The forced gay success thread...

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby jacktag » January 5th, 2021, 2:35 pm

Guys, I started out using this file partially as a joke and partially out of natural curiosity a few years ago. I had never dated men nor felt an interest in them.

Yesterday, my husband and I got married. This stuff is real.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby bostonmarc » January 8th, 2021, 2:29 pm

by jacktag » 05 Jan 2021 20:35

Guys, I started out using this file partially as a joke and partially out of natural curiosity a few years ago. I had never dated men nor felt an interest in them.

Yesterday, my husband and I got married. This stuff is real.

CONGRATULATIONS. This was one of the first WMM files I ever heard and it is very powerful. Many success stories with this file this is great to hear!
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby OxyFemboi » January 8th, 2021, 5:04 pm

Jacktag wrote:

Guys, I started out using this file partially as a joke and partially out of natural curiosity a few years ago. I had never dated men nor felt an interest in them.

Yesterday, my husband and I got married. This stuff is real.

Peace Love Unity Respect

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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby davidrb » January 10th, 2021, 11:46 am

jacktag wrote:Guys, I started out using this file partially as a joke and partially out of natural curiosity ... Yesterday, my husband and I got married. This stuff is real.

This is why I keep coming back to the file and back to read the successes here. I expect/hope someday to have the same opportunity.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby smooth9 » January 14th, 2021, 11:26 am

After over a year of listening to the gay hypnosis files I have found through this site off and on, I thought I would share my own personal experience. After a lot of introspection and deep meditation, I believe I understand how these files have helped me. The conclusions I have drawn for myself may not apply to everyone, but I know how lonely and difficult my personal journey has felt so if someone else can get some insight from this, then that is great.

To start, I am married to a woman and have led my entire life to date as a "straight" guy to others. Internally, looking back on my life, I know that I had occasional same sex thoughts as far back as 12 years old and had them periodically throughout the years but they were always pretty rare, very periodic, and never very intense. I always figured this was just an occasional kinky thing I allowed myself to indulge in. Like so many others who post in here, I would often feel a sense of deep disgust and embarrassment afterwards. I always justified these urges to myself as just a passing fad, "being gay" was something that happened to or was meant for other people, not me. I'm a masculine, athletic, alpha male type in public so how could I possibly ever be gay?

But yet, there was always something very intriguing to me about being hypnotized and controlled which led me to this site. So, I wondered, if I tried this "gay hypnosis" might I get some clues as to why these urges would periodically come around and then go away? I dove in, especially with Jack Drago's work along with files I've found in other places such as YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. Initially, these files were intoxicating and EXTREMELY arousing. As I realized how turned on I was by being forced to accept some of these vague gay thoughts I had always had and not just accept but actually EXPAND on them, I got scared. After 1-2 months of intense listening, I backed off - primarily because I could no longer perform sexually with my wife. But the urges continued to intensify even after regular listening. I think this is where the "Curse" comes in for the Gay Curse file so many listen to - it doesn't necessarily take a ton of listens for these files to have the desired effect if you truly go deep. I still find certain phrases echoing around in my head. The thoughts begin to become OVERWHELMING, where fantasizing about men was no longer an option, but an absolute NEED and CRAVING.

I begin to find things attractive about men that I never did before. Their bodies, their butts, their crotches, men in tight underwear, even body hair (this one shocked the hell out of me). I began to embrace a newfound attraction to masculinity of all types - manly men as well as twinks. There was one thing though that took longer than others to recognize and as I read this thread I know this is the same for many others - and that's faces. Why are faces the last thing to come to so many of us? Why do so many of us feel disgust afterwards? This leads me to my conclusion - this is for me, may be the same for others, may not.

I believe that the primary answers for those last 2 questions is that I had what is known as "internalized homophobia". Even if I treated gay people well and was for equality, I had a deep dark fear that I was one of them. Looking at a man in the face, forces us to acknowledge that attraction which can be intensely uncomfortable if you have any internalized homophobia. These hypnosis files have finally helped me to overcome that. The hypnosis intensified my lust for men so much that it just simply FORCED me to confront these formerly minor thoughts once and for all and make sense of them. The hypnosis kept forcing me and reinforcing me to think of men in new and different ways that was again, intoxicating. The hypnosis lit up the pleasure centers in my brain whenever I thought of men amplifying even the slightest urges immensely.

Which leads me to now. I am now attracted to every part of a man, their personalities, their chests, their strength, everything I listed above AND - last but definitely not least, their faces. This completes the cycle. I no longer feel ashamed or disgusted afterwards - instead I think, "when can I do this again?". While I do believe sexuality is a spectrum for all of us, with very few people being at 100%, I believe that gay hypnosis has taken me from about 95% straight to 98% Gay. Yes, I still acknowledge beautiful women, but do I fantasize about sex with them? Nah, boring. Nothing gets my pulse racing anymore like men. I won't say I never think about women sexually anymore, but let's just say I can't really finish to them. Men have to come in at some point. So are these files solely responsible for making me a Gay man? Probably not 100%, but they took the tiny seed that exists in nearly all of us and waters it, feeds it and allows it to grow until it takes over your life. So in summary, I think if you have any inkling or the slightest interest in being open to men and you are capable of going deep, you can accomplish your goal of becoming a Gay man.

