wasn't even doing anymore. Seems like the problem here is a lack of forgiveness on your part. Also, once again you speak of hypocrisy, but that you jumped into something that could have been left between Danny/any other educators and the person interested in the file like has already been said, and then call hypocrisy that he's not saying you should be singled out alone with Danny? Aren't you being hypocritical yourself when you say that?

robindf1 wrote:Does you telling me to stop while telling me to stop trying to get Danny to stop count? Eh, I'll count it.

Yes you're right, it does matter. If this is you starting to see reason, th
ank you, I'm proud of you for starting to come around.

1. No, the point is not moot. If you berate someone talking to someone else interjecting into a conversation between two peple by saying that the conversation is between those two people and to ignore them..do you not see the hypocrisy in butting him doing the same by butting into my conversation between Danny and I instead of ignoring my post?

2. Someone claiming the they've stopped doing something and someone having stopped is not the same thing. And forgiveness comes after an apology only. There's no remorse there. It was more, "I nag and I'm sensitive, but that's what I do." It's not the frequency that matters to me. Time-wise. It's the amount of his posts that boil down to that. How often he repeats himself in the same thread, how petty most of it is, and how people have talked to him about it before with him just shrugging his shoulders and not giving an inch.

Me saying, "If you believe that conversations between two people should solely be the business of those two people, then why did you butt into my conversation with someone else?" is not hypocrisy. I'm clearly open to responding to you, or anyone else who wants to talk to me. What I'm doing isn't demanding that no one speak to me. All I did was point out that he was breaking his own "rules", going against the advice he was giving me in the very post that he was giving me that advice in.

3. Rewriting someone's words to make a point is not hypocrisy. Surely I don't need to pull out my definition of that words as well? His words weren't even, "Everyone can say what they want." They were, "Those people can do whatever they want, and if you don't like it, don't say anything." That's why I said that if they were extended the right to speak, I had to be. Free speech is not a one way street, where you can say whatever you wish without criticism.

4. I did read what you said. You told me I was flaming, and then you continued to insinuate it. It's only now that you say, "Okay, now I admit that you weren't."...right after you accused me of not reading your posts where I can only assume you meant for me to pick up that you already admitted that somewhere. That makes no sense. Don't get on my case for not knowing what you said before you even told me.

The reason I'm annoyed is no real mystery. No one has read what I had to say before piping up as far as what I think in regards to education about files, you accused me of flaming for not agreeing with what Danny was doing, someone got on my case for speaking my mind at all while trumpeting free speech, and now you're snarking at me while wondering why I'm annoyed.

Can you maybe understand why this is getting heated now? If anyone listened to what I was saying, not what I insinuated or hinted at, but what I've said multiple times now, and didn't get on my ass for saying what I think at all, we wouldn't be in this situation right now. This...whole thing wouldn't be going on.
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Postby danny1988 » July 21st, 2014, 5:40 am

Can everyone please chill, I cant even remember what started this now.
You would like it if I stopped nagging and telling people of the dangers of this file Robin? I cant I am still going to inform people of the dangers of this file Robin, I don't want to get into an argument about it. If you think im nagging fine but I feel obligated to make people aware of what this file does.

What you see as nagging I don't I see it as keeping people safe from this file. Yes you see it differently but I see it this way. We each have our own views.
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Postby KIY » July 21st, 2014, 6:29 am

robindf1 wrote:

You have the freedom to say whatever you want. I have the freedom to say what I want. That's how this works. I'm not demanding that he do anything. I'm saying that I and others have found him overbearing at times, and I'd really like it if he stopped nagging.

I'm fairly sure that we also taught that conversations made it public are not necessarily restricted to two people if someone else is bothered, and to make an effort to talk it out. Not, you know, that you shouldn't be able to speak up if someone does something that bothers you. You DID learn that free speech goes both ways, right? Maybe you should take the advice of, "It's between those two people." and apply it to him and I. Don't be hypocritical, now.

I never said anything about not posting or for him to shut up, which you, on the other hand, are. Hypocrisy again. Let's see if we can go for three. Does you telling me to stop while telling me to stop trying to get Danny to stop count? Eh, I'll count it.

