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majorpixel- Every Cigarette is a Cock

PostPosted: January 12th, 2015, 1:18 am
by Scarlett_S
I've just purchased this file, waiting ever-so-patiently for it to go through at the moment :) I'm going to document my (hopeful) success with it here.

I don't currently smoke cigarettes, nor do I like them. I know they're a waste of money and stupid and terrible for your health, but that just makes the file that much more attractive to me for some reason. I wouldn't say that I even have a smoking fetish, though I've been developing one since I first got interested in this file (It helps that one of my incredibly attractive best friends smokes).

My appeal to this file is that smoking is so taboo to me; both of my parents smoke, and I've voiced my disapproval several times. I also fantasize day and night about sucking cocks as the result of several years of casually listening to feminization and sissy files that only had one lasting effect on me (you guessed it), but I've never acted on it and I'm not in a situation where I will be able to in the near future. This file allows me to fulfill that fantasy by the packful, as well as incorporating the humiliating taboo aspect that I can rarely find anymore.

So in short, yes, I completely understand the health risks and what I'm getting myself into, but the pros outweigh the cons for me in this situation. Please check your negativity at the door. Or don't. I don't expect much support on this decision, but, alas, there's the draw :D

PostPosted: January 12th, 2015, 2:38 am
by OxyFemboi
Scarlett_S wrote
yes, I completely understand the health risks and what I'm getting myself into, but the pros outweigh the cons for me in this situation. Please check your negativity at the door. Or don't. I don't expect much support on this decision, but, alas, there's the draw :-D

I completely understand your desire to start smoking.

I wanted to smoke, but I had promised I wouldn't when I was a nine-year-old boy.

I wanted to smoke to fit in while getting my Masters. I was a mass of nerves and lonely. Literally every other person in the class smoked. I still didn't fit in, so I stopped.

When Mom finally admitted herself into a nursing home in 2007, I decided I would start smoking. I would smoke without guilt. I had kept the promise I had made to Dad's Mom about not smoking for forty-some years. I needed help to get me to smoke more than one or two cigarettes a week. So ...

I literally begged a hypnotist friend (now a former friend due to this) to make a file for me that would addict me to Marlboros. He ... eventually ... very reluctantly ... agreed. I sent him some legal papers I drew up myself that he would be "held harmless" for any financial, health, and every other consequences due to my use of this file.

I finally got the file. It worked. I'm happily addicted and have no desire to quit. I will never quit. I will never want to quit. (Those were suggestions I told him I wanted in the file.)

You have my unqualified support.

PostPosted: January 12th, 2015, 6:38 pm
by jan
I think your decision is shockingly short-sighted. To deliberately expose yourself and addict yourself to a known cancer-causing agent, degrading your health and appearance, making your house, car and clothes stink, shorteting your life (on the average), degrading the quality of your life, etc, and all for the trivial satisfaction of inhaling a drug? I think you really need to take a look at your own self-destructive impulses.

Cancer is not sexy, and nothing about the filthy, disgusting smoking habit is sexy. If you want to suck a cock, suck a cock, not a symbol.

I have argued on several hynpnodomme discussion forums against them producing smoking fetish files, because I think sexualizing an addictive pathology is immoral, not to mention unethical.

I am sorry you have so willingly made yourself a victim of the tobacco industry, and hope you change your mind before it is too late.

Sorry for the tone of this, but it took me a long time to quit smoking, and I guess us converts are the worst:)

PostPosted: January 12th, 2015, 10:05 pm
by robindf1
jan wrote:I think your decision is shockingly short-sighted. To deliberately expose yourself and addict yourself to a known cancer-causing agent, degrading your health and appearance, making your house, car and clothes stink, shorteting your life (on the average), degrading the quality of your life, etc, and all for the trivial satisfaction of inhaling a drug? I think you really need to take a look at your own self-destructive impulses.

Cancer is not sexy, and nothing about the filthy, disgusting smoking habit is sexy. If you want to suck a cock, suck a cock, not a symbol.

