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PostPosted: November 23rd, 2005, 9:59 pm
by takemetofun
How do people define Success on this one?

I came, i dont even think i was hard, is that possible?

PostPosted: November 24th, 2005, 8:36 am
by cardigan
Success is if you for instance come - just by listenening to it - like you did. I've tried listening to this one a couple of times - without ANY results. So being able to come from it is certainly a success. And yes - it's totally possible to come without being erect - or without producing cum - about 50% of the world's population do that (the women) :lol:

Re: FemaleOrgasm

PostPosted: November 24th, 2005, 1:34 pm
by Phoenix-D
takemetofun wrote:How do people define Success on this one?

I came, i dont even think i was hard, is that possible? did it and you still need to ask? :P

Yes, its very possible. In my experience its either a "hmm, I came..damn that was a letdown" or "HOLLY shi...t" sort of thing. No in between like normally.

Re: FemaleOrgasm

PostPosted: February 19th, 2006, 10:07 am
by angelinetg
takemetofun wrote:How do people define Success on this one?

I came, i dont even think i was hard, is that possible?

Gosh! This one was SO GOOD!! I was really thrashing by the time it reached the end and was almost in tears!


PostPosted: February 27th, 2006, 6:05 pm
by mr_pink
I've managed to have the erectionless orgasm a few times just through sheer visualisation, and it's f***ing wild! If this file helps you on the way and you manage, you're in for a treat. I slept for about 10 hours afterwards I was that worn out :D

PostPosted: March 2nd, 2006, 8:44 am
by CycoMelody
Hey I just tried this file and HOLY CRAP it was awesome. I have tried listening to it before but I always seemed to come out of trance before it was over but this time I didnt and even after I was awakened I was too worn out to move. This file is DEFINATELY a keeper. Good luck to yall.

PostPosted: April 29th, 2006, 3:06 pm
by OneArmedSub
ware can I get this file?

PostPosted: April 29th, 2006, 5:10 pm
by Jacara
I assume they mean the "LRFemaleOrgasm" one; If you click "Files - New/Top 10" on the left, it's in the "highest rated" list.

Or click [url=]*here*[/url].

PostPosted: April 29th, 2006, 5:24 pm
by OneArmedSub
I just finished the file. It was one of the most intence thing I have ever felt. it was great. I want to try and use it more so I can go deeper

PostPosted: April 29th, 2006, 8:03 pm
by Jacara
I listened to it once but it didn't do much for me. :P Certain things she said sorta jolt me out of trance because they're not the terms I think in. I pretty much need to write my own scripts or I'll be bothered by some of the words in it.

PostPosted: July 15th, 2006, 12:21 pm
by me4u2220002002
loved it myself. not only could I feel myself having an orgasm, I could also sense someone sucking my breasts....great file. LR please do some more!

PostPosted: July 15th, 2006, 4:22 pm
by Tleilax
Hi, I've just tryied the Lady Rio woman orgasm.

In fact I'm not at all into feminization, I've some fantasm about being an animal but not a woman... But when I've read this topik and I've decided to give this file a try by curiosity.

This is one of the best sexual experience of my life, I'wasn't thinking I could really feel an orgasm like a woman does, but I was wrong.
It's amazing and TOTALLY different of the male pleasure, not more intense but not the same: when I've a male orgasm I feel principaly great pleasure in my cock, but with the woman orgasm pleasure start in the pussy but rapidly expend to every inch of the skin; it's like the electric waves of pleasure are every where in your body.

It seems that Ladi Rio files work exceptionally well on me, and I want to know how to became one of her follower and if she had a website, or a yahoo group. I need more of here files, thank you Lady Rio!

PostPosted: July 17th, 2006, 6:01 pm
by Undisclosed
From your description, I don't think you really need this to have that kind of orgasm. I do often enough on my own. I call it a mindgasm, because it seems to originate in the mind. Then it's like an electric energy going through the entire body. Especially, it often feels like my teeth are tingling :lol:. Very strange, but different. I do it every so often to shake up the usual routine.

Anyways, I induce it by delaying normal orgasm. Basically, I command the muscles that cause the normal male orgasm to relax, until the mental pressure causes a spontainious "mental" orgasm. I haven't listen to this MP3 though, so maybe it's actually the exact same thing.

