Resounding success: CCP/5-Minute Orgasm/Bend Over

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Resounding success: CCP/5-Minute Orgasm/Bend Over

Postby purplestinger » May 17th, 2016, 8:06 pm

So sorry for the long post! It's my first one and I felt it needed some back-story,

tl;dr: Bend Over and 5-minute orgasm work wonders, and made a believer of this site out of me.

So I've known about WMM for awhile now, lurked here browsing occationally for years. I've had a hypnosis/bodymorph kink since probably late high school, but never really was able to indulge it beyond erotic stories on the subject. I tried a few files some years ago, didn't meet with much success (some cock growth, some fantasy scenarios like tentacle rape). So I eventually stopped visiting except to j/o over the different erotic ideas and files that were posted.

Now I'm engaged to someone who I've been open with about my fetish from the start, though doesn't feel the same intense enjoyment/potential of it as I do. I've hypnotized him and had some good successes, however he's never hypnotized me. He's not enthusiastic about being hypnotized (had a bad experience that he's somewhat recovered from), but he's too self-conscious about failing if he were to try and hypnotize me. So I was in this predicament of enjoying the control aspect of hypnosis but never being able to enjoy the subject's perspective (expect for one time at a public event I volunteered for a hypnotist). I've been modestly successful with self-hypnosis but it was never something I really went into because, in the end, I was still in control.

Fast-forward to two weeks ago. I'm revisiting the site after a long hiatus due to a drought of new content on erotic hypno-story websites, and I rediscover EMG's Continuous Cum Production file along with finding his prostate milking trigger file for the first time. Now I've tried trigger-type hypnosis files before but they never reached a level of influence I desired, but I realized that triggers could be a great way to fulfill my hypo-fantasies with my fiancee without him having to actually DO the hypnosis. So seeing the potential of these two interacting and having time to kill I decided to give WMM another go. On a whim (and getting increasingly horny) I also proceeded to download a half-dozen or so files with scenarios that turned me on like 5-minute Orgasm, Bend Over, and Trigger Hardon; and THESE files are the real success stories as I'll get to.

In one night, I listened to CCP, the milking trigger, the hard-on trigger, and silent subliminal versions of both 5-minute orgasm and Bend Over. Yes, it's a bit much to do at once I know. However, I also know that I am a very good hypnosis subject back from when I first tried some WMM files.

So I listen to the files, and that same night I'm delighted to find that I'm leaking pre-cum like CCP dictates will happen sans-masturbation (undoubtedly a combo of both my arousal at being hypnotized and the files themselves). I share my excitement with my fiancee, he gives a tepid hurrah, and for the next 2-3 days I'm listening to these files at least once each day.

Now zoom to me at work the 3rd day, this is where I know something is working: Up to this point my most visceral reactions have occurred while actually listening to the files, with minor but optimistic reactions to the triggers for the milking and hard on files and an occasional but pretty consistent sensation of pre-cum working it's way through my cock from CCP. So I'm at work and browsing WMM on my phone (should've been working but was too excited by the progress I was having to focus very well) and I find the REGULAR versions of both 5-minute orgasm and Bend Over. Keep in mind up to this point I'd only been listening to the SILENT subliminal files, enjoying them thinking they were solely in-the-moment experience files. I am very soon about to discover how mistaken I was.

I look through the comments of 5-minute orgasm and see someone ask what the trigger phrase was. Trigger phrase? I had no idea there was a trigger! I scrolled further and saw a reply stating it. Now I'm in mild shock, suddenly realizing I've been listening to a trigger-file for 3 days and not known it (having only listened to the silent version). I was alone and isolated and had to know if it would work. I said the trigger... and felt my body reel forward. It was real, it was visceral, and although not as intense as its become it was undoubtedly a reaction to a subconsciously planted trigger I had no idea existed. I was panting, my body was shaking, I couldn't move or focus as I felt very palpable waves of pleasure rock through my body. Holy fuck, and things have only progressed from there.

