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Accept Yourself as a Dominant (Sub ? Dom)

PostPosted: August 9th, 2013, 6:47 pm
by Squirrelous
Was a total sub, or at least I thought so. Listened to a little file.


Specifically, the de-plucked version:


After a month or two, I started noticing that I had developed a successful "powerbottom" side. After a while, I became "powerswitch". I listened very off-and-on, experimenting with a couple other dominance-training files.

Now I'm leaning the rest of the way towards being a dom. It isn't just a "behavior" thing... I'm actually getting off harder to dom fantasies than otherwise. Consistently.

To be precise, all of the fantasies that I sat at the bottom of? I'm at the top. And having been a sub? I know what they're seeing, and I know how to make it more intense. Which makes my pleasure more intense.

Thank you, maker, for sharing your power. I may have had it in me before, but you definitely brought it out, and it's delicious. Now to lose my inhibitions...

(And for the record, I'm not taking slaves yet. ...Yet.)

PostPosted: August 10th, 2013, 12:56 am
by maskedanonymity
Good for you mate. This is interesting for me since I went in the exact opposite direction. Though I leaned sub to begin with so it's a little different. I listened to Endo's Femdom Only, for a month or two, still listen occasionally, and had a similar gradual effect like you describe.

I know a lot of folks who'd say to us that we should stay switches, since it's twice the fun and whatnot, and I understand that, but for me the fulfillment and enjoyment I get out of going completely sub is more than I would have ever had as a switch. I think it's a predisposition thing. Don't know if it's the same for you as a dom, but that's my angle.

Good on you :)

PostPosted: August 22nd, 2013, 1:39 pm
by Ranmathreefourths
you know, I've been interested in the sub-switch to dom tansformation for a while, but listening to this file makes it seem like the author doesn't exactly know how a dom should be. He mentions a constant need to be worshipped as well as being aroused by instilling fear into your sub, which is a really awful combination IMO.
Some of these 'tists need to remember that you can be dominant without being an asshole.

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2013, 2:17 am
by cubes
Ranmathreefourths wrote:He mentions a constant need to be worshipped as well as being aroused by instilling fear into your sub, which is a really awful combination IMO.

wat, yeah that sounds like a horrible and abusive dom. don't listen to that shit.