What do you think of Haxsaw?

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What do you think of Haxsaw?

Postby kitsukat » September 5th, 2011, 8:05 am

I've been looking at Haxsaw's files and been slightly intrigued by them, if only because they're some of the few files aimed for women. However, I've been put-off by the feedback (or lack thereof) and his overall general arrogance on his files. Not to mention that most of his early work has really poor sound quality.

My question is: are the files worth listening to? Has anybody had success with them?

Thanks for the input.
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Postby Jeshi » September 6th, 2011, 11:37 pm

Some of them are worth it, some of them aren't. The main problem is you can't really tell which are which from his super vague descriptions and a lot of them are very similar.

He has a good style where he sort of rallies you up with the suggestions, so you aren't just following them but going "Yeah! I will stay frozen for five minutes!"

On the other hand, some of his files have religious overtones suggesting "obedience to god" and "knowledge that there is one god you must follow" and that sort of thing. I don't remember which have them though, and I suspect he's stopped doing it in his newer files after he received complaints.

If you see a file of his that sounds good then go ahead and listen to it. I've only ever actually been given one suggestion from any of his files that was supposed to stay active after the file ended and it worked pretty well. It was that any time I saw his name, Haxsaw, I would want to listen to a file. It has worked pretty well.
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Postby kitsukat » September 7th, 2011, 8:05 am

I did try listening to a few of his more recent free files, and turned them off as quickly as possible due to the low quality of his recordings. I also left a fairly blunt critique, which he seems to have taken pretty well. He mentions getting a new microphone in is latest file.

I may listen to some of his more recent stuff once it becomes free (or I finally give in and write a script or something), but until he gets rid of that screechy static, I can't listen to any of it. It just gives me a headache and the strong urge to scream angrily at something.
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They actually listen?

Postby Haxsaw » September 29th, 2011, 6:14 am

I am amazed anyone listens! I had switched over my operating system and then received piercing high whining sounds. I now, (September that is,) have a stand alone mike on U.S.B. only. Some write back, stating it sounds much better. Thank you again for letting me know the sound out-put of the product. A word of advice: Stick with Windows Xp Pro, 3rd Edition. Upgrading has had me each night swearing and storming out of the room in repeated failures. In some of the latest files I notified my having the stand alone microphone. We can only guess this takes care of the cat hissing like background sounds. Thank you again for your comments, friends.
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Re: They actually listen?

Postby Mutazoa » September 29th, 2011, 7:58 am

Haxsaw wrote:In some of the latest files I notified my having the stand alone microphone. We can only guess this takes care of the cat hissing like background sounds. Thank you again for your comments, friends.

Try using a wind screen for your mic. Most consumer grade mic's don't have them. A vast majority of sound issues can be eliminated this way. You can make your own by following this simple tutorial
Last edited by Mutazoa on September 29th, 2011, 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Haxsaw » September 29th, 2011, 5:56 pm

Dear Friend,
A windshield for the mike like that used by Hollywood, T.V. newsmen, and what not? Super idea. I thank you very much and thanks again for your interest in helping me along. I am not the best. I just try.
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Postby Haxsaw » September 30th, 2011, 6:38 pm

Thank you for sharing how the files affect you. I appreciate it so.
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Re: They actually listen?

Postby homerj1620 » September 30th, 2011, 8:14 pm

Mutazoa wrote:Try using a wind screen for your mic. Most consumer grade mic's don't have them. A vast majority of sound issues can be eliminated this way. You can make your own by following this simple tutorial

I'm planning on building something like this fairly soon:


(That could be built *way* cheaper than buying it. 12x12 acoustic foam panels are only $5 on zZounds)
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Postby Haxsaw » September 30th, 2011, 9:25 pm