If you aren't sure about going down this path, tread lightly here. Am I regretful that I went down this path even though I was living a pretty happy and content life before while being straight? No, I do not regret my transformation even though I remain married to a (so far unaware) woman. I may be in a straight marriage at the moment, but that does not mean I am a straight man - far from it. Straight men do not think the things I think and do the things I do. (Note: I have not physically cheated on my wife at this point, any references to "what I do" above involve chat, phone, video, etc. I recognize that when my marriage ends I will seek to date men, and only men. This post is just the next logical step for me in my acceptance process, which is identification that I am now a Gay man.

If anyone has any questions or just wants someone understanding to talk to, feel free to message me any time :) Hope this helps someone.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby kyroc » March 5th, 2021, 10:38 am

Several years back I found this website and was intrigued by CFG.
I was 19 or so when I began listening to it and thought the whole reaction to this file was a bit much.

Still, I was morbidly curious and decided to listen to it.
Biggest change of my life. Eventually I got more and more invested into gay porn and appreciating men's bodies in general.
It was a gradual experience.

Eventually I became less and less interested in women, and for awhile I panicked and stopped listening. Didn't work lol.

Anyways, years later I'm dating this awesome dude and I'm loving life. I'm so much happier with men than I ever was with women, and I just want to make this dude happy. He's....really fucking great.

TLDR This file works

Just enjoy the ride dude. I was in your position in the past and it's very difficult to stop midway least in my experience.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby jacktag » March 10th, 2021, 5:12 pm

It fascinates me and my husband to watch guy after guy approach this file with the same story. You come to it thinking it's bizarre. It can't possibly be real. You have weird, incredulous curiosity; so you listen anyway. You find that the thrill/kink of it all turns you on a little bit so you keep listening and jacking off, thinking that you'll leave it behind you when the file is done and you've come. Then suddenly you find that your dreams are changing or you notice a guy in a locker room or a bar. You freak out and stop listening, thinking this couldn't possibly be real - right? That wasn't actually the file, it was something else. But then you can't beat it; you're too turned on. Some eventually you come back. And the attraction grows.

Next thing you know you find yourself hooking up with a girl but imagining she has a cock. Or hooking up with a girl and being unable to perform. Your porn habits change. Eventually you go onto Tinder or Bumble and change the settings to dudes - but just for a second, right? You get responses and quickly delete them all and change back to women. But then a few nights later you try it again and actually talk to the guys. Then before you know it you've met up with one. You have an actual encounter. You kiss or suck a cock. Then you REALLY freak out and try to purge it all.

But eventually, guy after guy after guy who does this ends up with a boyfriend, out, and in many cases (see my case) married to a man.

Point being - if you listen to this file, YOU WILL BECOME GAY. IT WILL HAPPEN. Be warned.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby Hawk_Spain » March 17th, 2021, 8:20 pm

I feeel "IT HAPPEN" CFG did the 1st job, but @JackDrago, finished it with difference.
I only had some hot chats with guys...still didnt dare to meet in person
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby warren101 » March 29th, 2021, 3:05 pm

I am new to Hypnosis and very interested in forced changes such as Bambisleep and the Forced gay files. I started Bambisleep on 2-25-21 and switched to Forced gay on 3-01-21. I do not think that I was going into trance however after talking to grover27 I probably did go into a trance. Now I am also using EMG's TrainSusceptable and I am almost certain that I go into trance. I have read almost every post on The forced gay thread and I am convinced that the file will work. However the only change that I notice is that I do want to listen to the file. Today I sat out side at a sidewalk coffee shop and women still get me highly aroused but men still do nothing. I am older and married and with the kids grown and out of the house. I have no idea how my wife will react if I turn gay however I do not intend to tell her. I intend to keep my post updated when I notice any changes and feel free to give me any advice that might help me with Forced Gay. Thanks.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby stephen292 » April 26th, 2021, 9:25 am

I have always been mildly bi/curious. Always liked the idea of sex with men but never found them attractive. Have had sex with a man which I enjoyed but felt awful afterwards like it was a massive mistake. Listened to the file last night. I haven't noticed any attraction to men or a desire to be with them. However, the thought of being with a woman doesn't feel right having listened and makes me feel a little queasy. I hope the queasiness goes away as I have a strong urge to listen again.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby stephen292 » April 27th, 2021, 1:35 pm

Listened again last night and had dreams about sex with men. I work in a shop and today at work I saw a man and thought he was cute which has never happened to me before. later I saw a woman with a good body in a short skirt but had no interest in her. Starting to think I have made a mistake but I am still really want to listen again.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby dickdodger69 » April 29th, 2021, 1:23 am

stephen292 wrote:Listened again last night and had dreams about sex with men. I work in a shop and today at work I saw a man and thought he was cute which has never happened to me before. later I saw a woman with a good body in a short skirt but had no interest in her. Starting to think I have made a mistake but I am still really want to listen again.

