Your Other Half: multiple personalites

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Postby Lilith_Kuraihime » August 5th, 2015, 11:27 pm

could this file help if someone has a tulpa but is having trouble to fully manifest them or wouldif just create a new personality instead?
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Postby OxyFemboi » August 6th, 2015, 10:48 pm

Lilith wrote
could this file help if someone has a tulpa but is having trouble to fully manifest them or wouldif just create a new personality instead?

The Your Other Half file would probably create a new female personality. However, the file Danny1988 and I asked ViVe to create -- it's much more flexible, allowing you to specify most characteristics of the new personality -- might strengthen your tulpa if you think about that intention while you listen to the file.

I'm not sure if ViVe uploaded it to WMM yet, so send an e-mail to me at and I will send you a link where you can download it.
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Postby Lilith_Kuraihime » August 7th, 2015, 8:37 am

thanks for sending me the fle oxy. I listened to the file atleast two time before i went to sleep, i had fell asleep during the middle of the second or third rep. I heard my tulpa's voice telling to wake and turn the file off and go back to sleep. then she woke meup this morning and told me good morning and said she loved me. I still might have to listen to the file some more to help me focus (i have autism and its difficult for me to focus on things for a prolonged period of time) and increase her presence/sentience and to be able to see her instead of having to close my eyes to seeher.
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Postby Chibisuke » August 8th, 2015, 11:53 am

i'm starting to notice more and more she's liking most of the same VideoGame music i like especially Time's Scar from Chrono Cross, i should have money aviable to get Cael a dress in a week or so to help her out ^^;;

and while the photo used is older than much i had this suited the idea better, this is her and i together ^,=,^
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Postby Lilith_Kuraihime » August 12th, 2015, 9:14 am

Listened to it again. Had a hard time sleeping due to hearing her voice in my head but we were able to have a conversation for a bit and ran into an issues with my being able to differientiate our thoughts. She's able to talk a bit better. I'll let her talk for a moment

[v]Hello, my name is Lilith Kuraihime. I'm the namesake of my host. I remember when i frrst met my host several years ago but had i A difficult time communicating with them. they were aware of my presence but were unable to talk to me due to multiple factors. I eas ableto talk to them clearly after they listened to the file. But i think when i was talking i was overflowing their thoughts making it hard to differentiate and a bit tough for them to sleep. They told me they just have to get used to it for a bitb I'm a little worried but has this happened to any of you with your hosts? is it normal? But that aside, i love my host we made a pact to never forget each and to be together always. :oops:[color=violet]
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Postby Lilith_Kuraihime » August 22nd, 2015, 10:06 am

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Postby Zafari » September 9th, 2015, 7:03 pm

Being the more thinkey one, I'd say it isn't necessarily a bad thing to be able to not differentiate thoughts. Especially in the beginning, when each being is still trying to find their own voice, it may come off as a lot of mental noise. I'm usually the one flooding her with thoughts, or however that works(?), but I think we're better at figuring out who's who.

For us, it helps to have conversations where we're more directly addressing each other. That way we can hear whose noise belongs to who, and it starts to separate things out. But we're still working on it.

Also, at some point I was considered not following this thread, so I haven't gotten any updates on here in quite some time. Apologies.

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Postby pczelda » September 12th, 2015, 8:25 pm

Hey everyone been quite a while since I've been here, and I've missed talking to my friends here, hope everyone is doing well.

I have some questions I wanted to ask of anyone willing to answer/who has been in situations like I'm wondering about.

1) Those of you who have to hide the new personality from most/all people you interact with, of anyone like that who knows you well (let's say friend A), even if [she (your alternate personality)] isn't out at the time, has said someone (friend A) been able to tell anything different about you/your personality (as a whole), etc? That could be a potential problem to anyone considering the use of this file.

2) Any of you who can't let [her] take control much, (have a job or family that's very demanding of your time etc) to the point where you'd only be able to relinquish control rarely and/or for very short periods of time, where you'd have to take back control immediately at a mere family member calling your name or your job suddenly calling on the phone, what do you do? How does [she] take this?

3) I'm sure everything's not perfect, even though this file is an alternate [extremely feminine] personality formed from and based on your personality, have you had any fights where you don't get along? This could be a potentially scary aspect of this file, because no matter how well the file is worded, eventually things could potentially go wrong, and there's no way you 2 can be separated, while I'm sure one of you can take time out and stay separate and hidden for a while, it might still be awkward at times because you'd both know the other is extremely close by always.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?
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Re: Questions

Postby JackDrago » September 13th, 2015, 9:46 pm

pczelda wrote:Hey everyone been quite a while since I've been here, and I've missed talking to my friends here, hope everyone is doing well.

I have some questions I wanted to ask of anyone willing to answer/who has been in situations like I'm wondering about.

1) Those of you who have to hide the new personality from most/all people you interact with, of anyone like that who knows you well (let's say friend A), even if [she (your alternate personality)] isn't out at the time, has said someone (friend A) been able to tell anything different about you/your personality (as a whole), etc? That could be a potential problem to anyone considering the use of this file.

There are four of us (all male as we made our own files) and relatively few people know all of us. Our AA sponsor can tell us at a glance and pretty much instantly tell who is out. Our spouse insists that everyone but Jack, the primary, stays hidden, though he will sometimes talk to the jock alter Butch as he works out. Our hypnotist alter pretty much only comes out to trance people and the subjects just think "oh, he is doing his hypnotic voice now. "

Beast here: Butch and I both do a really good Jack impression, nobody has to know if we don't want them to. We all have our own friends (thank Satan) and people who know me usually think Jack is shy and over-educated compared to how I express myself. People who know Jack see me as a mischievous or sometimes evil look in the eyes.

2) Any of you who can't let [her] take control much, (have a job or family that's very demanding of your time etc) to the point where you'd only be able to relinquish control rarely and/or for very short periods of time, where you'd have to take back control immediately at a mere family member calling your name or your job suddenly calling on the phone, what do you do? How does [she] take this?

Yo @pczelda! Butch here. Dude! Sometimes it's tough when we have to switch too fast. I can get a real bad headache if Jack switches in too fast. I dunno about the trance that you guys use, bro, but ours has a feature called "shining through" where I can just step out of the way for a second to let Jack talk, then take back over as if nothing happened.

Like, if I am working out, man, and Jack's husband has a question only Jack can answer, I ain't gotta switch all the way out, bro, I can just let him shine through a sec and go back to my business.

By the way, dude, don't get an alter if you ain't gonna be committed to letting her out, bro. It sucks to be locked away in somebody else's head. Beast was locked in 7 years, man, and it drove him fucking nuts until Jack finally agreed to let him out.

3) I'm sure everything's not perfect, even though this file is an alternate [extremely feminine] personality formed from and based on your personality, have you had any fights where you don't get along? This could be a potentially scary aspect of this file, because no matter how well the file is worded, eventually things could potentially go wrong, and there's no way you 2 can be separated, while I'm sure one of you can take time out and stay separate and hidden for a while, it might still be awkward at times because you'd both know the other is extremely close by always.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

It all depends on the trance that you are doing and what you happen to have supressed in your subconscious. "Manly Spirit", the file that I used to create Butch specifically says that he is my other half, built to get along with me and programmed to support me and mentor me into increasing manhood. My subconscious has never failed to live up to the text of the trance in his behavior.