PostPosted: July 18th, 2006, 1:25 am
by Tleilax
Yes it's a little different for me: with this file the center of the orgasm isn't the mind; it all start from the zone just under the balls, in fact you could feel the tention building between your leg and you feel like someone is licking your "pussy" .

But it seems to have some similarities with the mind orgasm, and I think I'll so can you tell me what is the file that you use for this please?

PostPosted: July 18th, 2006, 1:53 am
by Undisclosed
I don't use a file, lol. I just do it by sheer will alone.

I'm able to do these things (change heartbeat, control orgasm, stop pain, etc...) without hypnosis because I can disassociate very easily. This allows me to put myself into a state of absolute belief that my suggestion will occur. It's something like self-hynosis I suppose, but there's no trance state that I'm aware of. Most importantly, you can't want whatever you're suggesting. It's like it's already there, like it always was, like there's no other way. You take it not as a wish, but as a fact. Quoting from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, "Don't dream it, be it!" This is my mantra. With a bit of concentration, I simply be whatever I will (not want) to be.

Also, when I say it starts in the mind, I don't mean it literally. The feeling itself just sort of emerges, and yes, it leaves you feeling totally exausted and spent. You could probably focus it on a point of origin if you want though. Perhaps that's what this file does differently.

Unfortunitly, I won't be getting a chance to listen to FemaleOrgasm soon, despite my interest. You see, I have no headphones and I can't imagine the looks I'd get from my roommates if I played it out loud, lol. Still, it would probably work extremely well on me, if I choose to let it, given my abilities. I'll just have to make sure there are no surprises, lol, as many of the files here have... issues. Even then, I could just deprogram myself anyway, lol.

PostPosted: July 18th, 2006, 3:40 am
by Tleilax
Wow! that looks really great; I've tried "autosuggestion" for a long time, but without success, I think my problem is that I've difficulties to stop "thinking" and just let go...

PostPosted: July 18th, 2006, 2:14 pm
by Alekzandr
Q: How do people define Success on this one?

A: By admitting to the world that even though men control the body politic and buisness, and women essentially live in a walking prison designed to make them feel simultaniously like a sex object and extreamly vunurable, they get better sex. Period. And if the price for this pure, unadulturated, undiluted extacy means to give up the role of sexual agressor, start to menstrulate, most likely suffer from PMS, and possibly suffer childbirth; Then fuck me, literally, and let me melt into the arms of my "man" forever.

To be honest, my normal regime is TrainSusceptable, Deepening2, and Curse-FemaleForm, and I just tacked LRFemaleOrgasm on there for giggles at 11:30 am This morning (hindsight is Fug-nucken Halarious).

If sombody would have told me that I would have multiple, violently convulsing, damn near screaming, back to back orgasms for 15 minutes straight, I would have laughed at them (like I said, hindsight is Fug-nucken Halarious). I "came" out of trance nearly 2 hours ago and I STILL have the "after glow". In the end, I couldn't take the raw pleasure, and I had so many orgasms I made my self sick, and subsequently vomitted (in an appropriate container) while my flesh still BURNED WITH FIRERY PASSION. I don't have a vagina, but there is STILL a pleasurable, fiery, burning sensation between my legs.

To conclude: women win. I don't care if men have power or money, the gender wars are over, and we (men) LOST.

PostPosted: July 18th, 2006, 2:29 pm
by Undisclosed
I did try the file today. I didn't get in nearly deep enough for the full effect, but it was pretty fun. :D If only it was a slower pace, then I'd probably have gotten more out of it. Still, this is my first try after all. I'll try some other files to enhance the trance. I think the biggest problem was that I was worrying that if I got TOO into it, I'd start being very loud like our friend above and people would notice it, lol. :oops:

Where is Lady Rio??

PostPosted: July 20th, 2006, 4:08 pm
by carolyntgl
My experience was the same as many others: multiple feminine orgasms. It was truly wonderful. Does anyone know if Lady Rio is still doing these things or has a Group or Website?

PostPosted: July 20th, 2006, 6:21 pm
by Jack
Undisclosed wrote:I did try the file today. I didn't get in nearly deep enough for the full effect, but it was pretty fun. :D If only it was a slower pace, then I'd probably have gotten more out of it. Still, this is my first try after all. I'll try some other files to enhance the trance. I think the biggest problem was that I was worrying that if I got TOO into it, I'd start being very loud like our friend above and people would notice it, lol. :oops:

I don't know what program you use to listen to mp3s, but I know that a lot of programs have the option of slowing or speeding up playback somewhere in them.

