Moderator: EMG
Bryan95 wrote:I just realized that Mommy has slowly taken all the "big boy" clothes out of my room to do laundry but instead has thrown them out. All I have are t-shirts that she cut short that don't cover my stomach all the way and diapers. I'm not allowed to change my diaper, only mommy. If I try to i start having trouble breathing. There are not a lot of people on campus yet so I snuck down the hall to the bathroom but when I tried to take the diaper off I got all itchy and sweaty and nervous. I got halfway back down the hall to my room and started wetting my diaper. I just stopped and let it happen and cried.
So I have started using the diapers exclusively. When mommy and her big boy boyfriend come over she changes my diaper and brings me food. To be honest the depressing part is that after using my baba so much and not being able to really feel my peepee wiithout my baba all the way inside me, I cant really control myself down there for very long anyway. I think there must be stuff in mommys files about that. I'm sorry I didn't listen to some of the advice I got when I started this post. And for being such a jerk in the direct messages. Trying to find a solution but everytime someone writes my trigger word it distracts me for an hour and also makes it harder to remember what I was looking for in the first place. Everything feels wrong and I know it but everytime I try to do something about it I get all foggy in my head. Like I'm screaming inside my head but my body cant hear because when its happening it feels so good. This is the only place I can look back and get my thoughts out clear.
I ordered some clothes online a few days ago and they should be delivered soon and then I'm out of here .I think I am going ask my dean to put me on the other side of the campus and report her to the dean about my rape I think the Cum is euuueesing out of my butt hole DNA You know I will get ret of two birds with one stone B_tch. :x
diggermaloo wrote:Why on earth is anyone treating this as anything other than a piece of fantasy fiction?
Bryan95 wrote:I think you might be right because sometimes the three of us watch porn together while mommy rubs her boyfriend's peepee which used to be something only mommy and I did together before all this started. This last time she turned to me and rubbed my diaper and pointed to the tv and said "look Bryan, that man on tv has a big peepee like you used to have. But no more girls kissing your peepee cause you are too small now. Nobody wants to kiss a little peepee." I started to cry a little bit and she said "awws if you miss blowjobs so much..." and then she guided my head across her lap to her boyfriend's big peepee and said "good boy, keep going" which made me go tingly without having to do anything to myself. When he came in my mouth I wet my diaper.
Since then I've started to drool uncontrollably all over myself. I'm drooling on my keyboard right now so I have to try not to lean forward too much. Mommy gave me a bib because of it. Its all over my front as I type this. Now she makes her boyfriend's big boy peepee make creamy on my face after he takes it out of her special place. The drooling started after the first time she made him do that.
MrLes wrote:would be interesting if "mommy" did the same to the new guy as well...
Bryan95 wrote:Hi, this is Bryan's ex. He won't be using his computer or phone anymore but if you have any messages for him send them to his account or his email address which is:
I have all his accounts and passwords now and I will make sure to read any messages you have for him at bedtime. I
De La Salle University
September 2 at 12:36am ·
Graduates and students of De La Salle University’s Department of Literature Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program won the following awards during this year’s Palanca Awards:
Grand Prize, Novel: Victorette Joy Z. Campilan (“All of My Lonely Islands”)
1st Prize, One-Act Play: Layeta Bucoy (“The Adopted Healthy Baby”)
2nd Prize, Dulang Pampelikula: Brylle Tabora (“Sekyu”)
2rd Prize, Essay: Jennifer Dela Rosa Balboa (“Violence, A Biography”)...
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