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I can finally get into a trance!

PostPosted: January 8th, 2006, 12:06 pm
by gerbillord
well, i was using my deepening/furry file, and as soon as EMG said one, it was like a switch went off in my head. I just felt myself float out of my body, and the only thing i could hear was EMG's voice.

The sensation of it is just...awesome. :P

PostPosted: January 8th, 2006, 1:08 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
Congrats! That's the first step towards... well, whatever you want to do. :D

PostPosted: January 8th, 2006, 4:37 pm
by edimax

PostPosted: January 8th, 2006, 9:26 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
Cool site, edimax.

It was real hard to get into a trance at first. I would play along with it, though, and one day, I got a breakthrough. It's now to the point where I'll go into trance just sitting around, or if I'm sitting on my bed reading, I'll drop off into trance just because it felt good to.

That's how I celebrated New Years: After midnight I tranced instead of slept until morning. I felt more refreshed than if I had gotten a full 8-hour sleep.

See how hypnosis is healthy? :D

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 6:32 pm
by MrCobaltBlue
Isn't the ratio to hypnotic sleep to regular sleep like 3 to 1 or something like that?

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 7:03 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
I'm not sure. I guess it depends on how deep you go. For me, self-hypnosis takes a lot of discipline. After all, it cannot compare to submitting to a hypnotist, as I discovered when my g/f walked in on one of my self-sessions. (I wrote about that in my journal) So, I make myself pretty much mindless, and unable to control my own body. Pretty much, were I to write a script, you may say that it has some heavy obedience to it. Maybe I'll do that, except I don't have a microphone. So it would be a script for someone else to read. Maybe the file title would be "Obedience".

I'll see how that goes over with you guys. If you like the idea, I'll write the script, E-mail it to EMG, and he or somebody else can do the voice, because, sadly, I don't have a mike and don't really want to spend the money on them. Money is a little tight this month. And every month.