terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby Small1sh » May 13th, 2016, 2:10 pm

Did you manage to take a photo of it before it shrank to its current size bgo (when it was a little under 5 inches)?

You'll want to look back and see what it used to look like after a while - and we'd love to see a before and after photo [and everything inbetween] of your shrinking penis, too!
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby bgo2 » May 13th, 2016, 7:10 pm

I don't intend to post any pics, mostly because I don't feel comfortable doing so.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby swampthing6166 » May 21st, 2016, 9:13 am

Just measured again today, just under 4 1/2 inches erect now, and still 3 inches soft. Also part of me really wants to shrink until all that remains is a hole in my crotch, the rest of me disagrees, for now. :shock:

That's how it first felt for me too, a small part telling me to shrink it as far as it would go, while the rest of me didn't want to lose what I had. But I kept listening to the file, and now you can physically see which urge won since I'm now approaching just 3 inches hard :D. Just keep listening, I fell in love with my shrinking teenie weenie and wouldn't go back.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby bgo2 » June 2nd, 2016, 9:44 pm

That's how it first felt for me too, a small part telling me to shrink it as far as it would go, while the rest of me didn't want to lose what I had. But I kept listening to the file, and now you can physically see which urge won since I'm now approaching just 3 inches hard :D. Just keep listening, I fell in love with my shrinking teenie weenie and wouldn't go back.
And now the induction stopped working also I think the measurements I posted were wrong (although now they may be right except for the hard ones) :oops: :oops:
Corrected/current ones are: Soft: 3 1/2 inches, hard: a bit over 5 inches.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby mondaytuesday » June 4th, 2016, 10:55 am

Hello, y'all. Wanted to leave an update on where I am presently on the journey I was sent on by listening to this file, becoming affected by it physically, which then resulted in an ongoing consequential increase of vulnerability, reduction, openness, and submissiveness within me.

I haven't listened to the Curse file in months, I don't think, and, yet, the effects continue. As many of you know from the photos I have posted over time, I did not stop shrinking after I had gone from having a man's cock and balls to getting my own teeny weeny. My physical being and my concept of self continued to constrict, tingle, contract, tighten, regress, and shrink. A result that I would have never imagined possible before coming to this site. When I experience feelings of fear and horror over my transformation and defeat, they are quickly washed away with increasing joy and pleasure and pride over my evolving body. I went from my penis to a teeny weeny, then down to having baby bits and balls. Then, my regression and shrinking of my manhood continued, as it drew what remained of my balls, up inside my abdomen, from which they have never descended again. My empty, tight, soft, little ballsack has been settling more and more into a tender pad that hosts my de-evolving infantile bits into what seems to be a boi-clitty.

I can't recall the last erection or orgasm I had, yet I still feel very sensual, even more so than ever. I would show you the tender fleshy protusion that had once been my sexually mature and developed dick, but the photo gallery doesn't seem to be working for uploads. I will, as soon as it is up and running again.

It's frightening, but then so very pleasurable, to experience something new, nowadays. The less I have to shrink and constrict into a tight, tingly spot down there, the more it seems I'm being targeted in other ways that regress and reduce me out of the reach of being a "real" adult male. So many times in the day, I become frustrated with an burning desire to seek out and serve my peer adult humans and to do it in a way that degrades and devalues me away from having a shared status and identity with them.

I gotta end here, for now. Writing this to you all is really causing me to tingle greatly down there. I can't get to my boi-clitty because my diapers are on so tight and thick. I bought and tried to put on a chastity cage and it was ridiculous. I couldn't get any meat up inside of it. Oh, goodness. I don't even know if me is wet anymore down there. Maybe, I don't know. I need to serve a dom Mommy or Daddy Master and let them enjoy the pleasure of a man and making me their captive plaything.

I can't believe how much I've changed. It's so frightening to realize that someone could so easily pluck me up and make me their male pet, their degraded babified former-man, their permanent provider of oral sex and worship of their worthy body.

I just hope my mind doesn't go, at the direction of a dominant who may have fun with me for a bit or so. There's so much baby behavior curses implanted in my subconscious, that transforming me back and forth, to their whim, has been made accessible.

Help me or join me in my joy. I don't know which. I forgot to remember.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby french-hypnotist » June 5th, 2016, 6:53 am

Great to hear from you again, mondaytuesday.
Can't wait to see the gallery working back, to see your latest pics.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby allseeeye » June 12th, 2016, 8:04 am

Hi guys, I have found here a lot of files and wonder who that was right for me.
Which is the best? :D
Really it works in a few days? :shock:
Is it only the first effect a permanent need more time?

I am Polish and I understand English, but I wonder if it will have any effect on listening to this. :)
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » June 12th, 2016, 3:30 pm

allseeeye wrote
Hi guys, I have found here a lot of files and wonder who that was right for me.
Which is the best? :D
Really it works in a few days? :shock:
Is it only the first effect a permanent need more time?

I am Polish and I understand English, but I wonder if it will have any effect on listening to this. :)

All of the Teenie Weenie files work well. If you want to be certain that you do not quit listening to the file, the Curse of The Teenie Weenie by Sarnoga file is best. The non-Curse version, Teenie Weeny by Sarnoga, is just as effective. The Alternate Curse of the Teenie Weenie by MasterDrayke is fifteen minues shorter and just as effective. There is a script available in case you want to read what suggestions are contained in the file. Sometimes the "best" version of a file depends on which hypnotist you prefer to listen to.

