Curse Prepubescent

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Curse Prepubescent

Postby OxyFemboi » March 28th, 2014, 3:28 am

I'm using three files at the same time that seem to be synergistic. The files are smaller2's Shrinking -- Control Panel for your Height, Sarnoga's Curse of the Teeny Weenie, and EMG's Curse Prepubescent. All three files are about shrinking, either a specific body part or your entire body. The combined effect of the three files should leave me with a boy's prepubescent body in size and looks, an extremely boyish teeny weenie, and a total lack of sex drive. I may be shopping in the boy's section of the clothing department. If all these files work as advertised -- the other two are working nicely; thanks for wondering -- explaining this to the DMV is going to be verrry interrrestink (thank you, Arte Johnson of Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In) when I need to renew my Driver's License in October, 2014.

I looked for information on Curse Prepubescent and noticed a great lack of information in the Forums. Since I started using Curse Prepubescent on March 16, 2014 after diode168 suggested -- in Interesting Success, which is about losing height, mostly with CycoMelody's Curse Shorter file -- that I "should look into Curse Prepubescent as well." I looked into it, downloaded it, and listened to it.

I looked up the physical changes that puberty induces. They are basically what I remembered, but I'm going to list them for future reference anyway (I'm trying to be non-gender specific):
    Growth of genitalia
    Growth of pubic hair, armpit hair, body hair, beard, mustache
    Body growth (the average growth is about 31 cm or 12.25 inches)
    Voice changes/voice cracking
    Acne (due to new sweat grands)

Behavioral changes -- oh shit, I forgot about behavioral changes! *facepalm!* -- include:
    Clumsiness (as you get used to your new body size)
    Sleeping a lot
    Thinking about and fantasizing about sex
    Wet dreams

I have had effects that I can attribute to Curse Prepubescent alone. About two weeks ago, I stopped shaving. I was lazy and didn't have anyplace special to go or anyone to impress. My beard, after the first week, has always needed to be cut using clippers; yes, it's that dense. Two days ago, my beard was dense enough that I would need to visit my barber when I wanted/needed it removed. When I looked in the mirror today, I saw noticeable patches where my beard was not dense. I thought, "I could shave some parts with my electric razor with no problem now." I'm going to leave my beard unshaven to see if (when?) it all falls out.

There may have been some effect on my moods as well. When I was talking to a friend lately, he told me that I was acting arrogant and touchy about some things. Hmm. Puberty ... aggression ... touchy ... know-it-all. Does that sound familiar to anybody?

Gods, if I have to go through the emotional trauma of puberty as well as having the physical changes reversed, I may not be alive to purchase the Curse Removal in six months. These are my neighbors, not my tolerant parents.

That reminds me: Please -- in case I forget -- please remind me that I am eligible to order the Curse Prepubescent Removal on September 16, 2014. I first downloaded it on March 16, 2014 and listened to it immediately after downloading it. So I should order the Removal by Mabon (the autumnal equinox) at the earliest, probably Samhain (Halloween) at the latest.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on April 19th, 2014, 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby psiboi1977 » March 28th, 2014, 4:57 am

Most ofthose sound sexual in nature, so they should be leaving you, but I would think the emotional symptoms would be in some cases the reverse of what they were going into puberty. .. Such as the aggression. I mean you're decreasing testosterone now, not increasing it. So maybe a more emotional, dramatic side may emerge...
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 28th, 2014, 9:29 pm

psiboy wrote:
Most of those sound sexual in nature, so they should be leaving you,

I basically copied what the symptoms of puberty were. I didn't try to extrapolate what the symptoms of reversing puberty would be. Not yet, anyway.

psiboy wrote:
I would think the emotional symptoms would be in some cases the reverse of what they were going into puberty. .. Such as the aggression. I mean you're decreasing testosterone now, not increasing it.

I'm sure that the sex-fueled characteristics will decrease with decreased testosterone. Moodiness will probably remain as a symptom while aggression might vary with the variations in test until the test stabilizes.

psiboy wrote:
maybe a more emotional, dramatic side may emerge...

*shudder* I'm thinking of some drama queens I know ... oh, gods, I hope that's not a possibility. I'm hoping for the supernaturally calm kid I used to be in childhood to emerge.
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Postby Endo » March 28th, 2014, 9:45 pm

Well, if your Subc is remembering your old personality when it does all this, it may work to overlay it. Of course, you can always pressure your Subc a bit on that, too.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 28th, 2014, 10:03 pm

Endo wrote:
if your Subc is remembering your old personality when it does all this, it may work to overlay it. Of course, you can always pressure your Subc a bit

I'm hoping my subconscious will take the hint: assertive without being obnoxious, extremely calm, reasonable ...
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 30th, 2014, 2:29 pm

This is just my slightly biased observation but ... my face seems rounder, more ... childlike.

Gods, I hope I don't have to start liking the current crop of teen idols. I am not a Belieber, though I do think the dudes of 1D are sexy.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 31st, 2014, 7:57 pm

I remember one thing that might give me pause about using Curse Prepubescent. During my prepubescent years, my epilepsy was not well controlled. I suspect that my body produced some sort of defense mechanism when I was twenty-five or twenty-six.