I looked up the regular Bend Over file and found out that that too was a trigger file, and I knew I had to try it. The next day (morning, in fact) I'm getting ready for work (fiancee is asleep, he works later in the day) and I find myself with plenty of time to spare before I have to leave the house. I go into the garage, not knowing what I was gonna experience or if I was gonna make any noise. I take a quick mental check of my body's presence and state of mind and say the trigger.

At first, nothing. For about 10 seconds I'm standing there waiting for something to happen. Then my right arm begins to flex... hard. It begins to move, seemingly of it's own accord, out in front of me. Reaching for the washing machine I was standing in front of. I did an experimental bit of resistance, and found my arm tense up even more. It felt like the muscle was burning. I relaxed, and allowed it reach the edge of the machine. A moment later my left hand began to do the same thing, tensing, burning and reaching for the edge of the machine. By this point I was euphoric, it was working and I couldn't wait to feel what was about to happen. The filter between conscious thought and perception and subconscious action allowed me to observe what was happening as well as feel it.

Next two things happened, I felt my back push itself down like someone was pushing from the shoulders, and at the same time my legs were simultaneously tensing and bending at the knee. My legs pushed themselves into an "A" position, and my back bent horizontally to make me eye-level with the top of the washing machine. Any time I tried to move or lift a hand, the burning tenseness came back to that ligament until it pushed itself back into place.

I was stuck there for about 20-30 seconds with nothing happening, but I couldn't move. Then like a jolt I felt what was the first invisible dick jam itself into me, causing me to jut forward. And then the sensation of repeated pounding assailed me, my body jerked back and forth using the washing machine as a support to push-back on. My body, as I later discovered was instructed by the hypnosis file, began to push back in rhythm against this invisible dick, rolling and arching my back onto this cock that was making me shake. This went on for about 30 seconds to a full minute, after which it stopped. I simultaneously knew and didn't know that it wasn't over. I was able to lift my hands off the washing machine and headed towards the door to the house, and then my right arm tensed again, this time reaching for the ground. I knew what was coming, and it was thrilling as I played with the resistance as my legs gave out and both hands held me prone doggy-style on the garage floor. Now it's 5:30 in the morning, and I'm feeling myself getting fucked on the garage floor by another sizable invisible cock, my body swaying and rocking as it did before. This cycle of events repeated, into the house, over to the front room, and to the stairs. Sometimes my hands were against the wall, sometimes I was bent over the coffee table, sometimes I was on all fours. But again and again this went on, and I let it go on until like Cinderella, my carriage was about to turn into a pumpkin (i.e. I was gonna be late for work).

Since then, I've been hooked. I've had yet more success with other files, and have begun discarding those that are less thrilling (like the cock-milking trigger which actually seems to effect my ability to get an erection in other scenarios where I would LIKE one). And just last night my fiancee took control with a submissive trigger I "installed" to great enjoyment (he edged me further than I've ever gone before and surprised me with a 5-minute orgasm trigger). All I can say now is, yes these files work, yes you can be hypnotized, and yes you people will be seeing more of me. :mrgreen:
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Re: Resounding success: CCP/5-Minute Orgasm/Bend Over

Postby Jackstock » May 18th, 2016, 9:24 am

fantastic results. Yes, one more indoctrinated into this grand experiment :ugeek:
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Re: Resounding success: CCP/5-Minute Orgasm/Bend Over

Postby darkenedav » May 18th, 2016, 2:53 pm

kudos! and thanks for the lengthy reply! :D
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Re: Resounding success: CCP/5-Minute Orgasm/Bend Over

Postby CyrilMtl » May 18th, 2016, 8:23 pm

You react pretty well with the files trigger, is it the same for all the files ?
I wish to be like that, I would trigger myself ten times a day.
Sadly my head is ignoring all trigger stuff :(
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Re: Resounding success: CCP/5-Minute Orgasm/Bend Over

Postby purplestinger » May 19th, 2016, 7:13 am

You react pretty well with the files trigger, is it the same for all the files ?

Sadly no, the Bend Over file and 5MO were the first trigger files I had successes with. I tried EMG's prostate milking trigger file and his Hard-on trigger file but neither of those have been effective.
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