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Any luck with TrigPregnancy?

PostPosted: December 13th, 2012, 11:36 am
by windyrainwi
I've been listening to it recently a few times a day and I've been falling asleep to it. The only thing that's happened is that I get this tickling stirring feeling in my belly and pressure on my hips. I had my boyfriend listen to it and he got a small belly. I'm just wondering if anyone has had any better luck and if you have and have any tips for me and boyfriend that would be great. Thank you!

Re: Any luck with TrigPregnancy?

PostPosted: January 16th, 2013, 6:52 pm
by Tangy
windyrainwi wrote:I've been listening to it recently a few times a day and I've been falling asleep to it. The only thing that's happened is that I get this tickling stirring feeling in my belly and pressure on my hips. I had my boyfriend listen to it and he got a small belly. I'm just wondering if anyone has had any better luck and if you have and have any tips for me and boyfriend that would be great. Thank you!


first of all hello, and i know this is for your boyfriend and not you.
Second get formeryer with what it feels like to have a child your mind can only created what it knows not speculations i have not tried this particular file yet it sounds scary but good luck :o

PostPosted: January 18th, 2013, 11:35 pm
by Fragtagonal
I've had mild success with it. My problem is I can't seem to commit to it for more than a few days, then I lose interest :(.
If you're having trouble going under try listening to a induction/deepener before the file, just load up a playlist and let it play right through. I like the "You chose hypnosis" one.
Also, try not to "force" the changes, i.e. don't physically push out your stomach when it talks about growing a stomach. I found that it usually sets you back a bit.
Lastly, remember that the trigger is a posthypnotic suggestion, and will probably need a little help beyond just saying "pregnant time." I like to close my eyes, think about the file and then say "pregnant time." Then imagine the changes taking place, and say "pregnant time" again. Keep imagining the changes that are supposed to happen (I like keeping my eyes shut during this time) while repeating the trigger phrase "pregnant time." Then you can repeat other parts of the file you remember like "feeling your belly, filled with a child," all while imagining the changes in your mind and repeating the trigger phrase, "pregnant time."
Hopefully it will help you visualize what your pregnant body should look and feel like. Just typing this out and thinking back is affecting me a little bit right now lol.

As for my success, I never really felt "9 months," but I definitely noticed significant belly swelling. At least second trimester. Maybe some mild "kicking" but nothing so strong that I could be 100% sure that it was my hypnochild. My pregnant belly never really felt *that* heavy, as to pull me around, but I definitely had a shift in my center of gravity. In fact I think that may have been my biggest "success." I felt like I had to waddle (aka the pregnant walk) otherwise I lost my balance.
As for the second trigger, it worked in a lesser sense. I felt contractions, if you could call them that, but they were never regular enough or severe enough for me to be sure if it was actually happening or I was just psyching myself up too much.
It was weird when I actually had listened a few days in a row, and had the effects going, because I was so unsure how much of my belly was hypnobaby and how much was me subconsciously pushing it out, so I always wore really baggy clothes, afraid someone would notice lol.

Whew! I think this walk down memory lane has triggered me again. I've listened on and off for over a year so remembering the file like this usually gets me all triggered up again.
I remember, a while back, some one PM'd me and called me a "belly boy," and "good big belly boy," etc. (a combination of trig pregnancy and blink's good boy my other mainstay file) and it really set me off. Hot and bothered+swollen belly, which is strange because the message never actually contained any of the exact triggers, it just made me think of them so strongly. It was awesome XD.

Wow, train of though, off the rails, thousands of little thought people dead. I guess, don't give up, listen regularly, remember to VISUALIZE, and who knows what could happen!

PostPosted: February 9th, 2013, 2:39 pm
by darko33
Any other good pregnancy hypnosis files that people can recommend?