excited because I totally blanked YAY!

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excited because I totally blanked YAY!

Postby jtslave » April 19th, 2013, 5:24 pm

I have been listening to some files pretty often for 6 months, and then lately my listening has been daily and more. Files such as Bubble, Blank with Binaurals. Email Slave with Binaurals, lately chewtoy's brainwashed, and Subliminal Canine all really turn me on. I felt like I got a lot out of them, but I guess I hadn't really tranced deeply before.

Just now decided to revisit EMG and Calimore's Blank with Binaurals for the first time in weeks. Wow. I am amazed. I began the file with my earbuds on, heard one or two words, and then I just disappeared. Every once in a while I would return and hear EMG's voice and recognize that it was me listening and accepting, but then I would slip back away.

I never really believed that this deep trance thing could happen to me! God. Thank you so much, you various file-making masters. I want to do this more and more.

Next I shall try a transformation or slavery file and let myself really go for it. I hope this works! Dang - trance done right is the best. Haha maybe trance will only get better. :twisted:
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Joined: September 19th, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby WatDo » April 19th, 2013, 5:47 pm

Good for you. I am in the same boat. It's funny how long it takes, but eventually the human body learns to focus and calm down. It's very nice to be in trance, and even nicer when the effects of the file actually work.

I am actually able to do things that I normally couldn't do such as use trigger words and have them work outside of a file. Watch out what you do with files, you may sign up for more than you wanted.
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Postby jtslave » April 19th, 2013, 5:59 pm

WatDo wrote:I am actually able to do things that I normally couldn't do such as use trigger words and have them work outside of a file. Watch out what you do with files, you may sign up for more than you wanted.

Thanks for this encouragement, WatDo, and for your warning. I hope I get to the point of triggers working outside of the file. How do you do it? Have you shared your experiences in a post or a journal? I would love to read.

Regarding the warning: I am pretty uptight in life and am looking to experiment - so I think a little "more than I wanted" would be a good experience to have.
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Joined: September 19th, 2011, 12:00 am

more success

Postby jtslave » April 21st, 2013, 1:48 am

Blank w/Binaurals is getting more powerful each time I listen. After my success of April 20, I took a day off. Tonight I listened to my favorite file twice, and am going for a third taste of sweet nothing.

I find it very remarkable. I feel as though I can watch myself go under, but the pleasure lies in simply letting go, and so I remember nothing. Each listen could take one second or all day, I cannot tell and I wouldn't care either way. I only want to feel good, and while I am under it is part of forever.

I will try other files soon, but first I want Blank to really own me. I am not able to trigger myself yet, maybe soon I will taste that success. Thus far I am only able to trance to the recording of EMG's voice, others' attempts to put me under stutter. Maybe next time it will work.
My fingers are crossed...

Gotta go, I am scheduled for another trance :P
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Joined: September 19th, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby masterdo77 » April 21st, 2013, 2:06 am

Good luck and much fun with the files. If they work when you listen to the file one day they will work only by hear the trigger.
If you are interested message me here or on Skype (masterdo77). Cam and mic needed, like to see and hear you while under.
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Postby slutinmyhead » April 21st, 2013, 11:02 pm

The part of your brain that modulates attention - your anterior cingulate circuit - develops with practice. The more you use hypnosis, the deeper and deeper you'll get. Side effects include increased creativity, problem solving, empathy, awareness of your surroundings and self-insight. All good. Anyone still having trouble going deep should check out some of mine. I actually had to go lighter, as people were going too deep and not remembering enough.

Good luck :D
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Postby jtslave » April 23rd, 2013, 5:13 pm

Thanks MasterDo, thanks Tangy. MD - I've developed a daily routine for the files, like for a workout. I'm confident this will work.

When I listened to Blank this morning, once again I faded in and out. While I was "out" I got pictures in my mind. These weren't dreams - I'm certain I didnt doze off - they were like layers of information that were revealed by EMG's words and voice. Maybe this is an example of my subconscious replacing my conscious experience with its own stuff?

When the file ended, as it told me that if I had another file queued up I would accept it as truth, I chose to let Blank loop. On this second listen I did not see anything. I didn't even think anything. My experience was quite satisfying, and even profound: typically I worry that i won't go under again when something brings me out during a trance. This time I was reassured by the voice that I would simply slip away again - and I did, easily. I recognize that my conscious mind is getting comfortable, and is letting go.

I "woke" with a pleasant and confused feeling. I am pleased at my success.
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Postby jtslave » April 24th, 2013, 10:35 pm

Is there anyone who has experience with Blank and can tell me about self-triggering? When I get to that point, can I "say" the trigger to myself safely? Can I put myself in trance at all, or is a second party required? So far nothing happens when I try on my own (-:
Posts: 51
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