If you don't like my posts, you don't have to read them. And it least follow by example if you want to command the position of moral high ground. Funny, as much as people accuse me of flaming, the only time this is getting heated is with your response to me.

Hey. Just between Danny and I, remember? That was what you said to me. Or maybe you're seeing the flaw to your argument here. If someone is making other people uncomfortable or ill at ease with what they're saying or doing, it can be considered acceptable to step in and try and handle the situation yourself.

Odd that you should accuse me of flaming. I did not.

Nor did I tell you to stop posting.

What I was saying was that nothing new has been added for the longest time now, and this discussion has become pointless: both sides have stated their desires and that is it. There has been no movement either way. Offer a genuine compromise or talk to EMG.

If others are bothered it is not between danny1988 and you and they should speak up and offer their views.

Please stop cluttering up this thread.
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Postby robindf1 » July 21st, 2014, 8:33 am

KIY wrote:
robindf1 wrote:

You have the freedom to say whatever you want. I have the freedom to say what I want. That's how this works. I'm not demanding that he do anything. I'm saying that I and others have found him overbearing at times, and I'd really like it if he stopped nagging.

I'm fairly sure that we also taught that conversations made it public are not necessarily restricted to two people if someone else is bothered, and to make an effort to talk it out. Not, you know, that you shouldn't be able to speak up if someone does something that bothers you. You DID learn that free speech goes both ways, right? Maybe you should take the advice of, "It's between those two people." and apply it to him and I. Don't be hypocritical, now.

I never said anything about not posting or for him to shut up, which you, on the other hand, are. Hypocrisy again. Let's see if we can go for three. Does you telling me to stop while telling me to stop trying to get Danny to stop count? Eh, I'll count it.

If you don't like my posts, you don't have to read them. And it least follow by example if you want to command the position of moral high ground. Funny, as much as people accuse me of flaming, the only time this is getting heated is with your response to me.

Hey. Just between Danny and I, remember? That was what you said to me. Or maybe you're seeing the flaw to your argument here. If someone is making other people uncomfortable or ill at ease with what they're saying or doing, it can be considered acceptable to step in and try and handle the situation yourself.

Odd that you should accuse me of flaming. I did not.

Nor did I tell you to stop posting.

What I was saying was that nothing new has been added for the longest time now, and this discussion has become pointless: both sides have stated their desires and that is it. There has been no movement either way. Offer a genuine compromise or talk to EMG.

If others are bothered it is not between danny1988 and you and they should speak up and offer their views.

Please stop cluttering up this thread.

You did, but that's neither here nor there. Still on the, "not about you so don't say nothing about it even though you see it and it effects you," right after you say you're not trying to get me to stop posting. Right then.

Can everyone please chill, I cant even remember what started this now.
You would like it if I stopped nagging and telling people of the dangers of this file Robin? I cant I am still going to inform people of the dangers of this file Robin, I don't want to get into an argument about it. If you think im nagging fine but I feel obligated to make people aware of what this file does.

What you see as nagging I don't I see it as keeping people safe from this file. Yes you see it differently but I see it this way. We each have our own views.

GAH. What do I have to do to get people to read what I'm saying at all? What poor virgin do I have to sacrifice here? No, I don't think this file isn't dangerous. Never said it was. Never what this is about. Please read what I'm saying next time...
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Postby danny1988 » July 21st, 2014, 11:08 am

robindf1 wrote:GAH. What do I have to do to get people to read what I'm saying at all? What poor virgin do I have to sacrifice here? No, I don't think this file isn't dangerous. Never said it was. Never what this is about. Please read what I'm saying next time...

As far as I understand it you dont like me 'nagging' people who start listening to this file as it makes the site less fun for you.
I am talking about recent posts here on this thread, im not on about my other posts in the past as I will admit I did get overbearing but as I said I was going through a tough time.
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Postby pczelda » July 21st, 2014, 11:35 am

Seems like we've come to a stalemate, and we'll have to agree to disagree and move on. Like has been said here we're all adults, and I'd even add mature, so let's let bygones be bygones ok? Though I'd hate to see anyone leave over this instead of coming to some kind of agreement, if you feel you must, please do whatever you think is best for you.

