soulpen wrote:" Keep to your schedule but yield to any compulsion that increases your daily sessions. Consider enhancing it's efficacy by adding inductions like: Train Susceptable and/or Blank. Train Sex Men is another good go-gay file.
If you should find yourself dating females, it won't take long before you realize that they can't satisfy the cravings you are awaking within.
I will start both files tonight before cfg, train susceptable -> train sex men -> cfg.
Would there be harm in increasing my listening sessions?[/quote]
I can't imagine how you could be harmed. You are merely augmenting the suggestions you have already elected to obey. However, as previously noted, if you are in a sexual relationship with a female, that association may be harmed. In fact, it is likely to disintegrate.
However, by escalating your exposure to CFG, you could experience a level of over-saturation. This is from my personal experience. After my first week with CFG the suggestion to listen AMAP took hold and I did exactly that. After two weeks of CFG Marathons I became disenchanted with anything gay. I lost sight of the certainty in my conversion and began to imagine CFG had run its course and had lost. My emotions oscillated between disappointment and relief. But after a three week abeyance, I was overwhelmed by an irresistible craving to listen again. When I did, I wasn't even near being entranced. I was totally conscious of every syllable. It just sounded so wonderfully exciting. Everything gay had become far more appealing; far more desirable than I ever imagined it could become.
That's when I realized my conversion was going to succeed. My mind merely needed time to process all the gay-lust it had been ingesting. Pouring CFG into the brain was like pouring oil into a funnel. At a certain rate oil can be poured forever through a funnel without a hitch. But increase the flow and the funnel backs-up to the brim. At least that's how it seemed to me.
I spent several months on this teeter-tooter: Spending time listening in Marathon sessions and then totally abating. The good news, however, is that I was able to accept longer and longer periods of time with CFG and less time in hiatus. Eventual, I no longer needed to break from the file.
I have heard that gays listening to CFS sometimes take as long as two years for their ultimate conversion. I think this may be true for me. I'm approaching nearly a year with the file and I am reaching deeper levels of longing and desire for men than I ever would have believed possible a year ago. I haven't a smidgen of hetero interest and all my fantasies and interests are strictly gay.
Will excessive CFG harm you? Doubtful, but I guarantee it won't harm your interest in men.