Keep listening and soon you will realize as did those of us who came before you that this was not a mistake instead it’s the best decision you ever made. I hope to soon welcome you to the brotherhood of former straight men aka happy turnees. Our to use one of my favorite humorous sayings. Come to the gay side we have fabulous cookies.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby stephen292 » May 8th, 2021, 5:07 pm

Thanks for the advice Dodger and those cookies do sound nice :D
Said it was a mistake to listen in my last post but still listened again that night. I found i had a desire for men but no attraction to them but i had lost all interest in women. That freaked me out a bit and managed to go a week without listening but had a huge urge to listen again so i just did, although the version where the stuff about women is edited out hoping it makes listening a bit easier. Will probably listen again tomorrow.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby selfbiped » May 9th, 2021, 6:59 am

Slightly off topic, but not fully: does anyone here have any thoughts on why it looks like the forced gay files work so much better than the forced straight ones? What is it about these that makes them so much more effective vs. Curse Forced Straight, because that file has very little testimony compared to this one.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby RockHard98007 » May 11th, 2021, 11:02 pm

It may be that there are more men who desire Forced Gay to work FOR THEMSELVES, as opposed to men who want Forced Straight to work FOR SOMEONE ELSE (parents, wife/girlfriend, society in general).

Deep-seated desires have a way of coming out eventually.

Pun intended.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby grover27 » May 12th, 2021, 11:37 am

I have never done any of the the forced gay files, as I have a real fear that they may actually work too well, but I have skimmed them to see what they are like. I'll throw out an alternative theory. There is a very common theme in hypnosis of submitting and obeying and I think there is a general appeal to going into trance and submitting to the words of the hypnotist. Take that idea a step further and think of a guy being told to submit and obey and while he's at it, submit to other men, maybe suck some cock and give his ass up to another guy. Now compare that to Hetero conversion files that tell you to submit and obey to the words of the tist, yet also be a dominant masculine guy that wants to go out and dick down some women. I am not saying it's impossible by any means, but as I have explored enhancing my masculinity, dominance and "alpha-ness" with hypnosis, I have found that those more empowering suggestions are much harder to take on than the submissive ones. I have also found that once they do take, I no longer am interested in hypnosis because I don't want to be told to submit and obey or otherwise be told what to do - "who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?"...until it wears off a bit and I go back around again to craving some hypnotic submission and the cycle starts over again.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby warren101 » May 12th, 2021, 1:47 pm

Hello Grover. I have an update on Gay Forced. First though I think that you are correct that submissive files will work more often than the the files that you are using. For me the Gay Forced file is starting to work. I can tell that I have some gay feelings, but it has not made a dent in my massive desire for women. I will be continuing with Gay Forced.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby MasterJack » May 12th, 2021, 2:34 pm

The submissive aspect is what draws me the sissy/gay stuff. I was into she male porn since the age of 16, and I wanted to date/be a top for a shemale for absolutely ages. But after I transferred to sissy porn and then sissy hypno (the video kind), I wanted to take more of the submissive role. Problem was I had way too much guilt, shame, and fears over being gay or a sissy and coming out (or dating a shemale), so having those feelings strongly reinforced with a file like this would have been emotional hell for me (I remember reading someone on here who was absolutely torn by this file because of this). Now I've worked on these negative emotions in recent years, it really is no big deal, and my family and society would have accepted it if I came out as gay, it was really my own emotional issues/fears that prevented me from going down this route.

Sometimes I wish I could go back before I was married, work on those negative emotions, and come out as gay to family/society, and then I'd just be a submissive sissy in the bedroom (which family/society wouldn't know about). It would have been a win win, because the stigma of being gay today in society and my families generation is pretty much non existent and mostly accepted, compared to being a full time sissy or trans which still has strong stigmas attached to them. But alas I'm married now, and I'm not someone who would divorce her over my sexual desires, as we both love each other and get on great. And getting pegged doesn't have the same appeal for me, we tried it, and women don't know how to fuck. Crazy thing is I would have made a great looking sissy, as I have effeminate features.

But the submissive aspect is probably what appeals to me the most. There's something appealing to me about someone else doing all the work, and you just taking it and being used, while feeling so sexy in lingerie and feeling so submissive and feminine.
No longer distributing my files.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby grover27 » May 12th, 2021, 7:12 pm

warren101 wrote: For me the Gay Forced file is starting to work. I can tell that I have some gay feelings, but it has not made a dent in my massive desire for women. I will be continuing with Gay Forced.

Hi warren - I think it would be cool to get more depth on these forums at times. You say you have a massive desire for women. What's your story? Age? Relationship status? And most importantly, as a primarily str8 guy, what do you think the appeal is to you for this file? I'm married and switching sides would majorly mess up my life in many ways. However, the temptation for me I believe is the erotic fantasy of such a major transformation. I somehow stumbled into gay porn a few years ago as some strange side effect to some hypno but for me the appeal is sort of the novel taboo fantasy. I'm not so attracted to guys in real life. However, I think I would be a good candidate to be legitimately influenced by these files given how susceptible I am to hypnosis and where I already am at. Just curious to hear others' stories about why they want to get into this file.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby warren101 » May 14th, 2021, 1:45 pm