Dear friend,
One guy I knew of bought those mattresses used by hospitals. They are the sort with the egg shell pattern along a thin, foam length. He had it set up in his basement. He had an air shaft so warm air would exit by way of a basement window. He could close his door and record with less disturbance. I am poor and live in a tiny, rented house on the ocean cove. I constantly have freaking light traffic along this area. I never, ever get a quiet moment. I often go to the beach to simply be alone.
At my other house I recorded at night time. It was deadly quiet. As I need move, from time to time, I cannot get a change to set up a permanent studio. Your idea sounds totally awesome. Go for it. I am sure you can make better files than I am, at the moment.
I often added subliminal messages in the background. I would place that within a sound track featuring nature sounds. Other times I had piano music. Sadly, my files are simply not as good as some of the heavy weights on this site. I know Saranoga and EMG are way, way beyond my league, for example.
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Postby SDoll » October 2nd, 2011, 8:52 pm

I love his files because they are so different and there are so many. He does things in files in less time than others which more often than not is a good thing. Also, unlike almost anyone else, he interacts with you while you are under which is one of the best things he does! Also he makes a lot of files in a short amount of time.

Thank you Haxsaw! *kisses*
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Love & Respect...

Postby Haxsaw » October 3rd, 2011, 6:10 am

Dear Cd Sara,
I made more files for you and my other faithful, as well. I love and care for you all. In this cold, cruel world thank God, thank ourselves or thank whoever we have this site. We forget and unwind. We lay aside stress. I am pleased you are enjoying the files I made for you, dear. I do all to help all. I am here to give relief so many seek.
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Dear all...

Postby Haxsaw » October 4th, 2011, 9:51 pm

Dear all,
To all my gentle listeners, I have made files for you. I thank those who took the time to praise.... even complain. All the in-sight was well received.
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Postby mezzcat » November 22nd, 2011, 11:49 pm

Chaotic, goofy, eclectic, fun, some work some don't, but I appreciate the effort...and, well, anything with a cucumber you know.. :wink:
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Another lame file.

Postby Haxsaw » November 26th, 2011, 7:42 am

Dear Mezzcat,
I posted Day as A Schoolgirl, a short time ago. I read some wanted this type of file. I really seek what others do not do and do it. Anyone can listen to this file as it is listed for everyone being able to listen. Chap's Journey, Crawler and the much dreaded Conrad Sneer series is some of the new ones. I had switched mikes. I had computer troubles, what else is new? It is sort of like owning a Kia. (It has trouble performing. What else is new?) I hope some appreciate my oddness. This is warpmymind.com. As usual, all my files are temporary and none are cursed. Mama would beat me for cursing! I have files with fairly decent sound capacity. As many read, some work for some, some work for others.
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A simple offering from Haxsaw.

Postby Haxsaw » January 6th, 2012, 7:56 pm

Dear Girls and those who dress as such,
I will offer, for a limited time, files for self-improvement. Now the catch is you will become my pet. As being my pet you will NOT do strange actions. You will NOT be sending me money. I like making what are referred to as eclectic, quirky, way different files. Should you want to lose weight and feel the need to listen to my files, that would be how I describe as cursing you. Should you listen to my file for an improved memory plus fall in love with my voice, I call this, also, a curse.
I would appreciate you giving me feedback on your reaction to my files, also. I would enjoy your telling me what more you want a file to do. Anyone intested please write: mrunnells@yahoo.com.
I am Haxsaw
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Postby LDark » January 7th, 2012, 11:15 pm

I'm pretty often annoyed by his casual homo- and trans-phobia. Haven't listened to any of his files, and I'm not sure I plan to because of this. It's been explained to him numerous times in files' comments, and he still says "women and certain men" and other bullshit like that.
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Postby Haxsaw » January 10th, 2012, 6:26 am

Dear Friend,
I have posted some files for homosexuals, as had been requested in time past. Thank you for your time to reply.
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Postby AJcockzilla » March 8th, 2014, 3:07 pm

apparently others love him and his files and more power to them.... if he is here helping people then that's great and thanks to him for doing that....

but for me, I will not listen to any more of his files... they are non-sense to me.... I do not "get" haxsaw at all....
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Postby indigo3 » March 19th, 2014, 2:10 am

I'm sure Haxsaw is fine as a person, but their are two reasons that I'm not a fan of his files.

The first is how, at least in the couple I listened to a long time ago, he had weird music in the background. It was very off-putting. Perhaps that's changed, but it really turned me off to him from the start.