If you understand what is being said, the file will affect you. If you do not understand what is being said, the file will not affect you.

The effects begin to show shortly after you begin to listen. You should listen only one time a day or two times per day.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby Chibisuke » June 25th, 2016, 7:15 pm

Tom here , after abit back Oxy you guys suggested i try a deprogramming file to get rid of the "Junk" triggers well after awhile i stoped shrinking, i dont think i'll try to get any size back i'm Adorably suckable at just an inch long flacid 2 hard, our sack didnt shrink so-much, but i have a hard time getting hard and staying hard my balls fully retract in, and when i'm flaccid they relax just enough to show off theres something there.

cael's wanting me to rethink staying this small and try to get back to what we were for our health but my doctor says my testosterone productions starting to even out and i may not need my injections anymore soon. (this being both our biggest reason to stop.)

but we both are rooting for everyone else to see how small everyone still here will get :D
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby nohbdy88 » July 4th, 2016, 11:01 pm

So, I've been curious about this file for a while and have listened to it a few times, and I have a question. I've chickened out from listening to it with any regularity for one simple reason: I don't want to lose my erections. I was just curious about how far in that actually becomes an effect, and if I could conceivably use the file without worrying about that one effect for a while or if it starts happening very quickly.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » July 4th, 2016, 11:19 pm

[quote]nohbdy wrote
So, I've been curious about this file for a while and have listened to it a few times, and I have a question. I've chickened out from listening to it with any regularity for one simple reason: I don't want to lose my erections. I was just curious about how far in that actually becomes an effect, and if I could conceivably use the file without worrying about that one effect for a while or if it starts happening very quickly.[/quoe]

Unfortunsatley, like so much else in hypnosis, it depends. It depends on how responsive you are to hypnosis, how accepting you are of the suggestions, which suggestion takes hold first, and other intangibles.

Other possibilities include downloading Audacity and taking out all suggestions that cause erection loss. There is a script available for the Curse of the Teeny Weenie at https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?ga ... le_id=6289. You also could edit the script to remove the erection loss suggestion, then use a free Text-To-Speech program on the web to make your own custom version.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby allseeeye » July 10th, 2016, 3:35 pm

I wonder if any of you has experienced
While listening to the hypnosis of Sarnoga. I have erections.
I wonder how something may shrink as it feels that stretches ...? :geek:
I figured I should wear during hypnosis any cb6000 :?
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby little-bri » July 11th, 2016, 6:45 pm

i think that getting an erection can be an expected "reaction" while listening to these files.

my experience is that as i'd listen, i'd feel like i was getting hard... and the harder i got, the smaller it would shrink.... :roll:
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby blanketcross » June 26th, 2017, 11:44 pm

Huh. I was looking back at a few of my older posts. Back when I listened to this file I was starting at 5 and 1/8 inches. That's just shy under average. I got out of habit to listening (about 5 days worth of listening) unfortunately. Even though I have had long hasting effects on my penis. Erections, ball size, everything is normal except length. I am at 4.75 inches. After all this time listening I have remained the same size. I didn't believe it, so I got out an old toy that was hollow. My partner was always just a bit shy (girth wise) to fit in it. When I tried it just now, it fit in. I can't believe it! Actually I can believe it but now I want to listen as much as possible again.

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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby bassbandit » August 3rd, 2017, 7:55 am

Have listened to this file now every day for 3 weeks, at least once a day.
So far:-
I want this to happen
I am unable to keep a firm erection, hard is impossible
It feels as if I am smaller in the flaccid state, when erect (as much as possible) little change
Penis feels cold at times but no other tingles or sensations
No perceptible change in testes
Nipples erect most of the time but not particularly sensitive
If I rub the nipples I do feel some sort of sensation around the penile area

I note that several people have felt a sort of rubber band breaking feeling before shrinkage. Could anyone please let me know if this is likely and if so at what stage and exactly where the sensation is felt.

Many thanks
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby hypnosub221 » August 16th, 2017, 5:43 pm

Id like tell y'all that I'm setting up a Tennie Weenie challenge in the Dare Forum ( under success stories). Where we get around 5 or more people to each listen to Tennie Weeine for around a week. At the end of the week who ever has shrunk the most wins and the one who shrunk the least has to listen to the file for another week along with 1-3 other people that he chooses ( not the winner). After the second week who ever has shrunk the most can stop and the final losers has to listen for one more week. So if you're interested then just say so and once we get enough people we'll start the challenge ( I'll do with you guys) So if you guys are interested head over to the dare forum and post you name and stay tuned for the start of the challenge
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby vensiserfe » August 27th, 2017, 12:43 pm

This has become frustrating. I began listening to this file faithfully a little over 3 weeks ago. This is an account of my experience.

Week 1:
I listened at least once a day either in the morning after waking up or just before bed. I took a few pictures of my measurements on day 2 after realizing that I needed something to compare to. Starting on day 2 I began to experience very pleasurable tingling sensations that became unbelievably distracting throughout the day. Having read other people's stories, I knew that this was normal and figured that it must mean that the file was working. On day 3 it took longer to get an erection but I did still achieve one. It was a bit softer than usual even erect though. The tingling kept happening off and on throughout the day. Day 4 was the same as day 3 except that, when erect, I noticed that the skin of my ball-sack felt strange and it was tight as drum. On day 5 I began to become worried that I would regret listening to this file but continued on any way because of the tingling pleasure. My erections went back to normal for the rest of the week although I didn't stop listening. The tingling continued at random times during the day and once I came very close to orgasms when my hand just brushed against my crotch. My flaccid size 'seemed' occasionally smaller than usual but I've never really paid so close attention to its daily size as I did this week, so I can't say for sure. At the end of week 1 there was no change in my erect size.