PostPosted: July 20th, 2006, 9:44 pm
by Undisclosed
Well it was the first file I've ever tried. After doing a few more I can get in much deeper now. I really need some headphones though. Leaning over my crappy laptop speakers, which are at barely a wisper so no one will hear, isn't exactly relaxing, lol. Problem is, the pair I'm looking to buy are about $200 and very hard to find, but they also come with a high quality microphone. I'm a real stickler for quality.

PostPosted: July 21st, 2006, 5:37 am
by Jack
Have you ever heard of "good enough for now"?

It's worth listening to just for the exercise.

PostPosted: July 21st, 2006, 12:22 pm
by Dog
I have listened before and had quite a good experience and then it began to fail. I let it lay in the drawer for months then dusted it off and nearly convulsed myself into a coma. It would be interesting to try other files with trigger and/or curse affects done by Lady Rio, of course it could cost you more than you might be willing to pay.

PostPosted: August 15th, 2006, 5:45 pm
by biddybaxter
Tried the Female Orgasm tonight and fuck me I nearly fell off the bed!

I am so full of envy towards women it’s not even funny.

That was like intense. Just found out reading all this that Lady Rio had done some introducing files as well, so next time I’m going to listen to them first so the entire thing is done by her.

All so a number of you mentioned she had a web site or yahoo group


As I can't find anything searching on yahoo or with Google.

Once again this file rocks.

PostPosted: November 9th, 2006, 3:07 am
by tonysub07
i discovered this site only two days ago and tried this file twice yesterday.
the first time i stopped half way through as i felt nothing was happening. i then used her induction 1 and tried it again later on. i felt myself going during the induction but kept feeling like i was becoming conscious again. I thought id carry on and im bloody glad i did.

i didnt feel like i had a female figure but had a vague feeling like i had a pussy. i couldnt feel any breathing on my ear or touches on my nipples but i was aware i was getting aroused. when she talked through the first orgasm i could feel some sort of tingling. nothing too intense but it was there. then on the second one i could feel it more and i jerked my hips up and actually weed myself a little. i was a bit shocked as i never expected that and i thought id snapped out of it. however on the third orgasm the same thing happened but even more intense and i uncontrollably bucked my hips and weed again. this was strange as i never even felt like i wanted to go. the sensations were weird like they went all over my body not in the groin like a male orgasm. it wasnt as intense as id imagined but i guess that it will get stronger as i learn to trance deeper. i was thrashing about on the bed though like others have said.

after i woke i checked my pants and there was a mixture of urine and cum. wether the cum was a full ejaculation or just dribble i dont know. what i do know is i cant wait to try it again.

one other thing is my reactions seemed somewhat delayed like i orgasmed ten or twenty seconds behind her instructions. has anybody had similar experiences to me

on the downside i tried virtual plug with no success. although admittidely have only listened once

PostPosted: November 9th, 2006, 8:16 am
by tonysub07
i should add i was not erect either

female orgasm

PostPosted: November 9th, 2006, 8:24 pm
by swordfish
I believe but i could be wrong that we started out with this one:

Name: FemaleOrgasm
Description: This file turns you into a woman and gives you an orgasm.
Author: zbr_m PlayTime: 00:18:56 Added On: 2006-11-08 Downloaded: 36
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 4.0000 Total Votes: 1

and ended up with lady rios file ( which is excelent)

they are both wonderful files but something about zbr_m really got my attention
I would love to hear more from you zbr

PostPosted: November 9th, 2006, 11:24 pm
by cardigan
Since this discussion is about one year old, and since the file FemaleOrgasm has only recently been posted, I don't think this is the case. Actually I had not seen the new file, before you mentioned it and I went searching. I haven't listened to it yet, but plan to.

No, the discussion here is about a file called LRFemaleOrgasm primarily. But lets talk about the other file too. Has anybody tried it yet, and if so - how did it work?

PostPosted: November 10th, 2006, 8:25 am
by swordfish
Thanks I stand corrected, I never looked at the posting dates