Bambi Sleep

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Bambi Sleep

Postby ProfessorPig » July 21st, 2018, 5:49 pm

I have been having a ton of fun playing with the Bambi's on the Bambi Cult Discord. these files are seriously powerful, so I am surprised that there is not a success stories thread out there for them yet. so following my usual mantra of, if you want to see something done then you need to make it happen, i am making this thread.

so how have the Bambi files effected you Girls? what Deep and Powerful experiences, good or bad, have you had with the files?
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby Blackjaz » July 21st, 2018, 6:00 pm

I started listening to the bambi files when they first pop up on gigga (E.Z: somehow I was friends with the creator).
I found these files rather interesting and the first time I really stick to a file. Usually I burn out really quickly with files. That's not the case with this; since it has open my eyes to suggestions and how easily you can get trance. I also found the discord really helpful! A lot of people offer great advice for me going deeper into trance. Listening to the bambi files always seem so relax and I always wake up feeling so good. I believe I have had hands free many times from the files. I say everyone should try out the files and if they have any questions they should join the discord. They're super friendly and not pushy at all.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby ProfessorPig » July 21st, 2018, 6:16 pm

i will start out with my own experiences with the files. i have had quite a few both as Bambi and a Dom, and both perspectives are absolutely wonderful. as a hypnotist myself i have to take a moment to rave about the technique. the files are incredibly well made. they are both extremely powerful and extremely subtle. its not uncommon for a suggestion to be encased in 2-3 metaphors that show multiple ways to Accept and Understand the suggestion. the bambi files also do some really interesting things from a technical perspective, if you are looking to learn some advanced hypnosis techniques, checking out the bambi files is a good way to do that. the bambi files use Lutz's "Bubble Induction", so most everyone will have success with the files, but rather than feeling dirivitive, the files totally transform that induction by integrating it into the metaphors of the files.

ok, so now that i have gushed with some of the positives i need to touch on an important negative, not all bambi experiences are positive, some people have such a good time with the files that they get lost in the pleasure of bambi, and bambi will try and take over at inappropriate times. its a minority of people who experience this, but it needs to be mentioned openly as knowing about it helps prevent it. people try and wear their uniform to work or check the files at work and get triggered. or some of the more foolish wear no uniform and just listen to the files naked and they think they are always in uniform.

as a hypnotist bambi's are incredibly fun to play with. they are incredibly suggestible and eager to please. they all have rapid induction triggers and a whole laundry list of other triggers that make them easy to play with. you can trigger hammer them like someone learning hypnosis and have fun, but the most fun comes from understanding the nuances of the files and expanding upon them. there are many rich and layered metaphors to draw from, and if you can pick apart those layers you will find the hidden suggestions of the files.

i can do little to explain the mindless bliss of actually being a bambi. there is a sense of helplessness and extreme arousal when your triggers take hold. the triggers are Deep and very physically felt. its one of the most profound brainwashing/mindfucking experiences out there. its really ironic that it makes you so braindead, because it decreases the chance of catching the nuances of metaphors of the files. bambi really makes a wonderful escape/vacation from the stresses of your daily life.

the biggest negative of bambi is that it can be a time sink. you can easily spend 2 hours a day listening to hypnosis files, which is two hours of relaxing in the bliss of hypnosis, but not everyone has that kind of time to kill. still once the triggers set its so Easy to slip into a nice trance as bambi.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby Blackjaz » July 21st, 2018, 10:54 pm

That why the discord is good to go to, their our members that have made shorten of the 1 2 3 10. Which still give you everything you need to trance to the files. The only down side is you have to listen for 1 - 2 weeks period.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby WinterRose » July 22nd, 2018, 4:34 pm

Bambi's own experiences with these files so far: Bambi has been listening to different and varying hypnofiles for a long time. Bambi'd say very nearly 20 years now. And that's long enough to have become particular. Bambi has little patience for mean-spirited, humiliating or just straight up abusive files. It learned pretty early the subconscious doesn't deal with negatives very well, and will circle the wagons if a threat is detected.

Unlike a lot of these computer read files that use SAPI5 voices, the Bambi Files seemed singularly focused on physical and mental transformation without the negative overtones one would associate with a findomme or Misandrist or Misogynist. The gender neutral approach so that they can have something of a universal appeal are also impressive in their accessability. They remind Bambi of some of the better files she's written, or sessions she's had with friends and owners in Second Life. Incidentally, Bambi just found a location in Second Life for bambi's to play in.

Bambi's never had a p-org, tho she's never had play or a toy specifically designed for that either. She may have been close once, but has no experience like she's heard described to measure what she's felt against. (Certainly not a 10 min. full body org like someone in the room described in the last 24 hours. WOW.)

Bambi's never had a handsfree, but then, she's been pretty much having a hands-on 2 or 3 times a day on average for the last 32 years. That might have something to do with it.

Bambi's not really what anyone who knows would call transitioning. It's not attempting to do so. Bambi does not cage itself or engage in any kind of self-restraint. Tho it has in more recent memory while listening to the bambi files sucked down on a toy like a piston. She's got some chest forms and a few femme maskies and some shoes. But has never really had the money or situation to devote.

So it's all really a mental thing for this doll when it comes to transforming Bambi. Perfectionist that Bambi is, she would not be satisfied with anything less than a straight up fantasy magical full-on transformation. Or being uploaded out of its current meat and downloaded to a proper female chassis it could transfer into and back out of.

Unrealistic goals for now, but bambi can hope. ^_^
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby aurorarose » July 24th, 2018, 7:20 pm

this bambi is one of the few who is a bio-female, but the files work just as well on her. like WinterRose, this bambi has listened to all kinds of files from all kinds of people, and these files are top notch. Not abusive, not humiliating, just pleasureable control and brainwashing. :)
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby vutall » August 19th, 2018, 11:17 pm

Hello all!

New to all of this, going to give this a go. Starting tonight (August 20th) with a 1,2,3,10 session looped twice. Ill probably only get through one, but who knows, perhaps my willpower will hold and I can do two sessions.

Using a lacey black thong as my uniform. Sitting on a chair covered in a blanket for warmth.

Here's hoping!

Edit: Made it through two sessions. I'm still fairly alert so I think I'll try one more. Not sure if I am trancing or not, but I definitely feel happy and excited.

Edit 2: Did 3 sessions total last night. After the third, I masturbated in uniform (since the file said it helps the alter conditioning) and went to sleep.