Danny I'm looking forward to seeing your reply to the message I sent you, when you have the time.
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Postby robindf1 » July 21st, 2014, 6:27 pm

danny1988 wrote:
robindf1 wrote:GAH. What do I have to do to get people to read what I'm saying at all? What poor virgin do I have to sacrifice here? No, I don't think this file isn't dangerous. Never said it was. Never what this is about. Please read what I'm saying next time...

As far as I understand it you dont like me 'nagging' people who start listening to this file as it makes the site less fun for you.
I am talking about recent posts here on this thread, im not on about my other posts in the past as I will admit I did get overbearing but as I said I was going through a tough time.

I just said that's not what I was talking about, that this file as not minor or safe and that I don't mind education at all.
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Postby danny1988 » July 21st, 2014, 6:34 pm

robindf1 wrote:I just said that's not what I was talking about, that this file as not minor or safe and that I don't mind education at all.

Then can you please tell me why we are arguing?
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Postby pczelda » July 21st, 2014, 7:22 pm

Wow don't even bother to truncate my long message before you quote it.

robindf1 wrote:2. And forgiveness comes after an apology only. There's no remorse there.

3. Rewriting someone's words to make a point is not hypocrisy. Surely I don't need to pull out my definition of that words as well?

4. I did read what you said. You told me I was flaming, and then you continued to insinuate it. It's only now that you say, "Okay, now I admit that you weren't."...right after you accused me of not reading your posts where I can only assume you meant for me to pick up that you already admitted that somewhere. That makes no sense. Don't get on my case for not knowing what you said before you even told me.

Can you maybe understand why this is getting heated now? If anyone listened to what I was saying, not what I insinuated or hinted at, but what I've said multiple times now, and didn't get on my ass for saying what I think at all, we wouldn't be in this situation right now. This...whole thing wouldn't be going on.

2. You know that true forgiveness doesn't need a reason, right?

3. No, but doing one thing and saying another is hypocrisy, and that's exactly what I was seeing, and why I thought I'd comment on it. There's a saying "Don't try to get the speck out of your neighbor's eye before you get the log out of your own first."

4. I told you ORIGINALLY I thought you were flaming. And then no, I didn't continue to insinuate it. At least not to the final time I brought it up before this post. Wait you're a word-twister? That's a pretty snakey thing to do, I hope you know.

Oh I've understood why it's getting heated. I just can't seem to understand why you keep getting upset about/bringing up things that I'm not seeing happening, and then acting like other people are flaming when they aren't, reading things out of lines people have typed that weren't intended or there.
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Postby robindf1 » July 21st, 2014, 9:40 pm

pczelda wrote:Wow don't even bother to truncate my long message before you quote it.

robindf1 wrote:2. And forgiveness comes after an apology only. There's no remorse there.

3. Rewriting someone's words to make a point is not hypocrisy. Surely I don't need to pull out my definition of that words as well?

4. I did read what you said. You told me I was flaming, and then you continued to insinuate it. It's only now that you say, "Okay, now I admit that you weren't."...right after you accused me of not reading your posts where I can only assume you meant for me to pick up that you already admitted that somewhere. That makes no sense. Don't get on my case for not knowing what you said before you even told me.

Can you maybe understand why this is getting heated now? If anyone listened to what I was saying, not what I insinuated or hinted at, but what I've said multiple times now, and didn't get on my ass for saying what I think at all, we wouldn't be in this situation right now. This...whole thing wouldn't be going on.

2. You know that true forgiveness doesn't need a reason, right?

3. No, but doing one thing and saying another is hypocrisy, and that's exactly what I was seeing, and why I thought I'd comment on it. There's a saying "Don't try to get the speck out of your neighbor's eye before you get the log out of your own first."

4. I told you ORIGINALLY I thought you were flaming. And then no, I didn't continue to insinuate it. At least not to the final time I brought it up before this post. Wait you're a word-twister? That's a pretty snakey thing to do, I hope you know.