Hello Grover. Ever since High School I have had cravings for women and I have never had any thoughts about men in a sexual way. Even in the locker rooms I never thought it. I read on here that we all have some Gay in us so I am probably in the 1% group. If Gay Success works on me than than maybe I started with more than we think. I am married, age 70 and still in decent shape. We had a great sex life until I had prostate cancer. Unable to get hard enough I was thinking about someone else for my wife if she wanted to. Well she did not however that is how I became interested in hypnosis and I discovered this website. As it turns out I am mainly interested in the forcing aspects of the files. I will never leave my wife for another women or man. And my wife knows that I am into hypnosis but not what files I use. They are EMG's Curse Forced Gay, Sarnoga's The Curse of The Teeny Weenie, and Bambi Sleep. I say that Force gay is working because I am now interested in looking at guys in underwear and at their cocks in straight porn. Because of the cancer I am starting with only 4" and 1/2 hard. When soft about 2" and normal balls. ( I am going to measure them, I need a cloth tape measure). I try to listen to Forced Gay and Teeny Weenie daily. I stopped Bambi sleep until I can edit part of the induction because the file is just too long for me. I really want Forced gay and the Feminizing to work. And I might try to get my wife to "follow along" with me. (Grover as an aside I do not think that Amber " I need some help" will make it after the baby is born.) Thanks for reading my ramblings.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby grover27 » May 14th, 2021, 6:51 pm

Thanks for sharing Warren. I really appreciate the candidness and I think it lends some depth to this forum. I have used erotic hypnosis to add some "safe" kink into my otherwise asexual life. My marriage is fairly sexless, though I am energized to try to fix that. However, I can understand where you are and how there would be an exciting kink to switching sides. Again, I think there is a submissive nature to all of this. I'm 6" but I think I have looked at too much porn and feel like less of a man compared to all of the 8" studs you see in porn. I also don't last very long so those two things have fucked up my psyche. Being submissive sexually when you feel inferior can be an appealing avenue. I'm working to rise up beyond this feeling but I totally get it. I have read this very long forum and it is definitely erotic in its own way to hear about straight men who have been turned by hypnosis. It's definitely one of the most enjoyable forums on here. As to that other forum, I believe you and I are on the same page in our feelings, unfortunately. I'm rooting for them all but I keep getting disappointed. I don't think I can read it anymore. :roll:
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby Alien4420 » May 17th, 2021, 6:54 am

Hi warren - I think it would be cool to get more depth on these forums at times. You say you have a massive desire for women. What's your story? Age? Relationship status? And most importantly, as a primarily str8 guy, what do you think the appeal is to you for this file? I'm married and switching sides would majorly mess up my life in many ways. However, the temptation for me I believe is the erotic fantasy of such a major transformation. I somehow stumbled into gay porn a few years ago as some strange side effect to some hypno but for me the appeal is sort of the novel taboo fantasy. I'm not so attracted to guys in real life. However, I think I would be a good candidate to be legitimately influenced by these files given how susceptible I am to hypnosis and where I already am at. Just curious to hear others' stories about why they want to get into this file.

I think the submissive thing was what got me. I'd already listened to Stroke Sissy but managed to stop before it went too far -- that was a close call -- so I knew how powerful these curse files could be. I'm still OK with being a sissy even thought it used to gross me out.

Anyway, one day I imagined myself turning gay and hugging another man and it felt really humiliating, but a turn-on. So heart pounding, I listened to another gay file here, I think it was also EMG's, but a lot milder than CFG, not a curse. After I listened to that, it made me want to listen to Curse Forced Gay. I thought I could ignore the gay only suggestions and it would make me bi -- really dumb. But it gradually changed me over a period of several months. The last thing that changed was my attraction to male faces, EMG forgot to include that in the file so I was kind of grossed out by them, but I listened to another file that programmed you for that and now it's inconceivable to me not to be attracted to them.

Anyway, I spent months trying to escape, even ordered the undo file, but nothing worked. I got more and more used to being gay and everyone else got used to thinking of me as gay, they just thought I was coming out of the closet. Recently, I was watching some kind of live feed and two guys were going at it, and suddenly I got super turned on by someone using my ass, and the funny thing is, when I think about that, I start to talk gay, without meaning or trying to. It's as if having my sexual focus on being the receptive partner makes my voice feminine. Before that I liked taking it from the rear but I was still focus on my own cock rather than my partner pleasuring himself in me.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby intfan » June 1st, 2021, 2:13 am

I'm a married man (to a woman) and I have children. I had gay experiences when I was younger, but I felt ashamed of them and convinced myself that I should be heterosexual.

I think it's because of religious upbringing and my circle of heterosexual friends that have ingrained that I should be attracted to women.

Listening to gay hypno audio in the past few months has been a revelation to me. I find it liberating to not having to force myself to be attracted to women and allow myself to find men to be sexy and desirable. I now look at images of beautiful women and I no longer feel attracted to them. And lately, I now have to think of a big sexy cock in order to get hard so that I can have sex with my wife.

I am scared but I like the changes that are going on inside of me. I no longer feel ashamed of my past gay experiences and I am embracing my true gay self.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby intfan » June 1st, 2021, 7:39 pm

I was out walking today and one thing that I've noticed is that I am naturally inclined to notice women and to determine if they're attractive or not. So when I was out and about and spotted women from a distance, I caught myself noticing them but immediately felt that this was incorrect. I then told myself to make it a point to look for attractive guys and check them out. I noticed one guy who was well built and I appreciated his face and his body. The hypnosis is having its effect on me.