Week 2:
The tingling sensations continued though not as strong as week 1. I had no trouble getting and maintaining an erection all week. I began to really fear that this file would take hold soon and that I would regret. Oddly, the thought of my penis shrinking was really beginning to arouse me despite my fears. I found that I really wanted to keep listening to the file now and often listened more than once a day. Once during the week I had that strange tight ball sack occurrence again. Also once during the week I had trouble getting an erection and meanwhile the sensation of rubbing my flaccid penis was pure ecstasy. I actually came while flaccid that day and that has never happened before in my life. It was also one of the best orgasms of my life. The tingling continued randomly through the end of the week. I found myself incredibly aroused by the thought of having a teeny weenie. Unfortunately, I measured at the end of week 2 and there was still no change in my erect penis size.

Week 3:
I began listening twice a day whenever possible. I began to greatly fear getting my wish of a shrunken penis but couldn't stop myself from continuing on and even stepping up the amount of listening. I still got the random tingling sensations though not as often or as intense as week 1 and week 2. Occasionally I would feel some pain in my scrotum. I had no trouble getting and maintaining an erection during week 3. I began noticing something else unexpected, often when flaccid, my penis was longer than normal for its flaccid size. I began to notice this occurring very often. It was still soft and very thin but also hung very long, about 4.5 inches, it looks very odd like that. My erect size in 5.5 inches. This was definitely not normal for me and I find it confusing since the file is supposed to shrink my penis, not make it's flaccid size longer. However, I have also noticed that sometimes my flaccid size is very small now, like I just got out of an ice cold pool different. Different because my penis was now turtling a lot more than usual into my body. About mid-week, I measured and was shocked to find my erect size at 4.5. Again, my fear kicked in and I questioned if this was something that I really wanted. I must have spent an hour examining my before picture compared to how it currently looked, amazed that there was that much difference. I thought that I must have measured something wrong or differently but eventually confirmed that the measurement was correct. I skipped listening the next day, fearing that I might end up getting "better" results than I wanted. However, I found myself listening again a day later. At the end of week 3 I measured again and was both relieved and disappointed to see that I was again back to my normal erect size. This left me to conclude that perhaps I didn't experience any shrinkage at all. Perhaps erect size can just slightly vary from time to time.

Week 4 (Current Week):
I experienced another temporary inch of shrinkage at the beginning of the week but my erection was back to normal the next day. I no longer fear the file, I'm more frustrated that it doesn't seem to be working for me when so many others have reported success. I'm still not sure that I would even want it to work as advertised. I know that I *do* want my penis to shrink. The thought of that arouses me greatly but I don't want it to shrink too much. I guess I figure that I could just stop listening if I actually start getting results and halt the shrinking. I'm at the middle of week 4 and since the beginning of this week I have escalated into listening to the file as many times as possible each day. I now listen when browsing the internet, I looped it one day while a took a nap, I have been listening to it in a light trance while commuting to and from work. I haven't been counting but I'm probably listening four or more times per day now. I just measured and there has been no change at all from week 1. I can however still report that my flaccid penis is often still oddly long and thin. It's also still often very small when flaccid. So it seems to alternate between being oddly long or oddly turtled up into my skin when flaccid. I haven't noticed any change at all in my scrotum size, either flaccid or erect. I still get the random penis tingling but its still not as strong as it was during week 1. The pleasant tingling is the primary reason that I keep going though. The scrotum pain now only happens occasionally while I'm listening.

Anyone have suggestions or encouragement at this point? I'm going to keep listening as much as possible for the rest of week but if nothing happens after that I don't know if I should keep on. I feel like I'm wasting my time at that point. From my experiences above, the file is obviously having some kind of affect on me. There's just no consistent erection shrinkage. Has anyone had a similar experience and then success? Any help from those that have had success would be appreciated.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby fireinside23 » August 28th, 2017, 5:28 pm

If you listen to the file once, will there be affects? Listened 2 days ago. So I'm not getting the strongest erection watching porn.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby bryan » August 30th, 2017, 7:07 am


Your story sounds similar to mine for some other files I've tried. We start out with our desires/ arousal driving us and we trace hard the first few times. The file takes hold and our mind begins to make us feel the changes. These changes means the file is working, which arouses us, and since you feel the file working so often we are constantly aroused. Which causes our flaccid size to actually get bigger since it's semi aroused all day. At this point fear/ frustration kick in which shuts down our subconscious when we trance. If there is a hint of doubt that we actually want this our subconscious protects us from it. (No such thing as forced hypno, unless you go as far as brainwashing). Now that we have these doubts, we begin to feel the effects less often, which makes us think more will be better, so we saturate ourselves with the file listening many times a day.

My recommendation is quality over quantity, give yourself real time to only focus on the file every day. And only do it if you really want it. It's fun to fap thinking of the humiliation of having such a teenie weenie, but the reality is scary. It'll mess with your identity and it'll mess with your testosterone which has actual health effects.

