Dear Not Much,
"Now that your totally incontinent..." God... That is so cool to see in your post.
No. I'm still totally stoked by this hole thing. Most likely I'll eventually start getting annoyed by the horny netgeeks that want to hear the story as they "spank the monkey". But for now...

It's still new and shinny. And I'm still willing to talk about it with other ABDLs.
There are a few people that know how I've dun it. And that it was intentional. My roommates know of course, and there are a couple of the AB/DL girls over on FetLife that are interested in doing the same thing, that I've told the hole truth to. Either that or I'm being catfished.
I've also told my therapist. And once a month, she has five of us in an LGBTQ group session, on Friday nights, that I have told the entire truth too.
But for the most part no. Most people don't need to know the whole truth. My supervisors all "know" I'm having "problems". And have started wearing diapers to work, under my scrubs. But working in the dementia ward of the local nursing home here in town, most of my coworkers expect to smell BM at work. And when I'm at work or out and about I don't spend a lot of time in a BM diaper. Once I'm certain it's dun I just take my "bag" to the "tubroom" and change. For the most part, most people are too busy with their own lives to give a s*** one way or the other.
I've had a couple BMs in the car of course. But I know where there are a couple of gas station restrooms here in town that I can use to clean up.
The other afternoon I pooped in the local Target. (Right there in front of all the pursues.) But they have a "family restroom" that I can change in.
I normally BM two or three times per day. So it's not a constant "problem" (insert alligator tears here.) like my bladder. My bladder dribbles all the time now. So it only takes three or four minutes before I realize there's a wet spot in my fresh diaper again.
I've even started dribbling when I'm in the shower. And have started using a changingpad, to minimise the "mess".when I change.
Bottom line here? I know it's not the kind of thing that most people can understand. But for ME it was the only decision that actually made any sense... Or made me happy. And it was the only decision that I wanted to make.
It did take some hemming-and-hawing back and forth, as to whether or not I really wanted to use the fourth file. But in the end I knew I was going to do it. And the only thing about it that "bothers" me. Is why the f*** didn't I do it years ago?