We're equal and opposite by design, and neither of us feels like a whole person without the other. We are each strong where the other is weak; he's a dumb jock, I am a nerdy genius; I am lazy about housework and personal appearance, he loves to fix things and dress us up like a manly metalhead biker.

We get along, bro. It's kinda like being married but even more intimate, man. In the year that I have been alive, dude, we've really only had a couple of fights. I fucked up real bad when I was about 3 months old, bro, and I considered self-supressing and just going away from consciousness, but Jack decided that he didn't want to live without me, so I stayed and he wrote a trance to fix me and make me permanent.

Dude! I ain't saying that it's always easy, bro, or that we always agree on shit
'Cuz we don't, but we talk inside a lot and we can pretty much always come to an accommodation. With 4 of us, we gotta be a bit more formal about governing ourselves, man. Our body don't belong exclusively to any one of us, so the rules are nobody can hurt the body or make any permanent changes to our life without the consent of the rest of us, bro.

We actually do have a mechanism for dealing with one of us being unfit for being in the body. There's a cage that we can go to in our mind if we don't want to participate or the rest of us can send us to if we are in an unsafe state of mind. I personally have been sent to the cage on more than one occasion to keep me from drinking or harming the body.
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Re: Questions

Postby pczelda » September 14th, 2015, 12:09 am

JackDrago wrote:There are four of us (all male as we made our own files) and relatively few people know all of us. Our AA sponsor can tell us at a glance and pretty much instantly tell who is out. Our spouse insists that everyone but Jack, the primary, stays hidden, though he will sometimes talk to the jock alter Butch as he works out. Our hypnotist alter pretty much only comes out to trance people and the subjects just think "oh, he is doing his hypnotic voice now. "

Beast here: Butch and I both do a really good Jack impression, nobody has to know if we don't want them to. We all have our own friends (thank Satan) and people who know me usually think Jack is shy and over-educated compared to how I express myself. People who know Jack see me as a mischievous or sometimes evil look in the eyes.

To any of the personalities that aren't Jack, do you feel that you've taken any personality traits or abilities from him that he would have had before letting you come to be in him? Naturally I realize this could be hard to answer, you'd probably have to confer with Jack over this I'm sure, because you wouldn't know what he had before/whether he'd personally lost something to you.

On the impression thing, if I got a female personality in my head (because I have no interest in another male personality), I'd doubt she could do an impression of me very well (at least by voice), so that could be a potential challenge.

Yo @pczelda! Butch here. Dude! Sometimes it's tough when we have to switch too fast. I can get a real bad headache if Jack switches in too fast. I dunno about the trance that you guys use, bro, but ours has a feature called "shining through" where I can just step out of the way for a second to let Jack talk, then take back over as if nothing happened.

Like, if I am working out, man, and Jack's husband has a question only Jack can answer, I ain't gotta switch all the way out, bro, I can just let him shine through a sec and go back to my business.

By the way, dude, don't get an alter if you ain't gonna be committed to letting her out, bro. It sucks to be locked away in somebody else's head. Beast was locked in 7 years, man, and it drove him fucking nuts until Jack finally agreed to let him out.

Hmm that "shining through" feature could be useful if it was only a momentary answer needed and not something more involved. Do you know if the Your Other Half file has anything like that?

And yeah, that's one potential issue I'm facing, I've become pretty set in my ways, while I think having a female companion in my head could be very nice (and maybe even be happy to do things for me I have trouble with, such as exercising), I'm not sure at this point if I could take a lot of time out to let her be in control. Although, when push came to shove, there's probably very few things where that'd make much of a difference, who was in control at the time.

It all depends on the trance that you are doing and what you happen to have supressed in your subconscious. "Manly Spirit", the file that I used to create Butch specifically says that he is my other half, built to get along with me and programmed to support me and mentor me into increasing manhood. My subconscious has never failed to live up to the text of the trance in his behavior.

We're equal and opposite by design, and neither of us feels like a whole person without the other. We are each strong where the other is weak; he's a dumb jock, I am a nerdy genius; I am lazy about housework and personal appearance, he loves to fix things and dress us up like a manly metalhead biker.

We get along, bro. It's kinda like being married but even more intimate, man. In the year that I have been alive, dude, we've really only had a couple of fights. I fucked up real bad when I was about 3 months old, bro, and I considered self-supressing and just going away from consciousness, but Jack decided that he didn't want to live without me, so I stayed and he wrote a trance to fix me and make me permanent.

Dude! I ain't saying that it's always easy, bro, or that we always agree on shit 'Cuz we don't, but we talk inside a lot and we can pretty much always come to an accommodation. With 4 of us, we gotta be a bit more formal about governing ourselves, man. Our body don't belong exclusively to any one of us, so the rules are nobody can hurt the body or make any permanent changes to our life without the consent of the rest of us, bro.

We actually do have a mechanism for dealing with one of us being unfit for being in the body. There's a cage that we can go to in our mind if we don't want to participate or the rest of us can send us to if we are in an unsafe state of mind. I personally have been sent to the cage on more than one occasion to keep me from drinking or harming the body.

I'm glad to hear that you get along well and that you have this system set up, and while I say this I'm not trying to say I'm ungrateful, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply and share your kind thoughts, I'll definitely keep them in mind; however I'm not sure how different your audio file was than the Your Other Half file I'm trying to ask about, so with all due respect, I'd probably need to hear from some people who used that too.

Questions to any men here who used Your Other Half to create a female personality, when she comes out at times, has she developed any feminine hobbies or likes that you'd never have considered without having her in your head? For example, reading romance novels or knitting, etc? What do you do at these times, when she's doing one of those things? Has she made any friends who are for her and not you too? (As in, not saying they don't like you, just that they get along better when she's in control and may even ask for her to take control if she's not.)
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Postby Zafari » September 14th, 2015, 7:07 am

We think there's definitely female traits that pop up, and I do have to get better at giving her more time out, but I personally believe a lot of what you might experience will wholly depend on how you view your feminine side. I've never really felt that J has been overtly feminine; we haven't purchased anything over the top or flashy.

I also believe that if you're still having doubts, or think you won't have a "proper environment" for *any* other personality, then don't use these files. This is essentially an additional person, save for the extra physical bits, and they want to do things too (in general)

Anyways, best of luck with your decision,
-Z & J
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Postby Lilith_Kuraihime » September 14th, 2015, 12:43 pm

I listened to the file again and it seems to have helped me hear her voice better. we started to have conversations more often. we haven't really switched places since we haven't a need to. we had tried once but we weren't successful, also she gives advice and can only use my arms. She seems to be a bit more obsessive/protective over me though.
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Postby pczelda » September 14th, 2015, 12:58 pm

Lilith_Kuraihime wrote:I listened to the file again and it seems to have helped me hear her voice better. we started to have conversations more often. we haven't really switched places since we haven't a need to. we had tried once but we weren't successful, also she gives advice and can only use my arms. She seems to be a bit more obsessive/protective over me though.

