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PostPosted: January 22nd, 2007, 12:10 pm
by mindcontrolmaster
I'm looking for someone, preferably a younger man (but willing to make some exceptions) who would be willing to listen to this file and become my email slave. PM if interested.

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2007, 8:21 pm
by lil0red0lightning

PostPosted: January 24th, 2007, 12:00 am
by hexagon77
justkusa what happened? i send you and email... got an reply.. and when i send another one ~20 mins later i got an error message "This account has been disabled or discontinued [#102]", and then i have to find out that you also deleted all of your postings here??

Seems to be a way too strange combination to be just a mischance.

PostPosted: January 24th, 2007, 10:03 pm
by BeefWellington
Yeah, I had this happen to a person or two I knew too. One also cancelled their account, the other just erased their posts. In fact, looking at this thread, a small amount of people just erase their post of the contact, but leave other stuff in. Kinda suspisious...
Just glanced at the thread. Anyone happen to see any of them lately, or am I just paranoid and worried for nothing?

One of them sounds really gone, which is creepy, and one I used to talk to, but then just asked me to stop emailing her. Anyone else have info?

PostPosted: January 25th, 2007, 11:55 am
by hexagon77
well justkusa more or less disappeared on me in the middle of an "email-chat", were talking about what we may try out tomorrow when one of my emails suddenly produced that error message....
The complete yahoo account has been deleted, from one moment to the other more or less.. combined with the fact that we were in the middle of a "chat" this looks really suspicious.

Well i am still in contact with one from that list, so i don't think that all of them are "gone", they may just have decided to stop using that files, or to take it to a more private level.


PostPosted: January 27th, 2007, 10:53 am
by Dudejock
Hey, well I've listened to the file for a bit now... might as well try it out, have fun! and just to let people know im due for a haircut next week, any suggestions? maybe nothing too short :D

PostPosted: February 7th, 2007, 1:57 pm
by mat2blue
i sent out a few e-mails. if i get anything i'll let you know

PostPosted: February 10th, 2007, 2:19 pm
by mat2blue
It's been a few days and nothing... :(

PostPosted: February 11th, 2007, 11:42 am
by mat2blue
got a reply today! i guess it does work!

PostPosted: February 11th, 2007, 2:28 pm
by hypnomath
Hi, I have been listening to the email slave file for a while now and this seems like the place people go to when they want others to help them test the file. Could some people help me test the file please...

PostPosted: February 12th, 2007, 7:25 pm
by hypnomath
I am an Email slave.

PostPosted: February 20th, 2007, 6:55 pm
by etrain911
someone send me one

PostPosted: February 21st, 2007, 9:57 am
by diapergurl
someone enslave me please

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 12:41 pm
by Diapered_Cherub
Diaperburl: I've tried sending an e-mail to you, and every time (While I was trying to contact you) I had my e-mails returned with the reason stating there was no such address. Therefore I will say it again and for all to read.....


PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 1:23 pm
by PatientLord
Diapered_Cherub wrote:Diaperburl: I've tried sending an e-mail to you, and every time (While I was trying to contact you) I had my e-mails returned with the reason stating there was no such address. Therefore I will say it again and for all to read.....


30 seconds and yahoo profiles proves that it does exist. Mellow out. It is quite possible that she doesn't want to talk to you.

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 1:28 pm
by demigraff
PatientLord wrote:30 seconds and yahoo profiles proves that it does exist. Mellow out. It is quite possible that she doesn't want to talk to you.

I remember this guy accusing people of being fakes before.
Even if someone was going to fake listening to this file, what would be the point in posting a dud address? It makes no sense at all ... and when the alleged fake is responding to email commands from other people, it just looks like one lone nut trying to be disruptive.

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2007, 1:29 pm
by demigraff
PatientLord wrote:30 seconds and yahoo profiles proves that it does exist. Mellow out. It is quite possible that she doesn't want to talk to you.

I remember this guy accusing people of being fakes before.
Even if someone was going to fake listening to this file, what would be the point in posting a dud address? It makes no sense at all ... and when the alleged fake is responding to email commands from other people, it just looks like one lone nut trying to be disruptive.

PostPosted: February 24th, 2007, 1:12 am
by Diapered_Cherub
yeah, what ever,, if you want to protect the fakes, go ahead, it's your business. I'm just telling what I have experienced with these people. perhaps I should have just remain a lurker and watched the fakes from afar.
Don't get me wrong in the point that the files are entertaining to listen to,, but for them to actually work,,, I think is a load of crap. Your position is made clear and now so is mine. That said I'm done with this thread

PostPosted: February 24th, 2007, 8:11 am
by Blink
Diapered_Cherub wrote:Don't get me wrong in the point that the files are entertaining to listen to,, but for them to actually work,,, I think is a load of crap.