I'll wait for a file that only shrinks my flaccid size. I like my balls and erections too much to give in to this file.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby fireinside23 » September 8th, 2017, 2:57 am

So I listened to this a week or so ago. My nipples were sensitive and enjoyed using them as a pleasure source. I just listened to it few hours ago, but when I heard his voice I immediately sank down and it was so amazing the feeling in my stomach it was pure bliss listening to his voice. My nipples feel so good when rubbed and massaged. My dick immediately reacts to the sensitive. How far do you think I am do you think I will have any effects?
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » September 8th, 2017, 8:52 am

fireinside wrote
So I listened to this a week or so ago. My nipples were sensitive and enjoyed using them as a pleasure source. I just listened to it a few hours ago, but when I heard his voice I immediately sank down and it was so amazing the feeling in my stomach it was pure bliss listening to his voice. My nipples feel so good when rubbed and massaged. My dick immediately reacts to the sensitive. How far do you think I am do you think I will have any effects?

Your dick responding when you rub your sensitive nipples and your nipples being sensitive when you play with them are effects of the file. You are already seeing and feeling some of the file's effects. Hopefully, you measured your dick before you began because it probably has already begun to shrink. Results will be noticeable within a week.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby Chibisuke » September 8th, 2017, 2:48 pm

Dracari here, i tried at Cael's wishes to stop with Curse of the Teeny Weeine. and not sure its stopping on its own since i stopped listening, however if it has still been shrinking it feels like it hit a plateau and isnt going any further,.

we're on the heavy side, 340lbs and fat as distributed a fair amount for the "Fat pad/"Fupa" as some seem to call it. even though we've been loosing some weight it almost seems that lower parts getting fatter (redistributing maybe?) but atleast i could recall it not being almost "Sunk in"i could still grab at it even if just a bit w/o having to lift that. but lately it just seems it might of resumed shrinking.

don't have a proper ruler anymore but while it was slowly receding was measuring w/ my middle finger. would go just past the Knuckle when flaccid to about to near wrist. when erect. now its alil harder to Keep/get a hard erection, its mostly soft or limp, and measures just under the knuckle when flaccid but no change in erect size.

Considering its a bit smaller flaccid and im starting to have trouble getting completely hard now, is it possible its picked back up or that one of my alters had started listening again Despite Cael not wanting it to go too far to impact our health? i've always had a fantasy for really micro-dicks and some of the things that does get me off isthe thought of it shrinking downto just a button or browsing thru such "Shrinking" Art on a few select sites. but i thought considering i'm afraid if it gets any smaller and affects my balls much more and Cael wanting it to stop. that it'd have no effect even if i continued, not pick back up :/
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » September 9th, 2017, 5:07 pm

Dracari wrote
Considering it's a bit smaller flaccid and I'm starting to have trouble getting completely hard now, is it possible it's picked back up or that one of my alters had started listening again Despite Cael not wanting it to go too far to impact our health? I've always had a fantasy for really micro-dicks and some of the things that get me off are the thought of it shrinking down to just a button or browsing thru such "Shrinking" Art on a few select sites. but I thought considering I'm afraid if it gets any smaller and affects my balls much more and Cael wanting it to stop. that it'd have no effect even if I continued, not pick back up :/

Hi, Cael, Dracari, and Z,

Yes, it is possible. It's more than possible; it's extremely likely. It sounds as if the Teeny Weenie suggestions are active again. Something, probably fantasizing about shrinking down to just a button micro-dick and/or browsing through such "Shrinking Art" on a few select sites, has triggered the Teeny Weenie suggestions implanted in your mind. Thinking about a file, even in a negative way, activates and reinforces the suggestions contained in the file. Have you started playing with your nipples again? Do you feel a need to listen to the file again?

As an example, I have an acquaintance who has contacted me regularly for years, announcing that he has "beaten" the hypnotic triggers at least one other tist and I have implanted to put him into a trance. I have tried to explain to him that thinking about suggestions, even in the negative way he's doing (I've beaten this trigger!), reinforces the suggestions. Within five minutes of contacting me, he's in trance. The last time I had him chanting "I obey" until I told him to stop. He also lisps now, although he's unaware of it.

I did put in a safety in my Alter files that every alter must agree to the use of a file for physical effects to take place. Mental effects only affect the alter who is listening. However, the same suggestions say that once permission is given, it cannot be rescinded. Oops.

If you experience any of the symptoms of low testosterone -- http://www.webmd.com/men/guide/testosterone-replacement-therapy-is-it-right-for-you#1-2 - you need to contact your doctor/GP/PCP to ask for a test of your T levels (total T, free T, and bound T) as well as a referral to an endocrinologist. My T levels were so low that when I was referred to an endocrinologist, his first response to looking at my extremely low T levels was "I have no problem writing you a Rx for testosterone." My response probably astonished him. I said, "That's the wrong hormone." I was there to ask for Hormone Replacement Therapy ... estrogen. I was likely unique when I refused testosterone supplements. (If he had offered this to me ten or fifteen years ago, I would have been ecstatic; I wanted to be a big dumb jock then.)