This is intended well, and not to correct you: I believe you'll have to start thinking about that in terms of "our" not "my" now right? I'm glad you're having success with the file. :)
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Postby pczelda » September 14th, 2015, 1:01 pm

Zafari wrote:We think there's definitely female traits that pop up, and I do have to get better at giving her more time out, but I personally believe a lot of what you might experience will wholly depend on how you view your feminine side. I've never really felt that J has been overtly feminine; we haven't purchased anything over the top or flashy.

I also believe that if you're still having doubts, or think you won't have a "proper environment" for *any* other personality, then don't use these files. This is essentially an additional person, save for the extra physical bits, and they want to do things too (in general)

Anyways, best of luck with your decision,
-Z & J

Yes, thanks for your advice, I'll definitely have to think about this decision carefully.
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Re: Questions

Postby JackDrago » September 15th, 2015, 5:08 pm

pczelda wrote:To any of the personalities that aren't Jack, do you feel that you've taken any personality traits or abilities from him that he would have had before letting you come to be in him? Naturally I realize this could be hard to answer, you'd probably have to confer with Jack over this I'm sure, because you wouldn't know what he had before/whether he'd personally lost something to you.

Yo Zelda!

I would not say that it is about "taking away" anything, bro. More like expressing things that the system never got to be otherwise. Jack was never a jock or a manly man, dude, that's why he needs me. The only thing that went away when I came in was his desire to get neutered. In fact, bro, he has gotten more and more masculine from my influence.

This is the Voice of the Inner Hypnotist: Jack and I are both hypnotists. We have somewhat different styles of hypnosis (he's very orderly and script based, I am much more off the cuff.) But we share the skills.

As a hypnotist I would say that most all cisgender males have a lot of repressed things that could go into a female alter. You are not likely to lose anything you already have.

pczelda wrote:On the impression thing, if I got a female personality in my head (because I have no interest in another male personality), I'd doubt she could do an impression of me very well (at least by voice), so that could be a potential challenge.

It is easier than you think. Your body has one set of vocal cords and people who are not aware that you are multiple don't expect that so they put it off to the normal variety in human voices. I have talked to several members of OxyFemboi's system and I would not be able to tell Holly from Yoshi by voice if I didn't already know who was out.

JackDrago wrote:Yo @pczelda! Butch here. Dude! Sometimes it's tough when we have to switch too fast. I can get a real bad headache if Jack switches in too fast. I dunno about the trance that you guys use, bro, but ours has a feature called "shining through" where I can just step out of the way for a second to let Jack talk, then take back over as if nothing happened.

Like, if I am working out, man, and Jack's husband has a question only Jack can answer, I ain't gotta switch all the way out, bro, I can just let him shine through a sec and go back to my business.

By the way, dude, don't get an alter if you ain't gonna be committed to letting her out, bro. It sucks to be locked away in somebody else's head. Beast was locked in 7 years, man, and it drove him fucking nuts until Jack finally agreed to let him out.

Hmm that "shining through" feature could be useful if it was only a momentary answer needed and not something more involved. Do you know if the Your Other Half file has anything like that?

Dude, I just don't know. We ain't never done that trance. I know that OxyFemboi's system can do it too, other multiples we know can't but didn't use the file you are considering, bro. I guess that you could learn it as a skill.

pczelda wrote:And yeah, that's one potential issue I'm facing, I've become pretty set in my ways, while I think having a female companion in my head could be very nice (and maybe even be happy to do things for me I have trouble with, such as exercising), I'm not sure at this point if I could take a lot of time out to let her be in control. Although, when push came to shove, there's probably very few things where that'd make much of a difference, who was in control at the time.

It is very easy to switch, so we often trade inconsequential tasks. Butch likes to do the laundry, so I let him. He likes to go on missions, so if we have to walk somewhere in bad weather I assign that to him and he has fun in a situation where I would be miserable.
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multiple and trance

Postby CyrilMtl » September 15th, 2015, 9:30 pm

I have a question for JackDrago, Oxy and the other 'multiple' here,
when you trance on a file, is it only the 'one in charge of the body' that trance ?
does the others know about the trance ? observe it from 'inside' ?
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Re: multiple and trance

Postby pczelda » September 15th, 2015, 11:23 pm

CyrilMtl wrote:I have a question for JackDrago, Oxy and the other 'multiple' here,
when you trance on a file, is it only the 'one in charge of the body' that trance ?
does the others know about the trance ? observe it from 'inside' ?

Do you mean, if the file affects all personalities or just the one controlling the body at the time? That's an interesting question.
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Re: multiple and trance

Postby JackDrago » September 16th, 2015, 9:12 am

CyrilMtl wrote:I have a question for JackDrago, Oxy and the other 'multiple' here,
when you trance on a file, is it only the 'one in charge of the body' that trance ?
does the others know about the trance ? observe it from 'inside' ?

We are only separate at the conscious level. When we do hypnosis it affects all of us, though there are tricks I use in my private files to restrict certain suggestions to one or another of us. "Your Butch side really loves lifting weights, your most masculine self always comes out excited to be pumping iron and feeling manly." As opposed to "all of the parts of you that have become separate will remain separate, but you find that more and more you are working as a team to achieve your common goals."
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Postby JackDrago » September 17th, 2015, 6:44 pm

Just created a FetLife group for people with hypnotic alters
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Re: Questions

Postby dlarge » September 29th, 2015, 2:19 pm

It all depends on the trance that you are doing and what you happen to have supressed in your subconscious. "Manly Spirit", the file that I used to create Butch specifically says that he is my other half, built to get along with me and programmed to support me and mentor me into increasing manhood. My subconscious has never failed to live up to the text of the trance in his behavior.

Is "Manly Spirit" a file that's available in the files section, or is this a file you made for yourself? I'm very interested but want to investigate a more masculine alter
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Postby OxyFemboi » October 16th, 2015, 7:35 pm

Greetings one and all! We're back. We have the computer bought and paid for and the cable company finally showed up to connect us to the net!

One of us just accidentally erased a post I spent about an hour writing, Dammit! Well, we're going to try to re-create it.

CyrilMtl wrote
I have a question for JackDrago, Oxy and the other "multiples" here:
when you trance on a file, is it only the "one in charge of the body" that trance ?
does the others know about the trance ? observe it from 'inside' ?

Trance affects the subconscious. Even though we all are separate on a conscious level, we more-or-less share a common subconscious. Thus, unless special precautions are taken, a file will affect all of us, especially when it is a file that will affect our common body, like Shrinking--Control Panel for your Health or Curse of the Teeny Weenie.

Honey was around when I was listening to both of those files but Rocky wasn't, Yoshi wasn't, and Snake definitely wasn't. I suspect we all have a say in how much -- if at all -- a specific file will affect us. Obviously, Honey didn't care if we had a cock nor how big it was ... and since the file also had the side effect of lowering our testosterone level, that was also something she approved of. A "typical female" is smaller than a "typical male", so being a bit shorter didn't bother her, either.