Oh I've understood why it's getting heated. I just can't seem to understand why you keep getting upset about/bringing up things that I'm not seeing happening, and then acting like other people are flaming when they aren't, reading things out of lines people have typed that weren't intended or there.

Yeah, okay. I just twist words? You're twisting your own. It's like you can't finish one thought before you contradict yourself. "I didn't continue to insinuate that!" "Well, not the post I made calling you out on thinking that I did." Snakey? I beg to differ. You're the one who is doing this to yourself.

Again, you do not know what that word means. " It is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another.[1][2] In Moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one’s own expressed moral rules and principles." This wasn't something that I needed more than a few seconds to type into google.

You absolutely continue to make shots at me and not listen to a word I say, twisting MY words and MY intent. If you don't see any of that, it's on you. but I think it's...fairly clear from where I'm standing.
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Postby pczelda » July 21st, 2014, 10:33 pm

robindf1 wrote:Yeah, okay. I just twist words? You're twisting your own. It's like you can't finish one thought before you contradict yourself. "I didn't continue to insinuate that!" "Well, not the post I made calling you out on thinking that I did." Snakey? I beg to differ. You're the one who is doing this to yourself.

Again, you do not know what that word means. " It is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another.[1][2] In Moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one’s own expressed moral rules and principles." This wasn't something that I needed more than a few seconds to type into google.

You absolutely continue to make shots at me and not listen to a word I say, twisting MY words and MY intent. If you don't see any of that, it's on you. but I think it's...fairly clear from where I'm standing.

ROFL. Ok we're got getting anywhere, this is pointless.
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Postby robindf1 » July 21st, 2014, 11:17 pm

pczelda wrote:
robindf1 wrote:Yeah, okay. I just twist words? You're twisting your own. It's like you can't finish one thought before you contradict yourself. "I didn't continue to insinuate that!" "Well, not the post I made calling you out on thinking that I did." Snakey? I beg to differ. You're the one who is doing this to yourself.

Again, you do not know what that word means. " It is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another.[1][2] In Moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one’s own expressed moral rules and principles." This wasn't something that I needed more than a few seconds to type into google.

You absolutely continue to make shots at me and not listen to a word I say, twisting MY words and MY intent. If you don't see any of that, it's on you. but I think it's...fairly clear from where I'm standing.

ROFL. Ok we're got getting anywhere, this is pointless.

Yeah, I can agree with that much. I might roll my eyes so far back into my head I'll never see again if we continue.
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Postby Randalll » July 22nd, 2014, 2:50 pm

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit. I've been too busy to listen to the file. Today I listened twice and updated my journal. For those of you who wanted me to post it in the thread, here it is:

"This is the first I've listened in over a week and let me tell you, I went deeper than I ever have. I had a little extra time upon awakening so I decided to give it a second listen for today. Good thing because It was the most awesome experience I ever had in trance. I kept missing whole chunks of the file. I had loss of body consciousness. I could see a little girl. It was as if she was speaking EMG's words using his voice. She was getting closer and closer to me as the file progressed, aging older and younger simultaneously, until she got so close that she "merged" with me. I felt myself inside her body. It was like I was one of those russian dolls. It was soooo in intense. TBH it put me a little on edge because of how real it seemed. "

It was so vivid. I could see her face she would age from a baby to my age and back again. I'm not sure what the girls voice actually sounded like and I still haven't heard a voice in my head yet, but too me this seems like progress. I was like that movie "Being John Malkevich" one she "merged" with me. It was strange.
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Postby broerk » July 24th, 2014, 8:15 am

Wow that sounds pretty awesome and scary at the same time knowing what it does. Almost makes me want to try the file again myself :lol:

Strange you haven't heared her talk yet. Are you sure you haven't had thoughts yet where you wondered if that was her or just your own mind messing with you?. As I had that pretty quickly when I was still trying the file myself. Just curious
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Postby Randalll » July 24th, 2014, 6:31 pm

Its funny that you mention it. I have had thoughts that I thought were weird and sometimes some weird conversations in my head but I've always had them with myself. I have been noticing it a little more lately though I guess. Did think that I was hearing the voice though. I was expecting more of an auditory hallucination. What kinds of thoughts did you have?
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Postby broerk » July 25th, 2014, 8:07 am

Good question. I must confess I don't remember a lot of it anymore as it's been quite a while back for me.

