terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

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MasterDraykes Alt.Curse results

Postby larrn » December 10th, 2014, 11:26 pm

After listening to MasterDraykes Alternate Curse of the Teeny Weenie for several months, my cock has been reduced to a teenier weenie. Flaccid I've shrunk about a 1 1/2 and when it does try to get a liitle firmer, its about 2 1/2 to 3"

Sir, then after I had told him I was shrinking he commanded me to shave.
So in the gallery are my pis before and after shaving.

Thank you Sir, It feels so much better.


if the link doesn't work, its titled shaving for MasterDrayke
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Postby snipzh » December 10th, 2014, 11:34 pm

I didn't search for the curse Teeny Weenie but somehow I landed here and was really curious if that could happen. I'm very confident with my 6 Inch cock (erect) right now. But reading through all the post made me so horny that I wanted to give it a try. So I've listened already twice to the file. Sarnoga is amazing and incredible and he "persuaded" me to continue listening to his file. The point is I don't care anymore if my weenie shrinks. In fact I want it to happen now. The thought makes me horny. Right now there are no results but I do not stop listening to the file and hope it will become true. Life seems to be so much better with a teeny weenie :lol:
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Postby donfelice » December 11th, 2014, 4:15 am


I begin to feel that way, Shrinkie. I want it to be shorter now, after listening to the file quite a bit this week. The humiliation about having a smaller/average dick, excites me :-) Always kind of liked sph, but it didn't really do that much for me, knowing that I was comfortably well above average.

I took some photos with a ruler/tape next to it. The problem is, I didn't take one before I started listening, because I didn't really think that something would change. Have gone through my whatsapp folder on the phone to find some pics from 2 yrs ago that I sent to my now gf, but I seem to have deleted them. Who would have thought I would need "proof" of my cock someday!?

So the "biggest" picture I have, is with it being around 7". I'll post some pics after the first week, probably.
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Postby ap66 » December 11th, 2014, 6:15 pm

I have always considered to listen to this file for shits and giggles, but what I want to know is can the effects be reversed? I also assume that all of you listened to the cursed version. I noticed that there is a non-curse version as well. Can the effects be reversed with the non-curse version? Has anyone tried the non-curse version? The possibility of the effects being permanent makes me hesitant. Although I have to admit, seeing people's cocks shrink makes me a bit horny.
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Postby diode168 » December 12th, 2014, 1:20 am

Nobody has been able to reverse it that we know off. But very few people want to since it changes what you want.
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Postby donfelice » December 12th, 2014, 7:46 am

So, after a week of listening to the non-curse version, here's my... observations.

A last measurement (today) gave me 16 cm or just below 6.3 inches. I have taken a measurement of 7 inches on monday and have a photo of it. Sadly I didn't take a photo before listening, so it's kind of hard for myself to believe that I had ~8". It feels like nothing changed and as if it always was the 6.3" it is now.

So even if I factor in some variance (holding the ruler differently/changing degrees of hardness), I kind of have to admit, the file might have had an impact.

However, the biggest changes seemed to have happened in the first few days, as it only went down from 6.5 or something on wednesday to 6.3 now. Maybe my mind subconsciously tried to resist further changes after the first realisation that it had gotten smaller.

What else do I notice that has changed?
- constant horniness (have to jerk of around twice a day, but could even more often)
- my ballsack feels tighter and the balls ride higher (they used to almost always hang pretty low)
- when my dick is soft, it feels smaller/tighter, a little rubbery (soft lenght went down from 4.7" to usually 3.9" now)
- my balls kind of tickle and almost constantly slightly ache, like I have blue balls
- my dick tingled a lot during the first half of the week, not so much during the last few days. Since most of the effect seemed to have happened during the first days, it seems that this sensation is connected to the shrinking

Another observation that further confirms my finding of actually having lost a little length: during sex, I can stick my whole dick inside and fuck my GF quite hard. I wasn't able to do that before and had to always leave about 2" outside. That isn't really tangible proof, but well - it just adds to the overall feeling of being a little shorter.