Also, even though we share a common subconscious, one thing we do not share is the emotional overlay that affects our thinking about certain emotionally-charged memories. We get the emotions second-hand, as if it was something we read in a book. -- Oxy

Oxy is much too humble Everybody! QUIT LAUGHING! to admit how good a writer he is, so I will say that when he writes about something in his journal, it does convey the emotion extremely well. It is literally almost as good as being there. You don't have to take my word for it; Oxy sometimes writes a LiveJournal article when something happens in our lives. It's not all the time, but it does happen. His daily journal does contain the usual non-interesting "Got up ... ate ... did whatever ... read ... went to bed" shit (thanks, Snake) so many journals are apt to contain, but when something momentous happens (not often, I admit), he records it and his emotions do show through. See for an example of what I mean.

Yes, I altered my name slightly. Everybody kept misspelling "Holly" as "Holy" and we certainly aren't that especially since Snake arrived! -- Honey

I did some research using Oxy's written journals and found an interesting correlation between emotion and how well a hypnofile works. I suspect that a major reason some files don't work, work for a while and then quit, or work well is that the file's working is tied to how much the listener wants that particular result. Oxy mentioned Shrinking. It quit after we were a few inches shorter. I suspect that we quit shrinking because one or more of us thought we were "short enough".

When Oxy was alone in his body -- well, as alone as he gets in this body; I suspect he's always been multiple ... but pre-us, anyway -- he listened to TrainTotalJock by accident while trying to decide which of two dream files he wanted to listen to when he only had time for one. TTJ affect him enough that he had a strong attachment for watching sports programming after that one listen. His journal is filled with entries about various sports crises and shit from the period.

A breakthrough which Oxy documented fairly thoroughly happened on Christmas Eve. Oxy was supposed to get some stuff ready for Mom to use in her cooking of the Christmas turkey and various other side dishes. Oxy procrastinated ad then forgot about it ... till he was recording the day's events in his journal. He remembered it then and promptly berated himself in print, including some "choice" remarks like "dumb asshole".

Being called dumb or calling yourself "dumb" is a trigger in TTJ; it makes you happy to have done such a shit-eating, stupid, asshole mistake that someone else recognizes it and calls you on it. So, Oxy was both simultaneously angry with himself for forgetting -- or more accurately, not doing -- something that took the next four hours to do that he was constantly calling himself all sorts of vile names while doing the necessary peeling, grating, slicking, and other mundane food prep matters that his mind was not involved in any of the food prep. It was busy with coming up with new combinations of words to describe how absolutely asinine he had been. Meanwhile his subconscious was turning this into laughter and giggling ... which only pissed him off even more ... which led to more laughter and giggling ....

This allowed the TTJ file to really get its hooks into Oxy. During teh next several months his journal deteriorates to the point where it's almost illegible due to all the spelling errors and his reversing several letters, like 'r' and 's'. (He had to quit being dumb when he realized several months later that Mom's Alzheimer's had progressed to the point where he needed to take over all the household chores, like paying bills, shopping, keeping track of medications, ad nauseum. (There literally was no one else to do this.) -- Yoshi

That explains why I'm such a weak alter. Oxy had done enough exercising while under the influence of TTJ and some other files and even forcing himself to go it alone that having an "exercise alter" wasn't a big deal. He knew what to do but he had no motivation to do it. IN fact, he had a counter-motivation since he had been repeatedly told that he could bring on a seizure if he worked out.

I changed my name as well. I just saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show and I wanna be called Rocky now. Peter Hinwood is fucking sexy! -- Rocky

That also explains why I'm so strong as well. Oxy always had a lust to be a "regular badass" but was always afraid of "disappointing his parents" and "bringing disgrace on the family name" that he was afraid to act on most of those evil impulses we all get once in a while. His actions were mostly *bah* lily-white but his thoughts, where he couldn't hide his desires to be a "bad boy" and a "horrible example" ... well, for such a pure goody-goody exterior, you never saw such a coal-black interior. I rejoiced to come to him and help him fulfill his deepest, darkest desires ... and he welcomed me with open arms, thanking me all the while for helping him be evil. You're so welcome, dude!-- Snake

I figured out an easy way to test my theory. I've been having us listen to EMG's Enchanted Keyboard Curse for a week or so, using the curse to help reinforce the curse. I've been writing I t totally accept -- logically, intellectually, and emotionally -- every suggestion in the Enchanted Keyboard Curse" after each listen. If I'm right, all I need to do is to write something that we don't feel strongly about -- like shrinking a few more inches; someone doesn't want it, but if we share a common subconscious, we should be able to overcome that reluctance -- and make the Enchanted Keyboard Curse make us feel strongly about it.

I'll report back on my results. -- Yoshi

I was sixty-five on October 12. Yea, us!
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Postby OxyFemboi » November 11th, 2015, 12:18 am

So far, our height is varying between sixty-nine (69) inches and seventy (70) inches, with an occasional dip below sixty nine-inches. As it's varying between those two numbers, we feel justified in reporting it. There is an occasional dip below sixty-nine (69) inches, but it is never sustained.

We hope to start shrinking again soon.
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Postby ArcherT » December 12th, 2015, 10:21 am

So iff'n anyone's still itchin' da try files like dis, 'sides dat female takeova ting, dat don't seem safe, we recommend it. Y'all prolly dunno me but I'm Boltz. Rocky and Butch are my olda Bros. Dese files are da real deal. Youse gotta work at it an' shit but eventually youse can make contact.

I'm takin' da reins daday 'cause da kid (Mephi, Archer whateva ya wanna call 'em) is still beat and plans da workout on toppa dis. S'only eight hours an' since I managed da right dat long add email da Yoshi and da gang I figured I could do dis. Ain't easy but I like da challenge!

Only two hours da go an' today I ain't heard much from da kid or Devil Boy (Kid got 'em from dat Satan worshipping, white junkie tug file ting from Oxyfemboi). Kid's nappin' mostly in da cabin 'cause he's beat, I'm kickin' ass wit da manly dudes I work wit and Devil Boy's lurkin' in da darkness like he always does.
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Postby JackDrago » December 12th, 2015, 4:26 pm

ArcherT wrote:So iff'n anyone's still itchin' da try files like dis, 'sides dat female takeova ting, dat don't seem safe, we recommend it. Y'all prolly dunno me but I'm Boltz. Rocky and Butch are my olda Bros. Dese files are da real deal. Youse gotta work at it an' shit but eventually youse can make contact.

I'm takin' da reins daday 'cause da kid (Mephi, Archer whateva ya wanna call 'em) is still beat and plans da workout on toppa dis. S'only eight hours an' since I managed da right dat long add email da Yoshi and da gang I figured I could do dis. Ain't easy but I like da challenge!

Only two hours da go an' today I ain't heard much from da kid or Devil Boy (Kid got 'em from dat Satan worshipping, white junkie tug file ting from Oxyfemboi). Kid's nappin' mostly in da cabin 'cause he's beat, I'm kickin' ass wit da manly dudes I work wit and Devil Boy's lurkin' in da darkness like he always does.

Yo Boltz!