It's all so very frightening and yet exciting. I am a married man but I feel that my entire sexual paradigm has been wrong for all of these years. I snuggled with my wife this morning but I did so in a more platonic way and listened to her and just enjoying the conversation. Before the hypnosis, I always felt that I had to constantly get her interested sexually in me. And lately, I'm not getting as hard for her and I have to think about cock to be able to perform sexually. She is now the one who initiates having sex, but she does this once per week. She doesn't know about my gay past and tendencies, but we do share a dildo that I use on her and she will use on me. Maybe she suspects that I have gay inclinations.

Another thing is that I look at images of beautiful nude women, but I just feel neutral when I view them now. I notice their nice hair, hips and breasts but these don't sexually excite me. If I look at pictures of big sexy cocks, I immediately feel a fire burning inside of me and I get aroused, and very hard. I'm discovering a side of myself that I've repressed all of these years. I never had the courage to pursue my gay life because my family and friends were very traditional and heterosexual. When I was young, I was bullied and called a fag even though back then, I didn't think of myself that way. But if I see video footage of myself, my gaydar definitely can sense my effete personality--so this is something that I've always had as part of my nature.

There is something quite liberating about not having to be attracted to women. In the heterosexual world, there is constant competition among males as to who will get the women. As I was looking at myself in the mirror, I thought of ways to improve my body and make myself more attractive to men. I was sitting down and instead of placing myself in a macho posture, I found myself sitting more demurely and elegantly (swishy). I bend over and pick things and I perk my ass up imagining a hot guy with a big cock putting it inside of me.

I still have an inner voice telling me that it is wrong to do this because I have to remain loyal to my family--but this is fading and losing effect. I don't necessarily need to have sex with a guy right now, but I like the idea of thinking of myself being gay and not being attracted to women at all. My heterosexuality is fading and that just feels right.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby intfan » June 2nd, 2021, 6:55 am

Some more observations:

-I used to feel anxiety about my wife when she pulled away from me sexually and emotionally. Now I am of the mindset that I can give her space and I'm not so worried if she is losing interest in me.
-I looked at myself in the mirror last night without a shirt and I told myself that I needed to lose my belly fat in order to get a sixpack and make myself more attractive to other guys. I didn't snack in between meals like I used to because I want to get a better body. I also want to wear more stylish clothing and not these horrible short-sleeved T-Shirts
-I think that as the effect of gay hypnosis (along with CFG) continues to get me deeper into embracing my homosexuality, that I will cease to get an erection with my wife. I've already had a couple of episodes where it took me several minutes of jerking off in front of her to get a suitable erection

Eventually, she might start wondering why I no longer get hard for her. I'm slowly working myself up to the point where I want to tell her that I am a gay man and let the chips fall where they may. If I can't satisfy her sexually, she might need to be with another man for sex?
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby warren101 » June 2nd, 2021, 9:34 am

This might be crude but the possibility of your wife having a lover (lovers) and letting you be gay could be fantastic. I even you.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby intfan » June 2nd, 2021, 8:11 pm

warren101 wrote:This might be crude but the possibility of your wife having a lover (lovers) and letting you be gay could be fantastic. I even you.

I think that would be an ideal arrangement, if it could happen. As I lose my sexual attraction for women and my wife, she would need a sexual outlet if I cannot satisfy her. We have some kinks we share among ourselves—we have a dildo and I will sometimes wear a cock cage for fun.

Today my wife laid next to me and we cuddled. She was clearly giving me signals that she was horny. But as much as I tried to muster arousal in myself, I knew that I was not going to get hard no matter what I did. I even thought of sexy men and their cocks, but I was not feeling it—her proximity to me was turning me off sexually. While I used to love sucking pussy, I was actually repulsed by the smell this time. Her lovely big breasts, feminine curves, and wide breeding hips used to drive me wild but this time I was staying limp. I still appreciated the aesthetics of her body, but it did not inspire erotic arousal. So all I did was get her off by stimulating her clitoris. The good thing is that my anxiety about not being able to perform with her was substantially less this time. If I cannot get hard with her anymore, I will just penetrate her with a dildo without initiating intercourse.

As a test later on, I looked for sexy images of men with their cocks—I immediately had a hard-on and I felt very good. I then looked at images of sexy women and my erection quickly calmed down. Later on, I spotted an attractive man and an attractive woman walking outside my window. Without even thinking about it, I checked out the man and did not give the woman any second thought.

I think a lot of heterosexual impulses are taken for granted. I realized this the other day when I had the natural inclination to check women out in public. I never knew I was doing this reflexively at a subconscious level. But now with the hypnosis, I am being deprogrammed from these behaviours. At first I was telling myself not to check out women, but to look out for good looking guys. But now, this is coming to me naturally.

Another thing I’ve done is stopped consuming conservative media. I cannot stand right wing talk radio anymore and the bigotry they espouse. I’ve become a liberal, believe it or not. My being a conservative was largely borne out of trying to cling to heteronormativity and traditional society.

These changes just feel right for me. I don’t know if it’s because these are new thoughts and the fact of the novelty factor of gay taboos being broken. But thinking about it, I’ve always tried to keep up a macho heterosexual image that was causing me anxiety. I wonder if others have had permanent long lasting effects of gay hypnosis, years after they first indulged in it?
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby intfan » June 14th, 2021, 2:14 am

So I've stopped listening to CFG and other gay hypnosis audio files. I decided that I was going too far deep into the rabbit hole of homosexual hedonism. If I was not married with kids where my family depends on me to be reliable and successful, I would totally be listening to gay hypno and bask in the glory of pleasuring cocks and being pleasured by cocks.

