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destruction of sexual life

PostPosted: May 5th, 2013, 5:00 am
by virginchasteboy
Hello again

I am still regularly listening to the curse of sir sarong.

I am unable to get a hard on even when masturbating for a long time or watching exciting things.

I hope the curse is really working and that it will leave me with no other choice than to be left completely and definitively impotent with a tiny piece of dangling dead meat and tiny balls like a 5 year old and, of course the complete and definitive destruction of any sexuality and sexual life for me.

Yet I would still like to know if the curse works if you listen to it while sleeping and if it is still efficient if you listen to it during the day but not being concentrated on it.

Any advice on these questions will be most welcome as I need to know what to do and how to do for the curse to be efficient and as efficient as possible.

PostPosted: May 5th, 2013, 12:32 pm
by ParanoidLord
If you want to have background listening throughout the days, use subliminals. They are not a replacement for the real thing, but if you use them them in addition to your regular listening routine, they should gradually strengthen the suggestions of your main files.

On the other hand, hypnosis and sleep are entirely different states, so if you have a file play while you're sleeping, you won't get anything out of it, except possibly trouble sleeping.