I do remember right before I started on the deprogram files that I had an lengthy conversation with her(or was it just myself?). About using or not using the deprogram files. As you could imagine she didn't feel to happy about it. She felt like she was gonna disappear forever. So I tried to convince her that it wasn't so bad even for her by telling her she was a part of me to begin with that she had already always existed as part of my subconscious and that all that rly would change would be that we would become one again and that it was better for us to be one again so neither of us had to struggle for control of the body. It did feel like she was more at piece with it when our conversation ended. Then I used the deprogram file from EMG and I must say for the next two days. I felt really into becoming feminized(maybe her pulling some strings for the last time?) and now I have no after effects at all anymore.

Still not sure if it was just my own mind playing tricks on me or not. It was still an very weird conversation to have within your own ind that's for sure.

Also for how long have you been using the file now? How long untill she is supposed to take you over completly?
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Postby Randalll » July 28th, 2014, 5:29 am

I've been using since july 2nd. Full takeover date should be november 6th. Not sure you start the time from when you first listen to the file or when you first hear here voice. If that is the case, then I have no idea when the full takeover date is.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 28th, 2014, 7:57 am

randalll wrote:
I've been using since july 2nd. Full takeover date should be november 6th. Not sure you start the time from when you first listen to the file or when you first hear here voice. If that is the case, then I have no idea when the full takeover date is.

According to your post of July 22, you seem to have had a vivid experience of her then. I suspect you're going to have full takeover by the end of November, probably by Thanksgiving. You may have partial takeover earlier.

I'm using the less dangerous Your Other Half. Holly and I are getting along quite well.
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Postby danny1988 » July 28th, 2014, 10:16 am

OxyFemboi wrote:
randalll wrote:
I've been using since july 2nd. Full takeover date should be november 6th. Not sure you start the time from when you first listen to the file or when you first hear here voice. If that is the case, then I have no idea when the full takeover date is.

According to your post of July 22, you seem to have had a vivid experience of her then. I suspect you're going to have full takeover by the end of November, probably by Thanksgiving. You may have partial takeover earlier.

I'm using the less dangerous Your Other Half. Holly and I are getting along quite well.

I always assumed it was when you first heard her voice but im not sure.

Glad you and Holly are getting along well Ox :)
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Postby arron » July 28th, 2014, 4:21 pm

i just wanna say that i have been in a simular position once before not from files from here but from a woman i knew that i thought was a good friend of mine we got along fine then we talked about our likes and ect and i said "im interested in hypnosis" (being at the time i never did it) boy it was one of the biggest mistakes i did because little did i know that she was a hypnotist and she was good at NLP so for the next year we talked and chatted had fun but more and more i was starting to have strange thoughts of being a sissy and being girly and even whating to be a full girl then came "Anna" my female personalty she was at 1st merely a thought a name i thought up the reason i have no clue all this was happing about the 3-4 mouth mark of meeting and speaking and having fun with this "friend" then came the blank spots in my memory like i would be with her at 12 a.m. and the next thing i know it was 7p.m with little or no memory of what i was doing saying speaking ect witch at the time really made me disorientated confused ect and she was there to "care for me" little did i know she was the one doing it at the time i didn't know she was feeding of my confusion my disorientated to get me closer to her then after time passing i gress i would say the 5-6 mouth mark (my memory of some of it is a mess so i don't really remember allot) came the mental strugel between me (arron) and her (Anna) the gaps of time got longer the less i knew what i was doing a few times i woke up thinking " is this really me is this who i am" let me tell u very scary shit" but me being the complete dumbass i was i believed her the more i wanted to stay around her because in my eyes i thought shed keep me save the fighting with Anna and myself got worse and worse to the point where days would become weeks of time missing best way i can explain it then the worst thing happened the girl who had been doing this lofted i still to this day know where she when where she gone too but that time was hell for me not only was i fighting this personality in my head but the one girl i thought or was made to believe was helping me went every single word i talked about that i can rember was about her every sentence I'd tall about her for 3 straite mouths i did that sad alone and confused not to mention what ever she was or what she made Anna out to be personality wise!

