Hey, again.
For those who don't know 6 months ago I started documenting my experience on listening to a file called Female TakeOver by EMG. Everyday, twice a day for 3 months.
(This file created by EMG makes a little girl age every 1 year for each week listend.. Once she is older than you she takes over your body... ((BULLSHIT)) Anyway continue reading this gets really fucking INTERESTING!
Now Due to the stigma online about this file and how "it takes over your body" I became amazed and fascinated that such a file exists. That a Tulpa can be created by a simple hypnosis file and force-ably take over your body and trap you inside your own mind..
So i decided to test this for myself and not share "fake" stuff to hype people up on listening (NOTE I DONT HAVE A FETISH FOR THIS NOR AM I ATTRACTED TO THE SAME SEX).
Anyway im not going to explain the full situation due to laziness..
But when I was listening to this everyday twice a day for 3 months (1/2 months later I cut this down to once a day). Now around two weeks in she finally told me her name "Emma". Now at the time I thought "Okay, this is all in my head. This is an illusion or something that I can't really explain" Though I determined to continue and document my full experience with this file.
Alright so for quickness ill bullet point what I experienced when I was listening to this file
-Day 4 She giggled faintly for three seconds
-Day 5-7 She whispered gibberish (I only heard this when I fully concentrated on it. I Didnt understand a thing)
-Day 5-7 I started calling her "Big sister" during the 7 days.. No idea why
-Day 7 - 9 faint trance more whispers
-Day 10 Body parts where tingling, twitching then later hearing tiny voices
-Day 11 - 12 When I was in trance EMG said a line in the file saying "Picture how she looks" after this I got a mild headache (The headache went away after about 12 seconds. I then fell into trance
again) While in trance I saw her full face and body for a second. She said her name was Emma or Emily. At the time I couldnt tell what one
-Day 14 Emma started become more clear ever couple of days. Though still quiet and hard to make sense of what shes saying. Now on this day I listened twice in a row. On the second loop my left
temple started to hurt excruciatingly bad (This stopped when I stopped the file)
-Day 15 Emma said to me "I love you" over and over again. I became a little immature (I even became more playful only to myself though)
-Day 35 Nothing new.. Few whispers now and the.. But still quiet when Im really concentrating on it. (I felt like Emma was near me 24/7). Though no takeover...
Now after Day 35 I just couldnt be bothered doing it anymore.. Though I still continued to listen for another 60 days
Day 36 - 90.. Nothing else happened. I concluded that this full file is a psychological thing.. The most this file did after day 36 was make me black out now and again while listening. (Probably due to being tired)..
Alright, now that all that is out the way... The reason that I've came back to this is because.... Well..
I'm soon to be transitioning MTF on HRT and before this year this never EVER crossed my mind.. Literally never.. As for the female name that I chose from day one... its... Emma...
Now first I have to say I have NOT touched this file since mid August... MID AUGUST!!.
The creepy part of all this is I am fully in control.. In fact I even became suicidal during November literally just a month ago. On the 30th I told my doctor everything. He has set up an appointment with a therapist. I believe my mind is 100% clear.. I also believe that im also in control..
I don't know what that file has done to my mind.. But fine I'll accept. I'm 21, I look sort of feminine anyway.. I'll probably pass as a girl. My sexuality hasnt changed. I still love women.
Anyway My final conclusion. I now believe that this file is cursed or something in that file alters your brain over time.. All I will say is this is incredibly fucking amazing.. EMG if you're reading this.. That file is by far the most mind altering thing to probably ever exist online... How you did it I have no clue..
I could be wrong but this file could effect people differently... I'd like for people to document their own experience on this full file.. I would be interested to see other view points on this.
(FULL DOCUMENTS https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?ga ... al&id=5638)