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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby fireinside23 » September 10th, 2017, 3:58 pm

Still no shrinkage. All the same. Listened to it a few nights a ago as well and still rubbing nipples.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » September 10th, 2017, 4:29 pm

If you are listening and following the instructions for rubbing nipples, you will begin to shrink again.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby Chibisuke » September 10th, 2017, 6:08 pm

Oxy it's god to hear from you again, it's Cael this time, i certainly didn't peek at any of the files (despite i want it gone, i've been awake when he's gotten on a bike too hastily. Owwwww. @_@), it has been on Dracari's mind, so i guess that's how it started up again, and yea he's well We've been diagnosed w/ Low FreeT, Dracari's supposed to call on Tuesday to the pharmacy if the gell was covered and arrange to pick it up, i don't mind him having to take it but at the same time i still have hopes we can do to show a lil more of "Me visually :3, trying to get him to save up for a dress, he's atleast got me nail polish which the first time he tried putting it on, it was a total mess!. anyway we're going to go off to play a game online with one of his friends to help keep his mind off Irma, as the poor thing's stuck hiding it out in a storm cellar, atleast he has a working generator for a few things (tv/net/and a shared laptop and something to charge his phone with) we're off now you guys take care of yourselves!
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » September 11th, 2017, 9:25 pm

Cael wrote
Oxy, it's good to hear from you again. It's Cael this time. I certainly didn't peek at any of the files despite the fact I want it gone. I've been awake when he's gotten on a bike too hastily. Owwwww. @_@ It has been on Dracari's mind, so I guess that's how it started up again, and, yeah, he's/we've been diagnosed with Low Free T. Dracari's supposed to call on Tuesday to the pharmacy to see if the gel was covered and arrange to pick it up. I don't mind him having to take it but at the same time, I still have hopes we can show a little more of me visually. :3 I'm trying to get him to save up for a dress. He's at least got me nail polish. The first time he tried putting it on, it was a total mess! Anyway, we're going to go off to play a game online with one of his friends to help keep his mind off Irma, as the poor thing's stuck hiding it out in a storm cellar. At least he has a working generator for a few things (tv/net/and a shared laptop and something to charge his phone with) We're off now. You guys take care of yourselves!

They did invent this thing called e-mail. Write me. I'll write back.

Having a file on your mind will certainly start it up again. Low T is another result of the Teeny Weenie file.

For nail polish, dip the brush in the nail polish, clean off one side of the nail brush on the lip of the jar as if you're painting, then put one stripe down the center of the nail from the cuticle to the edge. Then add another stripe toward the outer edge. Three stripes normally cover a nail. The thumb takes a stripe or two extra. It is exactly like using a very small paintbrush. You only put color on the nail. Pretend the skin is a line; color inside the lines. Excess is why nail polish remover and q-tips were invented.

You can buy estrogen on eBay; it's usually from Thailand. Search for estrogen or estradiol. The generic name of my testosterone suppressor is spironolactone.

As for dresses and such, try http://www.wish.com and http://www.thredup.com.

I/we have a new boyfriend, a trans man named Joe. Joe knows about our multiplicity. He's why I vanish periodically. We have a new cell, an iPhone 6. Our body has a new name, Faye Athena, and Faye's in love!

Stay safe.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby cappie » September 13th, 2017, 2:47 am

Do I need to go into trance in order for the file to work, or I just need to close my eyes and focus on the voice? I've been listening to this file for 2 days, so far nothing much has happened, and I can still get an erection. What can I do to make this file more effective?

Also, why can't I see any pics in the gallery? They are all just broken thumbnails to me :(
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » September 13th, 2017, 5:14 pm

cappie wrote
Do I need to go into trance in order for the file to work, or I just need to close my eyes and focus on the voice? I've been listening to this file for 2 days, so far nothing much has happened, and I can still get an erection. What can I do to make this file more effective?

Also, why can't I see any pics in the gallery? They are all just broken thumbnails to me :(

You need to focus on the voice. Paying attention solely to the voice should put you in a trance.

The file will work. Sometimes results are not immediately obvious. When you find yourself playing with your nipples and your dick responds, the file is working.

The gallery has never worked properly. However, this sounds like a result of the crash a few months ago. Post your lack of results in Bug Reports in the SIte Improvements Forum. This will let EMG know that the Gallery still is not working properly ... though I suspect he already knows.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby nintengio » September 14th, 2017, 2:54 am

Hey OxyFemboy. I'm looking into starting this file and listening to it regularly but I'm a freshman in college. Could the effects like low testosterone really mess me up this young or do you think I should still try it out.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » September 14th, 2017, 6:52 am

nintengio wrote
Hey, OxyFemboi. I'm looking into starting this file and listening to it regularly. I'm a freshman in college. Could effects such as low testosterone really mess me up this young or do you think I should still try it out?

My advice: Listen to the file.

The rest of this post is an explanation of my advice.

Since having a small(er) penis is of interest to you, you're going to do it anyway. You are going to do it sooner or later, regardless of whether a possibility of really messing you up exists or not. My only regrets are of not doing something when I had the chance. So ... go for it.

Some people have reported levels of low testosterone after listening. It's not a universal effect. There are replacement testosterone treatments available if it becomes a problem. You need a specialist -- an endocrinologist; they specialize in the body's hormone systems -- to write the prescription. The only difficulty can be convincing a physician that a college freshman is having difficulty because of low testosterone levels. (It helps if you don't look like a muscular bodybuilder; if you do, they may think you want steroids to grow more muscular.) A simple blood test is conclusive evidence of a male's need for a testosterone prescription.

JackDrago has a great file called Hypnotic Steroids -- it's a $15.00 Pay file -- which may also help you if you need testosterone.

Alternately, you could also listen to something like ViVe's Feminine Conditioning at the same time. This combination will not interfere with each other. I used this combination of files. It had an interesting effect. I now identify as a trans female instead of as a gay male. I am in my second year of receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy. I have a wonderful transman boyfriend; we're in love.

I'm not promising all of these results; however, you will be happy when you have a much smaller penis. It's part of the file's effects.

