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Better Hypnotic Subject II

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2016, 12:44 pm
by keeferis
As someone fairly new to Trance and erotic self hypnosis, I still feel I am learning to go deeper, so do not always expect hugely impressive results.
I found this file was the best experience I have ever had..I must have been fairly deep in trance when the waves of pleasure started, I began to shake almost uncontrollably with pleasure… I didn’t ejaculate, but felt such immense pleasure..
I felt happy all morning and slightly shaky.. A beautiful feeling..
Last night I listened to 'The Flame '.. I found it quicker to go down and got waves of very deep sensation in my body... I wanted an orgasm maybe too much, but the experience was awesome.
I will keep searching and striving for total bliss , but recommend these files .
What would you recommend me to try next in my training?


PostPosted: January 13th, 2016, 4:50 am
by lew897
Id suggest that you should not pay attention to what the file is saying at all so that your subconscious takes it all in. I could be wrong but you might be trying to make the file work. The subconscious does all of the work for you. Listen until you get to a point where you don't feel your body or you feel very heavy and then switch to a trigger file. The trigger file will take you into trance with one word. Then its pretty much whatever you want to try out.