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TrigFemaleForm Slight Success

PostPosted: March 6th, 2006, 8:20 pm
by Senji
I'd listened to this file about 7 times and it wasn't working. I thought that maybe VisualizeHelp would help things move along. As soon as I listened to TrigFemaleForm, I sort of felt like I had masses on my chest. They felt like they were floating though. Should I classify this as a success?

PostPosted: March 6th, 2006, 10:08 pm
by dharden
Yes. It may be a partial success, but it's still a success.

Behavioral Success with TrigFemaleForm

PostPosted: July 19th, 2008, 1:01 am
by Flow123
I have listened to this file a couple times, and started listening to EMG's Suggestion file lately while i've been awake. I'm starting to notice minor changes in behavior when I've used the trigger. I feel some tingling in the chest, but i think the most noticeable change has been in my posture...

I have been using the trigger when i am alone, and notice, when i sit down, i usually sit with my legs held together. My arms feel strange if they leave my side, like i have to force them. And i perform a pretty feminine gesture when I brush my hair over my ear...

Its weird, but kind of cool.
