Curse Forced Bisexual/CSS minor success

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Curse Forced Bisexual/CSS minor success

Postby samwarped » July 12th, 2014, 5:02 am

So I've been listening to some curses I probably shouldn't have been listening to, Curse Forced Bisexual and azureogon's version of Curse Stroke Sissy for a few months.

I've read a bit of the CFG success threads, but CFB sounded like a safer one to listen to. I didn't want to lose any attraction to women, and it wouldn't stop me having a straight relationship in the future, or even do anything that I couldn't keep secret, so it seemed like the safer one (as safe as a curse can be, I suppose)*. And though I did sort of start mentally registering when I noticed a particularly good-looking man, before too long I was back the other way, looking at women, struggling to keep from glancing at cleavage or to keep from staring when a hot blonde walks past (I have always had a bit of a thing for blonde women) etc. Not sure whether that was due to CFB or the bi suggestions in CSS, but either way, it seemed like a change that I could hide.

I've gone through cycles of listening for a while, deleting them both, getting obsessed with them, looking longingly at the file listing on here and finally relenting and re-downloading them. But it had been about six weeks without listening (I've been busy with real life for a while) and I thought I'd beaten the curses.

Until I was at the airport flying home. Just my luck, the security scanner went off. Before I knew what was happening, a hot blond male security guard was walking up to me and asking me in accented english to hold my arms away from my sides.

He was about my height, in shape, with good cheekbones and a strong jawline. It wasn't my first pat-down at an airport, but this one seemed to go on just a little too long, and he seemed to be standing just a little too close for comfort as he gave my torso a pat-down. Well, by this time I was trembling and felt my heart rate go up and my breathing felt too heavy and I was terrified I'd give myself away. He seemed to slow down, too, as if he'd noticed the effect it was having on me. And then suddenly it was over and I was through security, and since then I've hardly stopped thinking about it.

So, if there was any doubt before, I'm definitely at least bi-curious now. And this curse might not be as easy to hide as I thought....

*I have no idea how I thought I would hide the effects of CSS, and have no idea what I was thinking when I first listened, except that it probably wouldn't go that far
Posts: 3
Joined: January 28th, 2014, 1:00 am

Postby transformed » July 12th, 2014, 10:44 am

I think you've really discovered where your true feelings lie when he was doing that patdown on you! Even more than you would care to admit!

I think I would give CFG at least a couple more listens and see how you feel after that. It may be that it really helps you see if you are really inclined that way or not!
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Joined: July 25th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby lew897 » July 12th, 2014, 1:04 pm

He listened to CFB not CFG... being bi doesn't mean the same as being gay or straight. I think its pretty cool, keep listening as you might actually become bi.
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Joined: June 8th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby samwarped » July 14th, 2014, 1:19 pm

Thanks lew, though I don't think I have much choice whether to listen to the file again or not. There's a strange moment sometimes where I find myself rationalising why listening to the file again would be a good idea. And before I know it I'm listening again and letting the curse into my mind again.
Posts: 3
Joined: January 28th, 2014, 1:00 am

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