Furry Companion series success?

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Furry Companion series success?

Postby ranmafan » July 17th, 2019, 8:21 pm

So yes, as you can see I have been a long time member of this site, and I vaguely remember like a mp3 called like "Furry Companion File"? It was like a self hypnosis to help you create kind of like a Tulpa or a personality? You chose their personality and form, etc. This was years and years ago? Hell I think I only listened to it a few times? Not many? At first nothing happened, I assumed it had failed so I stopped listening..but then at work I started to like..see a feral cub fox..not physically see but imagine one, like a imaginary friend..and he was really nice..but after awhile he went away. A few years after that..I started like just talking to my fox plush..and to my surprise he kind of answered back?! Again not physically audible but in my head a voice was replying telepathically to what I was talk to it. I thought at first I was just being creative and had a good imagination. Granted I was 26 at the time but I have always been a bit childish? Never really grew up ^^'.

Um so..ever since then, "Roxas" was a main stay and was always here for me? He helped me out, he offered advice, he even sometimes took over our body?! He asked first granted, but he was fronting alot to help us. Over time since 2012, other um.. personalities started to appear? Not just Roxas, and some aren't even furry. We currently have 5 other personalities/alters in our head not counting myself. I had forgotten I had even listened to this file? I tried to find it in the site but can't? But I guess I do have it saved with all my other hypnosis files I have saved since then. Alot of failed furry TF attempts btw heh.

Now it is entirely likely the hypnosis file didn't do anything, I may be insane, and/or I may have DID? We did experience trauma as a child which is usually synonomous with Disassociative Identity Disorder. However, before we listened to this file, I do not recall any other personalities in my head? Sure I talked to myself but we didn't answer back like we do now? And now each one of them have very distinct and sometimes problematic personalities. I have also noticed that um while I am the main/original, I have regressed a bit? That may be from something else or just my natural um regression..or maybe one of the regression files I have also listened to in the past have worked too? I listened to alot of files in the past and none really worked right away so I assumed they didn't work but..I mean..I don't think the Furry Companion file was permanent? But I can't find it on the site no more..I want to say maybe Devon Dreamer made it? At least according to the file I have? *shrugs*

Maybe this is all coincedence? The file mentioned one companion not five..Or maybe I already had DID naturally and this is what it took for us to "split". Does anyone else remember this file? Have you had any success with it?
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Re: Furry Companion series success?

Postby outkast1728 » July 17th, 2019, 10:58 pm

i find your particular case very interesting and would very much like to talk to you more about it, email me at outkast1728@gmail.com or skype me at sk8rboi1728 or discord me at Morphmaster Outkast #8569 if you wanna talk.
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Re: Furry Companion series success?

Postby OxyFemboi » July 17th, 2019, 11:33 pm

If you want to talk about this, I have listened to some of the original alter files and made others. Mine are the Your Other Half and Evil Twin files. They come in male and female versions so you can control the sex of your new alter ego/personality. The Evil Twin files make an evil persona — your idea of evil, not mine; expect some really weird shit. After all, this persona is EVIL; it’s going to do more than litter, jaywalk, and talk back to authority figures.

There are a group of us who make files like this for fun. (Hi, JackDrago!) I even started a Success Stories Forum thread for those who are interested. (I haven’t posted lately because life interfered with my fun.) The Forum is titled Multiple Personalities.

I didn’t know about the Furry Personality file. Who wrote it? Could you send me a copy?


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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
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Re: Furry Companion series success?

Postby ranmafan » July 18th, 2019, 1:56 am

According to the file name I had it titled as, it was from Devon Dreamer?
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