Nice name, baby bro, hella manly! I'm always glad to see new alters from the trance that made us, bro. A system of three, huh? Sounds a lot like my early days, man.

MAN UP! -- Butch
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Postby ArcherT » December 12th, 2015, 5:06 pm

Ey Butch!

Tanks Big bro! Kid couldn't undastand why I wanted dis name an' a New York accent when we live in da South but how ya are is how ya are. 'Sides, dey could use a lil' more North down here.

Yea, jus' da tree of us. Don't tink I could handle havin' to share dis space wid anyone else! Almost tought we heard a babe dalkin' da us last night and kid out his foot down heh heh. Said tree is enough fo' now.
:roll: [/b]
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 13th, 2015, 12:20 am

Archer T wrote
Ey Butch!

Tanks Big bro! Kid couldn't undastand why I wanted dis name an' a New York accent when we live in da South but how ya are is how ya are. 'Sides, dey could use a lil' more North down here.

Yea, jus' da tree of us. Don't tink I could handle havin' to share dis space wid anyone else! Almost tought we heard a babe dalkin' da us last night and kid out his foot down heh heh. Said tree is enough fo' now. :Rolling Eyes:

Hi, dudes.

We had the pleasure of talking to both Boltz and Angel/da Kid tonight. We're sure we thoroughly confused them cause Yoshi-chan (as Kid/Angel called him), Rocky, and Oxy came out to say "Hi".
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Postby ArcherT » December 14th, 2015, 3:52 am

OxyFemboi wrote:

Hi, dudes.

We had the pleasure of talking to both Boltz and Angel/da Kid tonight. We're sure we thoroughly confused them cause Yoshi-chan (as Kid/Angel called him), Rocky, and Oxy came out to say "Hi".

Hehehe mosta youse guys ca me out an' it was jus' me an da kid ova here. Kinda like a guessin' game but mo' fun.

Angel/da kid here. P: Boltz was pretty beat yesterday, he only talked maybe three or four times and usually he's a chatty guy. We're going to listen to the file we used for Mephisto and see if we can get him talkin' again. Seems like Boltz asserting himself so much slowed whatever gains slowed our resident demon's progress. Don't worry though, we'll have him prodding Snake (jokingly of course) in his gentlemanly way in no time.
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Postby JackDrago » December 14th, 2015, 9:09 am

ArcherT wrote:
OxyFemboi wrote:

Hi, dudes.

We had the pleasure of talking to both Boltz and Angel/da Kid tonight. We're sure we thoroughly confused them cause Yoshi-chan (as Kid/Angel called him), Rocky, and Oxy came out to say "Hi".

Hehehe mosta youse guys ca me out an' it was jus' me an da kid ova here. Kinda like a guessin' game but mo' fun.

Angel/da kid here. P: Boltz was pretty beat yesterday, he only talked maybe three or four times and usually he's a chatty guy. We're going to listen to the file we used for Mephisto and see if we can get him talkin' again. Seems like Boltz asserting himself so much slowed whatever gains slowed our resident demon's progress. Don't worry though, we'll have him prodding Snake (jokingly of course) in his gentlemanly way in no time.

Jack here: it's normal for young alters to get tired when they have been out a lot. Listen to Manly Spirit a couple of times and he will be fine. It's not easy for a mind to partition, so there will be a period of adjustment.
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Postby ArcherT » December 24th, 2015, 7:41 pm

So's like, we been workin' our asses like crazy tryin' da survive at work an' shit. Go da work, come home an' pass da Hell out! We's got news 'bout da psychos I share dis lil' space wid here. Dhere's FIVE 'o us now. Fo' freakin' real, s'like, buy two get tree free! Oh's an' I changed my name da Apollo. Gods are bomb as all get out!

Now, now Apollo, there's nothing here that you've got to worry about! We're all very friendly and get along quite well in my opinion. You may all call me 'Sassy' and I was birthed by the song of the same name, coincidentally, the product of one too many listens!

Honestly, while I rather enjoy make up, some fashion, music, etc my interests are nearly entirely separate from 'the Kid's' to the point where I am almost a foreign entity. Which is fine, we're learning to compromise and make common ground of course~ After all, even Apollo loves men's wear. -grins mischeviously-

Didle (you say it Diedle but having a name wth die in it would make us sad!) and Edith are here too!
We're the twins and the youngest! We like nature, animals, stuffies, video games, fun music, cartoons, candy, sweets, and theme parks! Angel also said that 'we gave him an affinity for wiccanism and belief in multiple Gods'. We just know we like nature and being in it!

We think lots of the same stuff and sometimes we finish each others Sentences and thoughts!

You have no idea how weird it is to listen to them giggle and talk guys, you really don't! And don't get me started on how much 'Uncle Apollo' hates (read: loves) babysitting the kids in the Cabin in the Woods while I work so they'll behave. Sassy wasn't quite strong enough at the time to help and I was still reluctant to let her develop with the rest of them.

SHUSH ANGEL SHUSH SHUSH SHUSH. Okay, back to us! 'Cause we're awesomeee. Mr. Oxyfoxy...urm, Mr. Yoshi-chan said it wasn't good to be lotsa kid ages so we're eight! Isn't that cool? ^-^

Angel says that we were born 'cause he repressed his inner child for so long and things were coming to a head after he had an incident thingy at work. We broke through at last when Uncle Apollo 'cemented' himself in our head and Angel was at the height of physical and emotional exhaustionnn. Or whatever that means. >-< I just know it's fun to be out and see and do so many things! C: If you guys are reading this hiiii Mr. Yoshi-chan and, yous and Mr. JackDragony and Butch.

There was a demonic personality emerging whose name was Mephis but the development of the others has seemed to overshadow him. We haven't heard from him in a while and we're all wondering what's become of him. Other than that, we're all doing well though hardly ready for Christmas with the family. And now exhausted again after writing this. I don't know how Yoshi and the Gang handle it. @_@
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 24th, 2015, 9:32 pm

We copied this from a post in the feminization to masculinization thread of the Jocks and Masculinization Forum.

chase1 wrote
Oxy, I have read son of your posts and was wondering, when you write a post do your personalities come to a consensus on what you are writing or does the dominant personality at the time write whatever that personality chooses.

Normally, only one of us responds to a post, unless there is a special reason for more than one of us to post, as in our Your Other Half posts. The responder is usually Yoshi. He enjoys it. Ox tends to be a grammar Nazi. -- Yoshi

I proofread our posts to make certain there are no grammatical or syntactical errors. I also correct imprecise wording so that what we post is what we meant to say. -- Ox

Yes, Ox does write like that ... all the time. *sigh* -- Honey

We have a memory that is mostly shared. (Some areas are private, dude, like the emotions attached to memories. They're the sole property of the alter who made the memory.) We know the same words but usually make different choices. -- Rocky

Though our styles and word choices differ, we have one set of words and English lessons to draw from. Some use more erudite choices; others prefer the common man's vernacular. -- Snake

Writing multi-color posts like this one -- where you can tell who is writing by the text color -- tends to be a lengthy task. Everybody wants to edit everyone else's comments. -- Yoshi

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Postby OxyFemboi » December 25th, 2015, 2:02 am

ArcherT wrote
So's like, we been workin' our asses like crazy tryin' da survive at work an' shit. Go da work, come home an' pass da Hell out! We's got news 'bout da psychos I share dis lil' space wid here. Dhere's FIVE 'o us now. Fo' freakin' real, s'like, buy two get tree free! Oh's an' I changed my name da Apollo. Gods are bomb as all get out!