I have argued on several hynpnodomme discussion forums against them producing smoking fetish files, because I think sexualizing an addictive pathology is immoral, not to mention unethical.

I am sorry you have so willingly made yourself a victim of the tobacco industry, and hope you change your mind before it is too late.

Sorry for the tone of this, but it took me a long time to quit smoking, and I guess us converts are the worst:)

This is a fetish site. We do much worse here. I understand the Ex-anythings tend to be passionate about being anti-whatever, but that doesn't mean that there's no enjoyment to be had and that this is the line in the sand we should draw.

Let the dude have fun without being berated. Please don't pretend we don't do worse here.

I feel the same way. I can't smoke due to parents being around more often than not, but I'd love to do it. I even smoked a little bit on vacation. I'd totally love it if you posted that file available, Oxy, whether in public or in private. =P

PostPosted: January 13th, 2015, 11:26 am
by darkenedav
Obvious but why not addict yourself to ECigs?

Less cancer inducing but just as addicting (due to nicotine) and less likely to cause alarm bells :)

Also about the same cost and effects (less negative at the moment)

PostPosted: January 13th, 2015, 1:25 pm
by robindf1
darkenedav wrote:Obvious but why not addict yourself to ECigs?

Less cancer inducing but just as addicting (due to nicotine) and less likely to cause alarm bells :)

Also about the same cost and effects (less negative at the moment)

I work in an e-cig shop. It's not as addicting as you'd think. It helps with withdrawal symptoms, but you'd be hard pressed to create an addict with them. I say this as someone with a 200w mod.

PostPosted: January 13th, 2015, 2:02 pm
by hypdude
darkenedav wrote:Obvious but why not addict yourself to ECigs?

Less cancer inducing but just as addicting (due to nicotine) and less likely to cause alarm bells :)

Also about the same cost and effects (less negative at the moment)

Not a bad suggestion. There are several ways to experience addiction. here is a link to mind mistress's page on becoming a nicotine addict. The first part is about how to learn to smoke. but there is also a chart that she calls the two week total nicotine addict, Using nicotine gum. then ending up as a smoker (E cig or regualr) in order to feed the addiction. Looks like it will be very effective.
here is the link.

Would love to hear from anyone who tries it


PostPosted: January 14th, 2015, 11:08 am
by OxyFemboi
robindf wrote[/b]
I'd totally love it if you posted that file available, Oxy, whether in public or in private. =P

I'd sort of like to ... but another one of my tist friend's requirements was that I NEVER share the flash file. It's not person-specific -- it doesn't use my name or anything like that -- but he included a page that identifies him as the person who made the file. I could get in trouble if someone else used the file he made solely for my use. :twisted:

I don't know how to remove that page nor do I have the necessary program. It's a file for the Subviewer program, if that helps anyone. (If anyone knows how to remove that page and substitute one with my username on it, please PM me.) :twisted:

My tist had to tell me when to stop using the file. I had told him that I was chain-smoking while watching the file. He thought that the file had done its work if I had to chain-smoke to watch the file. I saw his point; I quit watching the file a few weeks later. :twisted:

Yeah, it worked really well. :twisted:

PostPosted: January 15th, 2015, 1:12 am
by robindf1
OxyFemboi wrote:
robindf wrote[/b]
I'd totally love it if you posted that file available, Oxy, whether in public or in private. =P

I'd sort of like to ... but another one of my tist friend's requirements was that I NEVER share the flash file. It's not person-specific -- it doesn't use my name or anything like that -- but he included a page that identifies him as the person who made the file. I could get in trouble if someone else used the file he made solely for my use. :twisted:

I don't know how to remove that page nor do I have the necessary program. It's a file for the Subviewer program, if that helps anyone. (If anyone knows how to remove that page and substitute one with my username on it, please PM me.) :twisted:

My tist had to tell me when to stop using the file. I had told him that I was chain-smoking while watching the file. He thought that the file had done its work if I had to chain-smoke to watch the file. I saw his point; I quit watching the file a few weeks later. :twisted:

Yeah, it worked really well. :twisted:

You could probably just edit that part of the video out and then use a subviewer program to add something to the new file. Anything that would let you split the video and audio track would work fine.