If you want to do other weird files, I can make some suggestions. Email me at oxjock@gmail.com.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby fireinside23 » September 14th, 2017, 3:04 pm

I still play with my nipples few times a day. Still makes me aroused. Although I haven't really listened since, only once more since my last post.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby cappie » September 14th, 2017, 9:25 pm

How do I know if I'm in trance? Is there any sign to it?
I'm a bit sad that I still cannot be impotent or get any tingy feeling like other guys, even though I tried really hard focusing on the voice for the past few days
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » September 15th, 2017, 2:56 am

cappie wrote
How do I know if I'm in trance? Is there any sign to it?
I'm a bit sad that I still cannot be impotent or get any tingly feeling like other guys, even though I tried really hard focusing on the voice for the past few days

I'm probably the worst person on WMM to be answering this. I go into trance quite easily. If I trust someone, all they need to do is say, "Ox, drop into ..." and I'm in trance.

Everybody is different. Just pay attention to the words. You'll get there. If you are not sure if you are going into trance, others have written files that will help you become more suggestible and achieve trance more easily. There are lots of files beginning with some of the first files on the site like Train Suggestible https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=Fetch&link=4932 and Train Susceptible https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=Fetch&link=12295 to some of the latest files like Hypnotic Conditioning 1 https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=Fetch&link=14316 and Hypnotic Conditioning 2 https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=Fetch&link=14347

However, you more or less know you are in a trance when you're paying attention even when you're not trying to pay attention ... or when your mind feels like it's floating and drifting. Pay attention to how your mind feels now. That's normal. In trance, you don't feel ... like that. It's almost like a marijuana high. You're not quite ... here and yet you know you are. Reality seems a bit ... skewed.

Someone else should answer this.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby diode168 » September 17th, 2017, 10:42 pm

Any updates?
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby vensiserfe » October 5th, 2017, 5:15 pm

Bryan, thank you for the advice. I'm trying once more after taking a short break, this time with a focus on trance quality over listening quantity. I've been doing this once a day for the past 3 days. I'm crossing my fingers that it works this time. As far as beating my fear of the file, I think I've done that. I've been listening to other files that perhaps have helped me want it without fear. I now just want the file to work.

I'm definitely still feeling tingling and random shifting sensations. I'm going to wait a week before I even consider measuring though. I don't want anything to discourage me. Per Oxy's suggestion to someone else, I've also been trying to make a point of playing with my nipples whenever I can. I didn't try that before. The tingling does kick up a notch while doing that. Wish me luck.

Sarnoga, if you're out there, its a great file and I love it even though I haven't been able to get the results that others have reported... yet :) . Thank you for creating it. Just before the server crash, I remember seeing you post a new, shorter, teeny weenie reinforcement file. It doesn't look like its been re-upped. Can you please consider posting that file again? I never even got a chance to hear it.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby chubbysissygurl » October 7th, 2017, 4:18 pm

I discovered this site in april of 2016. I had discovered sissy hypnos one year prior and was beginning to accept my fate but still was being wishy washy. One of the first trance hypnos i downloaded was this teeny weeny curse along with EMG's curse hormone change and MsJ's LMS Limp file. My penis was 3.25 inches soft and 6 inches hard in april 2016 and is now 1 1/2 years later 2.5 inches soft and 4.5 inches hard. Thats if it even gets fully erect. I'm mostly impotent now. My testicles have also shrunk to about the size of green grapes, which is almost half of what they were before. This file combined with others i've listened to the last 1 1/2 years really do work. Its crazy and amazing what the mind can do. I also suffer from gynecomastia (male breast growth) now and have a 43 underbust and 48 bust. I saw an endocrinologist in July and I have bottomed out testosterone and highly elevated Prolactin and estradiol levels. She wanted to start me on testosterone gel and cabergoline(prolactin reduction medicine) immediately but i refused. So to those of you asking if this stuff works....IT MOST CERTAINLY DOES! Just put a hypno plan together and stick with it. It won't happen overnight like some B.S. claims on here but look where i am after 1 1/2 years. I'm a limp clit sissy with natural growing tits and shrunken up balls that can't go back to being a man now. :)
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » October 8th, 2017, 4:28 am

[chubbysissygurl wrote
I discovered this site in april of 2016. I had discovered sissy hypnos one year prior and was beginning to accept my fate but still was being wishy washy. One of the first trance hypnos i downloaded was this teeny weeny curse along with EMG's curse hormone change and MsJ's LMS Limp file. My penis was 3.25 inches soft and 6 inches hard in april 2016 and is now 1 1/2 years later 2.5 inches soft and 4.5 inches hard. Thats if it even gets fully erect. I'm mostly impotent now. My testicles have also shrunk to about the size of green grapes, which is almost half of what they were before. This file combined with others i've listened to the last 1 1/2 years really do work. Its crazy and amazing what the mind can do. I also suffer from gynecomastia (male breast growth) now and have a 43 underbust and 48 bust. I saw an endocrinologist in July and I have bottomed out testosterone and highly elevated Prolactin and estradiol levels. She wanted to start me on testosterone gel and cabergoline(prolactin reduction medicine) immediately but i refused. So to those of you asking if this stuff works....IT MOST CERTAINLY DOES! Just put a hypno plan together and stick with it. It won't happen overnight like some B.S. claims on here but look where i am after 1 1/2 years. I'm a limp clit sissy with natural growing tits and shrunken up balls that can't go back to being a man now. :)

As you said, you can't go back to being a man now.

