My Journey: From Commando to Cum Addict

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My Journey: From Commando to Cum Addict

Postby mozart29 » November 15th, 2022, 4:38 pm

It all started here in the dare thread. I was looking for a fun little challenge. Dares in the past had left me unaffected. I think it really does depend on the dare and its conditions, the intent of the darer, and the quality of the file. But someone sent me a DM on the side daring me to listen to Jackstock's Full Time Commando.

Full Time Commando is an incredible file, and at the time, gave me one of the deepest, most fulfilling trances I've ever felt. As I continued listening; I found myself willingly shedding my underwear to go along with the suggestions. And after about a week, I started to think about the futility of underwear. At first I didn't know if the hypnosis was working or if it had just exposed me to a truth I'd been ignorant of. Underwear are terribly uncomfortable and completely unnecessary, and I resolved to rid myself of them. As I continued to listen, this sense deepened, and eventually I disposed of my underwear entirely. I will never go back to wearing them; and honestly wonder why so many of us do.

But the success with Full Time Commando left me wanting more. So I maintained communication with my darer, and I began to listen to files that encouraged me to obey their dares. The next series of dares I received centered around premature ejaculation. Over the course of these files, I worked my way into a minute man, and often even quicker. I would often find myself getting aroused just by the feeling of my cock and balls bouncing free in my pants. A bumpy road is sometimes enough to send me into a drippy mess; and that led wonderfully into me being dared to listen to Never Fully Flaccid.

Never Fully Flaccid has been like a constant reminder of my capacity for arousal. Just what I think I'm focused on something else; my mind drifts back to sexual thoughts and drives me back from the edge of being soft. Wearing no underwear, I find myself bulging often, and dripping precum even more. I love the feeling of self lubrication so much that I started listening to CCP and taking pygeum supplements in order to increase my production. My cock is never dry at this point, and I've got precum running down my leg more often than not.

Following all this focus on my own cock, my next dare was to listen to FocusCock. I think I was always a little bi-curious; but I identified as straight. Now I can't get enough cock. Not only have I found myself enamored by cock whenever I'm masturbating; I find myself enjoying cock worship trance videos and spending vast amounts of time obsessing over trans porn sites and subreddits, as nothing gets me dripping more than a big cock trans girl. My constant state of at-least-semi-arousal drives me to seek out this content constantly, and my ability to cum in seconds rather than minutes means I've got plenty of opportunity to cum for it. I find myself in a cycle of constant semi-arousal leading to dripping lust leading to quickly cumming and leading to a quick recovery with constant semi-arousal taking right back over. I haven't counted how many times I cum a day, but I have to imagine it's consistently between 5-10 times.

And with all that cum, why let it go to waste? My most recent dare was to listen to cum addition. I've wanted to try my cum in the past, but I've always chickened out after cumming. With my dare, I followed through, and even though I recoiled a bit on my first successes, I've grown to love the taste. I'm obsessively reaching into my pants to take a taste of my precum, and I do everything I can to produce more cum, cum more often, and drink more and more cum. I can't get enough anymore, the feeling of cum sliding across my tongue is amazing, and I'm honestly feeling compelled to start seeking out others to supply cum, as I max out my own production. I've never had any sort of gay encounter before, but sucking cum direct from the source just seems too good.

So this is my journey. I can keep things together long enough to keep my life on the rails, for sure. But the second my guard comes down, I'm a constantly aroused, constantly masturbating, cock obsessed, cum addicted minuteman. And I couldn't be happier with the change. It feels so good to let myself feel this pleasure and become so sexually activated. I hope you enjoyed my success story!
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Joined: March 23rd, 2006, 1:00 am

Re: My Journey: From Commando to Cum Addict

Postby RockHard98007 » November 18th, 2022, 1:20 am

Thank you for sharing this. It was incredibly hot!
Posts: 15
Joined: May 1st, 2005, 12:00 am

Re: My Journey: From Commando to Cum Addict

Postby activecanada » December 18th, 2022, 8:34 pm

That was an inspiring story! And hot too! I've read it 6 times. It's evident that you have been programmed in a way that makes you vulnerable to continuous unsolicited pleasure, which seems like à wonderful result. What would you change if you could? What does Pygeum do? :!: :?:
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Joined: May 3rd, 2019, 9:33 pm

Re: My Journey: From Commando to Cum Addict

Postby blueyezluver92 » December 20th, 2022, 2:07 am

Yeah love the story. I love the thought of doing something so scandalous, I'm pretty shy and I thought why not just go for it? So I'm listening to oldmancockslut right now, and omg I kind of regret listening to it. I love how nervous I am and the thought of doing it is just overwhelming. I didn't think I was going to go through with it but I'm 99% sure I'm going to do it. Its all I can think about, anyway I wanted to add my little experience so far.
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Joined: December 7th, 2021, 7:10 pm

Re: My Journey: From Commando to Cum Addict

Postby mozart29 » December 20th, 2022, 10:44 am

I only wish I'd been less inhibited about diving in headfirst.

I've been taking pygeum to increase the volume of my ejaculation. I've also began taking Vitamin B6 and Mucuna Prurines to try and reduce/eliminate my refactory period after cumming. I've been training for constant arousal, com production and premature ejaculation with a hypnotist called Goddess Athalia who has a number of free older files available online, and several even better paid files.

I don't think my cock is ever dry at this point, I'm pretty much constantly always dripping down my legs. Without underwear, thin material is basically out of the question if I need to go out in public, but it feels so good to have the constant reminder of my arousal, and be so close to orgasm at all times.

My goal at this point is to lose all control of when I cum. To be thrown to orgasm by the sight of an attractive person, to have to hold back and disguise public orgasms, and to pop off more and more often, constantly flooded with sexual pleasure.
Posts: 8
Joined: March 23rd, 2006, 1:00 am

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