Vive's Files

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Vive's Files

Postby waffliesinyoface » December 9th, 2014, 2:12 pm

Sort of a general thread, I guess. Anyone here listened to any of Vive's files recently?

I've listened to a few of his files before (Namely Wet Relaxation & The Waitress), and they almost always work.
Right now I'm currently listening to the Junkfood Curse (which has marginal effects because I don't really eat much junk food) and Kitty Conditioning. I've only listened to Kitty Conditioning twice now, but it's soooo addicting. It's made me slightly more scatterbrained, I've been craving more fish, I occasionally have the "phantom limb" sensation of ears/tail, and that stereotypical "-nya" suffix/word-modifier thing that's common in catgirls and the like has been stuck in my thoughts for almost the entirety of the last 2 days. I've only actually said it a couple times out loud (thankfully not in public, just when I'm talking to myself @ home), but whenever I do say it, accidental or not, it just feels really good.
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Postby transformed » December 9th, 2014, 3:48 pm

I can certainly say that I think Vive is one of the most effective on the site! His Zero induction never fails to get me into a very deep trance. I find myself trying more and more of his files and absolutely love them!

Keep listening and you'll be amazed at what he can do for you!
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Postby ProfessorPig » December 9th, 2014, 9:12 pm

vive is incredibly talented. he is a master at both brainwashing loops and traditional hypnosis, and he uses combinations of both that are incredibly effective. he is also one of the few hypnotists that uses vivid enough language that his hallucination based files are effective. on top of that, based on my conversations with him, he seems like a really nice guy. what more could you want in a hypnotist?
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 10th, 2014, 12:56 am

Agreed! ViVe is one of the best tists on WMM and I love the files he's come up with. I thoroughly enjoyed Feminine Conditioning ... to the point where yeah, I am sure that I'm more trans than gay, so I'm investigating Hormone Replacement Therapy and eventual surgery to become a girl.

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Postby ViVe » December 10th, 2014, 9:38 am

Hi! Thank you!

@ waffliesinyoface: Really cool to hear about your success with the kitty file! It uses your own definition of kitty, so it's really interesting to hear what effect you got! I would never have thought about the suffix... Oh - and don't worry, it's a safe course, you are only able to let the kitty personality come out when it's safe for you and won't have a negative impact on your life! It's something you should enjoy, not something that harms you! It might happen with persons you know are absolutely safe, but otherwise it keeps you safe! :)

@transformed & Prof. Pig: Thank you guys! That's really nice...

@Oxy: Thank you! I'm really glad I could help you a little bit on your journey to find yourself!
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Postby zeizu » December 10th, 2014, 3:51 pm

even though hypnosis has yet to effect me, the file descriptions always get me hard. vive is such a creative tist, and even though i dont partake, its so enjoyable reading others speak about how much vive gets in there minds. monkey buisness is one of my big fantasies. to become a horny dumb monkey boy. so even though i cant go under yet, i hope to hear about others letting out the monkey and whatever else vive does to all your minds :D
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Postby darkdawnomega » December 11th, 2014, 12:49 pm

ViVe is REALLY good with files.
I've listened to quite a few that have had effects I enjoyed, such as The Wolf, Drone Mind Melt, The Egg, and a few others.
I do still wish there was a The Wolf 2 though, but damn, ViVe's stuff gets to me so easily. Actually helped me out when I started trancing originally because of how effective they were.
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Postby Aryannah » December 29th, 2014, 4:51 am

I actual just started hear have been listening to ViVe' s feminine conditioning file past to week along with hypnotic conditioning and Accepting hypnosis. I chose this because i have wanted to be a Women all life butt I have been to scared to do anything about it. I liked it because of it slow pace and fore the fact that my mind in charge of the change. I wonder when other people might notice though. If any one has any advice on some other file that would help i would appreciate it. :)
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Postby LordIceWing » December 29th, 2014, 4:50 pm

I'm torn on this one...

On the one hand, I love the ideas he comes up with. I think some of the concepts he's working with are great, and as somebody with a control fetish (being on complete control over my slave is my wheelhouse...), I really like the avenues he's playing with.

