Moderator: EMG
Just measured again today, just under 4 1/2 inches erect now, and still 3 inches soft. Also part of me really wants to shrink until all that remains is a hole in my crotch, the rest of me disagrees, for now.![]()
And now the induction stopped working also I think the measurements I posted were wrong (although now they may be right except for the hard ones)That's how it first felt for me too, a small part telling me to shrink it as far as it would go, while the rest of me didn't want to lose what I had. But I kept listening to the file, and now you can physically see which urge won since I'm now approaching just 3 inches hard. Just keep listening, I fell in love with my shrinking teenie weenie and wouldn't go back.
allseeeye wrote
Hi guys, I have found here a lot of files and wonder who that was right for me.
Which is the best?![]()
Really it works in a few days?![]()
Is it only the first effect a permanent need more time?
I am Polish and I understand English, but I wonder if it will have any effect on listening to this.![]()
fireinside wrote
So I listened to this a week or so ago. My nipples were sensitive and enjoyed using them as a pleasure source. I just listened to it a few hours ago, but when I heard his voice I immediately sank down and it was so amazing the feeling in my stomach it was pure bliss listening to his voice. My nipples feel so good when rubbed and massaged. My dick immediately reacts to the sensitive. How far do you think I am do you think I will have any effects?
Dracari wrote
Considering it's a bit smaller flaccid and I'm starting to have trouble getting completely hard now, is it possible it's picked back up or that one of my alters had started listening again Despite Cael not wanting it to go too far to impact our health? I've always had a fantasy for really micro-dicks and some of the things that get me off are the thought of it shrinking down to just a button or browsing thru such "Shrinking" Art on a few select sites. but I thought considering I'm afraid if it gets any smaller and affects my balls much more and Cael wanting it to stop. that it'd have no effect even if I continued, not pick back up :/
Cael wrote
Oxy, it's good to hear from you again. It's Cael this time. I certainly didn't peek at any of the files despite the fact I want it gone. I've been awake when he's gotten on a bike too hastily. Owwwww. @_@ It has been on Dracari's mind, so I guess that's how it started up again, and, yeah, he's/we've been diagnosed with Low Free T. Dracari's supposed to call on Tuesday to the pharmacy to see if the gel was covered and arrange to pick it up. I don't mind him having to take it but at the same time, I still have hopes we can show a little more of me visually. :3 I'm trying to get him to save up for a dress. He's at least got me nail polish. The first time he tried putting it on, it was a total mess! Anyway, we're going to go off to play a game online with one of his friends to help keep his mind off Irma, as the poor thing's stuck hiding it out in a storm cellar. At least he has a working generator for a few things (tv/net/and a shared laptop and something to charge his phone with) We're off now. You guys take care of yourselves!
cappie wrote
Do I need to go into trance in order for the file to work, or I just need to close my eyes and focus on the voice? I've been listening to this file for 2 days, so far nothing much has happened, and I can still get an erection. What can I do to make this file more effective?
Also, why can't I see any pics in the gallery? They are all just broken thumbnails to me![]()
nintengio wrote
Hey, OxyFemboi. I'm looking into starting this file and listening to it regularly. I'm a freshman in college. Could effects such as low testosterone really mess me up this young or do you think I should still try it out?
cappie wrote
How do I know if I'm in trance? Is there any sign to it?