If I start having a lot of seizures, I'm going to write to EMG and ask for the Curse Removal file. Seizures are NOT my idea of a good side effect.
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Postby KIY » April 1st, 2014, 9:13 am

I found some free versions of the cannabis simulation files and layered them over each other, and then added them to a monstrosity of a file I've been playing with. (I'm not entirely certain what all is in there now, and have been removing tracks to make it more focused.) In addition to those mentioned I have: Curse Prepubescence, Curse Penis Shrink, Control Panel for Height, a weight loss file whose name I don't recall, some surf noises which I think might be a subliminal Wet Dream file (I like the surf, my sub-conscious likes the, er, "feelings" the file seems to cause), some other binaurals, and possible some others which may or may not stay once I figure out what they are. As I said, it is a monstrosity, and a bit over two hours long, which might be because of the weight loss file. (The length is primarily due to one track. I want to analyze the track, but Audacity makes my computer run very slowly.)

I had a very strange experience with the monster file last night. I had tried the marijuana simulation files running one after another, which didn't work at all. (Instead of enhancing each other, they destroyed the mood of the one placed before.) So, I placed them as separate tracks over one another in the others (there were three), and then placed that as its own track on the big file. Despite a few breaks which I would like to smooth out, they most definitely seemed to enhance one another!

The result was rather similar the times I was messing with synthetic cannabinoids(sp?) and took too much, although still distinct and much longer. I found myself trying to stop all conscious thought, while my muscles would tense (and, when noticed, I would relax them), and my limbs would at times move on their own, sometimes nearly spasmodically-- they would "vibrate" or shake, but not violently so. I also got weird visuals, including a period where I would get a figure, all black or shadow, such as are used on "walk" and "don't walk" lights walking by in the right side of my vision. This lasted a good portion of the listening time, worked up a real sweat, and included maintaining the mindset while I used the toilet (too much Diet Mountain Dew earlier), and later getting up to open the window a crack. Both using the toilet and opening the window were followed by flopping bonelessly back down on the bed.

All of that was with ear buds. After the file ended I switched to some mini-speakers I have near by bed (on top of the clock radio, FWIW.) I did not get the same results from that, or at least not the same intensity-- I dosed off and shut off the file upon waking up.

This morning I am still fairly tired (and, of course, need to get a lot done today) and my voice box has been hurting. I don't know if my voice box hurting is from the file or the on-set of allergy season. Has anyone else used Curse Prepubescence and had their voice box hurt afterward?

Also, and feedback on my experience and/or mess of an experiment would be appreciated. (I may try to find out what the two hour track is, since a shorter file would be easier to squeeze into my schedule.)

Thank you.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 1st, 2014, 5:09 pm

KIY wrote
This morning I am still fairly tired (and, of course, need to get a lot done today) and my voice box has been hurting. I don't know if my voice box hurting is from the file or the on-set of allergy season. Has anyone else used Curse Prepubescent and had their voice box hurt afterward?

In fact, my voice box hurt when I was using all three of my current files, though I listened to them one at a time. I was not sure which file was causing my voice box to hurt, but I was told that the tiredness was most likely due to Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height. The reason given was that Shrinking gives the body an entire new purpose -- shrinking -- which requires a lot of resources.

If you eliminate EMG's Curse Penis Shrink and substitute Sarnoga's Curse of the Teeny Weenie -- which, from every comment I've read, is much more effective -- I'd like to try your file, especially since Shrinking, Curse Prepubescent, and Teeny Weenie are the three files I'm using now. I find ViVe's Zero Induction to be most effective for me. However, I'm trained in mathematics, so I find listening to a rational -- and eminently correct -- discussion of the unusual properties of zero engrossing. Your mileage may vary.

The only nearly two hour file I am familiar with is an amalgamation of all the Jock tracks EMG wrote mixed together that was 1 hour, 51 minutes in length. I know of no other file which runs nearly that long.

As for cannabis variants, there are many websites -- I especially like -- which sells legal substances with cannabis-like properties. I also recommend a site called which sells a substance that enhances the effects of cannabis and cannabis-like substances (hence the company's name).
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Postby KIY » April 5th, 2014, 8:14 am

I forgot to mention that the two hour file is "ISOhorny"-- which is one of the ones I took out of my current version. It and some others were working at cross purposes.

Right now I do not have a credit or debit card, so my ordering on line is very limited. (I Am Shaman and Amazon do not take PayPal.) I've been wanting to order some more South American and/or South African Dream Herb and make my own concentrate. So far none of the Dream Herbs or Dream files have had any effect on my dreams. I don't know if that means I'm at the max for dreaming already, or I just haven't had a strong enough mix.

I need to get going-- I am expected on the other side of town soon, and haven't even got dressed yet.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 12th, 2014, 5:48 am

I haven't been listening to Curse Prepubescent lately. I've been to extremely involved with the other files I've been using: Sarnoga's Curse Of The Teeny Weenie, smaller2's Shrinking -- Control Panel For Your Height, and Vive's Feminine Conditioning and Dumbing Down series. Many intriguing effects have been showing up in my life concerning every file I have been using ... except this one. I have been posting those experiences to the relevant forum threads.

Unfortunately, that means that Curse Prepubescent has been neglected. So much has happened -- and continues to happen -- with the other files that I've neglected this file. I'll start to listen to it when the effects of the other files have settled down and/or stabilized.

Really. I promise I'll get back to it ... honest.
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Postby maurel » April 13th, 2014, 3:44 am

oxdude wrote:I haven't been listening to Curse Prepubescent lately. I've been to extremely involved with the other files I've been using: Sarnoga's Curse Of The Teeny Weenie, smaller2's Shrinking -- Control Panel For Your Height, and Vive's Feminine Conditioning and Dumbing Down series. Many intriguing effects have been showing up in my life concerning every file I have been using ... except this one. I have been posting those experiences to the relevant forum threads.

