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cal's curse

PostPosted: March 22nd, 2014, 5:25 pm
by trywmm
it looks like cal's curse claimed another victim. i've been unable to cum without permission for 3 days. iv gotten permission from my g/f 2x, we'll see how tonight goes... since I never post (and i'm doing it now, and about this) it seems like its working. I tried this file a month or so ago and didnt notice anything, then tried it again.. here i am.

I should have easily had an orgasm 4 times today, where i could have swore i was past the point of no return, of course getting more horny/frustrated each time, and my body still defied me.

I enjoy orgasm denial in short terms, of course I tried about 20 times today to break the control. you can only imagine how i'm feeling right now, and enjoying it.

I noticed I tranced very, very deeply listening to the file the last few times. which probably helped alot

is it weird i want her to say no tonight?


PostPosted: March 22nd, 2014, 9:14 pm
by diode168
Congratulations on your success. I'm going to admit I don't see what you see in it but I will ask how would you rate the file?

PostPosted: April 13th, 2014, 3:31 pm
by oedipus
I'm trying it as well... if it is affecting me then it's doing it in a slightly different way. My gf is out of town at the moment and I was playing with myself in the shower. I got really close and then thought "I shouldn't be doing this", so I stopped. It so happened that this was right as it was ruined as well. We shall see how it unfolds - I want her to have control of my orgasms, and I think she's liking the idea more and more as time goes on as well.


PostPosted: April 14th, 2014, 11:56 am
by steelchastityboi
This file as well as the orgasm denial one are my favorite. I can get to the edge and agonize until im given permission to finally release.

PostPosted: April 14th, 2014, 11:57 am
by steelchastityboi
The orgasm denial file is wicked too. Being given the denial command when your on the edge sucks. Ive gotten super close and then was given the command and i couldnt cum. It hurt so bad