OK,I thinkI'm beginning to understand. It seems you saying that the files don't really work, so anyone who posts positive results is a liar.

I'd been wondering how you could be so certain about whether someone was following a posthypnotic suggestion by looking at a forum message.

If I've got it right, would you mind telling me how you know the files don't work? I'd like to fake it better in the future. :D

-- Blink

PostPosted: February 24th, 2007, 3:16 pm
by Diapered_Cherub
Blink wrote:If I've got it right, would you mind telling me how you know the files don't work? I'd like to fake it better in the future. :D
-- Blink

Diapered_Cherub wrote: Your position is made clear and now so is mine. That said I'm done with this thread

I said exactly what I meant. If other do not agree that is fine. That is what this forum is about.

PostPosted: February 24th, 2007, 10:26 pm
by lexigirl
-Email edited out upon request of my new master-

PostPosted: February 24th, 2007, 11:16 pm
by 9hg7u
Diapered_Cherub wrote:
Blink wrote:If I've got it right, would you mind telling me how you know the files don't work? I'd like to fake it better in the future. :D
-- Blink

Diapered_Cherub wrote: Your position is made clear and now so is mine. That said I'm done with this thread

I said exactly what I meant. If other do not agree that is fine. That is what this forum is about.

soo your saying all the files are fake?,hmmm....... :?

PostPosted: February 25th, 2007, 1:07 am
by jjlynn20
Well I think that people who actually do get the files to work, wouldn't go about throwing their e-mails out so easily. Or would they o.O?

I wouldn't, instead I would scout the forums for a few weeks (and listen to the file daily), then find somebody that is willing and I have somewhat of trust, at least a little, tell him what I'm into and see if it works from there.

Honestly though, I probably wouldn't even find somebody from here to test it. Scary stuff (and fun! but I like being cautious more...).

PostPosted: February 25th, 2007, 8:12 am
by Blink
I'll just say that my experience is 180 degrees away from Diapered_Cherub. While I certainly respect alternative viewpoints, I am still interested in the foundations that support them, if any.

I have exactly two issues with this turn of this thread.

If someone doesn't believe the stuff works, why is he or she here? Honestly, it's like a vegetarian going to a steakhouse.

Leaving aside anyone's motives for doing so, I'll say that hanging around in the middle of the Success Stories forum and beating up on those who claim success is, at the very best, rude.

Now I'm done, too.

-- Blink

PostPosted: February 25th, 2007, 8:50 am
by hexagon77
Well i have found someone really special through this thread here. She was not faking it, but also had no real clue what the file will or may do. It was more a "hey so many post here, this file must be one that works good"-thing. So she was pretty amazed and more or less scared when she found out what she was in for, what almost made her stop using all the hypnosis stuff.

I am glad that i was able to show her, that this can also be something pretty interesting, and if used in the right way, can make her time really enjoyable. So nope not only fakers here. But often people that have really no clue how strong this file may be, or what it really does. Most of those i contacted here, didn't really have a clue what was going on, more or less a "wow so many replies/postings, this file must really work, lets try that one"-thing. The many postings about the email slave file seems to make it attractive to many, as they just want to see a fast success, not really reading the description or caring about it, like "haha i will never be a slave, but lets just try it". This seems to be the main reason why that really many uses that file.

So i see it as task to contact almost everyone who posts here in this thread, and ask them if they really had a clue what this file does, what they expected out of it, what they want to do with it and all this. And also offering some "tests". Thinks some of those i contacted stopped using that file pretty again, as they really had no clue before.
And those that really knew what it does, or those who decided to go on anyway, well they may be glad about some "serious" scenarioes and stuff. When you talk to them and ask them what kind of emails they usually get, it seems hard to believe that there are too many out there who also offer "serious" tests, some of the request seems to be way out, or just kind dumb. Oh and if the person is female they get like 80% "send me a nude picture of you"-requests (ok i can understand this, i am a guy too, but hey, see it from their side.... ), and 19,99999999% masturbate now requests, and only one email of the more serious kind - mine.

This also shows me that not only those using the files use it on a "hey it won't work anyway"-base, but also those who send the tests and replies to the requests. They are more like "hey lets send a wierd request", or "hey it is a girl, lets get a picture and have some fun with her". But it is that kind of requests and stuff that makes most of the people stop using that file, as they just feel "abused".

Many get drawn away from the hypnosis cause of those requests made as replies to the postings here. Instead of getting to know the wonderful world of hypnosis and the possibilities, they get just stuffed around, and are made to do pretty wierd things, just to amuse the one who posted the requests, scaring them away from ever using hypnosis again.

