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reduce my brain functioning to an infant.

PostPosted: November 21st, 2013, 4:16 pm
by Tangy
reduce my brain functioning to an infant. do anyone have information on this type of injections or medicine :o please share this information with me if you happen to run across it :o

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2013, 6:59 pm
by maskedanonymity
You're essentially taking about being seriously brain-damaged, and aside from the fact you would not likely be able to find anyone in their right mind to do something like that to you, even if you somehow did, the consequences would quite simply ruin your entire life, if not kill you.

Stick to hypnosis. There are numerous intelligence-reduction files on hand at the site, with varying results, or pay EMG or Lady Rio for a custom file.

Stay safe.

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2013, 8:52 am
by andrew
sounds scary tangy

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2013, 4:49 pm
by Marian
Sorry, this is a bad idea. Beside the obvious reasons you make a big mistake in imaging a babys brain because a baby is a fast developing "learning-machine". If you want to have the brain-functions of an infant you must become able to learn a language only by hearing within two years ... and much more.

PostPosted: November 24th, 2013, 6:24 am
by Tangy
Marian wrote:Sorry, this is a bad idea. Beside the obvious reasons you make a big mistake in imaging a babys brain because a baby is a fast developing "learning-machine". If you want to have the brain-functions of an infant you must become able to learn a language only by hearing within two years ... and much more.

Yes you are right hypnosis is the way to go you always can back out of it. :o