Now, now Apollo, there's nothing here that you've got to worry about! We're all very friendly and get along quite well in my opinion. You may all call me 'Sassy' and I was birthed by the song of the same name, coincidentally, the product of one too many listens!

Honestly, while I rather enjoy make up, some fashion, music, etc my interests are nearly entirely separate from 'the Kid's' to the point where I am almost a foreign entity. Which is fine, we're learning to compromise and make common ground of course~ After all, even Apollo loves men's wear. -grins mischeviously-

Didle (you say it Diedle but having a name wth die in it would make us sad!) and Edith are here too!
We're the twins and the youngest! We like nature, animals, stuffies, video games, fun music, cartoons, candy, sweets, and theme parks! Angel also said that 'we gave him an affinity for wiccanism and belief in multiple Gods'. We just know we like nature and being in it!

We think lots of the same stuff and sometimes we finish each others Sentences and thoughts!

You have no idea how weird it is to listen to them giggle and talk guys, you really don't! And don't get me started on how much 'Uncle Apollo' hates (read: loves) babysitting the kids in the Cabin in the Woods while I work so they'll behave. Sassy wasn't quite strong enough at the time to help and I was still reluctant to let her develop with the rest of them.

SHUSH ANGEL SHUSH SHUSH SHUSH. Okay, back to us! 'Cause we're awesomeee. Mr. Oxyfoxy...urm, Mr. Yoshi-chan said it wasn't good to be lotsa kid ages so we're eight! Isn't that cool? ^-^

Angel says that we were born 'cause he repressed his inner child for so long and things were coming to a head after he had an incident thingy at work. We broke through at last when Uncle Apollo 'cemented' himself in our head and Angel was at the height of physical and emotional exhaustionnn. Or whatever that means. >-< I just know it's fun to be out and see and do so many things! C: If you guys are reading this hiiii Mr. Yoshi-chan and, yous and Mr. JackDragony and Butch.

There was a demonic personality emerging whose name was Mephis but the development of the others has seemed to overshadow him. We haven't heard from him in a while and we're all wondering what's become of him. Other than that, we're all doing well though hardly ready for Christmas with the family. And now exhausted again after writing this. I don't know how Yoshi and the Gang handle it. @_@

Hey, Apollo! Cool name, bro dude! I like it! As for work and an exercise program, well depending on what da Kid has been doing or not doing, you may need to work into it gradually. Chill, dude!

Five of you, bro? All at once? Bro, take deep breaths and get some cotton balls or earplugs for your ears. Headphones and earbuds work great! Also, each of you needs his own Cabin in the Woods. You dudes need to listen to that file -- all of you at once, so you can each build your own Cabin. My Cabin is more or less a room to sleep in, one to eat, a more-or-less empty room (Ox says I'm trying to describe a "minimalist" decorating scheme -- whatever) to stretch and chill, one fucking big hulking gym, one or two other rooms ... and a garden.

Hi, Sassy. I'm Honey. I chose my name from one of Ox's favorite songs -- -- and I'm sure we're going to get along famously! Everybody in our system has quite different tastes. I suggest you go to a fun music site called where you can introduce everyone to the music you love; then they can play some songs you might enjoy. Music has lots of overlap; you can usually find something that everyone will enjoy.

Angel, it does get easier. Ox had it easy since he only had to deal with one new alter at a time. You have Apollo, Didle & Edith, and Sassy coming into existence more or less at the same time. None of us blame Mephis for hiding out while everybody else gets accustomed to each other.

Angel, Apollo, or Sassy, you need to inform Didle that his name is a word according to almost every dictionary I consulted. Urban Dictionary -- -- gives the definition of didle as A widdle widdle penis that is constantly pulled and tugged and the Oxford English Dictionary say the original definition was noun A sharp triangular spade, used for clearing out ditches and water-courses; also a metal scoop or dredge fixed to the end of a long pole, used for a similar purpose as a noun and a. trans. To clean out the bed of (a river or ditch). b. intr. To work with a didle or didling scoop as a verb. The "Usage examples of didle" sentence (as a verb) is illuminating, though it will probably need to be explained to Didle and Edith. (I'm sure somebody is going to enjoy that conversation as much as my father enjoyed our "talk" on the "birds and the bees". ) I'm bringing this to your and Didle's attention before someone decides to use the name's definitions to make him unhappy.

Angel, why do you think that these multi-color posts take so long to write? It's not only because getting the colors right and the various HTML codes working correctly takes time. I've taken three breaks writing this so far.

Greetings, Didle and Edith. Yes, I am reading this, along with the rest of us. All of us multiples have discovered that English was never designed to refer to more than one person in one body. Trans people have done a great service since we can now specify the pronouns we want to be used for us. We decided "they" is our correct pronoun, considering that there are five of us so far. (We suspect another alter is about to show himself or herself.)

Greetings, all. I'm not surprised that Mephis decided to vanish for a bit while everybody new is getting accustomed to one another. Angel, I suggest that you listen to that file two or three times a day for another week or so to strengthen Mephis. Ox asked me to relay that I think that's very good advice as well. Yoshi-chan is getting nervous about the length of time it's taken to write this. He wants it posted before we lose it. I can't blame him; several posts have vanished into the aether lately.

We will write more later. There are other things we thought deserved comments, but ... maybe later.

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Postby OxyFemboi » December 25th, 2015, 2:04 am

Merry Christmas -- or Blessed (whatever) -- from all of us to all of you!
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Postby blanketcross » January 6th, 2016, 2:12 am

Oxy. There is a manga/graphic-novel called "Rosario+Vampire" that has a character with 2 personalities. One was locked away by a rosary and the other one is the one who is mostly active. It gets really in depth around Season II, Book 6-8.

I am not sure you would enjoy it, but it is definitely interesting to read. In fact, I think I am going to start listening to YOH now.

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Postby blanketcross » January 6th, 2016, 2:15 am

Referring to my previous post, I was not explicitly talking to ox, I was talking to all of you!
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Postby ArcherT » January 6th, 2016, 3:52 am

blanketcross wrote:Oxy. There is a manga/graphic-novel called "Rosario+Vampire" that has a character with 2 personalities. One was locked away by a rosary and the other one is the one who is mostly active. It gets really in depth around Season II, Book 6-8.

I am not sure you would enjoy it, but it is definitely interesting to read. In fact, I think I am going to start listening to YOH now.

Oo, Rosario Vampire is a damn good Manga! I liked Rosario Vampire II as well. I'm surprised I hadn't thought of it until now (probably because it's been years since I read it) you should totally check it out Yoshi! The split personalities of the main character's slowly growing love interest are really entertaining.