SO.. after this week, I have accepted, that I don't belong into the 1-percentile anymore, but instead have an average sized dick. Maybe I cheated, when I measured my dick in the past - I can't tell anymore. I don't think so however, since I measured it with a now ex-gf once and we got well over 8" as a result back then.
A ridiculously hot russian student (who was married) that I had a fling with in college even told me I should be in porn, back then. IT CAN'T HAVE BEEN IMAGINATION THAT I USED TO BE BIG!!!
When I look her up on facebook, today (and she hasn't changed at all - didn't gain the slightest bit of weight) I can't believe that I have been her "bull". With 6.3" I would feel inadequate. Mediocre. A pretty "bittersweet" feeling.

If nothing else happened, this week changed my selfperception completely. I see myself as having an average cock now. And knowing that women, if given the opportunity, prefer 7-8" cocks... this is just a completely new feeling for me!

Well, that was a lot of text. The biggest question I have now is, why did the shrinking not continue that much during the last days?
I will lay off the file during this weekend and think I will listen to the curse-version of it from monday till christmas and see what will happen then.
Furthermore, I think I will stop taking measurements daily in order to stop my analytical/afraid/skeptical mind from taking countermeasures subconsciously.

What do you think? Is my perception of the "symptoms" (tingling, ball-aching, etc.) in line with what you guys experienced?

Thanks for reading :-)
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Postby bostonmarc » December 12th, 2014, 3:57 pm

donfelice wrote:

Well, that was a lot of text. The biggest question I have now is, why did the shrinking not continue that much during the last days?
I will lay off the file during this weekend and think I will listen to the curse-version of it from monday till christmas and see what will happen then.
Furthermore, I think I will stop taking measurements daily in order to stop my analytical/afraid/skeptical mind from taking countermeasures subconsciously.

What do you think? Is my perception of the "symptoms" (tingling, ball-aching, etc.) in line with what you guys experienced?

Thanks for reading :-)

The "symptoms" sound very consistent with all the other guys who have listened and reported in. My question to you is why the "curse" version? Unless you now really want this to happen?
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Postby donfelice » December 12th, 2014, 4:44 pm

Yes. The curse version because i want it to happen. Because I read that it is more powerful. If you think about it, it's the logical step: my analytical/skeptic mind doesn't believe in it working and therefore isn't afraid, while the other part of my mine wants it to happen and wants more effects. I think that's why.
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 13th, 2014, 6:43 am

bostonmarc wrote
The "symptoms" sound very consistent with all the other guys who have listened and reported in. My question to you is why the "curse" version? Unless you now really want this to happen?


donfelice wants his weenie to get smaller. He's just not comfortable with admitting it yet. Since he's going to listen to the Curse version, donfelice can tell himself that he's forced to listen when the real reason is that he wants to listen and shrink.

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December Additions to Photo Book

Postby mondaytuesday » December 13th, 2014, 10:45 pm

Added IMG_7544.JPG
Added IMG_7457.JPG
Added L1010779.JPG
Added IMG_7477.JPG
Added IMG_7480.JPG
Added IMG_7524.JPG
Added L1010778.JPG
Added IMG_7332.JPG

I had received a pm requesting recent pics. Here are a selection.

Things continue and seem to be speeding their way to what I fear will be permanent aspects of a true transformation, a reduced man who will be prepared for powerful men or women to take possession of for a moment, maybe longer, depending on their plan. I feel I will soon be in a position for dominants to use in order to cultivate energy and to display their power and conquest over men. To utilize me, when they desire, and to put me back, at their leisure. Perhaps even to demonstrate to future candidates of what can and will be done when, like me, they gain the dark desire and joy to be so effectively transforming in a way that concurrently removes me from my grown man status. And prepares me as a reconfigured, improved design of what a man can be made to be.
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Postby snipzh » December 14th, 2014, 12:33 pm

Ok guys, after two times of listening to the curse Teeny Weenie I stopped with that file. The reason is that I actually like to have a nice hard dick in my hands and I love playing with it as often as I can :)

But I'm still reading the forum posts and there is a lot of curiosity and a lot of arousal going through me. I can't stop thinking about how it would be to have a tiny, small weenie. First of all I'm curious if such a transformation is possible and on the other side I'm a very submissive gay who really doesn't need a big hard dick anyway to please other men ;) For donfelice it is a different case. He has a girlfriend to please.

