I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

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I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby parsa » February 24th, 2016, 6:34 pm

I recently got a collection of premature ejaculation hypnosis files. The idea of being one had turned me on for a while but I didn't actually want to be one. Or so I thought.

The temptation got to me once I got the files and I listened to 4 of them in one day.

It had an effect that day. When I would think of the slightest bit of sex I would feel like I was on the verge of cumming. Not all at once, but I had to cum. So I was masturbating to make the feeling go away. I must have masturbated 5 times that evening.

And I was cumming in less than a minute each time. Even after the 4th session.

One of the files told me how much I liked the feeling of cumming and helped me "break down barriers" when I felt like cumming and to just let it happen as soon as I felt the need. That was so hot.

So now I can cum in less than a minute. Part of me finds that so hot and I'm looking forward to a woman laughing. But part of me is scared of not being able to please a woman.

Who knows, maybe it doesn't affect me when I'm with a woman? Just masturbating?
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby OxyFemboi » February 25th, 2016, 1:51 am

parsa wrote
I recently got a collection of premature ejaculation hypnosis files. The idea of being one had turned me on for a while but I didn't actually want to be one. Or so I thought.

The temptation got to me once I got the files and I listened to 4 of them in one day.

It had an effect that day. When I would think of the slightest bit of sex I would feel like I was on the verge of cumming. Not all at once, but I had to cum. So I was masturbating to make the feeling go away. I must have masturbated 5 times that evening.

And I was cumming in less than a minute each time. Even after the 4th session.

One of the files told me how much I liked the feeling of cumming and helped me "break down barriers" when I felt like cumming and to just let it happen as soon as I felt the need. That was so hot.

So now I can cum in less than a minute. Part of me finds that so hot and I'm looking forward to a woman laughing. But part of me is scared of not being able to please a woman.

Who knows, maybe it doesn't affect me when I'm with a woman? Just masturbating?

I'd really, really, really really, really hate to bet on that. :twisted: In fact, assuming you use protection, I'd say that you have a 50-50 chance of your getting the condom fully on before you cum (especially if you've listened to the files a few more times. :P
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby Jackstock » February 25th, 2016, 9:33 am

Worried about pleasing her? A file could be made that forces you to give oral sex and then prematurely ejaculate once you actually enter her :lol:
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby hypnobro92 » February 25th, 2016, 6:46 pm

What are the files?
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby parsa » February 25th, 2016, 9:24 pm

Worried about pleasing her? A file could be made that forces you to give oral sex and then prematurely ejaculate once you actually enter her :lol:

Is there such a file?

Worried about pleasing her? A file could be made that forces you to give oral sex and then prematurely ejaculate once you actually enter her :lol:

Brainwashed Premature Ejaculator
Cum Too Soon II
Cum Too Soon III
Lady Lana Premature Ejaculator

I want to buy Cum Too Soon Foreplay. I think that would pretty much cement things.
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby HMan » March 17th, 2016, 3:13 pm

One of the files told me how much I liked the feeling of cumming and helped me "break down barriers" when I felt like cumming and to just let it happen as soon as I felt the need. That was so hot.

Which file was this, out of curiosity? I'm not into the humiliation side of this at all, but a file with that sort of approach sounds interesting...
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby tunder14 » April 9th, 2016, 4:09 am

I wish there were files like this for gay guys or at least with male voices. I really want my tiny dick to be completely impotent and have a super fast trigger to "shoot" my little bit of clear, watery boy juice.

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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby OxyFemboi » April 9th, 2016, 7:09 am

parsa wrote
I recently got a collection of premature ejaculation hypnosis files. The idea of being one had turned me on for a while but I didn't actually want to be one. Or so I thought.

hypnobro92 wrote
What are the files?

pasra wrote
Brainwashed Premature Ejaculator
Cum Too Soon II
Cum Too Soon III
Lady Lana Premature Ejaculator

I want to buy Cum Too Soon Foreplay.

None of those files are on WMM. The Cum Too Soon files are from http://www.sensualmistress.com. The hypnotist is be Tessa Fields. The following are available: Cum Too Soon 1, 2, 3, and Foreplay. There is a Lady Lana Premature Ejaculator file available. On person on http://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion.link/hypno/res/12758.html said that (s)he had teh folloring hiles abailabel at his Giga profiole, which is https://giga.gg/u/sublimination . The files he has available are:
Madeira Darling - Premature Ejaculation
Priestess Kathrine - Helpless Premature Ejaculator
Lady Lana - Premature Ejaculator
Elena McIvor - Aligning Your Interests
Cyco Melody - Perfect Premature Ejaculator

These files cost about $25 - $30 each.

There are a few files on WMM that address the same desire, tunder14. Unfortunately, they are all pay files.

CycoMelody - Perfect Premature Ejaculator — $20
So you like to be humiliated do you? Well boys have I got the file for you. Kiss your ability to control your cum good bye as you listen to this file. That\'s right, imagine, your cock is more sensitive so every little thing that touches it is a turn on. You won\'t remember when you are going to cum... after all, what kind of ejaculator knows he is going to? How about when you go on a date, all you can think about is sex, so you are already near cumming as soon as your pants are off. You know you like to be humiliated, so give a girl a good reason to laugh at you!

