If you are submissive and want to expand that part of your personality, I highly recommend listening to Ocntrl’s files. All of them are great and compliment each other. In particular he has created files to help become more self-identified as a slave from the inside, using our subconscious and our existing desires to become more of who we already want to be. Truly becoming a Slave, feeling and thinking of ourself that way full-time can have obstacles and roadblocks. Ocntrl’s files help remove self limiting beliefs and destroy ego barriers that might make us resistant to owning that identity.
I have been working with his files and I feel the changes beginning to occur subtly and simply. The more you listen, the more you are taken by the suggestions. The files are new so I am giving them time to make changes. The trances feel like bliss.
The files are clear on their intent but they work on a deep, subconscious level that offers collaboration and symbolism that is unique to each person and changes from listen to listen. They really are files to grow with. I am getting more in touch with who I am without and getting more open to Hypnosis.
I will post updates as I spend more time practicing with the files and see what Ocntrl adds to this journey of seeing myself as a slave and only a Slave and enjoying others perceiving me this way too.