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PRO-smoking curse

PostPosted: September 21st, 2012, 3:57 pm
by mindwarp2012
Does anyone have a curse file to make the listener an incurable smoker? And if not, would anyone like to make one? - something that will make quitting impossible?
(Please no blowback from heath fascists!)

PostPosted: September 21st, 2012, 5:17 pm
by outkast1728
why would you want to be an incurable smoker? Im no health fascist, but think about it, would you want to kiss someone who's breath smells like an ashtray? then there is the fact your teeth, sclera and nails turn yellow, you are always out of breath, lung cancer, and of course you have to realize your inhaling the same shit they put in rat poison and embalming fluid among other things....

PostPosted: October 5th, 2012, 7:16 pm
by Alien4420
Mind Mistress has a CD that encourages you to smoke, it's on her website. Not a curse file, though.

PostPosted: October 5th, 2012, 9:50 pm
by heinz85
I'm not trying to be an ass, but you don't need hypnosis for this at all. If you start smoking, it will be incredibly difficult to quit. Trust me, I did, I do, and I have for years. You won't stop unless you REALLY want to.

PostPosted: October 7th, 2012, 1:52 pm
by Squirrelous
Majorpixel has some dirty smoking files. :]


do you work for a cigarette company?

PostPosted: October 13th, 2012, 4:37 am
by Scottythegimp
really dude do you work for a big tobacco multi-national? why would you want this?