This morning I woke up and cant stop thinking about the files. Can't wait to start another session soon. Starting a new job today so I'll luckily have lots to keep my mind busy.

I am a little worried about the alter coming out when not in uniform, that's something I don't really want. Also, I worry a bit about my relationship. Hoping things with my long term, live in girlfriend don't get messed up due to this.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby vutall » August 20th, 2018, 6:13 pm

Tried a run 1-10 this afternoon after work since I had the time.

Unfortunately, I got interrupted a few times. Restarted it, but then my body had some aches and pains that were a bit too strong to ignore completely. I listened all the way through, but I'm not sure how much of a deep trance I was in since my mind kept wandering a bunch and I remember quite a bit of it all. File 9 in the original series is pretty intense (though I wasn't able to do as I was commanded), I am wondering about doing a consistent loop with it in rotation to help train for a hands free or a female feeling orgasm. I wasn't a huge fan of a lot of the conditioning on looking back. I'll give it all another run a few more times, but some if it didn't seem to fit with the fetishes that I would enjoy (but I never would have known unless I gave it a try!)

I did a quick test with uniform on and didn't feel like the alter was in control either. Will need to keep going regularly I think. Had heard some success stories from other folks who were able to have her after just a few sessions, but since this is my first hypno experience, I imagine it's going to take me much longer. (Will be difficult to find the time though to do it every night like I am guessing I'll need, between relationship/family life, dayjob, and my nightlife (I DJ) I am guessing I will probably be lucky if I get once a week, though I will try to do daily for a while. May drop back down to 1,2,3,10 again, though a lot of times I feel like if I have an hour and a half for that, I have the 2 and a half for a full 1-10 session.)

Edit: A few hours after the 1-10 session and out of uniform, I have an odd sensation in my head. It's kind of like a headache, but not painful. Located top left of the brain, sort of behind the eye. Like a pressure, but airy, light, and warm/numb feeling. Unsure if it is related or not. Will keep an eye on it as I keep doing sessions. May do another run tonight, one thing I can say is despite my hesitations and things listed above, I have an almost addict feeling of wanting to listen again.

Edit 2: Had a discussion with my girlfriend about the files and what I was doing. She seemed open to it, or at least doesn't mind me doing it as long as I don't cheat on her. Additionally, she changed her mind and said she might be open to pegging (first discussion we had a few months ago it was a hard no for her)

I noticed something interesting, and it could be completely unrelated, but, twice today I had ringing in my ear like tinnitus for a few moments when discussing something. I don't remember the first discussion, but the second discussion was about how I enjoy cock in my mouth and then suddenly there was a tinnitus ringing for a moment.

I am going to try another session tonight using the various training loops while I do some stuff.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby vutall » August 21st, 2018, 7:48 am

After my GF and I had sex last night (I did notice it was difficult to get her and I had pretty low stamina compared to usual, but that could just be a coincidence, will keep an eye on that) I sat on the computer in uniform and read a bunch while listening to each of the training loops once.

Listened to files 0,3, 9, 10 and had some in’s and outs of consciousness during them, might have been deep trance or it might have been sleep, hard to say. It was super late (like 5am). I wasn’t able to orgasm from 9 like commanded, but it did feel good. I was tired after the session so instead of taking the time to suck off a dildo to in-uniform I just slept in uniform. No dreams I can recall. Woke up and sucked on a toy for a minute to de-uniform and put Bambi away.

I’m going to probably uniform up after work and try a dildo in my ass to see if it feels better than when I used to toy myself before.

Going to try to do at least one hypno session a day, have the urge to do more but I don’t want to overdo it either. I have lots of other things I need and want to do outside of being Bambi.

Edit: Home from work and decided to put on uniform and listen to the three loops. Immediately upon putting on the uniform my mind started saying triggers and names and I got a tingly sensation down my back. In uniform and listening to the loops while typing this.

Edit 2: As soon as I finished the training loops I decided to fellate my dildo and instantly felt a wave of pleasure. Pretty nice! I'm still i control, but some of the triggers are working, which is good since being in uniform that's what I want. Did it again later (the fellatio sessions are no longer than a minute or two) and then took the uniform off for a bit as I decide what I want to do.

Interesting idea popped into my head. Once Bambi is established firmly as an alter, stop listening to the obvious IQ draining files and instead begin to have conversations with her and teach her things. That could be fun.

Edit 3: Decided to hop back into uniform and put the training loops in a playlist and let them go for a while until later tonight while I do some stuff on the computer.

Edit 4: Did the training loops for around a half hour. lots of coming out at times. After the half hour decided I had nothing really important to do and the girlfriend had to go do some work, so I plopped down in uniform (still as me and not Bambi at this point) and did the full 1-10 session...
wow, it's 3 hours later. don't remember much. woke up as bambi, sucked off my dildo for a bit, let it fuck her for a bit, sucked it off again and then got out of uniform and finished myself since I couldn't bring myself to finish from just penetration. That was intense. Immedietly want to go back under and try another session, but should probably give us a break.

Some small bits and pieces from this time. I remember a little bit thinking "Oh, the hypnosis is talking to me (my male persona) right now. I have some slight memories from Bambi, but more from the hypnotic sounds and not from her herself. Interesting.

I think I want to try the next series (Fuckdoll Brainwash) but I do wonder if I should instead loop 0-10 a few times...but hey, it shouldn't hurt to try the next set right? I can always go back and listen to the old ones again later if it turns out Im not quite where I need to be.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby boobgrab12 » August 22nd, 2018, 2:45 am

Have you tried the new condition Enforcement tracks?
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby vutall » August 22nd, 2018, 8:38 am

No, nothing but the original set yet. After I do the Fuckdoll Brainwash series Ill do the conditioning tracks. My goal is to do all the series files at least 3 times and then start makign custom playlists for every day after. Ill also be doing shorter sessions with conditioning and loops when I have the spare time and nothing else to do.

So I woke up last night around 2am (went to bed early at 11) and had the urge to listen to another set. Put it aside because I thought I should get some rest. Fell back asleep at 4. When I woke up this morning, I feel good and refreshed, energetic, and happy, but I do keep hearing triggers or the name bambi constantly repeating in my head and some giggles. I am responding to it by saying "Wait til in uniform". Also, the airyness/lightheadedness/headache I reported above went away!

After work today I'll get in uniform and listen to Fuckdoll Brainwash. Will report back after that.

