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Success with Cal's Curse

PostPosted: October 10th, 2013, 11:14 pm
by willow
I've been listening to Cal's curse for a long time now. From the first listen it put me into a nice trance and now it's become part of who I am.
I've worked with a couple of hypnotists since then to enhance the experience and had some people make some files for me.

If you don't know what Cal's curse is, it's about loosing the ability to orgasm without permission. And for me it's been pretty effective. I started getting a bit turned on by orgasm control as part of my submissive play, but before Cal's file, I never really pursued it.

But one of the things I've noticed now is that it isn't just about the orgasm control for me, but about the desire not to unless told -- the desire to loose that and have that used to control me and to see it as something that, not only doesn't belong to me, but that I don't even want. That's been an amazing change.

It impacted me so much that I've even purchased a chastity belt. I'm sure it's not in the file, even though, honestly, I never remember the words of the trance anymore. But the file has really opened a part of me up to new experiences.
I don't use the belt much and I'm concerned about the hygiene of using it too long, but I expect to spend tomorrow locked away. And the thing is, I really *want* to now.

So the file has been super successful. It's taken me deep into trance. And greatly limited my ability to orgasm. But it's really done more than that. It's really shown me some new experiences. I don't thing there is anything in the file to bring this out in me. I think it's just something that was always there. But it's been great!

If you're thinking about the file, I'd encourage you to give it a shot. But it may change you in ways you don't expect.

Just thought I'd share my experiences.