So lets just say it really works, so you may think more about what you want to request and what to do. You may be able to make this into a special experience for you and this other person. I had the luck to run into the greatest and best person you could get to know this way. And cause of that i try to share a little of that luck with everyone who posts regarding the email slave stuff. It may not work for everyone, but it works for many. And if you take your time to make it into something special for the posting person and yourself, you may be lucky to find that someone special like me.

Ok now i am done ranting, but the stories i got told from like ~70% of the people i contacted here, makes me really think, that most just try to get a quick fun out of their requests, not really thinking about the consequences. Think twice before sending any dumb requests to those people! You will make their time, and maybe your own. I can just say, what i got out of my nice and respectful offers/tests is more that i have ever expected.

PostPosted: February 25th, 2007, 9:51 am
by Axiom
Congratulations! :D
You sound so joyful - I am happy for you.

I always wondered what people were hoping for when they invited strangers to send them email slave orders. They make themselves truly vulnerable and, believe me I understand why that is exciting, but it seems inevitable that many orders will be unrewarding, offensive or even dangerous. The email slave idea cuts across the normal conversation by which masters and volunteer slaves reach concensus on what they want and where their limits are so unfortunately it seems likely to fail. What a waste of opportunity. I think there must be some way to make this safe, sane amd consensual while keeping it fun so that it will give lasting joy to more people.

Thanks for sharing you experiences and your ideas of how to make this work better, I would very much like to know more about how to care for an email slave and what email slaves want. Of course I don't expect you to betray any secrets but would it be possible to share the lessons learned as an FAQ or some kind of orientation for slaves and masters? Maybe we could propose a site change to add something like the Voting area where people can suggest email slave ideas and vote for them. Perhaps people who want to set limits could have a version of the email slave file that only allows commands that are in certain categories in this area.


PostPosted: February 25th, 2007, 2:25 pm
by Diapered_Cherub
Blink wrote:I'll just say that my experience is 180 degrees away from Diapered_Cherub. While I certainly respect alternative viewpoints, I am still interested in the foundations that support them, if any.

I have exactly two issues with this turn of this thread.

If someone doesn't believe the stuff works, why is he or she here? Honestly, it's like a vegetarian going to a steakhouse.

Not in the spirit of meanness but since interest in this thread seems ongoing,, I will answer Blink's questions as to the basis of my claims. The first foundation to my proof of calling diapergurl a liar,,,, which ok,, the aspect of name calling might have been uncalled for,, however for the sake of argument this is why I made my claim:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

Remote host said: 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ( [-5] -

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Received: (qmail 80724 invoked by uid 60001); 31 Jan 2007 17:04:02
DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;

Are you already taken? Are you looking to test if you are an
e-mail slave? Send a reply if you are not taken
by another.


That was all I said,, nothing in there to make any dangerous or humiliating requests. However you can read for your self the auro-reply stated no such account exsisted. I rest my case on that point.

As for the second point: Why am I here? Well I find the files on here interesting and entertaining to listen to. However NONE of the files I have ever listend to have produced any effect upon me. further more, this site is free to visit. It's not the fact that whether the files do or do not work on others, it was the fact I encountered a fake e-mail address because of the auto-reply I got back from yahoo. I still make no apology for point it out.

If you saw someone posting false information,, would you not also point it out to the others on the site,,,, to save them the time and effort of tryig to contact a fake? If not,, that's you business. I feel I have adequately explained myself proving no ill will. However I woud like to pose one last question. If the person is NOT a fake,, then why have they not defened their previous post despite the fact they have returned and made others posts asking to be tested as an e-mail slave. Maybe I'm wrong,, but If I were going around advertising I was an e-mail slave, and saw someone was shooting down my previous ads,,, as a 'fake'. I would at the very least post a reply stating my I was not a fake. SO,,,,,, take it or leave that's my side of it.


PostPosted: February 25th, 2007, 3:57 pm
by demigraff
That quoted bounce message is interesting. Either the yahoo mailservers are very badly configured, or the address forwards to a very similar one (in which case the bounce message should quote the address which your email was originally addressed to), or you mistyped diapergurl's email address.

As I've emailed her and not got a bounce, the 3rd option seems the only one in any way likely.

PostPosted: February 25th, 2007, 4:23 pm
by hexagon77
Well i have noticed some strange things before too, like my post some pages before, where one girl "disappeared" in the middle of an email chat, till now i have no clue what happened there or what the matter may be. The yahoo account has been completely deleted, just in the middle of our talks, that is something really suspicious imho. But that was not the stuff i was talking about above ;)

I just wanted to tell that this file is in fact really working, not for all, but quite for many. And that it is often ruined by the way it is used, to scare away those people to never ever use hypnosis again. Used in the right way it offers quites some great experiences, and makes a lot of things possible.