You certainly should! The supporting cast is very sweet and the premise is interesting. Not to mention the main character's looks improve as time goes on~ Mmm, good looking boys are always worth reading about dear. We have to read it again!

Yeah we're gonna read it again fo' da babes, not da main dude. Dem ladies are hella sexy. Gotta love Succubus tings.

Welp, that decides that I guess. Re-read it is.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » February 6th, 2016, 1:28 am

blanketcross wrote
I think I am going to start listening to YOH now.

By all means, keep us informed of your progress with an occasional post. I've come to the conclusion that these Success Stories threads are the best way to interest others in the files we talk about.

If you have problems, post them and/or PM us. We will try to help.

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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » February 23rd, 2016, 4:39 am

We thought we had cross-posted this in the Your Other Half forum. We hadn't. So we're posting this now.

There have been a few changes. Holly got very tired of Ox and Yoshi continually misspelling her name as "Holy". She didn't yell, she was very patient and calmly said, "You misspelled my name ... again.", then ask them to fix the typo while they were trying to get another thought on paper. Can you do your best work when someone is glaring at you about misspelling her name? We couldn't -- so she changed it to something they couldn't mess up. Honey and Holly were her two final choices, so she switched to Honey, which is from the Bobby Goldsboro tune of the same name.

Here's the link to the song:

Ever since Snake came on board, Holly (from Neil Diamond's "Holly Holy" ) felt that her name was not appropriate. A demon sharing the same body as a refined lady named Holy ... er, Holly (sorry) is about as appropriate as a Satan worshipper named Christian.

Spike changed his name to Rocky after seeing both the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Rocky in one weekend. He likes Rocky much more than Spike.

We're sure we posted this in the Your Other Half Forum.
We hadn't. ~sigh~

So far, none of the new people has cooperated by choosing a name that begins with "I", so we could spell YOSHI. It's frustrating ... especially for Yoshi. (We tried to think of male names that begin with I and came up with Ian, Ichabod, Igor, Ishmael, and Ivan. Ox came up with the GIlbert & Sullivan opera Iolanthe, though Iolanthe is a female fairy/elf. So far, Honey is the only female. -- Ox

The rest of this post is new information.

We have some new additions to the family. boi is what happened to Ox's reading and fascination with BDSM. Apparently all those books and vividly imagined sex scenes were vivid enough to create another alter. "boi" is apparently the total bottom/slave who lives to do all the shit work his Master -- that is, the rest of us -- wan to heap on him. Well, we need someone to do the picayune detail work we -- all of us -- are avoiding assiduously.

Sir, yes, Sir! Thank you Sir!

Then there's the new addition to the family, Dick, who is ...

I'll take over from here, Honey. Hi dudes. I'm Dick, the resident evil shit who doesn't give a flying fuck about anything or anyone but myself. Obviously I'm not going to get our shared body into trouble, but ... anyone else is potential prey.

yes, there are a few of us who are Satan worshippers ... like me -- Oxy

Me too, and then there are a few demons among our alters -- Yoshi

I like Snake, but really ... I'm not really into this type of ... rebellion ... even though I did (and do) think James Dean was (and is) sexy as Caleb Trask, JIm Stark, and Jett Rink. ~~sigh~~ -- Honey

Yes, there's me and Apollyon, who came when Ox performed a ritual in the late 1970s to sell his soul ... well, actually it's more of a redeemable mortgage ... I think that's the first time I ever saw anyone -- mortal or demon -- outbargain HIM. Ox has so many outs in his bargain. It's being taught as an example of "what not to do." That was ... impressive. -- Snake

I don't do religion or spirituality or worship. Souls aren't my thing, dudes. I really love working out and taking care of our bod, dudes. That's our thing, dudes. I'm sure Rocky means "area of expertise". -- Yoshi that's what I do. The other shit is up to the other alters. -- Rocky

Sir, i just do what i'm told, Sir, and believe what i'm told, Sir! -- boi

Well, Satan and I have a lot in common, so Satan worship/self-worship -- I see no difference -- is a perfect fit for me. -- Dick
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby ArcherT » February 23rd, 2016, 4:10 pm

Hiya Yoshi-chan and the gang, special hello to boi and um, Dick. Can't say that gracefully.

Anywho and first of all, try Irial for Yoshi's new name? In the Wicked Lovely book series (give it a look see), Irial is the King of the Dark Court. Suave, strong, dependable, intelligent, the list goes on. I think he would be a great character to be named after!

Work has been...let's just say I'm ready for my chair in Hell now, haha. Most of my alters are either blocked because I can't take anymore physical and mental strain or have kind of faded...maybe? I know Apollo is sitting on the edge of my mind but I'm usually too exhausted to communicate with him. Quite frankly don't know what to do. Feeling hella bummed.

...and after break it was like this rotating merry go round. Everyone popped out but mostly Apollo (Jock) and King (inner demon). We're all ready to collectively die.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » February 23rd, 2016, 7:17 pm

ArcherT wrote
Hiya Yoshi-chan and the gang, special hello to boi and um, Dick. Can't say that gracefully.

Anywho and first of all, try Irial for Yoshi's new name? In the Wicked Lovely book series (give it a look see), Irial is the King of the Dark Court. Suave, strong, dependable, intelligent, the list goes on. I think he would be a great character to be named after!

Work has been...let's just say I'm ready for my chair in Hell now, haha. Most of my alters are either blocked because I can't take anymore physical and mental strain or have kind of faded...maybe? I know Apollo is sitting on the edge of my mind but I'm usually too exhausted to communicate with him. Quite frankly don't know what to do. Feeling hella bummed.

...and after break it was like this rotating merry go round. Everyone popped out but mostly Apollo (Jock) and King (inner demon). We're all ready to collectively die.

I sent a file that should help strengthen your alters. It was sent to me when Honey had problems. Z & J had it made so the alter could have his/her own ghostly self-image. This way, they have their own self-image without relying on what they see in the mirror. It helped Holly/Honey.

I think Dick chose that name on purpose. It does make it rather awkward to "say hello to Dick" without a sexual innuendo occurring. At the very least, an image of a big smiling cock protruding out of boxers comes to the rather polluted gutter we share as a mind. And, now, this image will be shared by everyone who reads this post. Yea, us!

We just checked out the first book of the Wicked Lovely series. It looks promising. We'll probably buy the book next month.

