gay or hetero conversion, permanent or temporary change ?

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gay or hetero conversion, permanent or temporary change ?

Postby CyrilMtl » April 29th, 2014, 6:13 pm

Sorry if his forum isn't the best one for my post, feel free to move it.

I am surprise about how many people try any sort of gay 'conversion' or hetero 'conversion' (curses, training, jock, or any other hypo way).

I am ok being gay and have no interest about trying to turn myself in an hetero. (perhaps tempted on a file 24h-hetero like there is a 24h-gay I think)

My main question is what are the limit of those conversions ?
- If you stop listening to those files, , does the change reverse ?
- if you listen to some EMG or other uncurse, does it reverse ?
- If you listen to a deprogram-all sort of file, does it reverse ?

I read here one str8 gay trying to listen to a 'gay conversion file' but still
having daily str8 sex with his wife, that seems to disable the power of there file. Any other experience ?

For those now in hetero or gay couple, does your new day-to-day sex life reinforce the conversion ? (or keep it active ?)

Some people try to turn str8 after turning gay or the other way, does it work ? are you bi ? or hetero on odd day and gay on even day ? ;)

There is a curse-bi file too, but it doesn't seems to interest lots of people.

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Postby Alien4420 » April 29th, 2014, 8:59 pm

- If you stop listening to those files, does the change reverse ?

That depends on how long you've been listening. The longer you've listened, the longer it takes to wear off, until eventually it's permanent, the new you. I don't remember the last time I listened to Curse Forced Gay but it's been five years since I first did and I'm now so thoroughly gay that I can't imagine ever having been anything else or changing back. But that took a long time. I was gay within a month or two but still had straight urges, would wake up every morning thinking I was straight again, etc. A year ago, I still made occasional frustrating attempts to change back.

I think the rate at which it happens depends on other things as well such as whether you get reinforcement or discouragement in real life.

- if you listen to some EMG or other uncurse, does it reverse ?

I think so. I don't know. I bought the uncurse for Forced Gay but at this point have no desire to listen.

- If you listen to a deprogram-all sort of file, does it reverse ?

Not for me, I tried Deprogram All several times. I think this depends on the person, e.g., one friend used a file of that type to get out of Teeny Weenie while another found the file effective for only a few hours.

- I read here one str8 gay trying to listen to a 'gay conversion file' but still
having daily str8 sex with his wife, that seems to disable the power of there file.

Real life experience will tend to reinforce or work against a file. One married guy here ended up bi rather than straight. However, what usually happens with CFG is that after a while it takes you over and you find you can't have sex with your wife so I would very much recommend against anyone listening who is in that situation. I know that I didn't want to lose the ability to have sex with women but was naive enough to somehow think I could ignore the suggestion. It worked for a while and for me and I know for some others, attraction to women was the last thing to go. But by (IIRC) two months in I was trapped.

- For those now in hetero or gay couple, does your new day-to-day sex life reinforce the conversion ? (or keep it active ?)

Well gay sex definitely reinforces Forced Gay. :-) Can't say about a relationship since I'm stuck in the boonies now and haven't met my love.

- Some people try to turn str8 after turning gay or the other way, does it work ?

Depends on how long you've listened. Some guys have turned back if they listen to a straight file soon enough, one guy ended up bi. Once you've gone for a while, forget it, I know because I tried. Someone who wants to turn back should not use the curse files because they intentionally include suggestions that make it difficult to escape. CFG for example has a suggestion that the file is permanent and cannot be undone, and another suggestion that forces you to listen to it over and over if you do try to escape. That last is amazing, it's like you're a robot, you download the file and listen again. I've had that happen and so have others. Another thing that happened to me is I'd listen to a file and turn straight again -- for a day. Then the next day my dick would just go limp and I couldn't come. It just gets frustrating and you give up. I've also had some pretty miserable conflicts where negative suggestions had me unable to enjoy either gay or straight sex. Again, you get miserable and you just want to be the way you were.

- There is a curse-bi file too, but it doesn't seems to interest lots of people.

EMG wrote it after I'd listened to Forced Gay. I did try it and think it would be the best of both worlds but basically all I could do was swing from one to the other, I couldn't be both because I was attracted to different things (breasts vs. abs etc.). At one point it felt like I could swing back and forth at will but gay kept winning out in the end.
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Postby AlanH26 » May 3rd, 2014, 2:51 am

Alien's post is far more reasoned than I could ever come up with. However, I would say that I was bi (although very mostly straight) before I listened to CFG. It took a fair amount of listening but I'm totally gay and only have to listen to it occasional to reinforce my homosexuality. I have no interest in turning back; CFG had made me completely gay forever. I have absolutely no regrets.
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Postby transformed » June 16th, 2014, 1:42 pm

I sincerely hope I have the luck you guys have had! I've only listened to CFG a couple of times but my goal is to be where you are! I'm hard to trance but hopeful!!
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Postby Alien4420 » June 16th, 2014, 1:57 pm

You'll be gay in no time!

You really don't have to go into anything more than a light trance for this to work and it seems to work on most.
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Postby transformed » June 16th, 2014, 2:16 pm

Fingers crossed Alien! My problem is getting the time clear to listen every day but I'm certainly going to try! I already have no desire but to have this be totally permanent! Hopefully that would also help me come out fully! I've been living behind the curtain for far too many years!
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Postby Alien4420 » June 16th, 2014, 8:40 pm

I imagine it will work even if you don't listen every day. Just be a bit slower . . .
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Postby transformed » June 19th, 2014, 6:11 am

I imagine it will work even if you don't listen every day. Just be a bit slower . . .

Well, at my age now, I have to be pretty dedicated! I'll start with CFG, then move to the Shemale files since that is my ultimate goal. One step at a time! I only wish I had come across this when I was younger.
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Postby MasterJack » June 19th, 2014, 8:39 am

Keep us updated, especially on the shemale file as I created it.
No longer distributing my files.
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Postby transformed » June 22nd, 2014, 3:38 pm

I will! What is your file for shemales Yoda? I'd love to try it and hopefully it could bring me fully and irreversibly to be the shemale I've longed to be for decades...especially with the physical changes!
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