@Axiom: Thanks for your reply, and i am really happy how it went on for "us two" in this case. I just wanted to tell everyone that this email slave file could be used for a lot better things than the "abusive" stuff that often happens.

@Diapered_Cherub: that request thing wasn't directed at you, but from your reply i guess you took it that way. It was just a general description of what i have "found" to be the most usual thing here. I know that there are a lot "positive" examples out there also, but sadly the negative ones are a lot more common. Glad to know another "fighter" for the good is out there.

Looking to test this out

PostPosted: February 26th, 2007, 1:20 pm
by fiona_flame
Please e-mail me so that I may test this file.


fiona (CD)[/b]


PostPosted: March 5th, 2007, 1:39 am
by TKDTyler

PostPosted: March 7th, 2007, 11:06 pm
by gentlemanwalter
I've listened to the file for a while now. I think I'd like to give it a try. I'm a male interested in many things, one main one being becoming stupid. (Intelligence down, sex up. :D Perhaps only temporarily, to start out with and see if it works.)[/url]

PostPosted: March 12th, 2007, 11:26 pm
by RoleModel

PostPosted: March 18th, 2007, 6:11 am
by togusarogue
Listened to this file, rather effective on me. Wonder "how" effective though
(something fun, feminization related, also Foot Fetish related or something of your choice. Look forward to it . )

PostPosted: April 8th, 2007, 7:04 am
by soccerjock
Tried the file too.
Just to note: I'm a gay male, nothing that would involve me running around in public naked haha. I like doing some jock stuff, becoming less smart, etc, or be creative :)

PostPosted: April 8th, 2007, 4:31 pm
by dan_01
double post, sry

PostPosted: April 8th, 2007, 4:33 pm
by dan_01

PostPosted: April 9th, 2007, 8:27 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
soccerjock wrote:Tried the file too.

Just to note: I'm a gay male, nothing that would involve me running around in public naked haha. I like doing some jock stuff, becoming less smart, etc, or be creative :)

A new hypno file has been sent to you, soccerjock.

The subjects I prefer working with are like you - gay, jock oriented and with a trance trigger already embedded.

Wishing you the best as you test your e-mail slave trigger.

PostPosted: April 9th, 2007, 9:12 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
dan_01 wrote:i tried it. nice. gay male into becoming a dumb football jock (sry soccer, same ideas lol)

i want my IQ as low as possible and to be completely focused on sex

A new hypno file has been sent to you, dan_01.

The subjects I prefer working with are like you - gay, jock oriented and with a trance trigger already embedded.

Good luck to you as you test your e-mail slave trigger.

At the request of Dan_01, his eMail address has been removed.

In the past, the hypnofiles I've sent out have "invited" the receiver to post a response in this forum, telling whether they were successfully triggered. This has been discontinued.

It's important that my (prospective) subjects make the hypnosis progress they want and desire. I'll be using my WMM journal to record results. Any member is welcome to view it.

I respect the skeptical opinions posted by a few uninvolved readers of this forum. Yes - there will always be those who fake it. But there is no need for my (prospective) subjects to have their progress doubted in a public forum - no matter how small that progress may be.

PostPosted: April 9th, 2007, 12:48 pm
by dan_01

email slave

PostPosted: April 12th, 2007, 2:14 pm
by freshie
i have read most of the replys going to start listening to this file over the next few days would like someone to email me to see if it works .
am a gay male.
heres hoping.

PostPosted: April 12th, 2007, 3:41 pm
by lil0red0lightning
i would like too try this also[/url]

PostPosted: April 12th, 2007, 4:42 pm
by supatramp
-Edit: Deleted

PostPosted: April 13th, 2007, 1:49 pm
by supatramp
EDIT: Nevermind

PostPosted: April 14th, 2007, 2:56 am
by freshie
Ive been listening for a while now
will try anything
email me

PostPosted: April 22nd, 2007, 1:18 pm
by stereo
send me a email to

PostPosted: April 29th, 2007, 6:31 pm
by Jorua
i want to try this again, i had sucess before but circumstances stoped me continuing.

male, willing to do anything legal, that does not involve family. black mail interests me, humiliation, medium risk public humiliation etc

look forward to hearing from you, and please can we not have people making me exclusive to them in the first 2 or 3 emails, thanks,

PostPosted: May 1st, 2007, 10:24 am
by blah666
I listened quite a while ago with no effect. I'd like to try it again. I would feel much more comfortable if a woman would trigger me. Please, nothing illegal, no public humiliation and no scat play. Thanks.

PostPosted: May 1st, 2007, 4:42 pm
by puruzu
Alright, I'd like to try this...

Male, 23, up for anything...

PostPosted: May 2nd, 2007, 10:17 pm
by gcoastfun
Would someone be so kind as to send me an Email at
Male, love feminization, sissification, crossdressing