So for me it doesn't mean a big loss, maybe just more pleasure? One kink for me is the part of humiliation that really turns me on most. Imagine when after working out at the gym I would go to the shower and the other guys start to grin when they see me with a teeny winnie.

As I saw there are two file to the same subject, a shorter (33:25) and a longer one (49:00). Would the longer one be more efficient to listen at?

I would really appreciate if you guys would encourage, convince and push me to go a step further, I need that!!! Thanks a lot!
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 14th, 2014, 4:45 pm

snipzh wrote
As I saw there are two file to the same subject, a shorter (33:25) and a longer one (49:00). Would the longer one be more efficient to listen at?

I would really appreciate if you guys would encourage, convince and push me to go a step further, I need that!!! Thanks a lot!

The 33:25 minute version is MasterDrayke's Alternate Curse of the Teeny Weenie. The 49:00 minute version is Sarnoga's original Curse of the Teeny Weenie. The differences, as explained in the file description of the Alternate Curse are:

Changes from Sarnoga's original are as follows: Sarnoga's induction replaced by a new induction consisted partly of EMG's basic induction (recorded in MasterDrayke's voice) as well as an original induction; awakener replaced with new, original awakener; some suggestions in body changed such as new suggestion that nipple stimulation is required for orgasm. ... File also contains binaural beats and subliminals. *Warning: This file contains some suggestions related to small penis humiliation.*

I do not know whether one version is more effective than another. I used the original Curse. The Alternate version is a Premium file, which means you need to have a Premium membership (= you need to pay $) to download it. Sarnoga's original version is free. I'm not sure if Sarnoga's version contains "suggestions related to small penis humiliation" but I doubt it. Sarnoga makes you feel wonderful about having a small weenie.

As for wanting to do it ... C'mon, dude! You know you want to! Besides, when you have a shorter weenie, nobody asks you to top! *encourages you*
Last edited by OxyFemboi on December 14th, 2014, 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby snipzh » December 14th, 2014, 5:05 pm

Dear OxyFemboi

Thanks a lot for the great research and explanation. It means a lot to me and it helps a lot. And of course you're absolutely right. I know that I desperately want to have a shorter weenie. I shouldn't waste time. Therefore I start listening right away. A new chapter in my life starts NOW! There is no way of return!!! Thanks for the encouragement! :D :D :D
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 14th, 2014, 9:40 pm

snipzh wrote
Dear OxyFemboi

Thanks a lot for the great research and explanation. It means a lot to me and it helps a lot. And of course you're absolutely right. I know that I desperately want to have a shorter weenie. I shouldn't waste time. Therefore I start listening right away. A new chapter in my life starts NOW! There is no way of return!!! Thanks for the encouragement! :D :D :D

I'm glad I was able to help!

You're going to be ecstatic, dude! I am!
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Postby snipzh » December 15th, 2014, 3:03 am

I'm on my way now! Started last night with the original Teeny Weenie! I really hope that It will work for me! For a proof that I have a 6 inch dick at the beginning I wanted to take a pic of it and I did. But I didn't get fully erect anymore, so it's something like 5.5 inches. Even watching porn didn't help for a full erection. My mind might be already to confused with all the files I was listening in the last days. If I ever get a full erection again (the way it used to be) I'll grab the camera and make a pic. But maybe it is to late now :P .

But from what I will earn I don't care. In OxyFemboi words:

"You're going to be ecstatic, dude! I am!"

That sounds so seductive to me and what more do I want?
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 15th, 2014, 5:04 am

snipzh wrote
I'm on my way now! Started last night with the original Teeny Weenie! I really hope that It will work for me! For a proof that I have a 6 inch dick at the beginning I wanted to take a pic of it and I did. But I didn't get fully erect anymore, so it's something like 5.5 inches. Even watching porn didn't help for a full erection. My mind might be already to confused with all the files I was listening in the last days. If I ever get a full erection again (the way it used to be) I'll grab the camera and make a pic. But maybe it is to late now :Razz: .

