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Curse succubus log

PostPosted: May 5th, 2013, 2:35 pm
by hypotoad
Well people seem to like keeping logs, and it seems to be something interesting to do so ill record my experiences, know that I do this file almost everynight but not every single one

its been a little while so i will give a recap and then i will try to start consistantly reporting my results

first of all I love this file for one reason in particular, i forget the whole induction, I wake up at the awakener XD hahah for somereason though he doesnt need to do the count up, the second he say "now its time to awake" im fully out.

first day - nothing
second day - had a dream with a girl i like, i was by a pool and she came over with a mix of a swimsuit and sexy underwear, she was pulling it to the side to show off her ass. unfortunatly i mentally blocked my self for going for her because it was a public place.

cant remeber the middle weeks but i know the succubus showed up in various shapes or forms but I never go any because I have a ridged moral code in reallife (and when im sleeping i dont know im asleep! DAMMIT) so i would reject either because i was in public or because i was loyal to my gf

your not supposed to be able to resist the succubus and I think its beginning to piss her off XD last night she came at me in her hottest form yet but i turned her down because i am loyal to my gf (whhhy couldnt i have know it was a dream and just let it happen)

anyways she got pissed off rounded up a bunch of random dream charectures, gangraped my girlfriend in my dream and sent me a video of it... Yeaaaaaaaaah I actually find it highly amusing looking at it now that i have it all figured out but it was kinda a nightmare and I didnt sleep well XD

Stay tuned for more adventures! let see how far the succubus has to go before she can overcome my natural moral code XD (honestly I wish I could just know i was asleep so i could lower it)

PostPosted: May 5th, 2013, 4:23 pm
by mystic-wolf
Interesting, very interesting.

PostPosted: May 5th, 2013, 5:45 pm
by hypotoad
im glad you think so mystic :) i hope to bring you more interesting stories in the future

PostPosted: May 5th, 2013, 10:56 pm
by Endo
Heh, I think your subconscious is telling you that you're resisting yourself too hard.

PostPosted: May 8th, 2013, 7:18 am
by hypotoad
you might be right edo

man this is lame I was having my succubus visiting every night but having me turn her down, ever since I have had that nightmare I havent had a single visit :( I was so excited about making this thread too:(

heres hoping that they come back! ive got fun things I wanna try and an interesting thread to write !!

PostPosted: May 8th, 2013, 12:07 pm
by mystic-wolf
She'll come back don't worry, i'm really excited to hear more because i'd love to know what i'ts like and want to try the file myself.

PostPosted: May 31st, 2013, 2:04 am
by ztshp
you killed her, succubi live off sex

PostPosted: June 3rd, 2013, 3:28 am
by frosty46
Still listening the same amount? How have things been with your girlfriend? Are you fucking/getting fucked more/less?

PostPosted: July 10th, 2013, 8:03 pm
by 1love
be carefull with a succubis. I hope your gf didnt have a dream about being gang raped.