I'd like to suggest that, since you have gone as far as you have toward feminization, you complete the journey: become a woman. Or even become neuter.

There are a few files on here that allow -- even force -- you to think of yourself as female. You have next to no testosterone now and your female hormones are high enough that you could go to your endocrinologist and say you're trans. All you basically need is to get comfortable with wearing women's clothing and thinking of yourself as female.

There are certainly many effective free files available -- search for feminization, cross dress and trans -- to allow you to change your gender. You need to be on hormones for twelve months before you can have surgery to remove your balls. You can stop there (and stay neuter) or you can have the various other surgeries that construct a vagina and such. Having the castration operation is a matter of taking Hormone Replacement Therapy -- you are prescribed estradiol pills or putting on estradiol patches for twelve months (and taking a testosterone blocker and taking progesterone for six months or so) -- for the required amount of time. You do need some hormone pills for good health ... and since you don't want testosterone replacement, that leaves female hormones as your only other option.

It's something you should consider.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby xformguy » October 15th, 2017, 4:42 am

One of my first postings on this site. I've lurked for a LONG time and recently came under the influence of JackDrago, my new magus, after his tracks awoken my Inner Demon. It's been like a week now, and I'm totally under the Demon's influence. But, this reply isn't about THAT track. If you want more details, HMU and I'll expound.

The demon made an immediate pact with me, shrink my cock to gain the muscle I've always wanted. So he influenced me to start Sarnoga's files. Listened countless times over the week. Stream it while I work coding SQL (conscious mind occupied and subconscious listening). I stream it while I sleep from a Bluetooth speaker next to my pillow. No idea how often I've listened. My cock and balls ARE shrinking.

I don't have measurements because I'm locked in chastity (60-days locked as of today), but so far, one of my balls has shrunk enough to pop out of the ring (smallest size ring) and I had to get with my Dom/KH to re-seat the device. When he did, my flaccid cock was exactly the length of the tube (maybe a couple of inches) and wouldn't get longer or harder. Keep in mind I started out at about 5" flaccid and 8.75" hard. So, yeah...Sarnoga is shrinking the fuck out of my junk.

It's part of the deal...already my weight is going down and my muscles are popping out. I'm doing 5x5s at the gym and breaking some former limits. Here we go...demonic subjugation transforming my body into a small cocked body builder. Can't stop now. Literally. Hail Satan!
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » October 15th, 2017, 5:34 am

xformguy wrote
One of my first postings on this site. I've lurked for a LONG time and recently came under the influence of JackDrago, my new magus, after his tracks awoken my Inner Demon. It's been like a week now, and I'm totally under the Demon's influence. But, this reply isn't about THAT track. If you want more details, HMU and I'll expound.

The demon made an immediate pact with me, shrink my cock to gain the muscle I've always wanted. So he influenced me to start Sarnoga's files. Listened countless times over the week. Stream it while I work coding SQL (conscious mind occupied and subconscious listening). I stream it while I sleep from a Bluetooth speaker next to my pillow. No idea how often I've listened. My cock and balls ARE shrinking.

I don't have measurements because I'm locked in chastity (60-days locked as of today), but so far, one of my balls has shrunk enough to pop out of the ring (smallest size ring) and I had to get with my Dom/KH to re-seat the device. When he did, my flaccid cock was exactly the length of the tube (maybe a couple of inches) and wouldn't get longer or harder. Keep in mind I started out at about 5" flaccid and 8.75" hard. So, yeah...Sarnoga is shrinking the fuck out of my junk.

It's part of the deal...already my weight is going down and my muscles are popping out. I'm doing 5x5s at the gym and breaking some former limits. Here we go...demonic subjugation transforming my body into a small cocked body builder. Can't stop now. Literally. Hail Satan!

Congratulations on your bargain with Satan, your shrinkage, and your muscle growth.

I'm always happy to see someone else succumb to Jack's Inner Demon file. I have a few files you may be interested in: my Evil Alter files. I have both Male and Female versions available.

Jack's Hypnotic Steroids file -- link: https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=GetFile&file_id=9230 -- will probably be of interest to you. It's a $15 Pay File.

This reply isn't about THAT track. If you want more details, HMU and I'll expound.

I'm interested in hearing all about THAT track. So you don't clutter up this forum with extraneous information, email me with details and such.

If you really want to expound on THAT track, you could always start a Success Stories Forum thread dedicated to THAT track. It's a great way to tell your experiences and encourage others to use the file; it's good free publicity when a listener uses a file and writes about it. When others take over and write about their experiences as well, the result can be something like this thread ...
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby JackDrago » October 15th, 2017, 9:35 am

Not usually a shrink encourager, but his demon brought out a very strong subconscious desire in him. Thanks to Dominant Hypnotist, and a little black magic I have been growing like crazy from his shrinkage.

@OxyFemboi - mixing evil alter and Your Inner Demon is likely to have an unpredictable response. Not everyone can support multiple dark side alters. That's totally off topic for this thread, but since you mentioned it here I might as well note it.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby kinks_toy » November 18th, 2017, 8:28 pm

Master had me listen to this file, it is stunning, my weeny has shrunk from 6-7" to 4" with so much precum and a lack of errection. It has helped me learn my place as a bottom boy, I'm so happy with this transformation. I crave more.

My master is currently searching for a tist to take ownership of me and continue to warp and use my mind, this file was a wonderful step towards that.