Hey, bro! Whatever length it was now, take a pic ... that way you'll know what length it was now. You know you gonna be shrinking bro ...
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Postby snipzh » December 15th, 2014, 10:24 am

OxyFemboi wrote:
snipzh wrote
I'm on my way now! Started last night with the original Teeny Weenie! I really hope that It will work for me! For a proof that I have a 6 inch dick at the beginning I wanted to take a pic of it and I did. But I didn't get fully erect anymore, so it's something like 5.5 inches. Even watching porn didn't help for a full erection. My mind might be already to confused with all the files I was listening in the last days. If I ever get a full erection again (the way it used to be) I'll grab the camera and make a pic. But maybe it is to late now :Razz: .

Hey, bro! Whatever length it was now, take a pic ... that way you'll know what length it was now. You know you gonna be shrinking bro ...

Hey, bro! By now I know very well that my weenie will shrink......and I'm absolutely excited about that idea :P ...hope some changes will be noticeable soon. Now that I made my final decision to go further I'm constantly aroused and semi hard.

As for the pictures, I will start a gallery soon. That everybody can follow my changes to my teeny weenie 8)
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Postby little-bri » December 15th, 2014, 11:23 am

snipzh wrote:As for the pictures, I will start a gallery soon. That everybody can follow my changes to my teeny weenie 8)

Yes... i wish i'd taken the "before" pix so that i'd have them to show others the proof i was bigger... so definitely make sure you take and post your "before" pics!
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Postby snipzh » December 16th, 2014, 5:22 am

Hey bros!

Here the proof that I still have a dick right now. The link will follow to my new album, where all the progress in shrinking weenie will be shown:


It is a big challenge for me to lose my manhood. But there is no way back anymore. I want to go that road and want to find out how life will be with a shrunken weenie. I believe I can become a better submissive/bottom/slave and that it is my destiny!
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Postby Small1sh » December 16th, 2014, 6:59 am

snipzh wrote:Hey bros!

Here the proof that I still have a dick right now. The link will follow to my new album, where all the progress in shrinking weenie will be shown:


It is a big challenge for me to lose my manhood. But there is no way back anymore. I want to go that road and want to find out how life will be with a shrunken weenie. I believe I can become a better submissive/bottom/slave and that it is my destiny!

Do you need to have that ring on while you're taking the photo? I'd suggest having the ruler at the top of your penis when you take the photo, as it gives a more accurate measurement.

How about take one of it in its flaccid state as well? That will also shrink as you get smaller :)

What's your average flaccid length at the moment? (and has that gotten smaller since it's shrunk 1/2 inch?)
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Postby Sorez » December 17th, 2014, 2:24 pm

So.. I just found this file in my downloads folder while I was browsing, and I swear my dick (and mainly balls) are slightly smaller now. Think is I don't remember listening to it at all, or even downloading it. Hmm, maybe someone made me listen to it thanks to email slave since I get a bunch of emails from here?

I'm kind of scared about listening it if I am thanks to someone from email slave, but on the other hand, Im finding it really hot (If I am listening to it that is, but it's downloaded, and I swear my cock+balls are smaller). >.>
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Postby gift » December 19th, 2014, 7:17 pm

well hello guys.

listened to the curse file now two times and well
so far i can't make out any chamge but i have to admit slowly i am liking the thought about a small little penis.

i'll keep you all updated i guess there is no way back now.
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Postby bostonmarc » December 22nd, 2014, 10:48 am

Any new reports?
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First time feelings some effects

Postby Merith2004 » December 24th, 2014, 12:36 am

So I have listened with great pleasure to this file sporadically in the past. Never listenened on a regular basis. However, I booted it up today and wanted to give it a shot. I haven't masturbated in a few days and figured that would help with the suggestions. Listened to it once to get primes again, took a couple hour break intending on putting it on repeat all night so my subconscious would absorb it more than my conscious mind would. On the second play through I noticed that my nipples did become more sensitive and as I started really playing with them, I only got more and more aroused. Thankfully I finished the file before I got to cum as I really want to see how much not masturbating has an effect. I will update as I progress.
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Reasons Why My Penis and Scrotum Have Reduced Down Past T.W.