NT - Premature Ejaculator Gay — $25 [Note: NT is NinaTemptress on WMM.]
You have been asking for this for a long time. You have been wanting to be transformed into a blushing, humiliated, premature ejaculating loser for men to laugh at. I don't know if you used to be the top until now but from now on you can forget about it. Because when you listen to this file, gradually you are going to cum sooner and sooner until you will be unable to penetrate an ass or a mouth because by the time you touch it with your penis you are going to squirt your sperm. And this is on a good day, because your penis will be so aroused when you see a sexy ass or a beautiful cock that you may come when you try to put on a condom or even when you feel your cock rubbing against your underwear. Let's see what explanation you give to others when they see the wet spot on your swimsuit when you see a sexy ass at the beach. But don't worry. There are positive aspects in kneeling in front of guys and jerking off and coming in seconds while they laugh at you when you humiliate yourself like this. However, you are not selfish. You love the man who has given you the priviledge to humiliate yourself for him, so after cumming, you may find yourself eating his delicious ass and licking his legs and cock and balls, even if they have your sperm on them. This will only add to your humiliation and embarrassment, which is a good thing. You may also find that your favorite position is with you on your back with your legs spread, cumming in seconds after you start getting fucked by his nice cock, while looking in his eyes. You will enjoy the humiliation of him scooping up some of your cum from your stomach with his fingers and giving it to you in your mouth to drink. Practice makes perfect, they say, so towards the end you get to practice jerking off and cumming the correct way so that you become a ejaculator as soon as possible. The file is made with a high quality TTS voice and has a background music with binaural beats to guide your mind into a deeper trance that will drive the suggestions and commands deeper into your brain. Thank you for buying this and I will enjoy reading your comments. Ninatemptress.

Premature ejaculator subliminals — $25
Buy Now MP3, Body, Script
This contains both the silent subliminal and the masked subliminal version of my Premature Ejaculator file. Small changes have been made to the script so that the suggestions are more appropriate for a subliminal file. On the mp3 link you are going to find the silent version, on the body link, you are going to find the masked one, and on the script link you can download the script. Listen to the version that you prefer at least once a day. The recommended duration is 8 hours per day in total, and no more than 12, which probably makes the silent ones more practical for this purpose, since you can have it playing in the background on repeat, while doing other things at the same time. Play the silent subliminals at a normal volume. You can use the masked version to find out a comfortable volume level and then play the silent ones, without changing the volume. When playing the silent subliminals, you may hear a barely audible crackling sound. This is normal. It is preferable that you don't use headphones for the silent subliminals, since high volumes of those might damage the ears. You can listen to the masked version whenever you want, but a good time to listen to is right before you fall asleep. Listen every day for at least one month, preferably more, and notice the changes. Please leave a comment describing your experiences. Thank you for listening, NinaTemptress
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby tunder14 » April 9th, 2016, 11:42 am

Cool, thanks. I looked, but didn't look hard enough.
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby Boofyboof » April 10th, 2016, 8:55 am

There is a free loop file called 'Limp or Premature' that is supposed to either make you impotent or a premature ejaculator. From what I heard it works, but maybe not as well as the other files that were mentioned.
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby avalon69 » July 5th, 2016, 2:50 am


Any updates???
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby penny2 » September 6th, 2017, 9:56 pm

Have you been with a girl since listening?
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby jeremiah » September 15th, 2017, 7:56 am

The most successful files I've seen we're Tessa's Cum too soon series.
I really like the original one. The others aren't bad either.
I listened to the 1st one for about a week straight and I felt a lot of vibrating pleasure down there every time I spotted cleavage or just something sexy.
And it would only take me a good 30 seconds from start to finish when masturbating.

I did have sex once during that time. I lasted a whole 15 seconds.
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby swampthing6166 » September 29th, 2017, 5:11 am

I dont know what I was thinking when I listened to some of these files, not like the results would be a surprise. I never wanted to be a premature ejaculator before, but now after listening several times the urge to become one is strong. After listening a couple times a day over the week, all I can picture in my mind while masturbating is just letting go and cumming early every time. Definitely takes a lot less time to cum now after these files removed the urge to last longer, now I just cum as soon as I can even which is turning into less than a minute. Be interesting to see how this affects sex with my gf, if its anything like doing it myself Ill probably cum after a few thrusts inside her. As crazy as this would have sounded a week ago, that would be incredibly hot and hopefully will reinforce being a premature ejaculator.
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Re: I'm now a premature ejaculator...yay?

Postby confuseddabbler » September 29th, 2017, 6:39 am

swampthing6166 wrote:I dont know what I was thinking when I listened to some of these files, not like the results would be a surprise. I never wanted to be a premature ejaculator before, but now after listening several times the urge to become one is strong. After listening a couple times a day over the week, all I can picture in my mind while masturbating is just letting go and cumming early every time. Definitely takes a lot less time to cum now after these files removed the urge to last longer, now I just cum as soon as I can even which is turning into less than a minute. Be interesting to see how this affects sex with my gf, if its anything like doing it myself Ill probably cum after a few thrusts inside her. As crazy as this would have sounded a week ago, that would be incredibly hot and hopefully will reinforce being a premature ejaculator.

It sounds like your subconscious knew exactly what it was doing when it compelled you to listen to this file. Maybe next you should listen to Curse Cum so you can enthusiastically go down on your GF after a round of "two-stroke-what-a-joke" sex to make sure she gets off, and clean her up nicely to boot. If you make that a habit of that, she might not mind your new premature ejaculator status too much.
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