But... As a (mostly) responsible dominantMaster who is doing these things to my wifeslave, I'm fairly nervous about subjecting her to files where I'm not 100% awarein control of the content.

And, that's one of the issues I've got with Vive's files... I don't KNOW what's in them. I can't check scripts for them, nor can I rework his very good concepts to be a better fit for Me and mine... I've listened through them myself, and edited some content out in Audicity for things that just don't work for us... But, with the amount of layers he puts in, there's no way I can fully vet them, which makes me nervous... I'm the only one who gets to screw with my wife's head. Also, with SO many layers, I can't do tonal shifts without likely messing up the binaural components.

And, he puts in things like a post-hypnotic to go leave feedback on his site.. That kind of thing can, in some people, knock them out of the headspace, because it's so random...

And Vive, ifwhen you read this, PLEASE don't take it as negative criticism as it's not meant that way, and the files I've usedreviewed have been REALLY good concepts, but the implementation doesn't always work for everybody...
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Postby TheTurretCube » December 29th, 2014, 5:46 pm

I love Vive, ghostly mindfuck is just...insane.

Also a really nice guy, and swedish...I love swedish accents
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a review

Postby Calimore » December 29th, 2014, 8:22 pm

The guy's stuff ranges from good to great. His earlier offerings are where you find the good stuff, but his most recent uploads are as good as several pay files to be found on-site here. Of better yet, go to HIS site, where you can download files in better quality (higher bitrate). Here's the address:

Almost all of the files can even be downloaded in .flac format for free at that address, which preserves the quality so well it's almost like listening to the .wav files he used to create the files.

I'm working on training myself to be illiterate when I trigger myself right now (via ViVe's 'ABC What?'). Crazy idea, I know, but for me this is a REAL test because I value the written word so very much. One week of conditioning hasn't done it yet, but I still felt the pull when I triggered myself before writing this post. Hopefully, I won't wake tomorrow to find that I had typed all of this in utter gibberish...

Personally, I am not thrilled with the sound of his Voice, but I've gotten used to it. I prefer women as I am REALLY into FemDom though, which may be the primary source of this bias. Whisper tracks, safeties generally well observed, decent TTS efforts, sound hypnosis technique, extremely fun masturbation loops and the way his creative ideas are competently employed make this author quite worthy of your time.

The projects that he did with Siren were of great interest to me, as are his original inductions, especially the Zero Induction. In fact, I'm considering transcribing THAT little gem so that I can make 3-5 tweaks in the wording and use it myself. Simple NLP changes and a modification of pacing would make it almost 1irresistible to the average English-language listener who has been schooled in at least basic algebra and geometry.

Wow! Spell check is pointing out that I'd best take care of about 18 typos.

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Postby OxyFemboi » December 30th, 2014, 5:06 am

Calimore wrote
I am not thrilled with the sound of his Voice, but I've gotten used to it. ...

The projects that he did with Siren were of great interest to me, as are his original inductions, especially the Zero Induction. In fact, I'm considering transcribing THAT little gem so that I can make 3-5 tweaks in the wording and use it myself. Simple NLP changes and a modification of pacing would make it almost irresistible to the average English-language listener who has been schooled in at least basic algebra and geometry.

... Spell check is pointing out that I'd best take care of about 18 typos.

I love ViVe's voice. I also have a love of accents (it's not quite a fetish, but ... ) which helps me trance to his voice.

I love the innovative Zero Induction as well. I have a degree in Mathematics; every statement ViVe makes concerning number are true in every way. I love the simple way he makes use of mathematical truths to draw me into trance.

Spell check "missed" one typo. However, spell check usually ignores numbers as parts of words, so I'm not sure that spell check is at fault. You spelled "irresistible" as "1irresistible" with a "1" in front of the word.

I'm using the Losing Yourself files. I find the idea of thinking of myself as a neuter "IT" than as a sexual "I" intriguing. I am looking forward to see what effects this change of pronoun will have on me and my thinking.
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Postby ViVe » December 31st, 2014, 5:34 am

Awww.. thank you guys! That's really motivating! :)

@LIW: Don't worry... nothing works for everybody! First rule of hypnoses... bdsm... everything!