Edit: Day was normal. One of my coworkers is a giggly woman who was a little forgetful and there was some strong responses in my brain desiring to be like that. Had a lot of idle thoughts about the name Bambi and some trigger words (acronym DFC trigger words were the ones that kept repeating...) and had to constantly keep responding to those thoughts by saying "Only when in uniform" No response to the triggers at least.

Fell asleep after work, nothing unusual. Had a pretty normal night. Just settling down now and going to get into uniform and listen to the Fuckdoll brainwash series.

Edit 2: Well, I accidentally set iTunes to loop a playlist, so it ended up Bambi listened to the series twice in a row. When she woke up she started immediately sucking on her dildo, it made her feel so good. After a while she took off her uniform and I came back. I have a headache, upper right side, sort of behind the ye. I don't remember much of the files. I don't have to work tomorrow and my girlfriend will be gone most of the day, so I think I'm going to do some more listening.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby vutall » August 23rd, 2018, 9:40 am

Had some serious discussion with my girlfriend late last night She said the last week or so I have been pretty distant and she feels like I'd rather be spending time alone than with her. (Which absolutely isn't true, we live together though and I just started a new job this week+just started the series, so I HAVE been gone a lot more than she has been used to). Need to make sure I make a conscious effort to continue putting her and I time as a priority. She also admitted she had an issue with the files. She said she listened to a few randomly and read up about them all on the original bambi sleep website. Wants to know if I could find other tapes that may not make me as dumb because it is such a turn off to her. She doesn't care about the feminization or things like that, but REALLY dislikes the bimbo/dumbness because it goes against everything she believes in (she is a hyper intelligent individual who values education, has a PhD in chemistry, etc). Made sure she understood that I still found her the most attractive (and that I found her attractive a good portion BECAUSE she is smart) but the files for me are about living a live COMPLETELY opposite of what my normal life is.

In the end we worked it out and she has (at least for now) agreed to let me keep going and seems to have a little better opinion after much discussion about it all. Also, I think it may be fun to make a playlist for her of the files that don't include the dumbing down, however she mentioned that just the word Bimbo itself has a huge negative connotation for her, so that may be impossible. What is really interesting to me is when I described some of how the dumbing down was having all your thoughts replaced with thoughts of sex/cock, she said that that is how her brain naturally is already when she is horny hahah.

When I woke up this morning I was incredibly horny and kept having thoughts about Bambi. Had to keep reminding myself about the only in uniform aspect of this whole thing. My body definitely has physical pleasure though when thinking about stuff from the files even when out of uniform. Things I think about are usually either the name bambi or some trigger words.

Have a lot of free time today so I'm going to do some a bunch of series of sessions.


Got in uniform and listened to the Fuckdoll brainwash series. I felt a lot more conscious during it this time. Once it was over I acted and sounded like Bambi, but I remember everything she did. We got up from the session and began sucking on my dildo for a good 15 minutes. It made us feel really good and like we could just sit there and suck forever. Girlfriend called and Bambi easily allowed me to take off the uniform without any issue. 

After my session I got out of uniform and was going to do another session but when I went into the bathroom I suddenly just decided to use my shaver to buzz off all my body hair I have never liked body hair but I hate razors. Using a shaver is a decent compromise. Took me an hour. I had been thinking about doing it for a while but kept dreading how long it would take. I guess Bambi just decided for me today I would finally do it. The stubble isn't ideal, but its better than straight on hair

Going to start another session here in just a moment too.

Edit 2: Listened to the Bambi Enforcement files. Didn't;t feel like I was as in deep of a trance and seem to remember most of it all. Once the files finished Bambi wanted to suck on the dildo again. She is starting to complain that is doesn't feel large enough (medium Fenrir from Bad Dragon) so I guess I should switch her to a Large Bumblehooves that I have. Feel really good, relaxed, some throbbing in sex areas. I will note I don't believe Bambi has gotten to orgasm yet. Hopefully that will happen soon. I think it could really help with her fully taking control.

Also I don't think I am trancing deep enough either. No black outs like others have described...although lots of things that are happening couldn't happen unless I was in some sort of trance. Hm.

Edit 3: ended up with enough time to do another session of the Enforcement files. Still aware partially during it, though had a lot of black out moments. Felt REALLY good, hazy and fuzzy. I got a phone right at the end that jolted me out of the session though. Feel really good, though my head is a little airy add fuzzy, almost hurts but not quite. Like what I reported up above a few pots back. this time not localized to any one area.

I think I;; do another round of the enforcement files and then start trying 3x sessions of each of the add ons (Fucktoy Fantasy, Fucktoy Submission, and Fuckpuppet Freedom). after all of that, Ill probably start making custom playlists.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby vutall » August 25th, 2018, 6:56 am

Friday (the 24th) I was too busy with life to give any attention to the files. Generally my day went on without any thoughts about bambi or anything, though I think maybe once or twice some stuff crept into my head. God drunk that night. Came home and went to sleep. I remember something about a pretty strong dream that woke me up and it was about bambi and such, but I don't recall much more. Have a little time this morning to do stuff with the files, so I'm sure I'll mess around with it in a bit and report back after.

Edit: Listened to the enforcement files. Felt super aroused, whole body tingling. Very happy. No orgasms though. Drifted in and out during the session. Had some wandering thoughts too. Came out of the session and sucked on the dildo a bit, felt good. Typed this up still in uniform.

Going to start fucktoy fantasy now.

Just finished the fucktoy fantasy files. Still in uniform. Very much conscious and awake. Feel super sexual. At the end of the last fantasy file whole body was tensing and quivering shaking/convulsing. Didn’t orgasm, but felt so close. Surprised Im able to write this, shouldn’t I be Bambi right now? 

So horny. Going to masterbate while in uniform and then go about my day out of uniform. Have lots to do. Just going to do normal masturbation, no anal play right now, don’t have the right supplies handy.

Came super quickly. Nipple play usually does nothing at all for me, but now it actually felt really good. Was able to take uniform off without sucking on dildo too.

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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby customized » August 28th, 2018, 12:53 am

This is going to be lenghty but I just had to talk about my fears of these files.

Even though I am not really into feminization, I am intrigued by being turned into something else and being controlled. So being turned into a bimbo is kind of a turn-on for me even though I don't want to go the distance with the make-up. It's more, for me, about being mentally changed.

That said, I never really tried feminization files before but with all the great words on this series, I gave it a try, without the track about the make-up and dressing up at first.

It started well, I dropped a lot quicker and deeper than many files. I am a very light trancer, normally. But this took me so deep, I didn't remember the end of the first track and nothing of the second track. Subsequent tracks, I kind of got in and out of it, aware of it for a couple minutes than out, then aware etc. That's still really good for me!