Unfortunately, that means that Curse Prepubescent has been neglected. So much has happened -- and continues to happen -- with the other files that I've neglected this file. I'll start to listen to it when the effects of the other files have settled down and/or stabilized.

Really. I promise I'll get back to it ... honest.

je vais essayer/I'm gonna give it a try
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 15th, 2014, 8:55 am

maurel wrote:
je vais essayer/I'm gonna give it a try

Welcome! Enjoy the ride. I know from my use of other files that cause physical changes that this file will be an intriguing experience.

I have used other hypnosis files that have produced measurable physical changes. One example is shrinking three inches -- so far -- while using smaller2's Shrinking -- Control Panel For Your Height. I was 6' 0" before I started listening on March 14, 2014; my current height -- as of April 15, 2014 -- is 5' 9". It's not like I could slouch and have three inches vanish along with an inch or two of my inseam. Yes, I'm wearing shorter pants.

I have decided to make certain that I use the Curse Prepubescent file as much as possible along with the other files I'm using. To that end, I have listened to EMG's Obsession and am now listening to Curse Prepubescent again. This will produce an obsession with my becoming prepubescent again. This should guarantee that I listen to Curse Prepubescent frequently.

I just made a typo. I discovered that Curse has the same letters as Cures, an interesting bit of trivia which has absolutely no application whatsoever.
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 19th, 2014, 12:57 am

The Curse Prepubescent file is working, even though I haven't listened to it nearly as much as some other files. It's been -- literally -- decades since I had my last pimple. I got a pimple a week ago. Strangely enough, it's on the edge of my left ear where my headphones press against it when I'm listening to files ... and when I'm trying to sleep. I had to use a hand mirror to see it in the bathroom mirror. Now that I know what that ache is, I'm constantly conscious of it. Most teens get pimples; few adults do. I'm one of the many kids who did and, as an adult, I didn't get pimples ... until now.

I expect that I'm going to be a really good customer of that anti-acne cream, ProActiv+, which uses yummy Adam Levine in their commercials ... at least for the next six months or so. *sigh* I forgot about pimples as part of puberty. Shit!

Okay, NOW I believe the file is working. I should have thought of this earlier ... dear gods, I'm such a dumb shit. *bangs head on wall*cracks appear in wall*
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 20th, 2014, 7:35 pm

Weird shit happens to me. This is an example.

I have some really strange news about the interaction of the files I'm doing.

I'm doing Shrinking, Teeny Weenie, and Curse Prepubescent. All three are working. I have proof for Curse Pubescent: I got a pimple, the first in decades, the first since puberty, in fact.

What else happens in puberty? The testes overproduce testosterone. You grow. You produce muscle. Now, I'm not on the same epilepsy meds I was on in puberty. Those meds blocked the actions of test. So my body is getting its first real shot of a max dosage of test. In other words, I'm going through puberty both ways at the same time.

Weird? Yeah. Follow this idea to its logical conclusion. I'm burning most of my body fat -- getting slimmer -- and my body is using that energy to produce muscle in places like ... abs, obliques, bis, delts, thighs, calves , etc. I'm losing all my unnecessary body fat; I'm growing muscle. And since I'm shorter, that muscle is looking like more muscle than the same amount on a bigger guy. End result: a new male model in a few weeks. *bows*

I may not be shrinking now ... but when I do begin again, I'll look bigger and more muscular when I get shorter.

I'm also -- probably -- currently neutralizing the results of using Shrinking and Teeny Weenie. *sigh* Oh well ....
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 20th, 2014, 7:37 pm

Weird shit happens to me. This is an example.

I have some really strange news about the interaction of the files I'm doing.

I'm doing Shrinking, Teeny Weenie, and Curse Prepubescent. All three are working. I have proof for Curse Pubescent: I got a pimple, the first in decades, the first since puberty, in fact.

What else happens in puberty? The testes overproduce testosterone. You grow. You produce muscle. Now, I'm not on the same epilepsy meds I was on in puberty. Those meds blocked the actions of test. So my body is getting its first real shot of a max dosage of test. In other words, I'm going through puberty both ways at the same time.

Weird? Yeah. Follow this idea to its logical conclusion. I'm burning most of my body fat -- getting slimmer -- and my body is using that energy to produce muscle in places like ... abs, obliques, bis, delts, thighs, calves , etc. I'm losing all my unnecessary body fat; I'm growing muscle. And since I'm shorter, that muscle is looking like more muscle than the same amount on a bigger guy. End result: a new male model in a few weeks. *bows*

I may not be shrinking now ... but when I do begin again, I'll look bigger and more muscular when I get shorter.

I'm also -- probably -- currently neutralizing the results of using Shrinking and Teeny Weenie. *sigh* Oh well ....
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 28th, 2014, 3:49 am

Still more strange interactions between the files I'm using. I'm using Shrinking -- Control Panel for your Height, Curse of the Teeny Weenie, and Curse Prepubescent (among others). All three are working.

On April 18, 2014, I reported my new height in the thread devoted to the Shrinking file as sixty-eight and one-half inches ... 68.5 inches. My height today was seventy inches ... 70 inches.