It took about a week of not listening for the effects to taper off. I was really convinced that I was a gay man and I also believed that women were not sexually attractive to me. I think that being gay is a good option for young men who don't want to have to deal with the pressures of being heterosexual. In the hetero world, you are competing against other men for the limited supply of women. There is no such issues in the gay world as every gay man (or even bi-curious man) is a potential sexual and romantic partner.

So while my attraction to women is coming back to me now, I don't think I'll ever be free of the gay curse that has been planted into me. I still think of cocks and how sexy and delicious they look. While I'm not attracted to most men, I did like looking at twink porn.

Anyway, I will quietly abandon gay hypnosis but the seeds have already been planted. I have the potential to becoming a fully fledged gay man.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby outkast1728 » June 14th, 2021, 7:25 pm

If you still have the thoughts now even after Stopping then you need to just admit yourself to you're not straight anymore and give up this fallacy Of yours
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby warren101 » June 16th, 2021, 10:43 am

Intfan said. (So I've stopped listening to CFG and other gay hypnosis audio files. I decided that I was going too far deep into the rabbit hole of homosexual hedonism. ). I am saying do not quit completely. Remember the day will come when the children are out of the house and maybe the wife might leave you at sometime. Right now you seem to be Bi sexual and this is the time to slowly work on your wife to take a lover and/or get her into hypnosis. Think about the great possibilities that you might be able to bring about. For me I do not think that you can ever go too deep into any rabbit hole.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby kyroc » June 16th, 2021, 11:28 pm

Small update:
Still gay, still happy as hell. That's basically it haha.

intfan wrote:So I've stopped listening to CFG and other gay hypnosis audio files. I decided that I was going too far deep into the rabbit hole of homosexual hedonism. If I was not married with kids where my family depends on me to be reliable and successful, I would totally be listening to gay hypno and bask in the glory of pleasuring cocks and being pleasured by cocks.

It took about a week of not listening for the effects to taper off. I was really convinced that I was a gay man and I also believed that women were not sexually attractive to me. I think that being gay is a good option for young men who don't want to have to deal with the pressures of being heterosexual. In the hetero world, you are competing against other men for the limited supply of women. There is no such issues in the gay world as every gay man (or even bi-curious man) is a potential sexual and romantic partner.

So while my attraction to women is coming back to me now, I don't think I'll ever be free of the gay curse that has been planted into me. I still think of cocks and how sexy and delicious they look. While I'm not attracted to most men, I did like looking at twink porn.

Anyway, I will quietly abandon gay hypnosis but the seeds have already been planted. I have the potential to becoming a fully fledged gay man.

I never understood why anyone would destroy their marriage or ruin their kid's lives because of some late-life realization that they were bi/gay. Happens more often that some people think. (Or destroying their marriage for some other selfish reason) For whatever it's worth, I think you're making the right choice. When someone's married they stop living for themselves alone, after all.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby MasterJack » June 17th, 2021, 6:22 am

I agree, just stay off the files, it's not worth ruining your marriage for it, neither all the upset it will cause. Think of your wife and children.

It really is all an illusion/delusion/fantasy/filtered reality at the end of the day. The person who named this website was right on the money when he called it Warp My Mind. Your mind really does get warped. Even me a month ago was ready to leave my wife after one hypnosis session (that's right only after one time) of my own custom hypnosis file I made for becoming transgender. The power of suggestion is powerfully strong, and if I had reinforced that belief, I probably would have gone down that road. Thankfully it wore off, and I'm going back in the natural direction with my sexuality for my wife (with a little bit of help with hypnosis). Even the whole submissive/sissy aspect doesn't appeal to me anymore, and I only posted about that here last month, so it shows how easily our desires and tastes can change.

So it's not worth throwing it all away, especially if you're in a good relationship and married, but the only thing suffering is your sex life. As this website has proved, sex is anything you make it to be, so why throw away the other 95% of your relationship just for the 5% of when you have sex.
No longer distributing my files.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby grover27 » June 17th, 2021, 1:22 pm

Damn. I had to login just to jump on this pile. MasterJack is reading my mail (as the expression goes). I often have to check myself before I wreck myself. I often think the clearest my mind gets is when I wake up at 4am some mornings to take a piss. I'm there and reality hits me and I think, I can't imagine if I actually did X, Y or Z for real. Like reality just hits me there. Or when I'm on vacation with my family and having a great time and think "Wow, I could have easily done some crazy shit to have fucked this up and I would have missed out on these experiences." And kyroc is right on the money too. When you are married and have kids, life is about more than just you. You made a decision and people depend on you, even more than you may think. You can't fuck that shit up just because you allowed your mind to get warped. Hypnosis wears off for the most part, but your family is forever. It is fun to escape and imagine a different you and a different life. I get the appeal of all of these transformations, but ultimately, transforming to a better you is always going to be the right decision.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » June 17th, 2021, 2:19 pm

That's right!
grover27 wrote:...transforming to a better you is always going to be the right decision.