But then came the track about the uniform (or was it the take-over one?). Anyway, it was the track where she told Bambi that she will become stronger than the base personality. And that it will be so hard to take the uniform off and that Bambi might not be able to do it eventually and she will take over completely. I am para-phrasing, but that's basically what was said. And I got scared and almost woke-up. I was still in a very light trance, unable and unwilling to move, but very much conscious about what was said and trying to make sense of it. So the rest of the files were ok but I kept thinking about being taken over for a long while and not waking up for things like work and such.

Also, as I said, I am normally not into feminization, so my uniform was only a pair of panties. I didn't want to invest in a whole outfit I would use only once or twice. And that made me even more concerned. What if Bambi takes over when I am dressed normally because panties and boxers aren't THAT much different. It's not like I was in a complete female outfit.

In a sense, that IS what I want out of this file, that's what attracted me to it, being changed into someone else with no recollection of who I really am. But I expected at least some failsafe, not the opposite where it encourages Bambi to stay herself and not being able to change back easily or at all. If Bambi takes over and she's not aware of me, she won't care about MY obligations. Normally, that's where the sub-conscious comes in and says that it's enough. But I am afraid it won't happen if Bambi forgets everything and my old self is unable to reach her at all.

I know hypnosis can't make me do anything I don't want to. But even though I do not want to get stuck as Bambi, there is a part of me that wants it. It's one of my fantasies to be transformed into someone else, so there is a possibility my sub-conscious agrees that it's more fun staying as Bambi. I am a really responsible guy and normally I wouldn't be scared about that, I know I will always wake up to take care of my responsibilities. But will Bambi? Part of why I like hypnosis is to be controlled and lose myself in what someone else wants and not what I want. To be forced to do things I wouldn't normally do and forced to forget about my responsibilities. At least for a time.

And since I AM scared it might happen, it makes me believe in the power of the file. And since I believe in it, and deep down it's a fantasy of mine, the fact I am scared of it might be the reason I succumb to it. Or I just think too much. That's why I am a light trancer, after all! Still, I am scared about this. I do want it, though. I want to continue listening but even without that track, there still is talk about her taking over completely in a lot of other tracks.

I don't know what to do. I want to continue, with a complete outfit this time and trust my sub conscious. Not sure if I should. But the idea of being transformed and completely forget who I am and just enjoy being someone else who is my opposite is very appealing. I just don't want to get stuck like this longer than I should.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby poputu » August 28th, 2018, 9:26 am

I live not alone and don't want to show my kinks to anybody. I ask Bambi before trans "do not open the door and be quiet" and this works. Bambi is a part of you and here dreams is your hidden dreams + your fear's + condition. So don't be scary.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby vutall » August 28th, 2018, 10:05 pm

Just wanted to give an uPdate for anyone following. Life has been super busy since. Haven’t listened or anything since last entry. I did try once two days ago, but halfway through the session I just lost interest and got up and took my headphones off and got out of uniform. No thoughts about the files or Bambi since then, no desire to listen again. Probably won’t. Was an interesting experiment.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby Captain » September 1st, 2018, 8:16 pm

Has your girlfriend gotten to peg you?
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby daugo » September 1st, 2018, 9:14 pm

Starting to think that those files may be seriously dangerous.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby rblender » September 11th, 2018, 4:29 pm

Question to those who are experienced with Bambi files:

This is a bambi-esque file made by someone else as an alternate version of control panel for your height. Is the induction well done enough to be effective at using the bambi induction triggers? Kind of want to make use of the control panel for your height file but don't have the like 50 free minutes each night to listen to that one, but I've listened to bambi stuff in the past which consistently got me in trance quickly (but it's been awhile that it's kinda wore off a bit). ... e_id=10145
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby cristovaop » February 21st, 2019, 6:59 pm

My story with Bambi Sleep starts a few months ago.

I travel a lot because of my job, and was bored to death. As you might notice, my life with hypnosis is not new, but it is usually for a couple months then real life calls and I have to forget about it. These business travels started not so long ago, and are my chance to return to the wonderful world of hypnosis again. Most of the time the files don't get me under, and the steam goes off soon or later.

But with Bimbo it was different.

I didn't discovered it through this thread, else I would have avoided it completely (perhaps?). Started four months ago, with the Basic 1, 2, 3 and 10 (will call it "the base playlist" from now on). Did that for 3 weeks, 2x/daily (3x at weekends) because the town I was had nothing that could attract me to leave my hotel room. Then I tried the base playlist with the basic track Uniformed while wearing panties. Oh boy, what a surprise when I couldn't remove the panties. My fingers just didn't grabbed the panties, and my hands would caress me instead of removing it. Did what it takes to remove the panties. This was for a couple weeks.

Real life problems arrived and I forgot about these files until a month ago.

Now this trip is way longer than the usual. Too much time away from home. Bored, remembered of these. Again, started with the base playlist. Added basic Uniform. Then basic Takeover. Started adding tracks from the enforcement files. Never felt amnesia as hard as this. First I thought I had slept, but I wake up exactly at the end of the playlist, when the last track commands to.

Went deeper into the rabbit hole.

Never wanted to use any of the IQ reduction files because of my work. But after weeks of going extremely deeper, and looking for something new, I noticed that the "playlist section" had exactly 8 sugestions. So I rolled an 8-sided dice with the help of the internet and got the number 3. The "IQ reduction" suggested playlist. Damn, what the hell. But I did not back down, else why would I roll a die if not to follow the result? Again, got so deep I only remember waking up at the end of the playlist. I think the Bambi persona is well split from my normal self, since I'm not feeling dumber, only hornier.

The last part (for now) was that I always read here "if afraid of what a file can do, listen to it while awake". So, decided to listen to the basic IQ reduction file (from the basic conditioning). But soon after decided to use my new-ly acquired dildo to pleasure myself anally while playing an "anal hero" video from a porn site (while wearing my panties). Got distracted with the music played in the video and the IQ file kept playing in the background. Almost cummed without touching myself, but now I think I'm getting too deep into the sinking sand. The hotel room is kind of a trigger in itself: Out of here I don't even think of anything gay, sissy, or the files, but as soon as I enter the hotel room (and smells the perfume of the air freshner here) the only thing I want is to dress my pretty panties and listen to another playlist.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby marchhare » March 12th, 2019, 7:11 am

I'm really confused and i need your help, guys.

