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SlutinmyHead's Recordings

PostPosted: December 1st, 2015, 6:35 pm
by slutinmyhead
Anyone listening lately? What do you think?


PostPosted: December 1st, 2015, 7:28 pm
by plywoodporn
My computer is busted right now, so I'm only able to access files on my Dropbox through my iPhone. Luckily, I put Influenced on there a couple of days ago with the intent to listen to it at some point, and wow, I have not gone that deep that fast. This is the first time I went from awake to deep trance with hardly any time in between, and that was amazing. Although I can't necessarily vouch for the success of the content at this point, since I haven't really listened to other files yet, I can say I am thoroughly compelled to make it a common listen!

PostPosted: December 5th, 2015, 1:38 am
by slutinmyhead
Thanks! :D

PostPosted: December 7th, 2015, 12:42 pm
by boof
Hypnogroupie changed my life

PostPosted: December 7th, 2015, 4:05 pm
by Jackstock
voice is good. Very listenable (somewhat uncommon on Warp My Mind, it seems).
good clarity, tone, scripting, content. The voice is definitely THE most important part.
Definitely recommend 8)

Re: SlutinmyHead's Recordings

PostPosted: April 23rd, 2016, 3:54 am
by oatmeal
I haven't listened to one I didn't like. The voice is sexy, the techniques used work well on me, and the content is exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for. The files I've used are Programmable Bottom and Best Gay Boyfriend Ever. Every day I live with the secret that any guy I know could say or do only a few small things and they'd have total control of my body. I've managed to keep that a secret for the time being, but the more I listen, the less sure I am that I'll be able to keep that secret.

I really hope SIMH keeps up his work and makes more files, because some of his concepts are truly incredible, and his final products are always high-quality.