Yeah... the subliminals... First of all the why - of course a recording doesn't have the rapport you have irl... but they offer other opportunities like using subliminals - so I took them.. I experimented quite a while with them until I ended up with the format I use today... I think something between 250-350 different experimental files I used on guine.. volunteers. Did some really interesting work with someone with synesthesia to find out how many layers the subconscious can differentiate.

But you want to know what's in them... And I know there is no way to prove it, even if I were to send you a raw recording, you couldn't know it's the same as in the file... but yeah... First of all some deepening suggestions, then some suggestions that it's ok to indulge in whatever the file does and that you're free of guilt and shame, that's pretty much in every file. I might add that creating sensation, emotions and mindstates works much better than complex suggestions! So in fantasies I do exactly that - changing it with the story to increase the immersion (it's a fucking lot of work!) while in effect files I sometimes try to increase the effect but mainly use it to keep the listener deep. And of course inducing arousal if the file calls for it.. creating a state of mindlessness also works great if that's part of the file...

A general thought: I firmly believe the main reason why my files work is because I'm open with what I do (in the description and in the intro) and even in the more extreme files quite careful. No matter what the file does, it has to work in your normal life or it's useless. (And yes, dumbing down may be an exception) If I would include "you are my slave" subliminals, all it would do is destroy rapport! (Plus I never did a general enslavement file as I take the responsibility I have for every sub I play with (no matter if IRL or cyber) very seriously! And I can't take that responsibility for many people)

@TTC: Thanks! Oh.. I'm german btw... ;)

@Calimore: Thanks! Well... you know hypnosis only works as far as you subconscious thinks it goes along with your values... on a deep level... The usual example I use at our local hypnomunch is "say you're really peaceful and would never hurt someone... I could suggest you slap someone all day and you wouldn't do it. (other not really hypnosis related techniques like reframing aside - but I'm reluctant to do such things in most files... people should enjoy them... I want to do the things with, not against them... ) And even if you were extremely angry at someone and consciously think you want to kick their ass - you still wouldn't do it"... On the other hand it's phrased as a break from the normal condition, a nice thing to experience if you really want... Interesting experiment! Would be cool if you keep me up to date! :)

Yeah... my voice... only have this one! :P I can understand where you're coming from!

Oh, Siren used the induction and I taught her and mixed the files but otherwise it's 100% her creative work! Trying to convince her to make more but she's convince her work isn't good... which sucks as it's amazing!

Oh, and feel free! To tinker with all my stuff!

@Ox: Thank you! I don't really like my voice myself... so... :P

Food for thought: Are you sure the loosing yourself combines well with your multiple personalities? Just a thought...
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 31st, 2014, 8:06 am

ViVe wrote
@Ox: Thank you! I don't really like my voice myself... so... :Razz:

Food for thought: Are you sure the loosing yourself combines well with your multiple personalities? Just a thought...

Vive, your voice is one of the sexiest voices I have ever heard. :wink:

Your comment that the Losing Yourself files may not be compatible with multiple personalities is well taken. I/We might end up with another, neuter personality ... or the files may have no effect at all. I/We didn't think of that. :oops:

You mentioned that you "did some really interesting work with someone with synesthesia". I've read about that condition in Oliver Sacks' books. From reading about it, I think synesthesia would be fascinating to experience: each sound having an associated color, different tastes having different shapes, and so forth. Is it be possible to induce such a condition via hypnosis, either for a limited time -- perhaps a few hours or a day -- or if someone found that they really enjoyed it, on a permanent basis? Just a suggestion .... :lol:
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Postby 5HA99Y » December 31st, 2014, 2:49 pm

@VIVE i thought your voice sounded german i have been trying to learn german i dont know much to speak perfectly or well enough to talk to someone in german but i know a few words and it still wip im part dutch german i evryone says i got a accent from another country mostly british but once in a while i get asked if im from Germany and still they dont believe me when i tell them im born and raised in the usa i just go with im from Germany and they believe me

your files are very good though i havent had success yet or atleast not that i know of but you dumbing down files are awesome
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Postby ProfessorPig » December 31st, 2014, 2:51 pm