Postby mondaytuesday » December 25th, 2014, 12:04 am

I gotta share here in this forum an important part of my sex organs "re-do" that I've been sharing in the gallery and posts.

I visited a favorite file again just now and am glad I did. I have listened to it a lot, but hadn't been to it in a while. It's Mind Master's MM BabyTrain2 Full. I've copied the description and will place it at the end of my post.

The experience tonight reminded me of a lot of important things about myself. I can see now after just listening to it, that the effects of what I learned and gained from spending time with this file has been at work in me, even when I hadn't listened in a few months. That's how The Curse of the Teeny Weenie has been working on my body, too.

I thought it would be helpful to share how this file, working along with The Curse of the Teeny Weeny, is allowing me to evolve into what I am intended to be. I need to let go more and clearly see that my complete acceptance of my changes is something I have already done.

I know this is true because I choose to listen to the file and in choosing to listen, I accept all that I hear. What I hear is true. I know the words are true because I hear them. And what I hear is true because my mind makes it so. The words I hear teach my mind what is true.

So, when you see or read how my Teeny Weenie kept going on down to an infantile state, little & impotent, as a baby should be, I feel that is because of what I've learned in adding the BabyTrain file to my life.

? Name: MM BabyTrain2 Full
Description: FOR BOYS ONLY!!

This is the full version with induction, suggestions and wakening.

This file will reinforce your loss of bladder control, and love of diapers,and acceptance of being a baby.

Additionally, this file will teach you some proper baby behaviours and let you behave as a baby should behave, normally and naturally.

Please note, this file will make you permanently impotent and unable to achieve an erection, so you wet your diapers uncontrollably all the time. After all a baby can not have an erection or they wouldn't be able to wet. Also the file will cause your penis to shrink to smaller than a newborn baby's penis, and it will remain so forever.

You have been forewarned, so don't cry to me when you have a tiny little baby penis that is always soft and impotent.

NB: You can NOT edit out the suggestions for impotence and tiny penis as this will destroy the flow of the file and background binaural effects.


Author: MindMaster ? Added On: 2008-10-08 Downloaded: 1485 Length: 56:20
Audience: Any Effect: Permanent
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 4.5000 Total Votes: 12 Comments: 16
Permanent Link: MM BabyTrain2 Full Favorite: Unmark Favorite Report: Report File
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » December 25th, 2014, 9:53 pm

all good boys have or want teenie weenies. they become giddy like schoolgirls, watching and feeling it shrink...
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Postby Scarlett_S » December 26th, 2014, 3:15 am

Proud to say that I've made a full recovery after almost losing myself to this file!
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Third party opinion

Postby cloudrider07 » December 26th, 2014, 7:15 am

So I got the courage up to play around on one of those online video chats. The chick I was chatting with asked to see "it". When she did she laughed and couldn't get over how tiny it was. SHe has seen a lot of cocks, and she said I had to be one of the smallest she had ever seen.

I know I am small, but I guess the wow factor was when someone else, especially a hot experienced woman gets a real opinion of how small I am, it was very humiliating, which I like. It wasnt just one of those fantasies that after an orgasm the whole idea subsided and you laugh at yourself for knowing how silly the horny version of yourself can be.

Its just really hot to know that its not just a game, I now really have a teenie weenie, it really worked, women know it and can even tell from your mannerisms, bulge, and even seeing it square on. I am not just tiny when Im turned on but all the time, and I cant even come close to getting a normal size hardon maybe ever again no matter how hard I try. How much hotter can this get?
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Re: Third party opinion

Postby legeth » December 26th, 2014, 6:48 pm

cloudrider07 wrote:Its just really hot to know that its not just a game, I now really have a teenie weenie, it really worked, women know it and can even tell from your mannerisms, bulge, and even seeing it square on. I am not just tiny when Im turned on but all the time, and I cant even come close to getting a normal size hardon maybe ever again no matter how hard I try. How much hotter can this get?
You should upload a pic of your tiny little weenie to inspire the people of this thread. I'm sure they will be terrified what is to become of them but behind the darkness of their mind it secretly turns them on. It's what they want. I love to see people shrink their little dinks further.