Transforming is the BEST part of hypnosis.
Whether it's transforming into a kinkier you -or- using hypnotherapy to stop nail-biting... a better you is within reach when you're ready. Isn't it great being a member of WMM?
The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken.

Check out my latest journal entry: here.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby grover27 » June 17th, 2021, 7:30 pm

Well said as always MN_FriendlyGuy. The beauty of hypnosis truly is its ability to transform you like nothing else. You can truly try on different mindsets - test out being a sissy, gay, straight, submissive, dominant, a diaper wetter, a bodybuilder, a dumb jock, a bimbo or a himbo or perhaps a strong confident alpha male. There are many paths to take and many places our journeys can take us. You may find your true calling or your better self. You may find a mind that you like to experience but know it is not for you long term - much like visiting a city that you enjoy visiting but would never want to move to but sometimes visiting that city inspires you to check out other cities and gives you the desire to move from where you currently live to a new place that is ultimately better for you than where you were and that is what hypnosis can be for you when you open your mind up to the experience.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby sfierrens » June 29th, 2021, 7:51 am

I began listening to this file and countless others over a decade ago. There were times I purged but always came back. My ex-wife and I divorced 5 years ago, she's much happier now as am I. Last year I began transitioning from MtF. I finally feel free to be the real me I was hiding all my life.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby kquill » August 17th, 2021, 2:24 pm

I'm curious about what it's like to listen to this file. Is it like a meditation or more of an erotic experience? Do you go into a trance or do you sit there stroking yourself while you listen? I ask because I'm looking for a new jerkoff experience and this file seems quite kinky.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby warren101 » August 18th, 2021, 9:50 am

@kquill I can tell you that this is a high risk file depending on whether or not you want to be gay or straight. If you will read this forum you will find many stories of straight to gay conversions, using CFG. However let me tell you my experiences with it. I started using CFG on or about 03-01-21. I also started with other feminizing files 1 month later. I truly wanted CFG to work because at my age there would be no damage to my marriage or life style if I turned Gay with no desire for women. CFG has not worked with me. Other feminizing files are working on me (from EMG) so I know that I am going into trance. Even today I still listen once a week because it is a very erotic file. So I hope that you will listen to CFG and let us all know what happens to you. Thanks.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby stephen292 » August 22nd, 2021, 3:49 pm

I haven't listened to the file for a few months, but when I was listening to the file, i would go into a trance. I wouldn't stroke while listening but i did find after listening that i was stroking a lot more then i normally would and i still get aroused thinking about the file. As Warren says, it is a high risk file on whether you want to be straight or gay. I listened about 4 times in a week and lost all interest in women. Even now they aren't as attractive or interesting to me as they used to be. I don't find men attractive but am more interested in them then i was and i even find myself thinking of myself as gay alot of the time. It is quite addictive too as i had a strong desire to listen again every time i listened and would often go back to the file after a few days or a week without listening. It's probably been 2 or 3 months since i last listened, but I still have a strong desire to listen again and last week found myself listening to the trainsexmen files and always come back to this forum to read stories about the file.

In summery, if you just want to jerk off, this isn't the file for you. There are other files for that. This is a powerful file that gets inside your head. It hasn't made me gay yet, but it probably will. I don't want to lose attraction to women and it really scared me when it first started happening, but now i'm more ok with it. If you are in a relationship with a woman, don't listen. However, if you are single and ok with the idea, try listening to the file. I just wish it had more on finding men attractive, especially their faces.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby femboy420 » September 13th, 2021, 7:33 pm

I cant believe how effective these files are its all true. Ive avoided posting in the past because it would make it more true that Ive become gay among other things. I started out being curious about dick but now I want the whole man. Since Ive stopped fighting it and started listening to hypnos regularly my attraction to men is skyrocketing and love the fact that imagining kissing a man and sucking his dick turns me on in ways no woman can and the more I accept this the more I want to take the last step. I downloaded grindr and hope to have my first big dick in my mouth soon. Wish me luck!
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby warren101 » September 19th, 2021, 5:43 pm

It has only been a month since I stated that the Forced Gay file does not seem to be working for me. Last week I suddenly realized that I am wrong. My mind is now telling me that I have to find a guy to use for oral sex. For those of you that did not read my first post I started CFG about 03-01-21 and up to a week ago I had no effect from listening to CFG an average of 2 times a week. I wanted CFG to force me into being gay and for there to be no way out for me. We do not know if that will happen but I hope that it does. I am assuming that to help the curse take full hold that I find and suck someone. I will also step up my listening to 3 to 4 times a week. Now that it appears to be working I will report about the effects more often.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby dickdodger69 » September 20th, 2021, 10:01 am

femboy420 and warren101 have both discovered there is no escaping this file. Once you boys have found the right hot well hung gay man you will kneel before him. I promise once you take his big dick in your mouth and he shoots a big thick creamy load of yummy cum down your throat you will both be goners. There will be no more pussy for either of you as you will both be totally gay and worship big dicks.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby warren101 » October 11th, 2021, 10:14 am