ViVe wrote:
Yeah... my voice... only have this one! :P I can understand where you're coming from!

i giggled when i saw your response because it reminds me a bit of the abraham lincoln quote where someone accused him of being two faced and lincoln responded “two-faced, If I had two faces, would I be wearing this one?”

on a serious note though you have the perfect voice for what you do. your spoken voice matches up perfectly with your writing voice.

i would love to pick your brain more about how you make your multi layered tracks and looping files. would you ever consider making a guide or writing an explanation of your thought process for making that type of file?
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Postby gift » December 31st, 2014, 5:53 pm

oh yes i like most of his owrk too.
they are verry effective wich is not every hypnosis.
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Postby LittleBen » January 6th, 2015, 10:13 pm

i just did Vive's Mindless Pleasure/ Candy, and it was great, the pleasure and blankness is fading and im getting my mind back now, so i can write this. I recommend it to anyone! Zero!
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Postby TheTurretCube » January 8th, 2015, 5:27 pm

LittleBen you glorious bastard, that file just made my head spin 360 degress with pleasure!

Zero imduction = best induction
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Postby LittleBen » January 8th, 2015, 11:04 pm

TheTurretCube wrote:LittleBen you glorious bastard, that file just made my head spin 360 degress with pleasure!

Zero imduction = best induction

Haha, you are a zero and you know it! :) I can already see your pleasurable regression through your misspellings. Have fun!
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Postby fearghus » January 10th, 2015, 12:58 pm

Vive, your files rock. Particularly the zero inductions!

Quick question, though ... in the first full 10 to 0 countdown ... what happened to six?
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Postby ViVe » January 12th, 2015, 11:36 am

It's intentional - for most people it's a "wait, did I miss a number? I must be quite deep" effect which deepens the trance... but of course like always - nothing works for everyone...
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Postby TheTurretCube » January 12th, 2015, 4:58 pm

You sly dog! I always assumed I had literally fallen asleep for 6! Makes so much sense XD
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Postby OxyFemboi » January 14th, 2015, 11:24 am

I knew that you had missed the number six -- it really bothered me --the first few times. I totally forgot about it after listening a few more times.
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Postby LittleBen » January 22nd, 2015, 11:56 am

OxyFemboi wrote:I knew that you had missed the number six -- it really bothered me --the first few times. I totally forgot about it after listening a few more times.

I never even noticed it, shows how dumb I am! lol
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Postby Feverdream » February 14th, 2015, 7:47 pm

I've been profoundly enjoying ViVe's files.

I started with No More Orgasms, because who doesn't like jumping right in to the deep end, amirite? After I was nicely cursed, I moved on.

I listened to probably 1/3 of his catalog over the course of a week or so. It has been a really fantastic mindfuck. I had no idea that the files were going to work so well. They do exactly what they say they will do, and they are highly effective.

I'm especially attracted to files that encourage me to explore submission. I love curses and suggestions that the files are addictive. I didn't realize that I was so susceptible.

His voice is unbearably sexy. The accent, the slight sibilance, it reaches into my mind and unfastens all of my defenses. Just lets itself in and makes itself at home. Just the memory of his voice can start to take me down if I think about it long enough.

I especially love how experimental he is. He innovates, trying new approaches while retaining the best classic techniques. I love the subliminals. I don't want to know everything that a hypnotist is putting into my head. I can see why others might, but since part of the kink for me is giving up control, having part of the file be obscure to me is a plus. I trust him not to put in something harmful, and I trust my subconscious not to accept harmful suggestions. Straining to follow all the subliminal threads in all their directions at once is part of what puts me under so quickly and certainly.

Anyhow, I'm back on WMM because of ViVe's files. They work. Don't listen if you don't want them to do what they say they will, or if you are just into hypnosis as an idea, not as something you really want to experience. Otherwise, he has so many to choose from.

Come on in... the water is fine!
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Postby fearghus » February 15th, 2015, 9:43 am

I've used several of his files ... I don't trance easy but he puts me deep.

Was surprised how well Bimbo for an hour and Horny Humber worked on ONE LISTEN
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