PostPosted: January 15th, 2015, 11:40 am
by xavious
Why did he become an ex-friend Oxy?

PostPosted: January 15th, 2015, 2:27 pm
by OxyFemboi
xavious wrote
Why did he become an ex-friend Oxy?

We sort of drifted apart. Jock programs were what he loved writing. Jock programming was having less and less effect on me. I lost interest in be/coming a jock due to the diminishing returns. I even developed new interests after my habit took hold. Also, my pleading, begging, and basic groveling for the hypnotic help to start smoking and stay addicted likely something to do with our not staying in touch.

One example: I never knew people were writing erotica about getting people to starting smoking (and some were doing it with hypnosis and mind control)! Yeah, it's extremely sexy. An example: One story turned an non-sexual, extremely nerdy, newly minted high school graduate into a cigarette- and pot-smoking bro who hung around with the other cig- and pot-smoking bad bois (all gay dudes, who also initiated him into gay sex). He even initiated his brother into gay sex. Everyone had the proverbial cig after sex, just like the movie cliche. He started swearing like a sailor, and the dude generally devolved into that "bad boi" parents warn their kids about. Great wanking material.

PostPosted: January 15th, 2015, 4:55 pm
by xavious
Where can this story be read? I don't recall ever coming across it, and I like the personality change aspects.

PostPosted: January 16th, 2015, 8:10 am
by OxyFemboi
xavious wrote
Where can this story be read? I don't recall ever coming across it, and I like the personality change aspects.

The story is on a smoking fetish site, . You need to register -- which includes affirming that you are a smoker and giving your birth date (to prove that you are both old enough to smoke and read these fetish stories) -- to read the story. It's rather old -- first posted on June 14, 2009 -- but Best Boy Turns Bad is one of my favorites! I loved it!

It also includes some "smoking scripts" that the hypnotist uses to turn him into a smoker. *hint*hint*


PostPosted: January 16th, 2015, 4:02 pm
by xavious
I registered earlier today but haven't received an activation email yet, even after requesting a resend twice. How long did it take for you to get approved Oxy?

Edit: So I tried again with a different email changing minimal info and it was pretty much instant, weird. I wonder if it's my other email service eating the message up, or me putting down that I didn't smoke, which the system didn't flag as "wrong", and hey maybe my experiences on the site could convince me to, so it'd be weird to turn away virgin smokers.

PostPosted: January 17th, 2015, 4:01 am
by OxyFemboi
xavious wrote
I registered earlier today but haven't received an activation email yet, even after requesting a resend twice. How long did it take for you to get approved Oxy?

Edit: So I tried again with a different email changing minimal info and it was pretty much instant, weird. I wonder if it's my other email service eating the message up, or me putting down that I didn't smoke, which the system didn't flag as "wrong", and hey maybe my experiences on the site could convince me to, so it'd be weird to turn away virgin smokers.

My activation e-mail was more or less instantaneous. Of course I put down that I smoke.

Putting down that you don't smoke is probably an automatic rejection. The site is there for smoker and I suspect they might have trouble if they admitted non-smokers. That could be seen as encouraging them to start. It's a British site, so ... I have no idea of the laws over there. They may be stricter.

How did you like the story? I found it to be one of the sexiest stories I ever read.

If anyone wants to sign up at the site to get their free coupons [for packs, not cartons ... I don't smoke that much (yet)], you can send them to me. PM me if yo do and I'll send you my address so you can forward them to me. THanks.

PostPosted: February 27th, 2015, 4:55 am
by OxyFemboi
Scarlett_S wrote
I've just purchased this file, waiting ever-so-patiently for it to go through at the moment Smile I'm going to document my (hopeful) success with it here.

How is your progress? Could we have an update?