I love being impotent

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I love being impotent

Postby notmuchdownunder » August 1st, 2021, 9:46 pm

As a result of penis shrinking files here, I am down to 2" maximum, usually 1", with tiny balls to match. Always limp, and impossible to get any type of erection. I can't even masturbate now. I was asked a question in another post which I might answer in more detail here. The question was if the shrinking in particular might lead to gender dysphoria.

In some cases, maybe it might. But my case is sort of the other way around. I have, or maybe it's past tense now, had gender dysphoria for a very long time. So at least having barely noticeable male genitalia is kind of nice in that way. I am also asexual - not as a result of hypnosis or kink, but that is the way I am, though it took far too long to figure it out! So again with that, not being able to get erect is now a convenient excuse if I ever find myself in the position of needing one (which I don't want to) - "Sorry, I can't have sex because I'm impotent." No need to say I deliberately made myself that way. :) Or I could just say I'm asexual, of course, but maybe I like the idea of the reactions to my impotence more for some reason.

I'm also more overtly gay now, thanks to other files here like Heterosexuality Eraser. So here I am - gay, asexual and with an impotent, limp, tiny penis.

So that's the way it is with me. It's probably going to be different for everyone else, and I'm sure the idea of gender dysphoria for anyone else shrinking their penis is actually something worth considering. Myself though, I'm very happy about it all!
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby Marian » August 2nd, 2021, 2:45 am

You are not alone :)
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby member47 » August 2nd, 2021, 4:27 am

Not having any luck with shrinking files myself :(
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby notmuchdownunder » August 2nd, 2021, 5:30 am

Marian wrote:You are not alone :)

Always good to know. :) Even if still a bit surprising.
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Joined: November 21st, 2020, 1:28 am

Re: I love being impotent

Postby notmuchdownunder » December 30th, 2021, 8:56 pm

I'm typing this on the last day of 2021, and it occurred to me that one of the highlights for me of an otherwise bizarre year in so many ways, is the fact that I now do have an impotent, tiny 2"-at-most penis. Everything I wrote in the original post still applies, and it all happened due to a couple of the files here on WMM.

I'm very thankful for that!

Just thought it was worth mentioning. :) Nice to have something positive in these strange times.
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby over_the_edge_please » December 31st, 2021, 9:39 am

I to am impotent. For me it started a bit differently. I absolutely love doing deep dives into individual audio files or into a theme of audio files. As for themes I explore them to see if they would work. One of my best examples of a deep dive into a theme is to see if using hypnosis could i become impotent and not longer be able to have erections. Using many files mostly from this site i began my journey with the intent that if i was successful i could and would undo the "damage" using other files. I did not start wanting this to permeate only wishing to see if i could do it. This is a classic, Be careful what you wish for tale. Over a few month i became more and more successful and as my success grew it excited me more and more. The more it worked the prouder i became. I was not fully aware that embedded in some of the files were the suggestions to feel this way! I am so happy and proud of what I accomplished i never wish to undo it.

Another deep dive with grand success I've done is listening to an email slave file for more that a year now. It's not the EMG one rather a different file with a different email Subject trigger. Let me know if you want to know more about that.
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby notmuchdownunder » July 31st, 2022, 2:32 am

It's getting close to a year since I posted, and everything I said then still applies now. I love that my penis is staying tiny - generally 1", or 2" at most. Soft and flaccid all the time. I'm unable to get an erection even if I inadvertently have some horny thoughts, which I try hard to avoid just in case it might bring on some joke of a semi-erection. :) I hate any sort of erection now.

I've always enjoyed role playing, so I've joined an online group for erectile dysfunction, playing the role of a straight man with ED, and Viagra hasn't worked, and I am frustrated with being unable to get hard! I've also told them about my miniscule dick, and they're being quite understanding about it.

Playing this role would have been good cause for masturbation in the old days for me, but now I seriously, physically can't do it. I can play with my nipples to get an almost-similar effect, but there is no way to release, so the feelings just go round and round inside me until I stop.

This is pretty much living the dream as far as I'm concerned.