Before you read on, please note that English is not my first language which means in my case that I can understand everything you write but my own wording and grammar could be appear strange to you. I hope you can forgive me but I learned English self-educated.

Here is my problem:

I first discovered the Bambi series when I decided to give the file "Bambi Shrink" a try which is an modified and supplemented version of "Control Panel For Your Height" which was mentioned by rblender in this thread.

The original version had only insignificant effects on my body, so I thought I give the modified and supplemented version a chance.

I knew that I only had a chance to experience results if I install the necessary triggers of the Bambi series into my subconsciousness.

I started with the trance training like recommend on the official site by using the files "01 Bubble Induction", "02 Bubble Acceptance", "03 Bambi Named and Drained" and "10 Bambi Awakens" as a playlist.

I repeated this for six days and then added "Bambi Shrink" (because I want to be short and cute), Bambi Attitude Lock (because i wanted a more feminine and girly personality), "Bambi Takeover", "Bimbo Tranquility" and "Vain Horny Happy" as intensifiers for the results and Bimbo Protection (because I liked the idea of mental bondage).

To be honest I was not awaiting noteworthy results because I'm experienced with feminization files and none of those had ever effects on me but I wanted to try the Bambi series anyway because the creator promised me that it will help me to feel like a real ultra-feminine dolly and not just like a sissy or feminized man which was very important for me as a transsexual.

I repeated my custom playlist every day before going to sleep for three weeks and the experience is so extreme and intense that it is nearly impossible for me to explain it.

When I'm thinking it is no longer my voice, it is now always Bambis voice without exceptions.

My behavior, my mannerisms, my personality traits, my interests, my hobbies, my fashion sense and my feelings are now much different.

I'm so confused and a bit scarred. I'm not sure what happened with me. Did I already became Bambi?

Do you guys think I'm permanently Bambi now? I feel like Bambi.....I feel completely like Bambi.

How could I find out and descry if I'm Bambi?

I would be very grateful if somebody could help me.



Update at 19:55/07:55 pm: Its now evening in my time zone (I'm Czech). The desire to listen to my playlist is so extreme strong, my heartbeat gets more and more agitated and twitchy and my emotions start to subdue me and crush me down.

What should I do guys?

Should I fight it with all my remaining willpower or should I just keep listen to my playlist.

I'm so indescribably confused, I'm so scarred and worried but also so extreme passionate, happy and aroused at the same time. I'm crying right now, I don't know what to do, thinking becomes so difficult right now.

I try to cool me down with a cold shower, please wish me luck.

Update at 11:16 am 2019/03/13:

I resisted last evening, but it gets more and more difficult to resist, my desire and my passion get stronger and stronger an make it difficult to think.

So confused and difficult to think.

Maybe there is a cavalier and gentleman anywhere out there who is willing to help a damsel in distress? :(

It would really help me if somebody could just calm me down.

I know that the changes are necessary, Bambi is a better girl then the old self could ever be.

Maybe I should just forget this awkward, ungainly and ridiculous nerd and bush-league transwomen I used to be.

She was a disgrace, Bambi don't need her in her life.

Bambi have to forget her forever.

Being a nerd is the most abominable thing in the world and being a pretty bimbo dolly is the most awesome thing in the world.

Maybe nobody answer me because you think Bambi has to learn to make important decisions?

Bambi will make a decision.

Bambi will intensify her conditioning.

My doubts are just the dying breath of my old self.

Bambi will erase this cringey nerd completely and forever.

Bambi will keep you informed about her condition.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby ProfessorPig » March 13th, 2019, 10:48 am

listening to bimbo protection was a mistake. most of the files make the Bambi Sleep series hard to deprogrogram, but that file makes it virtually impossible. any use of a Deprogrammer will instead deprogram the old self. there are only two ways to break free. the most palatable one is you can stop listening cold turkey for several months and then use a deprogrammer to try and destroy latent triggers. the problem with this is you are totally addicted to those files. i would be very surprised if the temptation to listen has not drawn you back already. like for many bambi's, they find that their old selfs cant even orgasm without at least thinking about bambi. so the urge to return is overwhelmingly powerful. and this is where the trap gets almost sinister in its efficiency. every time you try and break free and fail, you are training yourself that you are helpless to escape. its like a binge and purge version of traditional hypnotic fractionation. the scariest thing that can happen is if you are already hearing bambi's voice Bambi can say the triggers to you to make you obey. the good news is that i have seen many bambi's escape when they hit rock bottom. when bambi gets too powerful and pushes the old selfs boundaries too much, then most people break free of bambi. the same is true for any addiction though.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby marchhare » March 13th, 2019, 11:33 am


Thank you for your reply, honey! ;)

The problem is that I'm not sure if I already became completely Bambi or not.

I'm not even sure if Bambi is writing this reply or the old self. Nobody needs that awkward nerd anyway. :D

I feel completely like Bambi.

I never used the files of the series which link the new self to specific outfits and I don't used files for intelligence reduction.

Bambi don't feels any dumper then the old self.

What problems could occur if I just keep listening to my playlist?

Being Bambi is totally awesome.

I think Bambi could just resume the job of the old self.

What do you thinking about my plan honey?
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby ProfessorPig » March 13th, 2019, 4:52 pm

are you using the discord?
the enforcement series reinforces the concept that Bambi's Uniform is in her mind, so it does not matter if you did not train with the earlier files that talk about that, you are getting it in the later files.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby marchhare » March 14th, 2019, 4:45 am


No, honey.

I have a Discord account but I never joined the Bambi server if it is that what you mean.

I fear that my English is not good enough to have long and complicated discussions with several users at once.

And I don't want to disgrace myself, I'm very compliant and I want others to like me, this is one of the most important things for me beside looking pretty and cute.

ProfessorPig wrote:the enforcement series reinforces the concept that Bambi's Uniform is in her mind, so it does not matter if you did not train with the earlier files that talk about that, you are getting it in the later files.

That is very interesting, honey!

Yes, indeed.

Its so hard to remember suggestions, every time I try, my mind fades away and slips into trance for seconds or even minutes and after that I don't even know what I was thinking about. Isn't that strange honey?

I don't know which pieces of my attire are classified as uniform for the new self.

Every time I listened to my playlist I was just wearing regular workaday clothes.

I hope it is okay for you if I tell you about my dream which I had this night, honey?