Re: Third party opinion

Postby snipzh » December 27th, 2014, 3:52 am

legeth wrote:
cloudrider07 wrote:Its just really hot to know that its not just a game, I now really have a teenie weenie, it really worked, women know it and can even tell from your mannerisms, bulge, and even seeing it square on. I am not just tiny when Im turned on but all the time, and I cant even come close to getting a normal size hardon maybe ever again no matter how hard I try. How much hotter can this get?
You should upload a pic of your tiny little weenie to inspire the people of this thread. I'm sure they will be terrified what is to become of them but behind the darkness of their mind it secretly turns them on. It's what they want. I love to see people shrink their little dinks further.

It was very busy for me in the last few weeks that I couldn't listen to often to the file as I wanted. But following this thread is very exciting.

I will continue listening because it is a big turn on. The change of all the feelings from terrified, curious, arousal and happiness is such a big excitement.

I want that my teenie shrinks to a teeny weenie, no way to escape. I get so excited about that. I'm looking already for sweet panties because mens undies will not make much sense anymore. but that is ok for me. It will change me to a better bottom sub!

It's also cool that others like to see their little dicks shrink further and further.
I hope that I soon can write about some progress!
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Postby legeth » December 27th, 2014, 9:01 pm

If anyone wants this but doesn't have the strength do it themselves, I'd be willing to push you over the edge and support you. :twisted: I want to see your dick shrink up your hole.

Re: If

Postby ridd » December 28th, 2014, 2:57 am

legeth wrote:If anyone wants this but doesn't have the strength do it themselves, I'd be willing to push you over the edge and support you. :twisted: I want to see your dick shrink up your hole.

Ok! I am very much interested but how do you propose to that?

I listened to that file occasionally but I want to be more regular.

By the way you asked before if anybody has been to the Doctor regarding their size.

Well,from my personal experience i can tell that there were no decrease in length.But I went to a guy practicing alternative medicine,referred by somebody.He was checking muscle tones in the lower abdomen and he decided to inspect further.Poked one finger there and went shocked.I asked what happened? He explained I have literally no muscles strength in my penis.In other word it would be impossible for me to have satisfactory intercourse.I was pretty sure I could get it up.But he rambled on...."you have absolutely no strength down there". Then asked me,"How is this possible?what did you do?"

I know what I did.
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Postby teenyweewee » December 28th, 2014, 6:54 am

my teeny weewee is only 3.5 inches hard now and i can't cum without being humiliated about my size by a bigger guy. Luckily almost every guy is bigger than me now.
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Postby Small1sh » December 28th, 2014, 8:09 am

teenyweewee wrote:my teeny weewee is only 3.5 inches hard now and i can't cum without being humiliated about my size by a bigger guy. Luckily almost every guy is bigger than me now.

Could you show us an update in the gallery of this please (and also one of it flaccid too)? That'd be great :)
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Postby regulus » December 28th, 2014, 6:14 pm


Here is a update. Maybe I should stop while I still have something left
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Postby teenyweewee » December 28th, 2014, 6:25 pm

regulus wrote:http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=gallery2&g2_itemId=150580

Here is a update. Maybe I should stop while I still have something left

That's ridiculously tiny, regulus. Do you dribble on your little ballies when you do a weewee?
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 28th, 2014, 6:26 pm

regulus wrote
Here is a update. Maybe I should stop while I still have something left

Why would you do that? Shorter is better ....
Last edited by OxyFemboi on December 28th, 2014, 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby regulus » December 28th, 2014, 7:40 pm

teenyweewee wrote:
regulus wrote:http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=gallery2&g2_itemId=150580

Here is a update. Maybe I should stop while I still have something left

That's ridiculously tiny, regulus. Do you dribble on your little ballies when you do a weewee?