I'm growing. *Shit*

The normal human body produces massive amounts of (human) growth hormones in puberty. (Of course it does; did you expect a human body to produce ... bovine growth hormone?) HGH causes growth of a normal teenager's body. So ... I'm regrowing the inches I lost using Shrinking -- Control Panel for your Height. I am sooooo pissed. I liked my new, shorter height.

I suspect that I will be growing past my original height of seventy-two inches. (six feet zero inches). Really ... I suspect that my height will end up in the "average basketball player" range. My growth was stunted during my original puberty by the effects of my epilepsy medications, which suppressed testosterone. According to WikiPedia: "Stimulators of growth hormone (GH) secretion include ... increased androgen (translation from scientific jargon by oxdude: testosterone, bros) secretion during puberty" ( So, my original height of six feet is a minimum of what my height could be, not a maximum.

If I grow in height but not in weight, well ... I won't mind that too much. That smartass remark "My weight is proportional to my height, which varies." has entered my life. My life is ... weird.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 6th, 2014, 10:11 pm

I had a doctor's appointment today. That pimple I mentioned a few posts ago? It is not a pimple. It may be a cancerous growth. My GP is sending me to a skin specialist to have it removed. More information as I get it.
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Postby diode168 » May 7th, 2014, 9:15 pm

Well that's a bit of a buzz kill.

GP will probably freeze it off with possible referral to dermatologist outpatient at a hospital.

Good luck.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 8th, 2014, 4:40 am

It was a bit of a buzz kill, wasn't it? I apologize for that. However, my doctor said it didn't look to have spread. Mom had the redhead's extremely fair skin (and temper) and Mom had several skin cancers removed. Since I inherited her extremely fair skin (but not the hair, I wanted the red hair!) and I only burn -- I never tan -- I wasn't surprised. I actually sort of expected this sooner or later.
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Postby maurel » May 11th, 2014, 12:31 am

any uptade?
d'avance, merci. Thanks in advance.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 11th, 2014, 10:07 pm

maurel wrote:
any uptade?
d'avance, merci. Thanks in advance.

My doctor informed me that my appointment is on May 27, 2014. The doctor is part of a group of Plastic Surgeons, so I am probably going to get the whatever-it-is taken care of in his office. I hope so. I'll let you know more after my appointment. I will have no information until then.
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Postby Slyther_Whitewing » May 15th, 2014, 11:22 pm

As much of a skeptic I am about body/behavioral change hypnosis, I'm willing to cast aside my doubts and try out Curse Prepubescent.

I'm gonna be keeping a personal log book and post a weekly report if anything noticeable occurs. Actually, a monthly report would probably be better, I'll be keeping a personal record of myself and publish my monthly reports (eg. next one on June 1st)

In order to make a direct comparison I'll be recording my starting stats and compare them from month to month updates.

My time sample will be the allotted six month time frame on the curse. Mornings will consist of one listening, one after strenuous activity, and one 30 minutes before bed.

Height: 76 inches (1.9304m)
Weight: 256lbs (116.12k)
Waist Size: 36
Shoe Size: 13

Body Hair
-Face: Partial scruff with majority on neck
-Chest: Partial hair near center, very dark but light in weight
-Stomach: Very large amounts with a course and dense patch near belly button
-genitals: Very dense near penis and around pelvic area, same density continues past scrotal area and inside glutes near anus. Very rough and easily tangles causing irritation and minor chafing.
Legs: Fully covered, even behind knees and covers feet. Light density, put prone to getting caught on clothes and causing irritation. Thighs are completely covered with dark easily tangle-able hair, underwear hate me.
Arms: Light density, increases near wrists and on hands. Brown in color unlike other body hair.
Back: Two patches on shoulder blades, HUGE amounts on lower back, no noticeable portion of where my backhair begins and where my *cough* arsehair begins.

Start date: May 15, 2014
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Postby Alien4420 » May 16th, 2014, 7:09 am

I'm pretty skeptical too and routinely reject the more extreme claims. But behavior? I think hypnosis makes huge changes in behavior. And it can make some pretty amazing physical changes too, as all those pictures of penis shrinkage will attest.

My balls are a lot smaller than they used to be, small things in a big mostly empty scrotum. A couple of guys who listened to Teeny Weenie had their testosterone measured and it was subnormal and they had to go on supplements. And if your T decreases it's going to have a lot of effects on your behavior, generally pushing you back in the childlike direction, and your physiology, e.g., growing less body and facial hair and penis shrinkage.

And behaviorally -- I heard a recording of my voice the other day and I was amazed at how much higher it sounds, and how gay. It was never like that before and I wasn't even aware that it had changed until I heard the recordings and realized that I'd responded to suggestions along those lines.

So some stuff won't change but I do think you'll see some pretty cool changes. I'll be interested to hear what they are.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 16th, 2014, 8:45 am

slyther wrote:
As much of a skeptic I am about body/behavioral change hypnosis, I'm willing to cast aside my doubts and try out Curse Prepubescent.

I'm gonna be keeping a personal log book and post a weekly report if anything noticeable occurs. Actually, a monthly report would probably be better, I'll be keeping a personal record of myself and publish my monthly reports (eg. next one on June 1st)

In order to make a direct comparison I'll be recording my starting stats and compare them from month to month updates.

You are going about this much more systematically than I did. I wish I had started out recording all this information. However, I have listened to other files that might have had influences on {b]Curse Prepubescent[/b]. Examples include Curse Shaving and Curse of the Teeny Weenie and at least ten others. I've been using subliminals, NLP tapes/mp3s, and hypnosis tapes/mp3s for -- literally -- decades.