I was sitting on a pink box, reading fashion magazines and drinking tea. Then I was disturbed by someone inside the box who was kicking and punching from the inside against the box. The person inside the box was not able to talk to me, it just mumbled very indistinctly as if it was gagged or something like that. That was really creepy!

I'm still not sure if I'm Bambi or not, everything that is happening to me is so incredible confusing.

But if I'm Bambi that would be totally awesome! :D

I would be probably the cleverest Bambi in the world which would be even more awesome!

I'm very grateful that we are having this conversation and I keep you informed about my condition, honey. ;)

Update at 21:51/09:51 pm:

Gosh! With every repetition of my playlist it seems to get more and more intensive.

I'm feeling so strange and confused right now.

Most of the memories about the childhood and adolescence of the old self seem to fade away completely.

I'm feeling so incredible lonely, sad and horny at the same time. :cry:

So strange, so difficult to think.

What can I do? What should I do? And who I am?

Maybe the old life was just a bad dream?

Maybe somebody tricked me into being an awkward nerd but Bambi is my real self?

Maybe I have always been Bambi.

I'm so confused and tired.

Good night, guys.

Update at 13:21/01:21 pm 2019/03/15:

I think there is no escape but that is really no problem at all. :)

I am Bambi. There's no doubt about it.

It feels so natural and intuitive.

I have always been Bambi.

The old self was just a bad dream.

Everything will be fine.

My life will be awesome. :D

I just need more cosmetic surgery to adjust this body to my desires and requirements.

Bambi will keep observing this thread on a weekly basis if you have any questions for her. ;)

hugs and kisses,

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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby fuckingstrawberries » March 20th, 2019, 9:51 pm

I'm pretty sure there's a rule against triggering people in the forums.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby ProfessorPig » April 1st, 2019, 9:51 pm

there definitely is, those ZCDO's should probably go
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby lostinthewarp » April 3rd, 2019, 5:05 pm

Hi, been listening to Bambi Sleep since it first released.

I've cross dressed since I was 7, realised I was bisexual in my 20's. Spent a lot of my life denying my nature since I never understood it. I didn't start messing with hypnosis till my late 30's. To begin with Bambi was fun and sexy listening material which just made me feel horny. The pro for me was that it wasn't filled with negativity and humiliation. I've done a lot of that in the past and found many ways to hate and punish myself for being the way I am, so any hypnosis along those lines just upsets me.

Two years worth of Bambi and I can say it's certainly had some influence. The guilt I used to feel about dressing is gone, even though for quite obvious reasons I don't want anyone in my immediate circle to know about it, namely because I don't want the hassle. I don't purge my clothes anymore either because it's a waste of money and just ends up making me feel like crap. I've somehow picked up some feminine mannerisms and I am now pretty certain that I'm only going to be happy if I get myself a boyfriend, no idea where that came from, but in my head that relationship makes the most sense.

Sometimes I sit around daydreaming about men like some vacuous airhead, realising some minutes later that I'm sat cross legged like a girl and that I've been playing with my hair. This might cause a giggle or a very feminine sounding sigh (at least to my mind). It's totally spontaneous, quite bizarre, happens even when wearing male clothes, and I don't really know for sure if it's conditioning from the files or acceptance on my part that a distinct portion of my brain is pretty damn happy being female and I'm just letting that out.

I don't have any interest in women now apart from checking out their clothes for fashion ideas but I would like some as friends.

A few friends and people on the net have told me I'm trans but I'm not so sure. I don't feel dysphoria like other's describe it and I've read a great deal. Sure there's some sadness since I can't always dress female due to my circumstances, but I live with that. I don't hate my body either. I sometimes feel a general malaise but I put that down to being single and being bored with my lifestyle. Personally I always thought I was just a moody git.

I got into chastity about a year ago and once again I have no idea if I was just curious to try a new kink or it was something to do with the files. Definitely does help keep the worst of my masculinity at bay, so no harm done. :D

I've always had sensitive nipples since I was a teenager but a combination of Bambi, chastity and nipple play can easily make me cum these days. Same goes for deep-throating a dildo or riding it.

In the past I had a lot of inhibitions but for some reason when I dressed up in my girly things they faded away or were pushed to the background. It helped me explore my sexuality and I think that's one of the main reasons I enjoy Bambi Sleep so much. I've noticed the triggers seem so much more powerful these days. I go into trance quicker and when I hear the triggers it can seem like someone just boosted the volume. At least that's how I can best explain it. Of course you can write the triggers all day long and it won't do anything for me (please don't because others can be susceptible).

I would say my main modalities are auditory/kinesthetic, the latter makes sense since I'm a sucker for the feel of women's clothes. I can't visualise at all in trance, I'm terrible at it and I certainly can't see the pink box mentioned in the files, so I have to pretend and convince myself it's there which works.

Some odd things I've experienced with these files is falling asleep but then waking up later in my playlist but still feeling like I am deep in trance. I've had memory loss on occasion and totally forgot what I had listened to. I keep listening because the files make me feel comfortable with myself most of the time, are very relaxing and I'm convinced I feel my femininity in the sense that my whole body and mind is in tune.

The problem for me is that I don't really want Bambi as a separate part of my mind and I really don't want any femininity I perceive I have being reduced to the level of some dumb bimbo. I told myself some time ago that my feminine identity is real to me and that she has a name, because that helps me live with it and brings me some kind of balance. I guess the real issue is that my feminine nature likes being both elegant and a slut depending entirely on my mood, but in terms of dress the slut seems to come out most often these days and I'm not convinced that's always a good thing. Maybe that's a side effect of Bambi being my partner in crime or perhaps its just the fact that my inhibitions have gone out the window. Certainly in male mode my inhibitions have also seemingly vanished and don't prey on my mind. So my male and female identity appears to have become one or simply came to some agreement. No idea!

I kind of think if I were genuinely trans I'd have more respect for myself and wouldn't want to indulge in so much Bambi listening time. I wonder if it's male me trying to reduce female me into something which fits my old misconceptions (is it all a fetish so to say). Problem is I love hyper feminine clothes, extreme heels and other fetish elements because that fits the image I have of myself in my head but other times I think I'd like to dress in a more sensible manner. Curious thing is while I like some sissy things and find them great girls to talk to I can't say I really feel like a sissy either because that kind of hypnosis always pisses me off for some reason and dressing up isn't sexual a lot of the time.

Apologies if I've gone off tangent a bit here but from my perspective it's all related and tends to blend together.