I'm a bit sad that I still cannot be impotent or get any tingly feeling like other guys, even though I tried really hard focusing on the voice for the past few days
[chubbysissygurl wrote
I discovered this site in april of 2016. I had discovered sissy hypnos one year prior and was beginning to accept my fate but still was being wishy washy. One of the first trance hypnos i downloaded was this teeny weeny curse along with EMG's curse hormone change and MsJ's LMS Limp file. My penis was 3.25 inches soft and 6 inches hard in april 2016 and is now 1 1/2 years later 2.5 inches soft and 4.5 inches hard. Thats if it even gets fully erect. I'm mostly impotent now. My testicles have also shrunk to about the size of green grapes, which is almost half of what they were before. This file combined with others i've listened to the last 1 1/2 years really do work. Its crazy and amazing what the mind can do. I also suffer from gynecomastia (male breast growth) now and have a 43 underbust and 48 bust. I saw an endocrinologist in July and I have bottomed out testosterone and highly elevated Prolactin and estradiol levels. She wanted to start me on testosterone gel and cabergoline(prolactin reduction medicine) immediately but i refused. So to those of you asking if this stuff works....IT MOST CERTAINLY DOES! Just put a hypno plan together and stick with it. It won't happen overnight like some B.S. claims on here but look where i am after 1 1/2 years. I'm a limp clit sissy with natural growing tits and shrunken up balls that can't go back to being a man now.![]()
xformguy wrote
One of my first postings on this site. I've lurked for a LONG time and recently came under the influence of JackDrago, my new magus, after his tracks awoken my Inner Demon. It's been like a week now, and I'm totally under the Demon's influence. But, this reply isn't about THAT track. If you want more details, HMU and I'll expound.
The demon made an immediate pact with me, shrink my cock to gain the muscle I've always wanted. So he influenced me to start Sarnoga's files. Listened countless times over the week. Stream it while I work coding SQL (conscious mind occupied and subconscious listening). I stream it while I sleep from a Bluetooth speaker next to my pillow. No idea how often I've listened. My cock and balls ARE shrinking.
I don't have measurements because I'm locked in chastity (60-days locked as of today), but so far, one of my balls has shrunk enough to pop out of the ring (smallest size ring) and I had to get with my Dom/KH to re-seat the device. When he did, my flaccid cock was exactly the length of the tube (maybe a couple of inches) and wouldn't get longer or harder. Keep in mind I started out at about 5" flaccid and 8.75" hard. So, yeah...Sarnoga is shrinking the fuck out of my junk.
It's part of the deal...already my weight is going down and my muscles are popping out. I'm doing 5x5s at the gym and breaking some former limits. Here we go...demonic subjugation transforming my body into a small cocked body builder. Can't stop now. Literally. Hail Satan!
This reply isn't about THAT track. If you want more details, HMU and I'll expound.
mindalter wrote
This file intrigues me to no end. The problem I have with this file is the lack of actual evidence. It would be great to have a willing participant to take a picture every day and report their effects. An individual with healthy BMI and a healthy penis. I'm sure that if there was it would be taken far more seriously by those who don't want the intended results and those who do want results wouldn't quit so early. Always kinda wanted to start a program/study of some sorts for listeners to listen to different files and report their effects daily. In the end. Measure their differences and conclude it.
OxyFemboi wrote:mindalter wrote
This file intrigues me to no end. The problem I have with this file is the lack of actual evidence. It would be great to have a willing participant to take a picture every day and report their effects. An individual with healthy BMI and a healthy penis. I'm sure that if there was it would be taken far more seriously by those who don't want the intended results and those who do want results wouldn't quit so early. Always kinda wanted to start a program/study of some sorts for listeners to listen to different files and report their effects daily. In the end. Measure their differences and conclude it.
You could do the study you espouse on Curse of the Teeny Weenie with yourself as the willing participant. This way, you would be able to post what you consider "adequate evidence". Please bear in mind that the Gallery has never worked properly. EMG is trying to find a solution to the Gallery problem. EMG posted a while ago that his options were to either write software for a new Gallery or fix the current one. If you have expertise in this area -- I don't -- I'm certain EMG will accept your offer of assistance with open arms. (If you decide to do this study, you may need to post duplicate photos somewhere else and link to them until the Gallery problem is resolved.)
The Forums, especially the Success Stories Forum, are a place for file users to report on their success or failure with various files. With almost 7,000 files, you would need a large group of motivated individuals ... like the people who post to Forums concerning their success (or lack of it) with files.
mindalter wrote
This file intrigues me to no end.
- and -
A part of me really wants to [use the file] but I don't think my girlfriend would appreciate that very much.![]()
mindalter wrote
No longer interested in the file.
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