The second is one is more of a pet peeve type thing, but it's 70% of why I don't want to listen to his files, despite it being a stupid and petty reason. That reason is how he talks on the internet. How he always leaves messages like he's writing a letter. I know it's dumb, but it's just SO WEIRD. Seriously, I've never seen anyone write like that in forums constantly. It should bother me a lot less than people who constantly misspell and stuff, but it doesn't because it's just so...unusually polite. I just felt that someone had to say that. No hard feelings though, Haxsaw. Keep writing the way you want to.
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Postby rigsby » March 19th, 2014, 1:25 pm

I'm sure he's a good guy, too, but I definitely can't trance to his files.

When I hear his voice, it reminds me too much of the 1960s Hanna Barbera films featuring various cartoon animals.
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Postby Igotaboy » April 18th, 2014, 12:25 pm

Well, I only can tell that Haxsaws files are working pretty good on me. He has his own unique way of taking you into trance and making you do/feel things.
I think he is awesome!
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Postby kinkybc » June 24th, 2014, 6:40 pm

I am not impressed with his file descriptions at all. Having read some of his posts, I am surprised that he makes sense, as I assumed his posts would be as vague or incomprehensible as the descriptions. His files may be wonderful, but I wouldn't know because the descriptions really made me suspect his sanity, and the 'sanity level' of the entire site. It makes the entire site look bad, IMO.

Having read some of his posts, I see that I am wrong about him, but those kooky descriptions seem demeaning to the site and hypnotism to boot.
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Postby jellybean13 » October 4th, 2014, 2:28 am

As a women, I can say that I really like Haxsaw. I don't so much like the older religious undertoned ones, but some of them succeed in putting me under deeply. I wish he had trance triggers, and trance training.
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Postby SuFragette » October 1st, 2015, 9:58 am

Igotaboy wrote:Well, I only can tell that Haxsaws files are working pretty good on me. He has his own unique way of taking you into trance and making you do/feel things.
I think he is awesome!
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Re: What do you think of Haxsaw?

Postby katelynnn » March 31st, 2016, 12:12 am

I think Haxsaw seems to have his heart in the right place, but to be honest I find his style to be odd, too goofy/unserious to be very effective for me personally:)
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Re: What do you think of Haxsaw?

Postby marymannequin » April 1st, 2016, 12:13 pm

I am very greatful for Haxsaw. I had asked several people about doing a custom file for me. Most simply did not respond, others wanted money. I listened to Haxsaw's files. I was turned off by several simply due to quality while others were just some of the undertones that were used. I found myself going under quite easily with his files so I asked him to make a file. little did I know he would end up making a whole series for me. most I enjoyed, few were ok. I thank him greatly for all he has done for me. he is a bit goofy though. but thats ok. it gives his files some style. some may not like it but each to their own. I like them and really enjoy them. I ask him about different files. what to try next and he responds quickly. I download a file he requests me to listen to. I do not read the title or description. I just wait to see what happends. I love it.

The other reason I enjoy his files and asked him is that I am a woman. He does many files that are for women. sure if a man wants to listen whatever. thats what the internet is for.

Thank you Haxsaw for all the files and enjoyment!
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Re: What do you think of Haxsaw?

Postby skeletonpetlover » November 2nd, 2017, 8:45 am

I'm still dabbling in hypnosis and haven't going much success but I did really enjoy the one Haxsaw file I tried so far, even though it didn't actually work for me. I got into a trance far quicker than I normally do because of the somewhat odd sounds in the background that I could focus on whenever my mind started wandering, and the snapping to go deeper, even though I hadn't had any experience with actual snapping triggers before that point. The speed of it was impressive.

The actual file itself went into "wait a minute hang on why did I download this again? I'm not into this at all" mode but instead of completely snapping out, I still enjoyed listening to the rest of the file because of the sort of charmingly quirky storytelling style. Even though I switched from participant to observer it was still an enjoyable experience and I really appreciated that it wasn't very long.

So, I'll probably try again with his files at some point when I'm more experienced with hypnosis and if I find one that interests me (and as it stands, I don't think I can go deep enough for fantasy files in general yet) but I love the unique style. It's really enjoyable and I love his enthusiasm.

Files for females is also a huge plus
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