I am looking forward to reading your reports. I fully expect that you will look and/or act much like what you did when you were a prepubescent (teen?). Do you have any family pictures of you when you were prepubescent? If so, could you arrange to take pictures using the same or a similar background? As an example, using the background of your family home ... or a similar-looking one? In this case, the use of image-comparison software would produce a fascinating report.

Alien wrote:
hypnosis makes huge changes in behavior. And it can make some pretty amazing physical changes too, as all those pictures of penis shrinkage will attest.

As Alien wrote, hypnosis is magnificent at producing behavioral changes. It is something that most hypnotists will claim to be able to do ... if the subject wants to cooperate. Doing something against a subject's will is possible, but takes an extreme effort. The subject needs to trust the hypnotist. This type of effort violates that trust so much that the hypnotist will not be able to work with the subject any more.

As long as physical change has a rational basis for being influenced by behavior, it can be done. Obviously, not masturbating has an effect on testosterone production and, thus, on penis size. So there is at least some rational basis for penis shrinkage (or growth, since more masturbation produces more blood vessels in the penis, thus, more engorgement produces more growth, and thus a longer/thicker/bigger penis).

Sometimes a physical change has no obvious rational basis. {b]Shrinking--Control Panel For Your Height[/b] is one such. However, several people will testify that they lost several inches -- my seventeen-year-old friend Noah is one such; he was 6ft5in a few weeks ago; he's now 6ft2in. This is not one's normal expectation for a teenager -- a teenager who is still growing is not supposed to shrink -- but it happened.

I'm of the opinion that the universe is much more malleable that I supposed it to be. I'm a pagan/heathen and have experience of the universe being extremely malleable. This is equivalent to saying that I believe the universe can be molded like silly putty (and you can use things such as food coloring as well as adding "stuff" to reshape things more to your desire) rather than the universe having a fixed unyielding structure such as a granite rock.

Perhaps this is a palatable metaphor: the Universe is a computer program. We, from inside the program, can add/subtract/"hack" software subroutines to influence what we (and others) perceive. This is best done locally instead of hacking major portions. A major hack -- with enough power and skill -- might be done but how would one prove that a universal change was made?
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Postby Slyther_Whitewing » May 16th, 2014, 4:31 pm

oxdude wrote:
I am looking forward to reading your reports. I fully expect that you will look and/or act much like what you did when you were a prepubescent (teen?).

Well thanks for the encouragement, I'm not so sure my changes will happen rapidly, but I'll make some updates if anything major happens.

oxdude wrote: Do you have any family pictures of you when you were prepubescent? If so, could you arrange to take pictures using the same or a similar background? As an example, using the background of your family home ... or a similar-looking one? In this case, the use of image-comparison software would produce a fascinating report.

Sadly my family has moved a considerable amount of time and most of my pictures have been misplaced, that and I'm quite a bit camera shy. I'd hate to have this come around and bite me in the ass some time in the future if someone wanted to oust me as a hypnophile/pedo considering the nature of this.

oxdude wrote:Sometimes a physical change has no obvious rational basis. {b]Shrinking--Control Panel For Your Height[/b] is one such. However, several people will testify that they lost several inches -- my seventeen-year-old friend Noah is one such; he was 6ft5in a few weeks ago; he's now 6ft2in. This is not one's normal expectation for a teenager -- a teenager who is still growing is not supposed to shrink -- but it happened.

I'm of the opinion that the universe is much more malleable that I supposed it to be. I'm a pagan/heathen and have experience of the universe being extremely malleable. This is equivalent to saying that I believe the universe can be molded like silly putty (and you can use things such as food coloring as well as adding "stuff" to reshape things more to your desire) rather than the universe having a fixed unyielding structure such as a granite rock.

Perhaps this is a palatable metaphor: the Universe is a computer program. We, from inside the program, can add/subtract/"hack" software subroutines to influence what we (and others) perceive. This is best done locally instead of hacking major portions. A major hack -- with enough power and skill -- might be done but how would one prove that a universal change was made?

Interesting what happened to your friend. And quite an interesting standing on the universe. I'll keep your words in mind while going under, perhaps even deeper than I would normally go.

As an aside (I doubt anyone is experienced in this matter) but I had a chemically triggered early puberty in my childhood due to having weak bones as a child, [sarcasm]I was fed a wonderful cocktail of growth hormones and steroids[/sarcasm] which caused rapid growth spurts and ended my physical growth cycle in puberty well before I even started sexually maturing. As a result I physically matured at a rate my natural body was not accustomed to, triggering chronic rheumatoid arthritis and physically debilitating my left knee (I can't bend it, not even to squat). Because I never went through a natural puberty cycle, would this somehow inhibit/interfere with my progress?
And before someone tells me to go to a doctor, I have, 5 of them, all of them said there was nothing they could do to help me aside from just telling me to put extra focus on my joints during workout sessions (thanks captain obvious). Sorry if I come off as frustrated, the whole puberty thing surfaced some less than tasteful memories.
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Postby diode168 » May 16th, 2014, 8:51 pm

Given the success people have had with this file is already incompatible with reality I wouldn't worry to much about it.

This is a very powerful file and I have seen people's results it's quite scary.

As for your RA, treatment is most effective close to onset. But you still have options.
Excising the join lightly especially in physiotherapy. Co-Codamol is normally prescribed if you really need it since it's very easy to get addicted.
You may wish to speak to your doctor about NSAID's. Ibuprofen can work wonders and can be mixed safely with Co-Codamol.
(ask your doc their is a risk of complication in this approach)

Unfortunate your own doctor or better, a specialist will be infinitely better than me. You do have more options which may be effective in reducing symptoms.