@dickdodger69 Dickdodger you are absolutely correct. The urge to suck has become over whelming. 4 days ago I went to a local gay bar and I met a somewhat straight guy that stated that he was there only to get sucked. We went to his place and I was thinking that I can not go though with sucking him. We started and I could not stop. I kept thinking ( do not let him cum in my mouth ) however I could not stop. He came and I actually swished the cum around in my mouth as if it was wine. And I swallowed. I am writhing this in the morning and I will be seeing him to night. I think that I am totally hooked on sucking. As I am writing this the thought of sucking is will not leave my mind. We can now claim that CFG will work on anyone. I still have a lot of heterosexual feelings and almost no desire to go further with men, other than sucking. Does anyone on this forum know of another file (paid or free) that might help to make my gay conversion complete. CFG might still do it but I want to pushed into the complete Gay lifestyle with no desire for female sex. Thanks. @femboy420 we want to hear from you about your success.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby chrispyre » October 13th, 2021, 6:16 pm

warren101 wrote:@dickdodger69 Dickdodger you are absolutely correct. The urge to suck has become over whelming. 4 days ago I went to a local gay bar and I met a somewhat straight guy that stated that he was there only to get sucked. We went to his place and I was thinking that I can not go though with sucking him. We started and I could not stop. I kept thinking ( do not let him cum in my mouth ) however I could not stop. He came and I actually swished the cum around in my mouth as if it was wine. And I swallowed. I am writhing this in the morning and I will be seeing him to night. I think that I am totally hooked on sucking. As I am writing this the thought of sucking is will not leave my mind. We can now claim that CFG will work on anyone. I still have a lot of heterosexual feelings and almost no desire to go further with men, other than sucking. Does anyone on this forum know of another file (paid or free) that might help to make my gay conversion complete. CFG might still do it but I want to pushed into the complete Gay lifestyle with no desire for female sex. Thanks. @femboy420 we want to hear from you about your success.

I have a file called Bisexual Man Fucker. It’s a sexuality neutral file meant to instill a strong desire to top other men. It’s not gonna make you explicitly bi, but it could provide another avenue through which you can begin to appreciate men.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby femboy420 » October 21st, 2021, 1:33 am

Are there any gay forums anywhere other than reddit?
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby stephen292 » November 2nd, 2021, 1:58 pm

Hi guys.
Just a quick update. I'm still mainly attracted to women but have no real sexual interest in them any more. Have been fantasying about sex with men but didn't find any attractive. However, over the last few days I have started to find some men attractive and today I actually set one of my online dating profiles from straight to gay. I can't believe I have done that as I always thought I would never show my face on a gay site. I'll probably lose my nerve tomorrow and set it back, but at the moment I'm ok with it and have already received a like.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby intfan » November 3rd, 2021, 2:19 am

While I haven't listened to CFG since a few months ago, I find myself looking at sexy cocks online and feeling comfortable admiring and being aroused by the images. I sometimes imagine what it would be like to have life of a gay man, dressing like a gay man, having sex with men, kissing them, sucking their cocks, having a boyfriend or even a husband. These thoughts burn a fire inside of me.

When I have sex with my wife, I often have to think of cock or sexy men in order to get hard enough to penetrate her properly. My orgasms with her do not feel as pleasurable as they used to when we have sex. I am also repulsed her vagina. I think cocks are much nicer to look at.

I think I want to listen to CFG again and live this alternate reality, at least in my mind. CFG and other gay hypnosis files have planted the seeds and it's having a permanent, lasting effect on me.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby outkast1728 » November 4th, 2021, 8:18 pm

Congrats intfan, you've successfully made the transition and are officially on the other side of the Kinsey scale with your gay preferences. Best of luck on your travels down this rainbow road we call homosexuality
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby intfan » November 9th, 2021, 7:17 am

outkast1728 wrote:Congrats intfan, you've successfully made the transition and are officially on the other side of the Kinsey scale with your gay preferences. Best of luck on your travels down this rainbow road we call homosexuality

Thank you. The less I feel attracted to women, the less anxiety that I have about keeping up pretenses and I feel so much more free and liberated. I've discovered a whole new world of desiring to being with a man and to enjoy cock. I no longer feel compelled to look at women and find them desirable.

When I see a vagina, I can't help but want to vomit. And come to think of it, I've never liked the smell or the taste of vagina. A cock is much better tasting, and I so want to taste cum in my mouth after I make my future lover cum inside of it.

I feel like this is how I was meant to be. I have turned against heterosexuality and all of its trappings. I have finally won the victory over myself now that I know that I love men and I love cock.

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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby intfan » November 10th, 2021, 4:52 am

I just masturbated to gay porn after listening to CFG. I orgasmed and ejaculated a lot of semen. Normally, I would normally feel shame about having cummed to gay videos and think "oh my, what have I done?", but now I feel at peace with myself. My natural instincts are becoming more and more homosexual and my heterosexuality is withering away. I've lost interest in vagina and breasts and now, women's faces no longer get my attention like they used to by inclination.

I now want to avoid having sex with my wife going forward, especially if I will be masturbating to gay porn more often and I might not be up to the task of penetrating her. I know what I am saying here sounds cruel, but my wife has been distant as of late anyway. Perhaps she can sense the changes going inside of me, or maybe she needs some space, or perhaps she is not as attracted to me like she used to be. Maybe she needs a "real" man to give her company and sexual pleasure.

I suppose I could listen to other hypnosis videos to turn me back, but the truth is, I like feeling this way. I enjoy being attracted to men and I am perfectly happy not being attracted to women any longer.
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