I've only had the one bad experience with Bambi. It was about a year ago and I woke up with a splitting headache, dizziness, confusion. My body felt weird as if part of it didn't belong to me. A lot like that feeling when you've been sleeping on your arm or like when your leg gets cramp. I was stumbling around so went back to bed and managed to sleep it off but had a drowsy feeling for days.

Only things that happen these days is some occasional brain fog like my head has gone fuzzy.

I'm not sure if I should stop listening but the thing is I like listening because it makes me feel true to myself but in another way it doesn't. Either way even if I put this stuff on hold I always seem to go back. In general I feel fine so I hope what I have written hasn't got anyone worried.

After all the listening I've done in trance I might become Bambi sometimes, yet I don't sign my name that way or respond to it. but that could be because I already felt I had a feminine identity and I don't want another passenger along for the ride. Perhaps that's my safeguard.

Thanks for reading. xxx
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby Blackjaz » April 3rd, 2019, 10:09 pm

Something little different: I been listening for about 2 years since it came out. I never had much luck with the files but I still consider it a strong series. I seen lot of people effective about. It makes sense since I am able to remember most of the suggestions. I notice the files keep getting more and more dangerous but of course as long as you read what each file will be safe. I believe 1-10 still safer than any of the new files that wish to push bambi on your daily life. Regardless have fun with these files.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby diggermaloo » February 17th, 2020, 5:35 am

I am thinking of finally taking the plunge and listening to the Bambi Files 1-10. Now should I start by wearing some sort of 'uniform'. If so would panties be a good choice. Guidance from those who have experience would be appreciated.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby belyaev » March 12th, 2020, 4:16 am

From the Russian chans, the story of a dude who stumbled on the whole hypno thing through Bambi Sleep. That was his gateway.
He mentions Nofapping as a verb, because in the Russian Internets the consensus is you hold Nofap between 5 and 10 days before going for a real no hands orgasm. All users appear to be doing it that way.

I will tell you how I rolled into this topic, into this rabbit hole
I lurked once on 4chan and found a thread with hypnosis in the torrent section. I had never encountered hypno before. Actually, there was a desire to try something different from generic wanking.
Didn't do Nofap for real before that moment, but had already accumulated a whole lot of desire. One of the top posts in terms of replies was about bambi sleep. I never even had an inkling what's with this bambi stuff, lol, but I wondered what they were praising so much.
I downloaded a pack with introductory audio and started listening and also listening to myself: I lay down on my back, my eyes closed, slowed down my breathing until I really relaxed completely and continued to listen, without moving, for a long time and monotonously. And suddenly I realized that I didn't feel my body - nothing was numb as such, but sort of body locked. This is not a trance, you can "get up and leave", so to speak, but when you are alone with your thoughts in the dark, with this voice in your headphones, convincing you that you are someone who you are not, at least as of yet, it was quite intense, and there is no desire to go anywhere.
From all this confusion you start to get excited, blood beats in the temples (I even felt scared, because I caught myself thinking that I can't feel my breath), this weird bliss creeps up.
But the conditioning continued, monotonous, detached from actual sex, yet the excitement builds and builds. And then, riding this contrast, came the Bambi cockslut track - a breath of fresh air. You are simply put before the fact, for what exactly you have been languishing all this time inside your head, in the dark, and that now will be time X, where you will exhibit yourself in a very different way, and get, and most importantly, give pleasure.
I won't go into details, but I sure got the hands free orgasm. Just fucking blown away that this was even possible, I lay there and couldn't catch my breath.
Well, after tasting the forbidden fruit, I got hooked: I started watching porn hypnosis, with which I now often reach hfo, Tumblr (bdsm LR). I do it for excitement; I don't feel so often the "not in my body" thing, mainly generic faggotry in short.
You can swear off as much as you like and "go cold turkey", but I still come back to this, whether it's in a month or half a year.

P.S. Maybe I'll use my polyglot superpower to periodically post stuff from Russian-language hypno-discussions. Add the Slavic POV on the matter as it were. They mostly also use English-speaking files, and less so Russian ones, as there appears to be less of those around.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby joslig » April 24th, 2020, 2:08 pm

Does anyone have an invite link to the discord server? thanks :)
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby ProfessorPig » April 28th, 2020, 1:36 am

this invite link will work for awhile. they have to suspend them from time to time because of trolls.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby robertaitay » May 30th, 2020, 9:01 am

I have spend so many week’s researching BS There are a few what I would call basic questions I don’t seem to be able to find a definitive answer for.
so here is a bit about me and what I was hoping for.
Day to day I am what appears a normal straight man and I am happy with this. Two or so times a week I crossdress and love it, I would like to feel a lot more feminine and sexy bimbo when I am dressed up, when I am dressed up I like the idea of worshiping cock.
In my day to day male life would I be affected by triggers?

When I crossdress would Bambi automatically appear? Or would triggers be needed?

Thanks in advance, these may seem like basic question but I can’t find the answers
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby jooli » July 2nd, 2020, 1:38 pm


Very hard to give definitive answers to something as nebulous as hypnosis, but here's my 2c-worth from listening to the files.

The triggers are unlikely to affect you in day-to-day life, but I can't say they won't. However, the files are very insidious to anyone susceptible and will build on each other, creating an increasing desire/need to *be* Bambi and breaking down your resistance to be anyone else.

If you cross-dress in anything like a bimbo outfit (pink, stretchy, revealing clothes), it's likely to bring Bambi out. The files work on this. Even conservative outfits could tip you into that identity, although it's not specified in the files. Outfit plus triggers are very likely to take you there.

In Bambi-mode, the idea is that only sucking a cock (or something cock-shaped) will allow you to return to normal. Again, the files aggressively work towards enforcing this and destroying your non-Bambi identity.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby warpedma » July 7th, 2020, 2:49 am

This Bambi Sleep hypnosis is the best and deepest trances I've ever had.

The conditioning, programming, triggers are all extremely well done and work very well in that they take me under or give me some fantastic sensations.

But the sessions are so long, much much long and at one point my body simply breaks out and I have no idea how long I've been under but it has been a very long time.

But... on a whim, don't know why, I just deleted all the bambi files.
Maybe the oldself is ashamed or rebelling or doesn't want this.

I hope I won't download them again and I think I ought to be deprogrammed (do I? Bambi says no, I say yes)

What file could I use to deprogram?