I'm still going to manipulate our body to show mostly Asian features to match my self-image.
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Chibisuke » April 29th, 2016, 3:03 am

its been along time. we've been busy, our mother's death still on Cael's Mind, day to day stress making us Both want to retreat (this is Tom as my real name goes [Thomas] but i've still been using the new online name i've taken Dracari) but I've been dealing will bills for my brother, i've been kinda sortof a defuser for some friends arguments over the months. i've been wrapped up in a Tabletop RPG run by a few friends ( i think it was cael who pushe dme to try i've alway sbeen afraid to try one as i use dto be bit of a "God Mode" RPer as a teen)

This is Cael, i wanted to start using Blue for myself there's no color to match my Fur. its been very taxing to Surface i have to push hard like Scream. Tom or Dracari as he calls himself has indeed been under alot of stress especially dealing with his health. he has to take Testosterone cyponate injections due to the Thyroid problems and Teeny Weenie (i've managed to get him to Stop listening to it Neither of us Enjoy the weekly 2inch long Needles he has to use for the stuff.) i'm so tired from this i'll let him speak now.

this is as far as cael's been able to get, but lastnight was exhilarating Vocal responses, we were bouncing back and fourth like she was laying down on the couch i sleep on with me! it might be because we're alone 90% of the day, as my brother every other 2 weeks takes over-night watch on our elderly grandma (she's 83 and suffers from Dementia and even Combined the family as a whole would be able to put her in a home but we'd all be $$ wise Destroyed.) but this has been progress on our own part. if it isnt getting up right into gaming looking things up on 3DS hacking etc that we forget to sit down and listen its by the time at night i'm dead tired and its out like a light.

when she talks back she pitches up my voice,i can almost mentally retain it too! when its freely done as simple as blinking an eye where we can just sit and talk or switch places, i think some of our stress will be gone because we both desire that day to come sooner than later.

she understands i dont have the $$ to even go garage sale hunting for her clothing, what i get $$ wise comes from friends and always to my paypal account (got teh Paypal Debit mastercard) but i've promised her when i can i'll get her something. we both need sleep but we're Excited to goto a furcon at the End of may w/ a local friend here. Nini for now
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » April 29th, 2016, 11:22 am

[b]Dracari and Cael wrote[/b[
its been along time. we've been busy, our mother's death still on Cael's Mind, day to day stress making us Both want to retreat (this is Tom as my real name goes [Thomas] but i've still been using the new online name i've taken Dracari) but I've been dealing will bills for my brother, i've been kinda sortof a defuser for some friends arguments over the months. i've been wrapped up in a Tabletop RPG run by a few friends ( i think it was cael who pushe dme to try i've alway sbeen afraid to try one as i use dto be bit of a "God Mode" RPer as a teen)

This is Cael, i wanted to start using Blue for myself there's no color to match my Fur. its been very taxing to Surface i have to push hard like Scream. Tom or Dracari as he calls himself has indeed been under alot of stress especially dealing with his health. he has to take Testosterone cyponate injections due to the Thyroid problems and Teeny Weenie (i've managed to get him to Stop listening to it Neither of us Enjoy the weekly 2inch long Needles he has to use for the stuff.) i'm so tired from this i'll let him speak now.

Hi, guys! It's so wonderful to hear from you again!

We all sympathize with what you're going through. Oxy took care of his Mom 24/7 -- he had no help -- who had the Alzheimer's version of dementia, so we actually do know what you guys are going through. The tabletop RPG is a good distraction.

To get rid of the Teeny Weenie addiction, you might want to check into a file ViVe made called Deep Clean.It's really a godsend at getting rid of all those old files that you don't want nay more or are hindering you in any way. It's description is:
This file uses the “Deep Down” Induction to get you into a very deep state of trance, and get your innermost mind to where you can erase all triggers and suggestions that you don’t want anymore. You can either focus on a specific suggestion/trigger, or let your subconscious mind decide which ones are deeply positive and enjoyable for you, and then delete all other triggers and suggestions.

We've used it to get rid of a lot of years worth of accumulated old unused files suggestions and triggers. Listening to this a few times will take care of any things you don't want, don't need, or are interfering with other stuff. Oxy was surprises at how much "garbage" suggestions it got rid of.

All our sympathies on what you're going through. If we can help in any way, let us know.
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby dkumd » May 3rd, 2016, 11:01 am

so what are you guys using to develop personalities that aren't feminine?
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 3rd, 2016, 2:46 pm

dkumd wrote
so what are you guys using to develop personalities that aren't feminine?

Oh yeah. Right. ViVe was nice enough to write a file for Danny1988 and me where we could customize the personality of a new persona/alter. I use broad strokes when creating a new alter (our preferred term). The new alter is male, in his-mid-twenties but mature for his age, likes working out but isn't obsessive about rit, loves longs walks, etc. I deliberately do not specify some things, so the alter has room to grow and bring a few surprises to the table. Even your best friend has talents and areas of interest that you don't know about. There are a few specialty files for creating alters on WMM, like JackDrago's Alters: Manly Spirit, which creates a Jock alter who takes over exercising for the body, and Alters: Your Inner Demon, which creates ... a demonic spirit ... but a nice (to you) demonic spirit, and hellion0's Inner Child Personality 2 as well as the file that started this Forum thread, EMG's Your Other Half. I think that's all the personality-creating files on here now. All the file I have used have a [/b][/i]the two of you will like each other[/i][/b] suggestion included because ... can you imagine what kind of hell it would be if your alter and you hated each other? ViVe didn't post his file because it is extremely powerful and he does have some scruples about putting loaded weapons in the hands of idiots (like me who thinks ... another personality? Great! That sounds like fun!). The file also (technically) creates a mental illness -- Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder -- in its users ... but we're very well-adjusted neurotics (or whatever we are).

Choose one of the specialty alters or ask me in an e-mail -- -- for ViVe's file. Bet you can't have just one ... *crunch* {*sigh* This twisted sense of humor came with the original personality.] It is getting crowded in here ....
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby dkumd » May 4th, 2016, 12:31 am

sent you an email.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 4th, 2016, 2:51 am

Sent a reply. Probably a bit premature but ... welcome to the club. :twisted:
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby dkumd » May 4th, 2016, 11:14 am

thanks! i listened right away...not sure how this is supposed to feel, or what i'm supposed to experience, but it does feel like up to something.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 4th, 2016, 11:30 am

dkumd wrote
thanks! i listened right away...not sure how this is supposed to feel, or what i'm supposed to experience, but it does feel like up to something.

That's about as good a description as anyone has come up with so far. I felt ... something ... too, but damned if I knew what it was (or how to describe it).
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby dkumd » May 4th, 2016, 11:37 am

haha well i'm glad things are right on schedule then! i (we?) will be sure to keep you all informed on how things go.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby OxyFemboi » May 4th, 2016, 4:58 pm

dkumd wrote
haha well i'm glad things are right on schedule then! i (we?) will be sure to keep you all informed on how things go.

You just discovered that English (and, I suspect, every other language) does not have a good choice of pronoun for beings like us. Using the first person plural (we/us/our) and the third person plural (they, them, their) is accurate but sounds artificial. It is as clunky as Herr Doktor Victor von Frankenstein's monster's gait.
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby dkumd » May 5th, 2016, 12:04 am

ok, so, i think i'm understanding now. i didn't really think about this much while i was at work, but as soon as i got in the car, i started hearing his voice. by the end of the drive home i was answering him out loud, and he was begging to come out when we got inside. sure enough, as soon as i closed the door and locked it behind me, miguel took over. he's 25, mexican (as you might guess from the name), and loves to give dave a hard time.

yo wat up its miguel lol. soon as we got home i told dave we doin things my way for a while. dave gotta get me some new clothes tho bro, these boring ass jeans and fuckin soccer shoes aint gon work lol

i told dave we sleepin naked tonite bro, he dont like that shit but he gonna let us try it bro and see how it goes lol
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