I might go and talk to the guy in the ED group who has offered to help me with my "problem". Could be interesting.
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby warren101 » July 31st, 2022, 8:44 am

@notmuchdownunder: Please tell us what shrinking files you used. If there is some reason that you can not post the info please message it to me. Thanks.
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby notmuchdownunder » July 31st, 2022, 8:39 pm

warren101 wrote:@notmuchdownunder: Please tell us what shrinking files you used. If there is some reason that you can not post the info please message it to me. Thanks.

Hi, I've just made a list of those I have used - not all at the same time. Some are curses, some are subliminal etc. Problem is I couldn't find any of them here on WMM any more. One or two were from elsewhere, or you might be able to find elsewhere eg YouTube.

Penis_Shrinking_And_Impotence_Training_Loop_(MP3, male or female voice)
forced Penis & Testes shrink powerful Subliminal
Get your penis become super tiny -Subliminal power-
Elena McIvor - Eternal Limpness Pack (http://esuccubus.com/content/eternal-limpness)

Not sure how much that helps but there it is!
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby notmuchdownunder » August 2nd, 2022, 5:39 am

My latest thing is buying boys underwear, about a size smaller than my normal. They are generally designed for a pre-pubescent sized cock which mine is now, and I should be able to tuck my micro-dick in nicely with the smaller size. Plus they have cute designs.

I've just ordered some boys briefs and some boxers from eBay. Something to look forward to!
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby notmuchdownunder » September 30th, 2022, 11:43 pm

I was just having a look at various "crossdresser bulge" pictures on the internet, to see how I responded nowadays.

There were two main reactions. One - I love the idea that all these women had much bigger dicks than me. Two - I remained resolutely limp and tiny at not much more than an inch, despite feeling turned on. I really am impotent for life. :D I can't see any way to change it, so good thing I don't want to!

Also, last night I had a very gay-themed dream. It didn't involve sex, but just me with a bunch of other gays, being accepted as such. There was some element of us all being bullied for being gay, but we helped each other through it somehow, and I was feeling part of the group deeply, through that shared experience.

Thanks (seriously, big THANKS) to various files here, I am now gay, impotent, tiny-dicked - and feeling all the better for it. It's all just a natural part of me now, anytime, anywhere!

So, it can happen.
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby seekingimpotence1980 » October 13th, 2022, 6:27 am


Just a quick post as I'm at work, but I have just rediscovered this site since originally joining in 2020. I have achieved impotence with the Esuccubus Eternal Limpness files, now in my 6th month. After some initial hesitance I now really want to shrink my penis down to nothing liliterally as small as possible. Found a subliminal last night on Youtube but haven't seen any results yet.

Looking forward to hopefully enjoying the 'terrible success' others allude to in terms of shrinkage :)
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Re: I love being impotent

Postby notmuchdownunder » October 28th, 2022, 9:39 pm

I'm not going to make a file of it, but I've just written an affirmation that I'll record for myself, and I think I'll loop it and play on headphones while I sleep, to confirm and strengthen my correct memories about my impotence and gayness. If anyone else wants to adapt it for their own (non-commercial) purposes, please do!

"My penis has been tiny and impotent my whole life.

It never grew beyond childhood.

I have also been gay my whole life.

With males or females or transgender, every single sexual experience has been frustrating, embarrassing and pointless because of my tiny, impotent dick.

I cannot get, let alone maintain any type of erection. Touching my penis gives no pleasure or any arousal at all.

This has always been the case, and I acknowledge that fact now.

It started at school with a sex attempt with [insert name, male or female] and has continued ever since.

Any memories I think I have of masturbation or even effective sex with any man or woman - they are all false and only an attempt to hide the embarrassing reality every time of my impotence and my tiny, soft, useless, insensitive penis. I can admit to this reality now.

It’s OK that I am impotent and totally incapable of any type of sex. It is purely a physical thing, as a response to a pelvic floor disorder that has proven incapable of being fixed, despite so many attempts [or include your own reason instead].

I am impotent, tiny-dicked and gay / queer, and I always have been. That is reality. And it’s all right."

It's worth reinforcing all the above as true, as far as I'm concerned.
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