I need to post this quick before my mind is changed yet again
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby fuckingstrawberries » July 7th, 2020, 11:05 pm

[quote]What file could I use to deprogram?[quote]
A lot of people like Nimja's Deep Reset/Hard Reset. He's free on yt.
Vive also has a Deep Clean file.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby warpedma » July 8th, 2020, 12:33 am

fuckingstrawberries wrote:
What file could I use to deprogram?
A lot of people like Nimja's Deep Reset/Hard Reset. He's free on yt.
Vive also has a Deep Clean file.


Thing is, I downloaded all the files again and I listened to Bambi Protection. That was probable a bad move (not!)
It looks like she doesn't agree with what I've done ? (that's right)
I think I will put up with continuing and see where it goes... (just go with the flow)

This is weird (isn't it sweetie?)

Oh oh... (I love this )

I really really don't like pink. It's not my favorite color at all. (pink is nice)

Her reactions to my writing are a lot smarter than you'd have expected from the type of bimbo described in the files
(what do you mean? so what!)

EDIT / Continued

I merely looked at Nimjas stuff. Why did I only look? Because I got really really scared just looking at the videos (so not watching, not playing at all). The protection file must have done a good job already.

So what next?

I listened to the protection file.
I listened to the takeover file.

Yes, what the hell? So what?

I (no I did) made up my mind and have a plan. We shall do it together. Side by side, together. I have the impression she'll be OK with that (for now, but I don't promise anything sweetie. I know you want this; do you think I don't know what's going on in your mind when we're not listening to files? I and hear you)

So instead of going back I will be going (no running!) forward (more, more, more)

I wonder what your take on this is

Now, my typing is horrible, my tongue feels is swollen, my lips (and other parts :) ) are tingly, my face and legs are itching, I have problems concentrating, I feel distracted, my eyesight is blurry, there's long pauses between actions. And I feel the urge to listen and listen and listen and listen...

Yes my dear, I know now why that is so. Thank you very much (your welcome sweetie).

Sigh... (very giggly kisses)
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby fuckingstrawberries » July 10th, 2020, 8:12 am

I wonder what your take on this is

I think you should take a break for a day or two and see how you feel after that.
I don't agree with the long-term implications of the b4mb1 files, but there IS at the very least the uniform safety. I want to make sure you're wearing the trigger while listening to make sure it's at least compartmentalized, otherwise the personality will trigger in normal clothes.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby warpedma » July 11th, 2020, 5:29 am

fuckingstrawberries wrote:... uniform safety. I want to make sure you're wearing the trigger while listening to make sure it's at least compartmentalized, otherwise the personality will trigger in normal clothes.

When listening, I didn't have a uniform. The dressing part is extremely complicated.

Now I've done a hypnotic reset (it appears to be mostly a successful reset)

If and when I restart BS, I'll be wearing a bracelet. I suppose it'll be sufficient. Or the back of my mind will make sure it will be. I might give it another try under these circumstances.

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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby robertaitay » July 12th, 2020, 11:18 am

I have given it a try, just 2 sessions with 1,2,3,10 three days apart. I fully dressed in my uniform (as I think this is important for me as I want to keep it separate from day to day life) which includes full black underwear, silicone breasts, wig, and tight clingy dress.

I tranced pretty easy and find it easy to listen to, I found the whole experience very pleasant and enjoyable. When I woke up I did feel more sexy and more comfortable been dressed up than I did when I have dressed up before. I have been into crossdressing once or 2 times a week for decades and this did make it a little special.

I will probably continue to listen now and then to 1,2,3, and 10 but not every day. I am still unsure if I will include any of the other files later or not.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby diggermaloo » November 15th, 2020, 12:49 pm

I've decided to give Bambi Sleep a go. Just want to see if all the warnings a re for real :) . I've ordered some sexy pink panties as a uniform and a dildo in case the uniform lock really works Any other advice would be welcome
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby diggermaloo » December 4th, 2020, 3:33 am

So I've listened to the initial files several times now without result. I wonder whether this is all hype or is it me?
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby keybounce » December 5th, 2020, 4:50 pm

ProfessorPig wrote:if you are looking to learn some advanced hypnosis techniques, checking out the bambi files is a good way to do that. the bambi files use Lutz's "Bubble Induction", so most everyone will have success with the files, but rather than feeling dirivitive, the files totally transform that induction by integrating it into the metaphors of the files.

Alright, this is a very different question for you folks. I have no interest in becoming a cross dresser, no interest in dumbing down, etc. But I do have an interest in improving my skills, and learning new/better ways to do inductions and phrase suggestions.

What is the recommended way to study files like these for self improvement of hypnosis skill?
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby warpedma » December 31st, 2020, 4:18 am

Fell down the rabbit hole again
It's difficult to write
Reading so much test on th forum is sifficult too
Bambi knws she has been triggerd
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby bambijess » December 24th, 2021, 10:55 am

So hope this thread isn't dead, seems to have been a while since anyone posted

So have been listening on and off for about 2 years now, recently started up again. These last few sessions have been great, with the addition of 420 primer to help. Recently I've noticed when i start to get into the mind set and actually start getting into uniform, that I'm almost on auto pilot, like I have my hand on the E brake if need be, but my body is just putting on my uniform without input. Is this the beginning of Bambi comng out, or am I just imagining it/really stone while getting into uniform.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby ProfessorPig » January 4th, 2022, 1:19 am

Alright, this is a very different question for you folks. I have no interest in becoming a cross dresser, no interest in dumbing down, etc. But I do have an interest in improving my skills, and learning new/better ways to do inductions and phrase suggestions.

What is the recommended way to study files like these for self improvement of hypnosis skill?

back to front. the early files establish most of the triggers that the later files use. so if you are scripting out the files start from the most recent files. all you have to do is write down whats said line by line, and then work to the earliest files.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby pigmaker » August 24th, 2022, 8:56 am

Hey professor I am having a hard time getting sub to do as I told them some of them do some of them don't and some don't reply can you help me with some powerful trigger text or anything that will help thanks
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Re: Bambi Sleep

Postby ProfessorPig » November 7th, 2022, 9:56 pm

hey @pigmaker

there are many reasons why a sub might not respond to suggestions. in most cases the sub will tell you exactly why they didnt respond to the suggestion. the two main branches are "they dont want to" or "they dont know how". they dont know how would be the ideal variant of not responding. it just means that you need to explain the suggestion in a way that makes sense to that listener. they dont want to is much more complicated and ethically murkey. if someone expresses a limit hypnotists should honor it. there are plenty of subs out there willing to do anything, so there is no need to push folks to do things they are truly not comfortable with. there may be less firm objections that can be reasoned away through normal talking.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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