In short: Consult your doc.
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Postby psiboi1977 » May 16th, 2014, 9:39 pm

Are there any pictures of any of these successes?
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 16th, 2014, 11:07 pm

slyther wrote:
Sadly my family has moved a considerable amount of time and most of my pictures have been misplaced, that and I'm quite a bit camera shy.

You experience with photos parallels mine. I'm not at all photogenic, my skin fades into pastel backgrounds ... and Mom had the entire house painted in pastels. *sigh* When on vacation I was usually the only one taking pictures; nobody else was interested in recording anything. I wasn't, either ... but I did have a nice record of spectacular vacations in Hawaii, Israel, and western Europe. I've moved ... and most pictures were not a priority when I moved into my current one-bedroom apartment.

slyther wrote:
Interesting what happened to your friend. And quite an interesting standing on the universe.

Yes, Noah was quite surprised when he shrank. He had been complaining that he was so tired of being 6ft5in ... and when I mentioned the file, he said that he'd try it, more to placate me than anything else. I'm sure he had no expectation of it working. When I asked a month later if he had shrunk any, I could practically feel the astonishment when he IMed that he was now 6ft2in. I could feel the "what the fuck happened? attitude coming through.

"... quite an interesting standing on the universe." I agree; I have a strange view of what is possible. However, it is hard-won through many weird -- that is a toned-down description -- experiences. Never make the mistake of worshiping Eris, the Greek goddess of Chaos, even in fun, unless you're extremely desirious of weird shit continually happening in your life. If you want weird shit happening, though, PM me; I will write you a brief ceremony ... and weirdness will commence. You have been warned!

slyther wrote;
As an aside (I doubt anyone is experienced in this matter) but I had a chemically triggered early puberty in my childhood due to having weak bones as a child, [sarcasm]I was fed a wonderful cocktail of growth hormones and steroids[/sarcasm] which caused rapid growth spurts and ended my physical growth cycle in puberty well before I even started sexually maturing. As a result I physically matured at a rate my natural body was not accustomed to, triggering chronic rheumatoid arthritis and physically debilitating my left knee (I can't bend it, not even to squat). Because I never went through a natural puberty cycle, would this somehow inhibit/interfere with my progress?

Ah, another victim of medical science!

You're not the only one with a strange puberty. I have had epilepsy since my birth; it was correctly diagnosed at age five. My medications since age five included phenobarbital, which is no friend of testosterone. When I was sixteen, I was switched to two "new" (in 1966) anti-epileptic drugs, Mysoline and Tegratol. Mysoline is a phenobarbital precursor; approximately one-third of it is processed into phenobarbital in the bloodstream. I was taking two 500-mg tablets three times a day, so I was on a continual dosage of one thousand milligrams of (effectively) time-release phenobarbital per day until my liver, after forty-one years, decided it didn't want to process it any more. I was put in the hospital to "detox". It took at least fourteen days. I kept having to reassure the nurses that I wasn't a druggie ... really.

When testosterone precursors became available in the mid-1990s, I bought and took a bottle. My feet grew from size 9.5D to 11D. I wonder if my bone plates ever closed ... or if I had a proper stimulus of growth hormone and testosterone, I could grow even more from my (then) height of 6ft0in. I've shrunk a few inches -- so far -- using Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height. My current height -- measured by my doctor a few weeks ago (with shoes on)-- is 5ft10in.

I was always extremely asexual. Oh, I knew which sex I was attracted to -- other guys -- but it was too much bother to find someone to have sex with for very little reward.. Masturbating was, in my opinion. a lot of trouble for very little -- almost no -- reward.

So, you see, I'm not sure I ever went through puberty.

psiboi wrote:

diode wrote:
Given the success people have had with this file is already incompatible with reality I wouldn't worry to much about it.

This is a very powerful file and I have seen people's results it's quite scary.

Are there any pictures of any of these successes?

I'm sure we'd all love to set the pictures, diode. I'm not doubting you! I have plenty of experience of reality being extremely malleable, including my own body.
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Postby STCL » May 17th, 2014, 6:11 pm

Part of me wants to try this, because i enjoyed being a kid, but another part of me, the one that was happiest when i had shrunk to 70 inches, is really scared to try it, out of fear that it will work. My job is mostly reliant on my strength, so i can't afford to lose more than what Shrinking has already cost me.
Current height: 6'1"
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 18th, 2014, 4:36 am

STCL wrote:
Part of me wants to try this, because i enjoyed being a kid, but another part of me, the one that was happiest when i had shrunk to 70 inches, is really scared to try it, out of fear that it will work. My job is mostly reliant on my strength, so i can't afford to lose more than what Shrinking has already cost me.

I understand. You have a job that depends on strength. If you lose too much strength, you lose your ability to do your job. You're in a different situation from your English "hobbit" friend; his ability to do his job was/is not affected by his loss of height.

Me? I'm soooooooooooooooo curious ... and I intend to see where this rabbit hole leads. Hopefully there will be a "eat me" cake somewhere along the way.
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Postby STCL » May 18th, 2014, 5:38 am

"Eat me" cakes make you grow. Drink me bottles make you shrink. Just saying.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 18th, 2014, 6:08 am

STCL wrote:
"Eat me" cakes make you grow. Drink me bottles make you shrink. Just saying.