In 3 weeks it has shown long term change not only on my weeny but upon my expectations and role

Thank you
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby mindalter » November 25th, 2017, 9:35 pm

This file intrigues me to no end. The problem I have with this file is the lack of actual evidence. It would be great to have a willing participant to take a picture everyday and report their effects. A individual with healthy BMI and a healthy penis. I'm sure that if there was it would be taken far more seriously by those who don't want the intended results and those who do want results wouldn't quit so early. Always kinda wanted to start a program/study of some sorts for listeners to listen to different files and report their effects daily. In the end.. Measure their differences and conclude it.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » November 25th, 2017, 10:30 pm

mindalter wrote
This file intrigues me to no end. The problem I have with this file is the lack of actual evidence. It would be great to have a willing participant to take a picture every day and report their effects. An individual with healthy BMI and a healthy penis. I'm sure that if there was it would be taken far more seriously by those who don't want the intended results and those who do want results wouldn't quit so early. Always kinda wanted to start a program/study of some sorts for listeners to listen to different files and report their effects daily. In the end. Measure their differences and conclude it.

You could do the study you espouse on Curse of the Teeny Weenie with yourself as the willing participant. This way, you would be able to post what you consider "adequate evidence". Please bear in mind that the Gallery has never worked properly. EMG is trying to find a solution to the Gallery problem. EMG posted a while ago that his options were to either write software for a new Gallery or fix the current one. If you have expertise in this area -- I don't -- I'm certain EMG will accept your offer of assistance with open arms. (If you decide to do this study, you may need to post duplicate photos somewhere else and link to them until the Gallery problem is resolved.)

The Forums, especially the Success Stories Forum, are a place for file users to report on their success or failure with various files. With almost 7,000 files, you would need a large group of motivated individuals ... like the people who post to Forums concerning their success (or lack of it) with files.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby mindalter » November 26th, 2017, 1:37 am

OxyFemboi wrote:
mindalter wrote
This file intrigues me to no end. The problem I have with this file is the lack of actual evidence. It would be great to have a willing participant to take a picture every day and report their effects. An individual with healthy BMI and a healthy penis. I'm sure that if there was it would be taken far more seriously by those who don't want the intended results and those who do want results wouldn't quit so early. Always kinda wanted to start a program/study of some sorts for listeners to listen to different files and report their effects daily. In the end. Measure their differences and conclude it.

You could do the study you espouse on Curse of the Teeny Weenie with yourself as the willing participant. This way, you would be able to post what you consider "adequate evidence". Please bear in mind that the Gallery has never worked properly. EMG is trying to find a solution to the Gallery problem. EMG posted a while ago that his options were to either write software for a new Gallery or fix the current one. If you have expertise in this area -- I don't -- I'm certain EMG will accept your offer of assistance with open arms. (If you decide to do this study, you may need to post duplicate photos somewhere else and link to them until the Gallery problem is resolved.)

The Forums, especially the Success Stories Forum, are a place for file users to report on their success or failure with various files. With almost 7,000 files, you would need a large group of motivated individuals ... like the people who post to Forums concerning their success (or lack of it) with files.

A part of me really wants to but I don't think my girlfriend would appreciate that very much. :oops: :lol:
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » November 26th, 2017, 2:29 am

mindalter wrote
This file intrigues me to no end.

- and -

A part of me really wants to [use the file] but I don't think my girlfriend would appreciate that very much. :oops: :lol:

Have you asked your girlfriend about your possibly using the file? Her answer might surprise you. Most males are obsessed with size (and most females think the bigger dudes are too big.]

[In the early pages of this Forum thread, one of the users said his girlfriend had him listen to it ... and later she broke up with him because he was too small to satisfy her. (How did he not see that break-up coming?)]
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby mondaytuesday » December 22nd, 2017, 1:10 am

mindalter, I agree with OxyFemboi and would like to encourage you to give it a try with yourself as the perfect candidate for research documentation. Your posts indicate that the file intrigues you and that you would like a listener to the curse to post a descriptive case study of their of experience. You have a great idea there. It would be very beneficial to men curious about the validity of the curse's effects on guys who have gotten into it. It needs to be done and you should be the one to do it. You'd be allowing yourself to explore the possibility, while establishing your own accurate data that guys will benefit from.

As far as whether or not your gf would be happy with the situation, I encourage you to read some of the writings of David Holly and his series of short stories on minibate, the radical gyrocrancy, the perfect solution for males of the human race, women allowed to finally be honest about their sexual, social, aesthetic, biological, and emotional views on the male sex organ.

Do it. I've been doing it since 2012, I think, and I wouldn't change a moment.

Do it.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby mindalter » December 23rd, 2017, 11:31 pm

No longer interested in the file.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby OxyFemboi » December 24th, 2017, 2:25 am

mindalter wrote
No longer interested in the file.

You were encouraged to use the file and now you're no longer interested? Maybe we should have discouraged you. Then you might have thought, "I'll use this file and show these dudes!" Considered yourself officially discouraged. Here's the link to the file: https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=Fetch&link=10640

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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby hypnosub221 » January 13th, 2018, 5:59 pm

Hi guys,
I've been listening to this file on and off from the past couple months. I've only listened consistently for a while during the dare competition and I did shrink some, I did grow it back however. I'm just a bit nervous about listening to this file enough to permanently effect my penis. I'm young so I nervous about future ramifications, but damn this turns me on! I've read through the forum and it seems some people get coaches to help them shrink, and I think that would help me follow through with my dream of having a teeny weenie.
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