that was four years ago thankful am fine for the most part over then having a rubbish memory "Anna" still as much alive as i am thought as silly as this sounds we work together not against each over we have set rules for each over we do not cross because thought i was nieeve open minded and a complete dumbass at the time do not give me the right to destroy or wipe Anna away to me that would be like killing someone someone truthfully over the four years i couldn't live with out i respect her as much as she respects me yes we like our things and we have different ways of having fun but we never cross the that line she comes out and takes control when IM ill or if she wants to have fun and i need a rest even cares for me and i do the same its not been an easy road to get to the point where am at

the reason why am telling you all this is PLEASE do research talk to someone u know like a friend whose into hypnosis or even people in this forum tread like Danny and the people who show they yes like to have fun but don't wish to see people hurt or destroyed if u do this file or anything like it PLAN back ups if it gets to crazy don't let anyone from here u don't know or DON'T trust work with u and most of all please take care yes hypnosis can be fun if used right but it can also destroy you

don't end up like me who didn't do any research "jumped" into it think i can handle it because if u cant u can be hurt

so please please don't end up like me

i don't wanna see anyone hurt

(to this day ive never told anyone about Anna or what happened to me but with what i hured in this topic about a guy getting trapped permanitly i wanted to say something and if it makes a person reconsider or even stop them using this type of file (the type of person who just wanna jumps into it thinking it fun and don't care about the risks of ruining there life then im glad me and Anna spoke up about it)

please stay safe
from arron and anna
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Postby Randalll » July 29th, 2014, 9:22 am

Today I finally heard her voice. It was not an auditory hallucination as I had thought it would be, but it was a conversation within my head. I would ask questions and then answer them, however the answers seemed like they were disconnected from my normal thoughts. She told me her name is Samantha Rose. She also told me we are gonna get to know each other VERY well.

I listened to the Accelerator file before the takeover file and I went very very deep. I still feel like I'm in a trance even after waking from the file so I guess it's possible that my mind is just playing games with me. I'll keep you updated if anything else happens.
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Postby NeoSilver » July 29th, 2014, 11:19 am

One would hope Sam and you both would make an effort to keep us updated, Randall.
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Postby im_not_here » July 30th, 2014, 3:37 am

Randalll wrote:Today I finally heard her voice. It was not an auditory hallucination as I had thought it would be, but it was a conversation within my head. I would ask questions and then answer them, however the answers seemed like they were disconnected from my normal thoughts. She told me her name is Samantha Rose. She also told me we are gonna get to know each other VERY well.

I listened to the Accelerator file before the takeover file and I went very very deep. I still feel like I'm in a trance even after waking from the file so I guess it's possible that my mind is just playing games with me. I'll keep you updated if anything else happens.

Sounds exactly like a tulpa, honestly. You could chat with her before it's too late, make her a headmate, rather than have her take over. She's part of you, so if you want to stop and share your body, she should understand after a bit of convincing.
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Postby hypdude » August 1st, 2014, 1:15 pm

Randalll wrote:Today I finally heard her voice. It was not an auditory hallucination as I had thought it would be, but it was a conversation within my head. I would ask questions and then answer them, however the answers seemed like they were disconnected from my normal thoughts. She told me her name is Samantha Rose. She also told me we are gonna get to know each other VERY well.

I listened to the Accelerator file before the takeover file and I went very very deep. I still feel like I'm in a trance even after waking from the file so I guess it's possible that my mind is just playing games with me. I'll keep you updated if anything else happens.

Congrats on starting to get some effects from the file. I am very curious as to how it progress's. look forward to learning more about Samantha Rose and how she might make herself felt. All very very facinating and a bit seductive.
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Postby hypnoidf » August 17th, 2014, 1:45 pm


Do you have any update ?

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