I know. It's the process, not the destination, that's so much fun. And, like the God of the Month Club I conceived of a few decades ago, you have to do some gods in the right order. You can't vow total chastity to some jealous god one month, then serve Pan as the god of lust the next. Some things need to be done in a certain order.

However, if some hypnosis files -- effective muscle growth files, for example -- aren't available before you shrink or become prepubescent, you do need the occasional "eat me" cake to take advantage of the other fun shit you discover later and should have done earlier ... but didn't.
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 25th, 2014, 2:08 am

I hadn't posted for a while because I hadn't noticed any physical changes happening. I forgot that there are other changes as well. There was a quote in on of my favorite muscle growth stories, Second Puberty by JayPat -- link: -- that more or less sums it up. The succinct quote is the last paragraph, which I highlighted in bold; however, the entire conversation -- from Chapter 10 -- is so great that I had to include it, if only to encourage everyone to read the entire story.

Suddenly, my cell phone buzzed. I didn’t have to look.
“Professor Grant?”
“How’s it going kid?”
“A little weird.”
“Only a little weird?” he chuckled. “Then you’re ahead of the game.”
“No, seriously, it’s like I want to fuck everybody.”
“That’s just your libido. I—”
“—amped it up a bit,” I finished for him.
“Exactly. How’s it working out for you?”
“What do you mean?”
“I bet you’re having some great sex.”
“What? You think I should be running around fucking everything in sight?”
“Hey, kid, when I was in high school it was the ’60’s. That’s what you did.”
“Yeah, well, it’s not what I do. This whole thing is getting way out of control. My parents are acting weird. Everyone I see wants to fuck me and now I want to fuck everyone I see.”
“Let me get this straight. Your body is changing, you’re feeling a growing separation from your parents, your friends are seeing you in new ways, and you’re coming to terms with desires you’ve never had before. What part of “second puberty” did you not get?”

Well, I seem to be going through the emotional disaster that is puberty. I haven't noticed physical changes (yet), but my emotional control has ... slipped. Vanished might be a more accurate description.

Here's a link that is --more or less -- a list of ways you can tell if you're going through puberty: . The first part enumerates physical changes. The second part describes emotional changes. I haven't noticed any physical changes ... yet ... but emotional changes? Hooo boy!

More sexual attraction than normal? Check. Mood swings? Check. Feeling things more intensely? Check. More anxiety? Check. More withdrawn? Not sure I can get more withdrawn ... oh, what the hell. Check. Unfamiliar emotions? Well ... check. Do I care more about my appearance? Check. Emotional disaster area. Check.

Well, I do seem to be going through the emotional disaster that is puberty. Not so much the physical changes (yet), but my emotional control has ... slipped. Vanished might be a better word. Now if the people I know can refrain from killing me before I get back on an even emotional keel <sounds of gunfire>
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 27th, 2014, 3:52 pm

oxyfemboi wrote:
Tue May 06, 2014
I had a doctor's appointment today. That pimple I mentioned a few posts ago? It is not a pimple. It may be a cancerous growth. My GP is sending me to a skin specialist to have it removed. More information as I get it.

May 27, 2014
I kept my doctor appointment today about that possibly cancerous growth on my ear. The doctor confirmed that it is cancer. He scheduled an operation to excise it on June 23, 2014. It will not change the shape of my ear. I will be "knocked out" for the operation, so I won't be able to walk the two blocks home to my apartment. I need to arrange for somebody to drive me home, get me to my apartment, undress me, and get me tucked into bed.

I will post further information as I get it.
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Postby Slyther_Whitewing » May 31st, 2014, 6:40 am

I do hope the operation goes well.

I've also been going on an emotional rollercoaster myself, I've been hiding myself in my room whenever a violent show is playing, I've been playing pretend with myself, and i started a garden. I'm much more emotionally sensitive, easilly triggered, and carefree all at the same time. In terms of sexual drive, i distinctly remember being aroused to pokémon during my 13-16 years, for some reason those feeling have surfaced aggresively. I've also been more keen to take showers on a daily basis and keep the house clean. I've also had the urge to do a large amount of home cooking. Needless to say, i wholeheartedly welcome my more obediant psyche and will do my best to mold my mental state into being a well behaved and wel mannered little boy.

Unfortunately, like oxy, I'vr experienced no substancial physical changes. However I've been needing 12 hours of sleep for some reason. Perhaps its a precursor to my physical changing.
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Postby OxyFemboi » June 1st, 2014, 4:21 pm

sly wrote
I've also been going on an emotional rollercoaster myself, I've been hiding myself in my room whenever a violent show is playing, I've been playing pretend with myself, and i started a garden. I'm much more emotionally sensitive, easilly triggered, and carefree all at the same time. In terms of sexual drive, i distinctly remember being aroused to pokémon during my 13-16 years, for some reason those feeling have surfaced aggresively. I've also been more keen to take showers on a daily basis and keep the house clean. I've also had the urge to do a large amount of home cooking. Needless to say, i wholeheartedly welcome my more obediant psyche and will do my best to mold my mental state into being a well behaved and wel mannered little boy.

I've noticed that I have been having more morning wood than I ever had in my life. I also need a lot more sleep.

If you're interested you might want to add Feminine Conditioning by ViVe [link: ].

I've been told that I'm not the best person to notice subtle changes in facial features and body shape. After all, I see my reflection in the mirror daily, if not more often. Taking and posting pictures at regular intervals might be a more accurate way of discovering physical changes.

