From files from this site?
I know there are the feminization/maculinization files, but I'm not quite sure how they work. Can they change someone's gender identity, like make a male identified person feel female, or vice versa?
Moderator: EMG
ProfessorPig wrote:thats a complicated question. there are certain files, like the Bambi Sleep files, that are powerful enough that if you stayed the course with them you would begin to identify as female, but that comes with new problems. one might argue that if it worked it only brought out some latent desires in the listener, so it becomes really hard to prove one way or another. even if the listener later says they were not being totally honest before it would be hard to rule out that their revised memory is not a false one created by the files they are listening to because that kind of memory revision is popular in feminization hypnosis.
if you do not identify as female you are likely to get a bit freaked out when you start to identify as female, and thus stop listening to the files (being an airheaded bimbo is a nice vacation, but you probably wouldn't want to live there). most people are aware to one degree or another of how hard a life being trans is, so the realities of that experience would likely encourage someone to stop listening to a file before more permanent changes occur.
part of why this is a challenging question to address is because we would need to define what constitutes a change of gender identity? if you make someone believe they are a woman while in trance that would be incredibly temporary, but it could be interpreted as a change of gender identity. i suspect most people would be thinking about more long term changes though. but the long term changes become much harder to prove that the change is the result of the hypnosis specifically.
what survivor said. The myth that hypnosis can't make you do something you don't want to do is dangerous. In the hands of a capable hypnotist, it most certainly can -- not always, but often. So never listen to something or let someone hypnotize you in the belief that you'll be able to ignore the suggestion.
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