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Finally some success (wohermiston's wetting files)

PostPosted: June 12th, 2014, 1:13 pm
I think I finally have been seeing some success with hypnosis files. I've been listening to various incontinence files by wohermiston for the past 3 days.

I've already noticed that its becoming more natural for my bladder to be naturally relaxed. My subconscious isn't at the point where it naturally keeps my bladder relaxed but I can feel it approaching that more days of listening. I don't have any diapers with me so this might be a problem if/when I end up having an accident.

My plan is to keep listening until I wet the bed or have a daytime accident. Then I'll decide if I should get some protection and continue listening, or stop altogether.

PostPosted: June 15th, 2014, 9:48 am
by wohermiston
Congratulations and good luck. So few actually post here, so it is good to get some feedback. I marvel at the how many read these postings, but never comment. It's too bad, because it is the dialog that makes for a better experience for both of us. WOH