When I start having crushes on the latest boy bands or teen singers, then I will definitely know that the file is working. I'll definitely post if I start subscribing to Tiger Beat or Sixteen. :-D Oh yes. Harry from 1D is extremely sexy.
Last edited by OxyFemboi on August 21st, 2014, 11:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby diode168 » June 1st, 2014, 10:41 pm

Taking and posting pictures at regular intervals might be a more accurate way of discovering physical changes.

If done of the face (that is worded badly) it would be a very effective way of judging the file. Many people who tried the file have said their face looked young but unfortunate nobody has really uploaded anything publicly, although I have seen two privately and I have to say by the end one looked early 20's but the other looked like he was 12.

But their is to much baggage to uploading pictures of the face week by week.
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Postby 5HA99Y » June 1st, 2014, 10:52 pm

diode168 wrote:
Taking and posting pictures at regular intervals might be a more accurate way of discovering physical changes.

If done of the face (that is worded badly) it would be a very effective way of judging the file. Many people who tried the file have said their face looked young but unfortunate nobody has really uploaded anything publicly, although I have seen two privately and I have to say by the end one looked early 20's but the other looked like he was 12.

But their is to much baggage to uploading pictures of the face week by week.

I would love to see the images if I can I'm trying this out as well as the shrinking file I'm trying to listen to them as much as I can so far no luck.
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Postby OxyFemboi » July 4th, 2014, 5:48 am

I possibly have something to report.

When I was buying a few packs of cigarettes on July 3, 2014, I was asked to produce photo identification to prove how old I was. Before this, all any clerk asked me to do was to recite my birthday. This is absolutely the first time that I was ever asked for a photo ID to prove I was old enough to buy cigarettes.

I am not claiming that this proves I look younger. Someone could have decided to require photo ID for everybody who wants cigarettes. I do find it intriguing.

I haven't noticed any change. However, since I see my face several times each day, this proves nothing. I'm certain I would not notice gradual changes.
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Postby Slyther_Whitewing » August 12th, 2014, 8:04 pm

Oh my... I've been absent for quite some time.

Life got in the way of my regimen and has for the most part negated any progress I made.

I will be finally getting back to my regular schedule, expect a progress report by the start of September.

I'm terribly sorry for my leave of absence.
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Postby diode168 » August 15th, 2014, 11:13 pm

Don't be sorry.

My old mentor use to say "Look not at where you have been but only towards the future." every time somebody was late.
Ironically he would latter die by walking into a manhole but the point still stands. (unlike him)
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17 year old teen jock boy

Postby danvip36 » September 3rd, 2014, 1:57 pm

I have been listening to this file twice a day now for the past 5 days and already noticing some what at first felt like strange changes in my mental outlook. For my age I cant confirm how old I am, I feel younger, happier and more relaxed and comfortable for this to change me permanently. The weirdest thing has been my change in clothing tastes, I work in an office and dress and appearance play a big part. I found that on the second day my underwear seemed to be too big and dull, I spent my lunch hour buying clothes that I would not have considered before as a lot younger and more colourful than would normally go for. I could not wait to get home and get into tighter clothes and style that was more suitable for a teen jock boy...Today I had a delivery of shoes I had ordered from the internet and albeit before I started this process I liked now they just look too grown up.

Anyways getting to the point, I have been reading the comments on here about curse prepubescent and have partially listened to the file with some fear! The experiences reported by others mixed with my cocky attitude which is becoming evident, I will be trying a mix of the two as I am curious to see if my body does change as some have reported, I would love to see if this does work and if combined with teen jock boy I get the results that I so desire.

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Postby psiboi1977 » September 3rd, 2014, 5:07 pm

Danvip, make sure to post before and progressive pictures as you go through the process!
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Postby diode168 » September 3rd, 2014, 9:11 pm

Good luck davvip looking forward to seeing your progress.

I agree with psiboi if you are able to take a picture now for a before. You don't need to post it here but it will be better for you to have something for comparison.
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Postby hypnobro92 » September 4th, 2014, 6:46 pm

So has this really been working for anybody?

I've listened for a few days now along with teen weeny and my testicles are hurting today a little, sore really. I hope my progress is steady and cant wait to shrink (sorta) back to a child-like look :)
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Postby psiboi1977 » September 5th, 2014, 12:34 am

Hypnobro, if you have started this, don't forget to take a before photo! We'd like to see your success along with your updates. ..
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Postby KIY » September 5th, 2014, 7:29 am

It isn't clear, at least from my point of view, whether or not Curse Prepubescence works or not, or to what degree it works if it does work. People have occasionally claimed it was working for them, but none of them have given any real evidence (such as pictures.)

I tried it for a while and it didn't work, then again I am not a good subject (my mind is inherently very critical of everything it hears, or thinks, for that matter.)

Good luck and keep us updated.
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Postby Alien4420 » September 5th, 2014, 10:15 am

hypnobro92 wrote:So has this really been working for anybody?

I've listened for a few days now along with teen weeny and my testicles are hurting today a little, sore really. I hope my progress is steady and cant wait to shrink (sorta) back to a child-like look :)

I don't know about this, but it's normal for your balls to hurt a bit when you start teeny Weenie.
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 30th, 2014, 8:41 pm

I've started listening to the Curse Prepubescent file again. I'm shrinking (in height -- down to 69 inches) and my cock and balls are smaller.
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