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Postby psiboi1977 » December 28th, 2014, 10:01 pm

Looks to me like they're shrinking up into you. ..keep going! I mean, how can you dribble on something that isn't there...?
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Postby regulus » December 28th, 2014, 11:40 pm

I might lol
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 29th, 2014, 12:57 am

teenyweenie wrote
That's ridiculously tiny, regulus. Do you dribble on your little ballies when you do a weewee?

psiboi wrote
Looks to me like they're shrinking up into you. ..keep going! I mean, how can you dribble on something that isn't there...?

regulus wrote
I might lol

regulus, you're an inspiration to us all! I'm jealous!
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Postby teenyweewee » December 29th, 2014, 6:25 am

Has anyone else had problems wearing sweatpants since having a teeny weenie? My weenie is too small to hang and so sticks straight out, making an embarrassing little bump in the pants that is obvious for all to see.
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Postby teenyweewee » December 29th, 2014, 6:40 am

My update pics... hmmm it's been a long while since I measured it and it appears to be smaller than three inches now. :oops: :oops: :oops:

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Postby Small1sh » December 29th, 2014, 9:58 am

teenyweewee wrote:My update pics... hmmm it's been a long while since I measured it and it appears to be smaller than three inches now. :oops: :oops: :oops:


Having said that, hasn't it actually grown a bit since you last updated it for us? Your recent picture [erect] looks longer than this:

Ps. Just curious, what was your starting length [erect and flaccid], and how tall are you?

Oh and cloudrider07, I'm still waiting for a photo of your flaccid weenie :)
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Postby gift » December 29th, 2014, 10:09 am

well i did not had much time lately to listen and stuff cuz stress and all.

but i have now agian and will since i like it really,

i can't notice any change, besides that it looks like that gettin an ful errection is a bit harder now.

thats all i have been noticing yet.

but still i can get a full errection just not so easily.
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Postby teenyweewee » December 29th, 2014, 10:15 am

Small1sh wrote:
teenyweewee wrote:My update pics... hmmm it's been a long while since I measured it and it appears to be smaller than three inches now. :oops: :oops: :oops:


Having said that, hasn't it actually grown a bit since you last updated it for us? Your recent picture [erect] looks longer than this:

Ps. Just curious, what was your starting length [erect and flaccid], and how tall are you?

Oh and cloudrider07, I'm still waiting for a photo of your flaccid weenie :)

In that older pic, I'd started to go soft after cumming. My start length was 5.5"
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Postby Small1sh » December 29th, 2014, 10:41 am

teenyweewee wrote:
Small1sh wrote:
teenyweewee wrote:My update pics... hmmm it's been a long while since I measured it and it appears to be smaller than three inches now. :oops: :oops: :oops:


Having said that, hasn't it actually grown a bit since you last updated it for us? Your recent picture [erect] looks longer than this:

Ps. Just curious, what was your starting length [erect and flaccid], and how tall are you?

Oh and cloudrider07, I'm still waiting for a photo of your flaccid weenie :)

In that older pic, I'd started to go soft after cumming. My start length was 5.5"

Wow, have you got a photo of your starting length, so we can compare it? And how tall are you [roughly]?
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Postby teenyweewee » December 29th, 2014, 12:07 pm

I can't find a pic of the original size. I started a long time ago and have since changed computers. I'm 5'7 tall.
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Postby Small1sh » December 29th, 2014, 12:53 pm

teenyweewee wrote:I can't find a pic of the original size. I started a long time ago and have since changed computers. I'm 5'7 tall.

You're still taller than me then, as I'm at 5'5 3/4" [167cm]
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Postby teenyweewee » December 29th, 2014, 1:06 pm

Small1sh wrote:
teenyweewee wrote:I can't find a pic of the original size. I started a long time ago and have since changed computers. I'm 5'7 tall.

You're still taller than me then, as I'm at 5'5 3/4" [167cm]

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